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check inside bunch of objects package

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25 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:


Ok, no problem. Then just leave it aside and go forward. There is more to do also inworld. Its just game. Some people ask why you are in SL? Its not real life, you dont need it. Example why you need some ORB etc. Why land, better go to countriside where is real land. Yes, they are all right. Its game. Its virtual and its exciting and I like it. Sometimes, when I reach some problem, then I feel exactly like it happened in real life and my real life depends on it. And exactly this feeling I expect. So, when you say "why you need this", then you broke my virtual illusion and send me back to real life. But I still prefer SL.  :) 

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17 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

Personally I find that coalesced objects are too hard to deal with. When I get them I tend to break them up as soon as possible.

Me too, lol. When I get them unintentionally, I get them suckers rezzed out quickly and separated back as they should be...because they can be annoying, lol..They can be doubly so when half the items are named..object, sigh, learned that one the hard way back in 2008, lol. 

If I have intentional ones(like a build saved but cannot be linked, for whatever reason), I make sure the group is named using one of the objects that will easily remind me exactly what's in it. Sometimes I will have one prim named exactly what's in the entire grouping, so I can pick the group up letting that prim be the naming object.  That probably sounds way more confusing than it is, lol, but it works out well in the end. 

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47 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

If I have intentional ones(like a build saved but cannot be linked, for whatever reason), I make sure the group is named using one of the objects that will easily remind me exactly what's in it. Sometimes I will have one prim named exactly what's in the entire grouping, so I can pick the group up letting that prim be the naming object.  That probably sounds way more confusing than it is, lol, but it works out well in the end. 

Makes perfect sense.  When I move, I tend to grab objects in what is a logical grouping to me, always adding a prim with a proper name so that I know what the heck it is in order to best rez the stuff later.

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21 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Makes perfect sense.  When I move, I tend to grab objects in what is a logical grouping to me, always adding a prim with a proper name so that I know what the heck it is in order to best rez the stuff later.

Yeah, that, lol.

Like if I want to pick up an entire room of furniture, or something, lol. I like to keep things together as they should be, otherwise I will confuse the living crap out of myself later on. 

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On 3/29/2018 at 10:25 AM, Ernesto Perez said:

Example why Linden restricts access of information inside objects package? Why I must rezz them.

Old database setup most likely

Technically an object package should just be a pointer to a collection of other entries in the database, and a simple query should be able to read that list...

But apparently they didn't set it up that way at the time. Maybe it's a pointer to a compressed entry - and that entry has to be uncompressed to read it. And perhaps this uncompression is also done on rezzing... but not usually otherwise. That's just a guess though.

It is what it is. There are a LOT of choices in SL that make sense when you consider the bandwidth and higher storage costs of the last 1990s when it was in development rather than today. Those decisions today may still make the cost of storage cheaper in terms of how many hard drives it takes... but then longer as it is extraneous processing and leads to clunkier development cycles down the road (LSL for example, is littered with choices in the language structure that make it inefficient but probably saved a few KB's back when that mattered).

Just pick a sandbox that's empty, go to the middle, rez a prim, sit on it, move it to 3000m up so you have nobody else's clutter in your view... open build, THEN rez... and take back the things you want.



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Actually the best choice for Linden Lab is to start writing new virtual world engine-system from beginning, parrallel development with SL. Because as I see all todays virtual worlds are yesterday system, also 3D engines (there must be Oculus Rift support and it must work perfectly). I would not use at all Linux platform for this (windows server 2016 core example) and C++ instead of LSL. Also I would put about 10x more power to SL servers, more CPU, RAM etc. There must not be anymore such thing as "lag" at all. Just put more server power. .......and all this can be financed by state budget or multiple states, ....and SL is more important than NASA. 

Edited by Ernesto Perez
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4 hours ago, Ernesto Perez said:

.......and all this can be financed by state budget or multiple states,

Say what?  What makes you think that any state should pay for SL?  I'm thinking you maybe don't understand how the US and the states within actually work.


4 hours ago, Ernesto Perez said:

....and SL is more important than NASA.

I am totally assuming that you really are joking or being sarcastic here.

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27 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Say what?  What makes you think that any state should pay for SL?

Have you seen film Surrogates. There nobody walks in street, all people were all the time in SL. Im sure in future nobody dont go out of home, there is no need to go. And USA is yesterday, now China become nr1 economy.

Edited by Ernesto Perez
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5 hours ago, Ernesto Perez said:

SL is more important than NASA

NASA has a 2018 budget of $20.7 billion. Do you have any idea of the amount of things that you take for granted in everyday life (including a lot of the tech within Second Life) that are possible because of NASA projects? The car you drive, the computer you work on, your domestic appliances, your power utilities, the clothing you wear...

NASA earns its budget. It's pure science. Second Life is a social playground. An entertainment.

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1 minute ago, Skell Dagger said:

NASA has a 2018 budget of $20.7 billion. Do you have any idea of the amount of things that you take for granted in everyday life (including a lot of the tech within Second Life) that are possible because of NASA projects? The car you drive, the computer you work on, your domestic appliances, your power utilities, the clothing you wear...

NASA earns its budget. It's pure science. Second Life is a social playground. An entertainment.

I dont believe this. NASA is crap.

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38 minutes ago, Ernesto Perez said:

I dont believe this. NASA is crap.

Here. A little list of a few things to get you started:


  • CAT Scans
  • Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
  • Infrared Ear Thermometers
  • Artificial Limbs
  • Foil blankets
  • Miniaturized heart pumps (ventricular assist device for those awaiting heart surgery)
  • Compact laboratory instruments
  • Bioreactors for developing new drugs and antibodies
  • Hand-held ultrasonic instruments
  • Negative pressure techniques to relieve respiratory distress in infants
  • Micro-invasive arthroscopic surgery
  • Robotic arms that assist in human-collaborative medical surgery and emergency response to biological, chemical, and nuclear spills
  • 3D food printing
  • LASIK technology used in eye surgery
  • Invisible tooth braces


  • Anti-Icing Systems for aircraft
  • Highway Safety
  • Improved Radial Tires
  • Chemical Detection
  • A new computer system to assist flight controllers


  • Video Enhancing and Analysis Systems
  • Land Mine Removal
  • Fire-Resistant Reinforcement
  • Firefighter Gear
  • Adjustable smoke detectors
  • Hand-held infrared cameras
  • 'The Jaws of Life' (used by firefighters to free people trapped in vehicles)
  • An air purifier that kills 93.3% of airborne pathogens, including anthrax


  • Scratch-resistant lenses
  • Temper ('Memory') Foam
  • Enriched Baby Food
  • Freeze Drying Technology
  • Athletic shoes
  • Home insulation
  • Seismic shock absorbers for buildings
  • Shock-absorbing shoe insoles
  • Cordless tools


  • Harnessing Solar Energy
  • Pollution Remediation
  • Water Purification using charcoal filters
  • Solar water heaters
  • GPS correction


  • Portable computers
  • Computer mouse
  • Wireless headsets
  • Camera phones
  • Real-time weather visualization & forecasting
  • High-resolution 3-D maps
  • Structural Analysis software
  • Refrigerated Internet-Connected Wall Ovens
  • OpenStack cloud computing technology
  • Long-distance telecommunications


  • Powdered Lubricants (used in refrigerator compressors)
  • Improved Mine Safety
  • Food Safety Systems
  • Precision optics

I spent 20 years working in the scientific sector. I know what NASA gave to my own field alone, and I personally used many of those instruments. You can believe that "NASA is crap" all you want, but - whether you like it or not - you benefit from their technologies, improvements, and innovations every day of your life.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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6 hours ago, Ernesto Perez said:

Actually the best choice for Linden Lab is to start writing new virtual world engine-system from beginning, parrallel development with SL. Because as I see all todays virtual worlds are yesterday system, also 3D engines (there must be Oculus Rift support and it must work perfectly).

They have...

It's called Project Stupid, and it's in glorious vomit-cam, and works with most brands of overpriced vr-geek goggles.

They spent 4 years reinventing the wheel, so to speak, on every single part of the system, which is why they are so far behind schedule, and so little actually works right., they even dropped lsl in favour of #c.

So far... it's still not out of beta, and is a complete lemon of a white elephant money pit, sucking the life (and cash) out of SL...

So, you got what you asked for and didn't even know it... WOOOO HOOOO!



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5 minutes ago, Ernesto Perez said:

But I still dont believe there is not tool for showing package content and rezzing only one object from package. Its sound exactly the same way as "you cant look inside ZIP archive and extract only one file"....its just weird.

If you wrote a script to do it, and put the script IN the object, and rezzed the object, the script could present the user with a menu of choices of things to Rez. That’s how “multi-scene rezzers” work.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

If you wrote a script to do it, and put the script IN the object, and rezzed the object, the script could present the user with a menu of choices of things to Rez. That’s how “multi-scene rezzers” work.

I dont need multi-scene rezzer. I can have multiple rezzers and they all just rezz different scene into the same place. I dont get the idea of this multi-scene.

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38 minutes ago, Ernesto Perez said:

But I still dont believe there is not tool for showing package content and rezzing only one object from package. Its sound exactly the same way as "you cant look inside ZIP archive and extract only one file"....its just weird

Believe it, and move on.  SL's asset server system is not a ZIP archive.

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4 hours ago, Ernesto Perez said:

But I still dont believe there is not tool for showing package content and rezzing only one object from package. Its sound exactly the same way as "you cant look inside ZIP archive and extract only one file"....its just weird.

That's because you're still confusing a coalesced object-which is multiple objects picked up as though they are one(but still remaining individual objects nonetheless), and a singular object that has multiple objects in its content.

Until you know the difference, you will likely never understand why "it can't be done". 

I won't confuse you any further by explaining how one can check the contents of an individual object. (much like....a zip archive ;) )

Edited by Tari Landar
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7 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

That's because you're still confusing a coalesced object-which is multiple objects picked up as though they are one(but still remaining individual objects nonetheless), and a singular object that has multiple objects in its content.

Until you know the difference, you will likely never understand why "it can't be done". 

I won't confuse you any further by explaining how one can check the contents of an individual object. (much like....a zip archive ;) )

Then I give good suggestion for Linden Lab, change this package with ZIP and then all becomes just fine.

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