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Corrections, grammar, spelling etc.


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5 hours ago, pennytrated said:

Thorinll, nothing personal and major kudos for your achievements.  However how do you know they aren't doing their best?  I don't and rather than looking like I am an unfeeling jaded person, I would rather err on the side of caution.  What does it hurt? They cant take away your birthday....  

I've been around for almost half a century, and I've seen and learned a lot while reading and writing - as well as tutoring - in both languages. I've also learned to reckon the difference between someone who is just lazy and careless in writing, and someone with dyslexia - in both languages, German and English.

Then there's also that spell checker function in many browsers, which marks the most obvious spelling mistakes with a red wavy line underneath.

By the way, and because you asked: The last time I wrote »your« instead of »you're«, or let's say, »allot« instead of »a lot«, was  about 37 years ago, when I was in 7th grade and just began learning English.

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6 minutes ago, ThorinII said:

I've been around for almost half a century, and I've seen and learned a lot while reading and writing - as well as tutoring - in both languages. I've also learned to reckon the difference between someone who is just lazy and careless in writing, and someone with dyslexia - in both languages, German and English.

Then there's also that spell checker function in many browsers, which marks the most obvious spelling mistakes with a red wavy line underneath.

By the way, and because you asked: The last time I wrote »your« instead of »you're«, or let's say, »allot« instead of »a lot«, was  about 37 years ago, when I was in 7th grade and just began learning English.

Mhmm and it was not meant as a slight... you were helping the discussion in a way that it was intended.  My apologies if it came  out wrong.  This is Penny.  Confusion in translation in languages is hard.  Yes there is spell check.  I swore for a long time a friend  of mine was being lazy and had no idea why they didn't use it. 

Until one day I found out. 

He had taken a fall off a 3 story building  when he was 16 and was lucky to be alive but was left with a severe brain disability he was ashamed of.  He could no longer process some of the what we would call common mistakes that could be taken as lazy.  I felt horrible.  It takes him longer to read messages and longer to reply.  But it made me aware.  There is more to life than what is seen,  and this is me, after that day. I will never berate anyone for something as what we would consider simple,  like that ever again.    And I do my level best not to say anything in a public forum that can be used as a tool to humiliate.  Not saying you did. - its just not right.  - thank you for telling this to me.  I do appreciate your candor and trust nothing ill willed was intended.  

Until we are walking in someone's shoes, we can never be positive of what is really going on.  And I never want to feel the way I did that day...ever again. Take care and again ty

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 4:11 PM, Pamela Galli said:

Exactly. It’s about respect for the reader: make your point or request easy for the reader to understand. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just take the time to make it easily intelligible.

And too often when someone misunderstands the gibberish vomited on a page, they are abused. 

I have not noticed much nit picking in this forum, just if something is so mangled as to be unreadable. We generally understand and respect that many here are not native English speakers (although most of the time their English is better than most native English speakers’).

Please see the very last post...

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2 hours ago, Sinsationalyurs said:

 The topic was designed to get respected, educated and articulate responses.  Never once did I see anyone that disagreed with the topic presented in an articulate, respectful, and educated response ridiculed.  Those that did were thanked for bring an adult response.   


So my very first response in this thread apparently was not enough to your liking to be considered a respectful adult response.  Please tell me where I was making jokes or ridculing the post in that first response.  Here, I'll refresh your memory so you don't have to look back (yes, that was a bit petty, but sometimes there is a need):



My next few posts were mostly side conversations (they happen in forum threads).  I then finally gave a joking post in reply to a post  that was ribbing me for a spelling/grammar error in my first post.

You then ranted for roughly 1.5-2.0 pages.

When I finally replied to your various posts, I still think it was done in a very respectful ways.  There was nothing in that post attacking you or the original post, nor was anything being ridiculed.

Apparently though, since I soon followed that post up with a joke on another post, you decided that I had "made your point" for you and it was thus time for you to berate me in a personal message.

It is not at all unusual for a serious thread to get the occasional side comment or joke in response to something someone else posted.  Such happened in this thread a few times in the first couple of pages.   The joking and side coversations do not take anything away from the original post - unless a true derail is needed.  Though it seems that you can't handle having the conversation of your post go any direction except the serious nature that you deemed it deserved.

You have spent the vast majority of this thread giving us a 'Holier than thou' attitude and yet you have "passively" attacked others.  Hell, in many cases, even when you thanked someone, you still added something negative to the post.  Step back and a take a hard look at your own attitude in your posts here - at the negativity that you have directed at almost everyone in this thread.


1 hour ago, Sinsationalyurs said:

Thank you all for helping out...the following replies below Im not responding to...its done and dusted.. Points made.  Thank you all tc


I wish for once, when someone said that, they actually meant it.



Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I laugh at every fudging one of my mistakes...especially the unintentional ones.

If folks didn't judge my typing, and sometimes harshly, I wouldn't have a 3.98 GPA this go 'round , and I wouldn't have graduated with a 3.95  for my last, either. I wouldn't be able to work, I wouldn't be able to communicate-formally or informally. I wouldn't know when my keyboard is screwing up and needs changed out for a new one. I wouldn't know when, or even if, I type the wrong line in a bit of code that I had to send off to someone else. I wouldn't be able to work on forms, reports, breakdown structures, charts, graphs, any coding at all....need I continue?

But, mostly.. I wouldn't know when I made a hilarious mistake that generally took a conversation into a WHOLE new direction, unintentionally, that causes some busted guts, sore chesticles, and contributed to the wheezing attacks in my favorite asthmatics. Judging isn't inherently bad, but it is inherently human....try not to pretend you don't do it too ;) 

Don't take yourself, or life, too seriously....you'll miss out on far more than you ever thought possible. 

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17 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

 The exact words that came to my mind. 

Mine are... why were so many asking questions that required the response.  And trust me this is hard.  I started the damn thread... So Cpt Duh how is my respect to respond to what I see in a thread I created a problem?   See that iddy biddy click button.  And close... So I dont have to keep speaking on my thread. 

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49 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Apparently though, since I soon followed that post up with a joke on another post, you decided that I had "made your point" for you and it was thus time for you to berate me in a personal message.

So not just me. I am going to report it.

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5 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Sometimes it is like discussions with grade schoolers.

I've been watching this thread with interest, and the above is exactly how I have viewed it, but not in the direction that you mean it here, Lil.

Why? Because the following -

5 hours ago, Sinsationalyurs said:

Never once did I see anyone that disagreed with the topic presented in an articulate, respectful, and educated response ridiculed.  Those that did were thanked for bring an adult response.

- is how teachers will often react when trying to bring a class full of naughty children to heel: by congratulating them on behaving like a grown-up.

Apparently, the OP isn't the grade schooler here; they believe that we are.

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3 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

Now I am getting attacked and name called by the OPs sock puppet  in PM. Is it just me? 

Nope I just woke up to a very long PM telling me off for whatever I wrote on page 1 of this thread  which was 

"Many people start with "apologies English is not my first language"  and almost every time I have seen this they will get patient replies from people and even advice to use their native tongue and people will try to translate and help.  

The 25 line posts made up of 2 sentences and no paragraphs or page breaks make it very hard to actually find the point or question the poster has. Then as Pamela says the person who tries to help and misunderstands, through no fault of their own, is abused   I have also seen people who give straight to the point, no nonsense, no hand holding replies abused which irritates me no end."

I still stand by what i said even though I am apparently blocked for it.

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3 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

Now I am getting attacked and name called by the OPs sock puppet  in PM. Is it just me? 

No, the sock-puppet PMs are there for me too. But I deleted it without reading, it crosses a line for me. As in world, I am never one for he-said's/she-said's in IMs, that sort of drama chafes me. Unless it's a matter of confidentiality people can say these things on the public record, or not at all.

Penny, if you read this, none of this is personal. Just a statement of fact. When a sub of mine acts out, when they misbehave and are naughty, a quick sharp punishment will often snap them back into the fold. If they realise their mistake, calm down, and importantly back down with grace... then ultimately it's forgotten. 

Maybe you should join us in the light hearted banter? Importantly though, don't take any of these words personally.

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1 hour ago, Nalytha said:

I didn’t get the cool kids letter :( 

Because you were the adult that said to 'Be nice to each other'   :)


which, of course, promptly reminded me of all the times my mom would say that - hence my comical response that OP thought was disrespectful.  B|

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In all seriousness thank you.   I wanted to see if the right hook was thrown, who would take it and who would walk away.  Yes ...please don't hate, but this was a set up.  I wanted the responses. Those went to extremes showed to me and well a few thousand, might go viral dunno, just how some would use apathy, arrogance, ignorance and maliciousness, to justify the pain they could inflict on vulnerable people.   

  What scares the flock out of me, is I perceived  your responses really were intentionally made to hurt.  (Me, lol, I dont care, I will still keep being me, acceptance and fuzzies arent required)  I knew this world was messed up, but didnt think that such venom and callousness still  existed.  Scary but rest assured you  made thousands of people laugh, cry and afraid. Im still flabbergasted.  This was way too easy. 

Damn I lost a bet. I now owe 3000  people coffee.    Oh and please as the TOS says, just mute and ban.    

And thank you for your participation in this study of compassion and acceptance in the 21st century's touted "progressive and acceptance" of humanity.   Mute button is over there>>>> please use.

Have a wondermus day. 



New application 11.05.2017 045.jpg

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"A troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion, often for the troll's amusement."

@pennytrated - Well, at least you admitted it.

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I'm a bit late to the party, it appears. Anyway, here's my two cents:

English is not my first language, I wasn't an A-grade student in it as a subject in school - when I first 'got online' my English was occasionally entirely illegible. Luckily for me, people were quick to correct me - sometimes quite cruelly so. But as I got into online gaming and communities, with each correction I had an opportunity to learn; and instead of whining about it, I chose to learn. 

By now, I meet plenty Americans who tell me they are jealous of how advanced my language is. Do I have a tendency to learn languages easier than anyone else? Ich denke nicht. Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht, obwohl ich seit Jahren geübt habe.

If I come across someone whose primary language is not English, or who has actual issues wielding it (such as dyslectics), I'm fully understanding of their situation and if I feel a need to correct them, I try to do so constructively.
But to be blunt, there's nothing as ragingly unattractive as someone whose first - and only - language is English and they communicate with the skill of a 4-year old. 

If someone insists on abbreviating every two word that comes out of them because they are too lazy to communicate in a mature manner, why should I waste my time trying to decipher their baby-talk? 

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3 minutes ago, Orwar said:

Ich denke nicht. Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht, obwohl ich seit Jahren geübt habe.


accurate, though... Deutsch ist aber auch schwer! (German is damn hard to learn!!)

I have the same "problem", not being native either, though I was an A-grader for years and years and even in my A-Levels I averaged a B+ just short of A- without any studying (don´t try this at home kids... studying is as cool as bowties!!!!!!). I tend to cringe at bad orthography and grammar in both my languages, heck I tend to cringe at American English at times but that´s because of me being in love with British English... It gets me quite some kicking in the shin and other places from friends, followed by hugs *grins* Though I don´t really correct them, I only do that to my brother in law but that´s because the teachers let them write however they want in elementary. I can differentiate between a typo, too lazy and not giving a damn and I´m prone to typos ever so often. One of my most favourite is ...well I meant to type fully but... missed the L just by a tad to the left...  (oh and I use Grammarly)

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48 minutes ago, pennytrated said:

Those went to extremes showed to me ....how some would use apathy, arrogance, ignorance and maliciousness, to justify the pain they could inflict on vulnerable people.   

What scares the flock out of me, is I perceived  your responses really were intentionally made to hurt.

I knew this world was messed up, but didnt think that such venom and callousness still  existed

And thank you for your participation in this study of compassion and acceptance in the 21st century's touted "progressive and acceptance" of humanity.

Penny, when I see abuse on a forum to such a degree as you describe I usually confront. I did not see it here. I think you are being delusional in this thread and projecting hurt from your past onto people here.

All anybody was saying was that the one asking for help in a thread ALSO bears some responsibility. Sure, they are in a vulnerable position and regular forum members have more power and so should make an attempt to be 'the designated driver' due to the power imbalance. But your position has been that the one asking for help bears NO responsibility whatsoever. This is a dehumanizing way to portray them...as if they are some sort of victim.

For sure, we all need to have more empathy with each other in communication...but this is a two-way street and the one asking for help bears some responsibility in the interaction too. It's almost as if you expect we should be some sort of angelic being when responding to another person asking for help, without feelings of impatience or concerns of our own. This isn't reality. So of course you are going to get some push-back because your premise is delusional and insulting to those who are NOT being abusive, but merely human. 

And now that you admit to manipulating everyone you are going to get the hostility you perceive -- but you caused it, not others. 

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1 minute ago, Akasha Sternberg said:

Deutsch ist aber auch schwer! (German is damn hard to learn!!)

It's a lot of fun though, from the awesome compound words like oberaffentittengeil, to being able to make risque comments about my neko's tail.

(ich habe einen sehr langen S.....)

Even the thought of sending a "gift" to my boss makes me smile some days.


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