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Just now, Phil Deakins said:

Of course it's alright. You don't want to deny me my beliefs, do you?

I wasn't denying your beliefs. I am denying your claim that they are not insulting.

1 minute ago, Phil Deakins said:

KKK? A helluva lot of people believe that whites are better than coloureds. I'm not one of them, but a lot of people are. Thankfully, they constitute only a teeny number of the world's population.

Missing the point by a mile. Believing something does not make it right. Just the fact that you state that it's your belief does not make it any less insulting.

If I said that I believed you are a backwater halfwit, you'd still be insulted.

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5 minutes ago, lavalois said:

If I said that I believed you are a backwater halfwit, you'd still be insulted.

That's unfair... There are a great many backwater halfwits in SL, who actually get out and about on the Grid, and are aware of things outside their own narrow bigoted interests...

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14 minutes ago, lavalois said:

I wasn't denying your beliefs. I am denying your claim that they are not insulting.

Ok. I didn't understand that. What exactly do you see as being insulting in what I wrote? I don't see anything.

I wrote that I'd be happy to insult certain people. That is not an insult. Do you see it differently? If so, please explain what is insulting about it.


14 minutes ago, lavalois said:

Believing something does not make it right.

Quite right. But believeing something, whether right or wrong, is perfectly ok, and that's what I wrote about.


14 minutes ago, lavalois said:

Just the fact that you state that it's your belief does not make it any less insulting.

Insulting to whom? Disliked maybe, but not insulting. It's my belief that a very significant percentage of SL females are males at the keyboards. Does that insult anyone? No RL female should feel insulted because it's not about them. Males at the keyboard shouldn't feel insulted because my belief is correct concerning them. So that fact that I believe that the female 'snuff' is played by men, shouldn't cause anyone to feel insulted. I did concede that there are exceptions.


14 minutes ago, lavalois said:

If I said that I believed you are a backwater halfwit, you'd still be insulted.

Backwater is fine. It's the halfwit that would be insulting. The reason being that the word 'halfwit' is derogatory. My belief that you seem to object to isn't in any way derogatory. It doesn't use any insulting words like that. It uses 'male' and 'female', and there's nothing insulting about those words.

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Oh I think I see. What you're saying is that I would be insulted if you believed, and wrote, that I'm a halfwit, and yet you are entitled to your beiliefs. Yes?

I already answered that. I would be insulted be the halfwit word, yes, because it's a derogatory word, intended to insult. So why did you just post that? I haven't used any derorgatory words of phrases. I haven't posted any insults.

To be scrupulously honest, you are barking up entirely the wrong tree here.

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Yes, if you are entitled to your beliefs, whether they are insulting to people or not, then so am I.

Some of my best friends do like extreme kinks like snuff, dismemberment, dolcett. And I know for a fact that they are female.

You said that women enjoying snuff are men. And that females at dismemberment sims are blokes.
Last time I checked most women ARE insulted when somebody calls them a man.

Ergo, your beliefs are still insulting, whether they are derogatory or not.

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Ok. So my belief about all of those playing that particular role does seem to be mistaken. I can accept that - with utter astonishment.

Nevertheless, I haven't insulted anyone. Even if a woman playing that roll is mistakenly assumed to be thought of a man, it's not exactly an an insult. Calling someone a male isn't derogatory, like halfwit is. It could cause someone with a very thin skin to feel offended, but not insulted. There is nothing derogatory about being a man. If I stood in front of an RL woman and stated that she's a man, it would be insulting. You can call me a man or woman. I wouldn't be insulted or offended. Picking the wrong gender would be amusing, not insulting, or offensive :)

The other thing is that calling someone a halfwit is intended as an insult. It's not the same thing at all. Nothing I have written here concerning this kink was intended as an insult.

Btw, if you do think I'm a halfwit, keep it yourself. You are free to think, believe it, and discuss it privately with others, but not to write in this forum :)

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9 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Calling someone a male isn't derogatory, like halfwit is.

Matter of opinion...

See, male avatars almost NEVER get accused of being "women in RL", but that whole "GIRL - Guy in Real Life" thing basically assumes women are too damn stupid to use a computer, have no interest in 'games' or 'sex' or 'rp' or 'socialising', or 'building' or 'scripting' or 'merchandising' or anything else that could possibly be done in SL...

My opinion is... That just about everything you write is intended as an sly insult... Carefully couched to avoid a forum ban...

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40 minutes ago, lavalois said:


Saying that someone deserves to be insulted is NOT the same as actually insulting them. At least it isn't in the English language. I've said that before. Please to follow the thread. It's not difficlult to do.

I could say that you deserve a medal, but that doesn't get you a medal. It's really not too difficult a concept.

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16 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Saying that someone deserves to be insulted is NOT the same as actually insulting them. At least it isn't in the English language. I've said that before. Please to follow the thread. It's not difficlult to do.

I could say that you deserve a medal, but that doesn't get you a medal. It's really not too difficult a concept.

Please try and follow along with the thread yourself.. What was said was.. 

2 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

They deserve to be insulted because of their kink.. That is insulting. 

I didn't say you insulted them, i said that saying they deserved to be insulted was insultING.. Again, you seem to read what you want and ignore what is actually written. Saying that someone deserves to be insulted for enjoying a kink is an insulting remark. You are being insulting by saying that, not that you are actually insulting them. See the difference there? Its akin to saying a woman dressed provocatively deserves to be raped. Insulting, not insulted. 

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10 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

I didn't say you insulted them, i said that saying they deserved to be insulted was insultING

To whom?

'Insulting' means 'disrespectful' according to a dictionary definition. I don't agree that me saying what I'd be happy to do because it's deserved is disrespectul, even though what I'd be happy to do is a negative thing.


10 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Its akin to saying a woman dressed provocatively deserves to be raped.

Don't be ridiculous.


ETA: I have no respect for anyone who engaes in such a kink, or defends it.

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3 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

To whom? And I disagree.


Don't be ridiculous.

To the people involved in this kink.. Are you deliberately trying to be dense now? You know very well who you were speaking about.  And how is it ridiculous to equate the two? People who enjoy a kink that is harmless in SL that you feel deserves ridicule and insult is in no way different than someone saying a woman deserves to be raped for dressing provocatively. Both are personal choice. You feel a harmless kinksters should be insulted for enjoying themselves. I'm not saying you would rape a woman, just that perhaps you feel she should be insulted over her choice of dress. 

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Oh I know who I was speaking about, and I'm content that have neither insulted them, nor been insulting to them. I just wondered if you were perhaps talking about some other people, because what said didn't apply to the ones I've been talking about.


16 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

People who enjoy a kink that is harmless in SL that you feel deserves ridicule and insult

Would you care to post quotes where I've ridiculed and/or insulted them? You won't find any, btw, but you can go looking for them if you like.


16 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

is in no way different than someone saying a woman deserves to be raped for dressing provocatively. Both are personal choice.

It's not a person's choice to be raped. Dressing provocatively is NOT making the choice to be raped.


16 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

You feel a harmless kinksters should be insulted for enjoying themselves.

Whether or not they "should" be insulted is irrelevant. I said I would do do, that's all.


16 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

I'm not saying you would rape a woman, just that perhaps you feel she should be insulted over her choice of dress. 

I've never mentioned the way a women dresses until this post, and only then to reply to you bringing it in. So no, I don't think a woman should be insulted because of the way she dresses. I certainly wouldn't cast any insults. I'd enjoy the provocative vision.


16 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

And how is it ridiculous to equate the two?

I wouldn't have it thought was necessary for me to explain that.


You really ought to get off this now. I don;t think there's anything more to be said on the subject. I haven't insulted anyone. We disagree as to whether or not what I did say was disrespectful. So I think it's all wrapped up now.



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38 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

'Insulting' means 'disrespectful' according to a dictionary definition. I don't agree that me saying what I'd be happy to do because it's deserved is disrespectul, even though what I'd be happy to do is a negative thing.

Ah, so in your mind, if you think someone deserves to be insulted it isn't disrespectful even if insulting them is in fact disrespectful? Does that make a lick of sense to anyone else? That's like saying the KKK is good people in your view because to their minds insulting any non-whites isn't disrespectful as they deserve it. that is some seriously messed up thinking.. 

42 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

ETA: I have no respect for anyone who engaes in such a kink, or defends it.

Is it just this kink, or any kink that disgusts you? Do you have no respect for people who RP in sims that have murder and or heavy drug use? Prostitution? Where does Phil draw the line? And why, do you feel that anyone should give a damn what you feel about anyones kinks? Did they force it upon you or the OP? No? Then just walk away and let others enjoy their SL. 

Why, exactly does this kink infuriate you so? Did someone try and cook you when you were a small boy?

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You seem intent on fighting just for the sake of it, Drake, even to the point of making things up, the latest being me being infuriated by the kink, which I'm not. It's pointless continuing with you, so I'm going to stop now. I'll leave you to answer your own questions.

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I think Charles Dickens best summarized the spirited discussion related to this issue of Second Life virtues and depravity in a Tale of Two Cities (1859):

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

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