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Possible hack?


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I'm completely new to SL.  I joined last night.  I was approached by an avatar that had a similar name to mine (last seven letters).  Actually there was more than one like that coming near me but did not engage me.  It was joined by an avatar who purported to be an 18 YO girl.  Together they led me (I don't know if "lured" me is the right word) to an island where there were various beds, sofas, and other things that would animate my avatar and simulate sex.

I'm concerned because of the adage "if it seems too good to be true then it probably is".  Is it possible that this was a scam and is it possible that my computer was compromised during it?

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Your computer getting compromised during adult activity on secondlife? Don't think so

However to keep your account/computer safe - dont click on shady website links given to you in game, don't share your sl log in informations with anyone.

Edited by Jeny Howlett
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Here's a copy of my response to your IM to me, for the benefit of any other newbies who wonder:

I doubt you were hacked. SL is a pretty safe application and things that happen in-world don't affect your computer. You should, however, be careful about accepting things into inventory from other people, particularly anything that asks permission to withdraw L$ from your account. That's probably the most serious risk you face here, misappropriation of funds via objects. Simply refusing to grant permission stops those things in their tracks.

Sitting on things allows the things to animate you, that's just how SL works. You might not like what you see, but there's no harm being done and you can simply "Stand Up" to stop it. The kind of behavior you just endured is, unfortunately, part and parcel of interacting with anonymous people online. It's not unlike being trolled on Twitter or Facebook. The best thing to do is ignore those people and/or go elsewhere.

I think you'll find SL a wonderful experience overall if you can learn to ignore the bad behavior of a few here. You can right click on the avatars of obnoxious people and mute/block/derender them (depending on which SL viewer you use, there is the official one and several Linden Lab recognized alternatives). Feel free to introduce yourself to the resident forum (which you just did), where advice is readily available. We can be brusk at times, but we're a generally good bunch of folks.

If you are harassed by someone breaking the Second Life Terms of Service, you can right click their avatar and "Report Abuse". If there's a clear violation of the ToS, Linden Lab will take action. But that's a pretty rare occurrence and I don't advice using the Abuse Reporting system to address annoying behavior, only true breaches of the ToS.

Welcome to Second Life!

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12 minutes ago, RandTaggart said:

I think I did click on some links.  What do I do?

Read up on "phishing". The biggest concern over following web links is that they take you to places pretending to be something they're not. If following a link takes you to a page that asks for personal information (particularly usernames and passwords), beware! Just back out of such pages, remember who sent them to you so you can avoid them in the future, and return to having fun in-world.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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2 hours ago, RandTaggart said:

I'm usually very careful online, but I should have realized that Second Life is just like anywhere else on the Internet.  Thank you again.

Actually, inworld activities within the SL viewer are much safer than shady websites in your browser. Inworld scripts or activities cannot harm the rest of your computer. Teleports cannot harm your computer. Animations cannot harm your computer ...
Anything happening to you inworld can easily be ended by teleporting to a safe spot or simply closing the viewer.

Only when you foolishly click on links to regular websites, those which might look like proper ones asking for your login data, while their domain is actually iamalegitwebsite.altavishivashi.org ... then you're at risk of getting your data phished.

If you want to be certain that your viewer is safe, you probably should turn off media and audio and refrain from using voice inworld and media on a prim. In the past, those components were used to collect IP adresses ... if you count that as harm.

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12 hours ago, RandTaggart said:

I'm completely new to SL.  I joined last night.

Welcome to SL

12 hours ago, RandTaggart said:

I was approached by an avatar that had a similar name to mine (last seven letters).

Last 7 as in Resident, or Taggart? Resident is pretty normal, seeing someone else with Taggart is likely something to consider though.

12 hours ago, RandTaggart said:

It was joined by an avatar who purported to be an 18 YO girl.

Before you get pulled up by other people, behind each avatar is a real person. So the correct pronoun is "they" not "it".

The 18 year old girl that joined you both is likely a male, fat, balding chartered accountant in real life. Generally 18 year old girls won't need to log into SL for sex.

12 hours ago, RandTaggart said:

Together they led me (I don't know if "lured" me is the right word) to an island where there were various beds, sofas, and other things that would animate my avatar and simulate sex.

Lured sounds like a great term. The sex part is common, and one of the big four activities in SL.

12 hours ago, RandTaggart said:

I'm concerned because of the adage "if it seems too good to be true then it probably is".  Is it possible that this was a scam and is it possible that my computer was compromised during it?

SL is pretty safe. As long as you don't click phishing links or share real life details. How do you know it's phishing link? Simple: If it asks your password, run away.

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23 hours ago, RandTaggart said:

I will certainly do that.  I'm usually very careful online, but I should have realized that Second Life is just like anywhere else on the Internet.

Just remember four important security measures:

  1. Do not accept gifts from strangers
  2. Do not give away too detailed information about your Real Life
  3. Do not under any circumstance allow anybody else to log on to your account
  4. Choose a reasonably safe password

If you keep all of that in mind, people will still annoy and harrass you - some because they love to annoy and harrass others, some because they couldn't care less about others - but nobody will be able to actually harm you.

It's perfectly normal to be invited to some SLex on your first day btw. If you don't want it, just say no.

Edited by ChinRey
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oh hell! the most effective way to keep your experience secure and enjoyable when on SL is just to make sure you have a towel and windex on hand for your monitor and keyboard. Stop clicking every link that pops up.

you can let other people log onto your account if you know and TRUST them, just make sure you change your password again after they are through on your account. You should change your password every so often as it is (and encrypt it ffs!)

Do not tell robots up on meeting them, to shut up if they start talking to you. They are known to be people in SL and not NPCs.

learn how to use control+shift+H short cut for quick exits (command+shift+H for macs)

unless someone faxes you a certified copy of their ID and Birth Certificate, I would take any claim of any age with a grain of salt. Use your best judgement.

Like Chin said, don't give out personal detailed RL information, especially right away, in SL it comes off a bit creepy.

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SL is sort of like RL...

In RL you have to be attractive to get sex.

In SL you have to be attractive to get sex.

The difference is that in SL you can be very attractive very easily, but in RL...

The most useful control in SL is the Mute.  For the persistent the De-render.

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  • 1 year later...

I get this regular, it starts with flashing screen, then I get crashed out of SL and my computer starts doing crazy things like the screen changes size and the apps on my computer don't work. All I can do is try use the task manger to try and close the viewer, I'm using firestorm as well ☹️

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2 hours ago, Overthemoon2 said:

I get this regular, it starts with flashing screen, then I get crashed out of SL and my computer starts doing crazy things like the screen changes size and the apps on my computer don't work. All I can do is try use the task manger to try and close the viewer, I'm using firestorm as well ☹️

Ahm, the original post is about a newbie having a unexpected threesome, and it happened 16 months ago.
You better post your technical question as a new thread:


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Overthemoon, that sounds like you may be encountering a graphics crasher.

1.  Try logging in to a different location.  If the problem persists, then I am wrong and it's not a graphics crasher.

2.  If you don't see the problem at the new location, then go to Me/Preferences/Graphics.  Change the "Complexity" slider to something lower than "Unlimited".  This should offer you protection against graphics crashers that someone is wearing (the most usual case).

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