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Everything about deleting your Second Life account


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I want to know everything that happens when you delete your Second Life account. When you delete your account, is it possible to create a new avatar, using the same name as the deleted account? Do avatar names become reusable once you delete the account with that certain name?


Issue: Even though I am a newbie and joined a few days ago, I keep getting banned in places for no reason! I even got banned in places where you collect money! I thought it was normal and only available to all people whose accounts are a few days old until your account is too old. The I found out that people older than my account by years still use the same "collect Linden money" places! The places say they welcome everyone, but they don't welcome me! Now it's impossible for me to earn Linden money! I can't even earn Linden money anymore to buy an outfit I want! I've tried everything such as listening to their headmasters and filing a ticket, but they never lift the bans even though they say they want to give me chances.


When I want to check the status of a ticket, they say they would email me a link or something to the ticket. They never send me the link. This makes me think that the ticket things are a glitch and possibly fake.


Now back to the big question. The big question is:

Do avatar names become reusable once you delete the account with that certain name?


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It seems like a lot of your problems stem from trying to earn L$ (linden dollars, also sometimes just called lindens). The main way that most people get them is just to buy them. The current exchange rate is about 250L$ for $1 US, plus a 60 cent transaction fee. So a few dollars in the real world can stretch pretty far in SL. Since you're new and probably still deciding whether or not you like SL, you may or may not want to invest any money in it. 

The other way to earn them, as other people have already suggested, is to play games sponsored by Linden Labs, such as Linden Realms and PaleoQuest. You don't have to sign up for either of them. When you show up on their sims, wait a few minutes and a HUD (head up display) should appear on your screen. There should be some instructions either near the landing area or accessible through the HUD. Just follow the instructions and you're good to go. Linden Realms has a few quests, but mostly you'll earn lindens by collecting crystals that show up on the ground. PaleoQuest is fun, but has a significant learning curve. It's more of an obstacle course. Both options are slow going and they won't get you rich, but they're good as a steady source of a small amount of lindens. 

There's another option, which is what it seems you're getting banned from. There are user-created games that can also earn you lindens, but their sims probably require that you have some sort of payment information on file or that your account is a certain number of days old before you can enter. If that's the case, it's not a permanent ban and I wouldn't bother making a new account because of it. 

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Just now, EmperorNapoleonBonaparte said:

I'm still trying to find both Linden Realms and PaleoQuest. Can you send a link to both of them?

Their places were free and they do not require payment information files. People there can join at any account age. Their name is "earn FREE Linden Dollars - Fish & Gold Hunt HQ - Advertising, Business Park" and that's not fair they banned me. I think it's stupid because they let other people "newbie or not" to enter, but they don't let me enter anymore.

Sure! You access them through the Portal Park. It's set up in a circle with signs over the entrance to each area. Just walk through the portal for the place you want to go to.

I checked on the Business Park sim and you're right, they don't require it. You also don't seem to be on their ban list, so I'm not sure why you can't get in. Either way, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I've played both games and they're more frustrating than fun. You spend a lot of time standing around waiting for either a coin or a fish to show up. It's not a great introduction to SL. xD

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Well, hello there.  Vive le Empereur!

Napoleon, you have a whole lot of erroneous conceptions and misunderstandings about Second Life.

1.  SL is not a game.  It's a virtual world, and almost all of it has been created not by Linden Lab, but by its residents.  For example, the Gold Hunt and Fish Hunt systems are resident-created.  If you have problems with the games, or with their creators, you must take it up with them; Linden Lab will not intervene even if you file an Abuse Report or a Support Case.

2.  "Earning" $L by means of games, whether they are resident created and run, or the Linden Realms and Paleoquest games provided by Linden Lab, is not a very good way to get $L.  You would have to play these games for many days to get the same amount of $L that you could get in ten seconds by just using a credit card or a verified PayPal account to buy them.

3.  But you don't need money, at least not right away.  There are tons of free things available.  You can search the Marketplace for them, or use the Search function in world (search "freebies".)  Join the group "Fabulously Free in SL" to get group notices of new freebies.  Helpers at many places set up for newcomers will have lists of these places for the asking.  Try, for example, a visit to Caledon Oxbridge University, or New Resident Island.

      3a.  The above two places have extensive self-paced tutorials about Second Life.  If you visit them, spend a couple of hours going through these tutorials.  Keep an open mind and don't assume you know something...because you probably DON'T know how it's done here, no matter how many other online games you've had experience with.

4.  In Second Life, the Golden Rule is "He who owns the land, makes the rules."  Most of the land in SL is owned by residents who pay for the privilege of land ownership.  As the owner, they have the right and the power to allow anyone they wish onto their land...and also to ban anyone they find annoying.  They can ban anyone they want, at any time, for any reason...or even for no reason at all.  If you are banned, you will not get any redress by crying to Linden Lab.

5.  Don't delete your account.  While you might be able to get it back, it'll cost you $10.  You can create a second, or "alt" account by simply going through the signup process again and choosing a new user name, if you feel the need of a fresh start.

6.  You will find that you are not able to go to some places, even if you haven't been specifically banned from them.  This can happen if the land owners have restricted access to people who have been in SL less than 30 days or so.  It can also happen if you are under 18 in Real Life, or if you haven't yet changed your Maturity settings.  Find those in Me/Preferences, General tab; and also in the Search window and in your Marketplace settings.

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10 minutes ago, EmperorNapoleonBonaparte said:

I want to know everything that happens when you delete your Second Life account. When you delete your account, is it possible to create a new avatar, using the same name as the deleted account? Do avatar names become reusable once you delete the account with that certain name?

No the username will be gone forever, however... the account keeps existing on the servers,the login for the user gets disabled. This can get repaired/reactivated after request and proven ownership. (reactivation fee may apply)

Issue: Even though I am a newbie and joined a few days ago, I keep getting banned in places for no reason! I even got banned in places where you collect money!

There are a lot of places that don't allow people under 30 or even 60 days, to prevent throw away accounts by griefers come and ruin the experience for others.

Now it's impossible for me to earn Linden money! I can't even earn Linden money anymore to buy an outfit I want!

No this isn't true, you always can play paleoquest or others, ánd you always can add a payment method and buy L$ . No need to spend all your precious time for earning a half L$ a hour while you can buy  a few thousend for 10 usd.

I've tried everything such as listening to their headmasters and filing a ticket, but they never lift the bans even though they say they want to give me chances.

There are no headmasters, only sim/landowners, those don't have ticketsystems. Every landowner is God on his land, as long he keeps the TOS, he can ban, allow, eject.. and so on for any, or no reason at all.

When I want to check the status of a ticket, they say they would email me a link or something to the ticket. They never send me the link. This makes me think that the ticket things are a glitch and possibly fake.

Linden Lab support will not reply on resident to resident issues, it's useless to send tickets for that. Being banned from places is such issue, LL will do nothing.

You can always see you ticketstatus in the help menu of your accountpage


Now back to the big question. The big question is:

Do avatar names become reusable once you delete the account with that certain name?




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49 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

No this isn't true, you always can play paleoquest or others, ánd you always can add a payment method and buy L$ . No need to spend all your precious time for earning a half L$ a hour while you can buy  a few thousend for 10 usd.

I don't know how to join Paleoquest. How do you make an account there? I never see a button where it tells you to register.


50 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

Issue: Even though I am a newbie and joined a few days ago, I keep getting banned in places for no reason! I even got banned in places where you collect money!

There are a lot of places that don't allow people under 30 or even 60 days, to prevent throw away accounts by griefers come and ruin the experience for others.

The place I went allows newbies! I even see other accounts that are the same age as mine and they can still join the Gold Rush Hunters room!


52 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

You can always see you ticketstatus in the help menu of your accountpage


Where can I find that at?


53 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

Now back to the big question. The big question is:

Do avatar names become reusable once you delete the account with that certain name?


Why not?

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I suggest going over to Linden Realms to earn money. You CAN get in there (or if you cannot you are in some very weird trouble). It is much easier than Paleoquest which has a pretty steep learning curve. You run though crystals to collect them, stay away from rock monsters and falling rocks and deadly water (that's not hard at all) and turn in your crystals for Linden.

While not as lucrative as it was years ago, you can still make money there. 

It is most likely that you cannot get into place because you are so new. That will pass. 


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34 minutes ago, EmperorNapoleonBonaparte said:

Why not?

Because there are people who want to come back.  Even after being gone for years, everything is still there, ready to be reactivated.
Because accountability.
Because it prevents griefers from clearing ignore and ban states by deleting and recreating the exact same account.
Because the taxman likes to have consistent and persistent money trails for all international currency exchanges.

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41 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

I suggest going over to Linden Realms to earn money. You CAN get in there (or if you cannot you are in some very weird trouble). It is much easier than Paleoquest which has a pretty steep learning curve. You run though crystals to collect them, stay away from rock monsters and falling rocks and deadly water (that's not hard at all) and turn in your crystals for Linden.

While not as lucrative as it was years ago, you can still make money there. 

It is most likely that you cannot get into place because you are so new. That will pass. 


I shall try that one later.

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37 minutes ago, EmperorNapoleonBonaparte said:

If you showed me a guide, then I wouldn't have trouble finding it like right now. I'm a newbie, but I've looked. I can't find a tab that shows ticket status.


Your ticket status will be shown at the link under Support History.

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15 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

Yet you understand the intricacies of mesh, deformed avatar skeletons and the new bento bones enough to spot scams and flawed mesh imports already.


It's because I've played online games before. I've been scammed and hacked on those old games before. However, I do not know how to create meshes. I do not know what bento bones are, but I imagine they are what you use to make 3D objects. It's 3D designer modeling.

Edited by EmperorNapoleonBonaparte
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20 minutes ago, EmperorNapoleonBonaparte said:

Now I found it. Thank you! It turns out that I don't have any tickets created.

The tickets shown on the website are only the ones that you've created on that website. If you've filed abuse report tickets inworld (aka: you've gone via the viewer's Help > Report Abuse menu) you won't find them on that site. Linden Lab do not update people on the status of their abuse reports.

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28 minutes ago, EmperorNapoleonBonaparte said:

I've been scammed and hacked on those old games before.

It always seems like certain people always have trouble everywhere they go, while others never have any issues, Hmmmmnnn, it is probably a lot like the fact that some people in RL always have issues with dogs, while the rest of us never do. Just curious do you get bitten by dogs a lot?

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1 hour ago, EmperorNapoleonBonaparte said:

It's because I've played online games before. I've been scammed and hacked on those old games before.

Well, here's a quick tid-bit.  Those avatars were deformed on purpose.  The person was asking if you still had to use that kludge.  Implying that Nikkesa is trying to run a scam because you are not aware of what mesh means in Second Life is rather off putting to me.

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1 hour ago, Talligurl said:

It always seems like certain people always have trouble everywhere they go, while others never have any issues, Hmmmmnnn, it is probably a lot like the fact that some people in RL always have issues with dogs, while the rest of us never do. Just curious do you get bitten by dogs a lot?

I never got bitten by dogs before, but I can tell it's painful. They have powerful jaws and sharp teeth. However, I get a lot of issues with my family, as they never like me.

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