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11 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

You have done a great job on your avvie so congrats, we are all works in progress!

Thanks much, Leora! 

As for activities, in truth, I am slowly finding my way to some things, including stuff I don't remember working very well in the old days, like vehicles... (Riding trains in Bellisseria, or riding a jet ski around its waterfronts, can be weirdly enjoyable.) One day at a time, right?

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   Some good stuff in the events/sales this weekend. LaraX wardrobe slowly growing!

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1 hour ago, Dorientje Woller said:

Wait, are those boots updated to LaraX? And where did you got that outfit?

   Nope, but they still fit. They're a little tight at the back but there's no clipping. 

   The top is from Worn and the bottom is from Have Unequal, can't remember if I picked them up at Fameshed or Anthem or both, but they're somewhere there. The sleeves are from an outfit from ViSion.

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6 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Nope, but they still fit. They're a little tight at the back but there's no clipping. 

   The top is from Worn and the bottom is from Have Unequal, can't remember if I picked them up at Fameshed or Anthem or both, but they're somewhere there. The sleeves are from an outfit from ViSion.

Ah, it's a mix and match from events and not sales. 

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