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Manu Mysterious

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Everything posted by Manu Mysterious

  1. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, right? 😜
  2. The weather is nice, it's spring....best time to play a round tennis, isn't it?
  3. WE are on the way! Happy Easter 🐔🐰🥚🌻
  4. I had them worn... and I had a convo with the support already, which I will not publish here but the recommendation was. Wear the anim hud from previews heads. Like I said, its all about the personal taste and for me the animation haven't changed only the heads...if the blinking animation is new, this is fine, I didn't complain about. And I got everything, all their skins and all heads.
  5. Sure, there are some face anims like this for e.g.. You can find also some animated mesh tears or you can use a Tears BOM layer over your face....depends on what you like.
  6. Yes, I did waste my Lindens on it but haven't had the time yet to check it out because I did waste my time and Lindens first on the magical Genus Morph 4k head and helped someone with the set up.
  7. You know what, I have had similar problems but there is a guy who published a nice tutorial how he set up the body whin few mins. There are some menu buttons are very hidden and to find them out its like if you would play Lotto. I did it and it worked but I will neither become a fan of the hud. *giggles
  8. Please don't get me wrong, for me the magic about the Genus head didn't work perfect and after consultation one of the support members was the recommendation, use the animation hud from other heads. So don't keep my experience as gossip. To be fair I will publish here what Anna Genus wrote in Flickr about her new release: This is a completely new system based on the Genus Head version 2.0, has a completely updated HUD, textures and materials. We have simplified the functionality and also added a small calm face animation with blinking to this hud. In the future, we plan to supplement the head kit with a separate hud with animation settings, typing, voice etc. (currently, Animation HUD version 2.0 are working with Genus Morph). We decided to abandon the creation of animations and fully immerse ourselves in our true sphere - 3D and 2D design. Therefore, we are open to suggestions for collaboration and the release of a universal facial AO under your brand. We have kept the work of the old appliers, as well as the head UV was not affected, so all textures ever created fit perfectly. I can talk a lot about this head, but I think you just need to at least see it and try it, it's magical.
  9. I know only from the past that they had the following recommendation: IMPORTANT! As fixing eyes process and transferring rig to another bones set, skinning (weight) has been done from scratch (it's always done by hand). It's impossible to draw weight equally on two heads. That is why weight on the upper part of the head is a bit different from what the previous version (it can be seen now with a slight difference in shape). I have fixed everything you asked me to: to do a new skinning and redo the rig (rig to a new set of bones)and this is the one and only way to fix eyes issue you've been talking about. Mind that it is a very difficult process, it's not like taking a mesh and move it a little bit in a 3D program. That's why PLEASE, don't pay this much attention to it. We can solve this issue only two ways: return the old rig with eyes from the last version or use a new one with a good rigging and skinning and everybody is happy. Thank you! On the other hand, you pay 7,5k for three different head shapes which honestly are not useful in my opinion, because you can morph your head in an Oval, Triangle or Square shape...In meanwhile were brought out several deformer for some head parts like for the nose e.g..... What makes me unhappy is, that they now recommend after you have bought the complete package that you have to use the animation hud from older heads. For those who use it the first time, they will have to tp to their store, pick up a free head from the past as group member of course. And when I would continue, the best 4K skin of what they offer now is the GIA skin, all others look like old versions...but maybe I am blond and have no clue. But for me LeLutka is more handy, nicer face animations. Actually they brought out a new head, called sugar for the half price in a combination offer with the new Legacy pinup body. But it is all a question of personal taste. I will stick with LeLutka and Reborn.
  10. Update: Meanwhile I had a kind conversation with one member of their support team. Result: You have to use the face animation from older heads. Well its up to you to pay 7.5K for a Megapack of three heads and no well working face animation, what force you to use the face animations from older heads. This important point was missing in the whole advertisement story.
  11. GENUS Morph 4k Head and their face anims. A review about the package what you can/could buy at the skin fair of the year. The mega package includes 3 different head types like Oval, Triangel and Square. Several addons like ear-, lip, eye, nose styles...For those who have trouble with building an unique head shape might it be helpful. Is it a must have? I don't know, in my opinion not really, but its only my personal taste. What I would like discuss is the face animations. For my taste they are not really well done, my avatar rolls the eyes like she would be high. https://gyazo.com/1e2b34f5abe44a3bb1f6662256cdc94c The eye position is set to normal, the eye size also, the eyes are normal open. This is the look when the head is not animated. https://gyazo.com/31f2b751a24dceb552a52bc9916f5b96 The anims are not really friendly and I don't know why they haven't added selectable single animations. In my opinion is the head useless, especially for blogger but like I mentioned, my two pennies to this topic. At the end the head is too expensive for that what is really important and missing. In my opinion GENUS needs to improve this because LeLutka is much better in regard of the face anims. What is your opinion about?
  12. Hmpf.... my SL likes it colored today it seems... .have a nice beginning of the week fellows!🧐
  13. Yeah I thought the same but I googled her today and I think we are wrong...
  14. I can not help me, she looks like a Disney character.... 😄
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