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How does your avatar look today ?


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2 hours ago, JeromFranzic said:

I seem to favor sitting a lot lately in some of my photos. 

One last e-smoke for 2021... in the 1940s... heh. Good night and hopefully 2022 will be much better for all!


So nice and moody!!!

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2 hours ago, BranScanlon said:

Isaac? That jacket? It's INCREDIBLE! The glitter-gold background is such a great touch to bring attention all the way back to the foreground anytime your eye wanders. This is such a great shot!

Thanks Bran. Jacket and pants are from David Heather: "Richie blazer and slacks", sold separately. And the jacket really glitters in SL. Not sure if it's still available inworld though as it was released a few years ago. It's not on mp, I've checked.

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   The funny thing is, is that it appears that she is looking directly at the fireworks too. Almost as if thinking "2022 better not suck or I'm gonna shove this up its ass!" Know what I mean? Nice picture though... :D


P.S: Sorry, but this was in reply to what Bran said about Iggy's picture... :) Damn slow typing. On a side note though Marigold in the ever famous words of Jeff Dunham... what the hell?!?!? 😱

Edited by BjorJlen
See P.S. above lol
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25 minutes ago, BjorJlen said:

   The funny thing is, is that it appears that she is looking directly at the fireworks too. Almost as if thinking "2022 better not suck or I'm gonna shove this up its ass!" Know what I mean? Nice picture though... :D


P.S: Sorry, but this was in reply to what Bran said about Iggy's picture... :) Damn slow typing. On a side note though Marigold in the ever famous words of Jeff Dunham... what the hell?!?!? 😱

Yeah, it's all about context really. I had a prop doll I was on a sky platform with in a sandbox and I found I could rez a whole load of copies, turn them to physical, and they all fell off the sky platform onto the ground. Divil of a job clearing them up I can tell you. Meanwhile I teleported Ayeleeon in for a chat and to look at his beautiful eyes. 

This one would have been even more "what the hell".



nice eyes.jpg

Edited by Marigold Devin
Tip Bjor, use "quote" feature next time to avoid ambiguity.
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