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Best Mesh Male Body? Omega compatible preferred.


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I've been looking through the male mesh bodies recently and noticed there aren't that many out there compared to the female bodies. Unless you want to look like you're the Increible Hulk it seems the only options are either Slink or Adam. TMP looks like a headache and a half to try to understand, and I don't know how well supported Signature is. 

So I guess my question would be, can anyone reccommend the best mesh male body to go with if you're looking for a slim (maybe slightly built) appearance? Perferably something that's as universally supported as Maitreya and the other female bodies. Some good mesh head suggestions would be great too. 

I've been doing a little research since I tend to go for the goth/punk/alternative look, but most of the stores I buy from don't really mention any mesh bodies by name, and instead they supply it in standard sizing. I've also took a look at mesh addicts which is how I came across Slink and Adam. 

I don't know if it's the demo or the logo head I'm using currently, but Adam looks way off proportion wise. The head is so small and the body is huge with a tiny waist. Also, with Slink the body looks kind of blocky although that may be the terrible skins that come with it. 


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Before writing those two bodies off I would do some work on your shape. Those issues should be easily resolved since you can see where the proportions are off.

A tool like this:


or this


can help alot. Making your shape proportionate is not hard.

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In my opinion, Adam has the most realistic looking mesh body of them all you just have to tweak your shape and do not expect  the mesh body to follow your existing shape proportion. Also, try to rely on your eyes when editing shape. Mesh body is less complicated compare to system avatar shape editing since it has less editable parts. if you think the head is small with the default shape, why not go to edit mode and fix the head size? and for the tiny waist try lowering the width of your shoulder then following up by widening the body on the body tab. 

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I agree that TMP (the first) is a pain. There are quite a few designers making SKINS for male mesh bodies now (appliers) but honestly I have not purchased one yet as I haven't found one that I like enough.


There IS more out there for Slink (as in shoes and such) but the male clothing area is not one of the top ones in SL simply because most guys shop a lot less than gals. So the market is dictating a lot there. If you have favorite mensware designers then I would think you best bet would be to get a bunch of their demos AND the demos of the mesh bodies you are considering and try them out together. You could also got some demos of appliers for the skin thing.

Everyone is right and you almost always need to adjust your shape depending on the mesh body (gals and guys). So play around some more -- or wait for an epiphany male body *wink*. You can also buy hands and feet and not go around naked all that much and it pretty much solves the issue.  :D




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the Adam and Gianni are the most versatile mesh bodies at this moment. Most mesh clothes fit quite well, fitmesh ánd standard sized.

Of course it's not like applier clothes tight on the body, but that's pretty normal for mesh at standard avi's either.

Big +  is they both are omega compatible, easy skin appliers and clothes are more and more available

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LL is updating the avatar to include more bones (Project Bento) and mesh  will improve as a result.  However the creators will have to update their work and will probably NOT offer free updates due to the work involved in the update.

You can read more about this by searching the forums for "Bento".  This update is in beta now and will soon be released as a grid wide standard.

I would hold off buying one unless you don't mind buying another when Bento is the standard, or you will be satisfied with the current mesh bodies.

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  • 6 months later...

Absolut creations has updated the Adam head with bento for free!!

This was so generous. It is still no other animations than blinking eyes, but I am sure they will release a HUD for it, the female head is also updated to Bento for free, and one HUD with animations is released for it. So I am sure animations for the male head is a work in progress. The animations will not be free, but the price is not horrible. The female animations cost 450 L. We are warned that the animations will not look the same when we change the sliders. They are rigged to the original face.

I started with the included Bento shape and will change the body later.

I really like the Bento version of Adam. I didn't like the too big and wide eyes in the older version. I made them smaller, narrower and closer. The face shape with the rounder lower head/jaw is also really nice imho. The nose and mouth can need more work. I made one with narrower nose, one with wider nose and mouth. It is the skin too, you can do only so much with the skin shading. Work in progress.

Original Adam head to the lest, two Bento versions to the right.

Please don't look at the eyes in the old head... I didn't see that they were off. I adjusted the size and placement in the new head shape too.

If you are male and want to try a mesh head, run and buy it while it is in beta. 850 L is a steal compared to other heads.

It is Omega compatible, the Omega relay is only 99 L and I reworked the skin with tattoos myself, so it is not for sale.

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  • 3 months later...

While there are many biased haters. TMP has the best looking mesh body. Signature is getting there if they fix the fake abs, disproportionate biceps, and Hank Hill butt. SLINk is probably the least mesh looking to me. And the bend of the elbow is just sad.... I've only seen guys in the Adam mesh. That was enough for me to pass on that one. Body looks almost alien. 

Having said that. While TMP has the best looking avatar. Yes it's my opinion, but I've had people look at my avatars side by side, all but one liked TMP best. Even those who claimed it was not before I did a side by side. BUT!  TMP has terrible customer service. They were talking update back in November, still none. I honestly doubt they will get off their high horse. Seems more creators are dropping them. L'etre for example stopped making skins for them. 

I personally am waiting for the new Belleza male. Picture looked decent, and photo shopped haha. If you don't feel like waiting and seeing I'd go with the Signature. They are usually second in my unofficial opinion poll of people. And they update regular. They are Omega compatible. And I love the HUD. Being able to alpha the feet is worth a ton when it comes to shoes. 

I know I left out Aesthetic. It's way to bulky for my taste. Fake looking abs and skins are not good. But if you want the Hulk look it's definitely the one to get.. 

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3 hours ago, rswisher1980 said:

While there are many biased haters. TMP has the best looking mesh body

They do make a great looking body.  Best looking is entirely subjective but yes, I can see how many people would agree with that. However the hate comes from everything else that goes with trying to use it.  I could not recommend TMP in its current state.

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I wish I knew when the phrase "while many may disagree" became "while there are many haters". Somewhere along the line, we've lost the subtleties of disagreement and reasoned discussion and devolved into disagreement = hatred. (In general, not just regarding this post.)

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5 minutes ago, Annika Velde said:

I think I'm probably missing some but these are the ones I know of with my opinions.

most people seem not to know Jomo has a mesh male avatar too, it's really pitty that it's not using normal mapping or applier systems.. otherwise it would be a real competitor for the avatar range between gianni/adam and niramyth.

It has a real good look.




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Just now, Alwin Alcott said:


Oh wow. I have never heard of that body. I really like the muscle definition on it. The thing that sucks though too is that, a lot of the skin creators that I use for my husbands av (he doesnt play so its kinda become my alt) have specific appliers. Omega is great but sometimes it messes up and your kneecaps look like potatoes and you have extra toes.

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  • 7 months later...

I have Adam for my male model.

Right out of the box, "Adam" is a little too boyish and too long and too thin. You can, however, thicken up the waist a bit on the Adam mesh body and make the face look less boyish with a few tweaks to your own shape.

When I was done tweaking I liked what I had more than any of the other bodies Id tried. This was about a year ago. Hoping there are new things out there now. Preferably bento.

The biggest problem I have with Adam, which I was not aware of before purchasing, is in the HUD alpha layers section. You can turn off everything except the butt. The back of the waist and the back of the upper thighs also do not turn off when I click off the front of the body. The back of the body literally stops at the waist in the HUD. Most parts of the legs turn off front and back by clicking on the front. Im not sure why it fails with regard to the tushie. Even if it did work I like more control. I might not want the tushie turned completely off simply because Im trying to hide the package side of things. 

Because Adams creator has never responded to any messages Ive ever sent (in hopes it was a bug that could be fixed), Im off to find a different body that I can recommend to a guy friend. Im hoping "Slink" can be adjusted so that its less boyish as well. And that it has a proper alpha layer system.

Clothing is a HUGE problem with ANY mesh body you buy. You seriously MUST have a great alpha layer controller (male or female) if you want to wear any mesh clothing you already own. Otherwise, kiss all your clothes goodbye and limit yourself to purchasing all new clothing from the few designers who "may" cater to the body of your dreams. Me?  I don't like limitations.


Edited by Tenly
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1 hour ago, Tenly said:

TMP has a great body. TMP has a terrible shopping experience. I avoid it and hope someone else will come up with as nice a body and face, or that TMP will wise up and change the shopping experience (which is not likely).

this thread was peacefully sleeping for some time, and should still be

don't start about obsolete bodies please... it should be banned from the grid for the huge scam it is.


1 hour ago, Tenly said:

The biggest problem I have with Adam, which I was not aware of before purchasing, is in the HUD alpha layers section. You can turn off everything except the butt. The back of the waist and the back of the upper thighs also do not turn off when I click off the front of the body. The back of the body literally stops at the waist in the HUD.

If you have problems with a product ask in their group or contact the creator, putting this on a forum can damage a good reputation. for sure when others don't have that problem.

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Alwin Im sorry to hear that you were not interested in my experience with TMP and Adam.  I especially enjoyed the part where you personally felt people would benefit from you informing me that my experiences had no value for you or anyone else. Totally made my day! :-)


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I spent a year looking off and on before I found a mesh body I wanted for my female avatar. So, I did not assume that the original poster had found "the" dream mesh body in all of SL.

As I previously noted, I have Adam for my male model and also, a year later, Im still looking for something else. I have two male models. I like variety. And Im hoping for a better alpha experience. After another 6 hour search I came up empty due to an inability to match skins to head and body and alas perhaps my own ignorance when it comes to using Omega appliers.

The more people talk about something the greater chance creators may pick up on the topics and take what we are saying into consideration. People who care listen and care what you have to say even if its not glowing praise.

As for the timeliness of a response, I have threads I started myself that never once in all the years Ive been in SL ever got a response. And other posts which sometimes a year of two later got some helpful feedback. Granted I might have already found the answer, elsewhere in that amount of time. But I still appreciated the response because I know,  sooner or later, someone else is going to have the same questions that I did and or do. Like me they may have googled looking for an answer and like me found something leading back to the SL forums.

So if my ancient post gets a helpful answer a year or two later, and it helps someone else looking for what I had been looking for...I think thats fantastic!

Ive been around since 2004 with one avi or another. In my experience chatter and discussion in groups is often less productive than posting in the forum. The creator isnt often online and wont get the message or even see the chatter. You can send the creator a private message but that also is hit or miss.

While some creators like getting private messages. Most do not because they get capped. Most prefer a notecard but even that may get lost in their inventory or never delivered due to being capped.

Great support depends on a creator being open or receptive to criticism and or being helpful. You might assume the brightest most talented creators in Sl would all be receptive. Thats not usually the case.

Sometimes the creator it completely receptive but some of the little monsters in a group feel they need to speak for the creator and bite your leg off instead of offering supportive, helpful information. But of course that often happens in the forum as well. 

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4 hours ago, Tenly said:

Alwin Im sorry to hear that you were not interested in my experience with TMP and Adam.  I especially enjoyed the part where you personally felt people would benefit from you informing me that my experiences had no value for you or anyone else. Totally made my day! :-)


it has no value because every active player is beyond this stage. TMP is obsolete, it's simply old in design and age, and not supported ( never been) by a creator and development team.

Also Adam is a body that around for very long time. It's a good one, but talking sh*t about the huds, without contacting their support/groups is making your remark on this also quite irrelevant, it works for everybody, but not for you..

The problem with your post is just that. Way over time, and you add nothing new.


And keep your private messages out of my box please, i'm not interested in personal contact with you.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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