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Regarding Sansar platform, currently a creator of a breedable animal would love to see the ablity to animate a mesh object un attacted from the avatar with out having to use the invisinble prim option. To work similar to our animals that we currently use sculpties for.  To create a indepenant animated animal for avatars to interact with.  

Hope that makes sense.

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Clarify completely seperate from the avatar. Not attached to the avatar in anyway we have wonderful breedable animals that are a big source of the economy in the sl would.  That are very animated and take very little resources, is the new world Sansar should look at what is currently being done to not cut out this great resource and communities.

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  • 2 months later...

Regarding Project Sansar

Would Linden Lab be interested in making it possible for the genral public to reserve a desired username in PS for a fee ?I know that myself and many of my fellow SLer's would jump at the chance to reserve our usernames before the launch.


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Richardus Raymaker wrote:

Now that is intressting question !

Can people with only a first name , change or add a last name when the go to project sansar. But you can always make a new account and avatar in project sansar too. Inventory from Secondlife ou can not use anyway.

*shakes magic eight-ball*

LL have said that SL names will be transferable. My guess, and it is only a guess, is that account names will be less significant and display names (or the Sansar equivalent) more important. This is based on the whole 'world of worlds' concept that LL seem to be aiming at, where some names might not be appropriate for certain settings.

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Yes, its the 'new thing' out there, probably one of those soshual medja fads. Quite popular recently in politics where anyone expressing challenging the validty of claims is labelled 'elitist'. Shortform 'I don't need to actually prove stuff cos its what I think and you can't oppress me Stan' or something.

This years '1%er' meme probably. Latest incarnation -  brit referendum, also see - 'expert' as insult.

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"Sansar will require higher specs than SL, especially when using VR HMDs. At some point, someone's going to create a workable streaming solution, which will allow low-end systems to run experiences like Sansar. OnLive delivered the tech, but the business didn't work."


Higher specs than SL?? You do realize that AAA titles do not crush computers as hard as SL does right? I never understood it, will never understand it. Maybe you can help me to.

Why is the FPS so so so so so crappy? It doesnt matter if you are running a new Broadwell -e CPU with a Brand Newe Nvidia GTX 1080 founders edition on a 1080p monitor, its still rough goings and high fan speeds..why?

Perhaps LL could finally post the specs of what the perfect/ideal machine for running SL at any cost would be. Would we be better off with a CPU with high single core, single threaded performance or should we buy a 20 core Xeon with hyperthreading?

It's a bit of a mystery why the performance of a 12 year old game is crappier than a modern AAA that has so much more complexity, shadows etc. Please enlighten us all.


Pretend Im Joannie new girl, I want to come to SL..what are the BEST specs I can do for my machine? Will I get an average fps higher than 24fps with my 100mb download speed?

Sorry to rant but you said Sansar will require higher specs when the lates greatest  gaming rig you can build today still falls flat on its face in the FPS department in SL currently.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

To be honest, you sound exactly like Joannie Newgirl, because you don't understand what SL is and why it's different from the others. Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps.

No Phil. Once again you have demonstrated your own self-centered "truths" without the slightest consideration for what others go through. 24fps is not a sign of slow bandwidth, it is a sign of a video card that is older and cannot generate faster frame rates.

Not everyone has the ability to upgrade their video card just to obtain faster frame rates. The cost of the card .. only a few hundred dollars (in USA money) to you .. is the cost of a month's worth of food or medicine or possibly even rent to others. Your surplus of cash is YOUR surplus .. but for some of us it is more than we can spare because we have needs of higher importance.

So get off your high horse. Consider that others do not have the luxuries you have .. and try to be more understanding of those without your benefits. You just might find that compassion for others is a virtue that can serve you well.

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Don't be so silly, Darrius. Alright, he needs EITHER faster broadband OR a better graphics card.

Please note that I was not critical about him needing something better. I was critical about him not understanding SL. Also note that you were critical of me because you failed to understand a perfectly simple, short, English sentence. So get off your high horse and read what's in front of your eyes.

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This thread was created so people could post questions for a question and answer session with the CEO that took place a long time ago.  The CEO only rarely posts on the forum and may not even see your question.

You can't compare standard AAA games with SL, a virtual world that changes constantly.  It's like comparing apples to oranges.  They are both fruit and round, but that's where their similarity ends.

Other games have static content designed by professionals who know how to optimize everything.  They can download the content on your computer and it's there so the only thing that changes from what is already downloaded is the characters movement.  Occasionally a set may be changed or added, or a character can add something or change appearance once in a while, but again it's easily downloaded once to your machine.

SL content is made by all kinds of people, most who don't know how to optimize anything.  In addition, content changes all the time on tons of sims, so it can't be all downloaded at once.  It has to be downloaded just about every time you go to another sim unless you go a to that sim a lot,  haven't cleared your cache, and nothing has changed on the sim.  In addition, characters themselves change all the time, not only because of the number of people in SL but a lot of those people are changing clothes, skin, hair, bodies, even the kind of avatar they are.

Technology in SL changes constantly as server software is upgraded environment is improved and new things, such as mesh, are introduced.

It is these very things about SL that gives it the appeal it has for so many people. 

Your internet service can have a big effect if it can't handle massive downloads at a high rate of speed.  You can also have the best and fastest internet but a poor connection to the SL servers.

If you are only averaging 24FPS on a high end new computer, its time to take a hard look at your internet and/or connection.  Also, if you run wifi, change to an ethernet cable. 

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JayWaters wrote:

Sansar will require higher specs than SL, especially when using VR HMDs. At some point, someone's going to create a workable streaming solution, which will allow low-end systems to run experiences like Sansar. OnLive delivered the tech, but the business didn't work."

I'm sure I must have read that response back when this thread was current, and I admit I missed the tone of this response, specifically glossing over "especially when using VR HMDs...." I mean, we all knew all along that Sansar is intended to be designed for use in HMDs as well as conventional displays, and we've all seen the machine specs for running anything in the Oculus, so nobody should be surprised that those users will need pricey machines that can double as space heaters.

And to be honest, we don't know if the HMD market will ever grow to a size worth serving at all -- it's certainly not yet living up to the hype of six months ago, but it's early days still.

Meanwhile, though some of us had been hoping that with all the wacky content pre-optimization stuff that Sansar is going to require, it would also run acceptably on current high-end mobile devices: flagship smartphones, Chromebooks, newish tablets, etc. (Yeah, yeah: plugged in. Battery tech is still a problem -- even for some HMDs.) But this sounds as if LL is still putting all its eggs in a mythical streaming, server-side-rendered solution provided by "someone" "at some point."

That's unfortunate because we know the mobile market is huge and real, unlike the so far disappointing HMD market.

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JayWaters wrote:

Sansar will require higher specs than SL, especially when using VR HMDs. At some point, someone's going to create a workable streaming solution, which will allow low-end systems to run experiences like Sansar. OnLive delivered the tech, but the business didn't work."


Higher specs than SL?? You do realize that AAA titles do not crush computers as hard as SL does right? I never understood it, will never understand it. Maybe you can help me to.

AAA titkes are optimized and made by highly paid developers.. SL was made by a guy with a dream and EVERYTHING you see was made by someone just like you. None of it is optimized to run a PC at the highest fps. Usually they were made by people that have no idea what they are really doing. Using 12 1024x1024 textures on a freaking ring that can barely be seen but drains a PC to near death.

Why is the FPS so so so so so crappy? It doesnt matter if you are running a new Broadwell -e CPU with a Brand Newe Nvidia GTX 1080 founders edition on a 1080p monitor, its still rough goings and high fan speeds..why?

Define crappy... I get around 30-50 on my GTX 650 with consistant 25mp to Tuscon. Where do you live? What is your speedtest result to

Perhaps LL could finally post the specs of what the perfect/ideal machine for running SL at any cost would be. Would we be better off with a CPU with high single core, single threaded performance or should we buy a 20 core Xeon with hyperthreading?

Because it all depends on where you are and what YOUR IP specs are. Someone in Tuscon AZ with a mid garade PC will usually get a whole lot better useage of SL than someone in the UK.


It's a bit of a mystery why the performance of a 12 year old game is crappier than a modern AAA that has so much more complexity, shadows etc. Please enlighten us all.

Because those games are optimized by the creators. There is zero user content and if there is any it is optimized as well. In SL you can have a 1024x1024 texture on a freaking ring that is so small you can barely see it and a 128x128 on a house. The ring will slow you down so much more than the house you CAN see.

Pretend Im Joannie new girl, I want to come to SL..what are the BEST specs I can do for my machine? Will I get an average fps higher than 24fps with my 100mb download speed?

I highly doubt you are getting 100mp speed to the SL servers...

Sorry to rant but you said Sansar will require higher specs when the lates greatest  gaming rig you can build today still falls flat on its face in the FPS department in SL currently.


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Phil Deakins wrote:

Don't be so silly, Darrius. Alright, he needs EITHER faster broadband OR a better graphics card.

Please note that I was
critical about him needing something better. I was critical about him not understanding SL. Also note that you
critical of me because you failed to understand a perfectly simple, short, English sentence. So get off your high horse and read what's in front of your eyes.

Oh, I read it Phil. I read ALL of your posts. I read how you use subtle language and disparaging remarks to slam others. You do so from a self-proclaimed position of technical expertise. And when you are bested, your arguments fall apart because you don't bother to consider the ENTIRE argument, you redouble your personal attacks.

I'm not being silly Phil, I'm being the HONEST that no one else seems willing to be. Now I challenge YOU to go read your own posts ... read them carefully .. and see for yourself how you deride and insult others.

So STOP IT! Limit your comments to topic. EDIT your replies before you hit post and strip them of personal derision.

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You really are being silly, Darrius. Apart from the fact that I do have technical expertise in some fields (programming and search engines are relevant here - not self-proclaimed - actual fact), my arguments don't often fall apart and, if they do, I say so. Only yesterday I admitted an error when it was pointed out.

Ok, so you read my posts. In that case, try to understand them. The one you picked on this time was perfectly good. The post you chose to critcise was accurate in its entirety, and the specific sentence you chose to criticise wasn't even slightly critical of anyone, and it was accurate, and yet you criticised me for it. It seems like you are waiting for something to find fault with, but you chose the wrong thing on this occasion ;)  I write plenty of things that can be found fault with but the sentence in the post you chose was not one of them :)

I don't know why you've suddenly taken a dislike to me. Maybe you are still smarting at my search engine expertise when we were both doing it here and you were a novice. Maybe you didn't like anyone being better than you, or knowing a lot more than you, especially since were selling your (lack of) expertise and I was not. I don't know. What I do know is that your post that I'm replying to is garbage. But I'm sure you know that :D

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is a pretty interesting interview with Mark Zuckerberg in which he gives his views about where Facebook is going over the next 10 years

it covers quite a lot of the subjects you raised Qie. About what FB are doing in areas like hi-speed data, VR, AR and AI

is here on the Verge: http://www.theverge.com/a/mark-zuckerberg-future-of-facebook


the interestings for me is that Mr Zuckerberg thinks that VR is easier to do than AR. So he says that FB will do VR first before AR, while working on AI in parallel.  That also for VR/AR/AI to work effectively then hi-speed data is critical. So is interesting to see how much they are pouring into pure research

interesting also is his observation that the ownership of the hi-speed data transfer systems is not something that he sees as necessarily something that FB does itself. Is more important to him (and FB) that there are hi-speed systems, and that everyone in the world can connect to the internets at the lowest possible price to them the customer

Mr Zuckerberg also floats the thought that FB may just end up opensourcing their research when their scientists/engineers have shown some viability for the subjects of their research. Given that FB is about content, and not data transfer/movement as such in itself

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It looks like you've realised that you made a mistake but are afraid to admit it. You're losing it, Darrius :D

But in case it's useful, allow me to refresh your memory. JayWaters had requested to be treated as "Joannie new girl". So...

In my response to JayWaters, I wrote,"To be honest, you sound exactly like Joannie Newgirl, because you don't understand what SL is and why it's different from the others. Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps." You quoted that but only talked about the "faster broadband" sentence. You correctly suggested another possible reason for the lowish framerate. So far you were doing ok. It was a good and sensible reply.

But then you lost the plot. You proceeded to tell me that not everyone can afford to upgrade their video card (which you had suggested as the solution to the problem, not me), and told me to get off my high horse because not everyone can afford to upgrade their video card (your solution, not mine) and generally berated me for my lack of "understanding" and "compassion" for even suggesting it - which I didn't. You did. I'm actually wondering if you were drunk when you wrote it, because what you wrote didn't make any sense at all

Your argument has been "bested", Darrius. Will you admit it?, attempt to twist your way out of it?, or just quietly slink off into the background? :D

Honestly, Darrius, you really do need to read, and understand what you read, before rushing to put your foot in your mouth.


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It's easy for you to attack me personally Phil, and that's all well and good. You can claim I'm "losing it" to your heart's content as well. But you have yet to defend yourself by quoting your own words to prove to yourself and others that you do NOT attack others by calling them names, belittling them with personal slights, demeaning comments and an overwhelming tendency to adopt a sense of superiority.

Do I need to quote how you called me inferior because I don't know anything about SEO, and yet I helped many achieve higher ranking in Search .. and you did nothing more than call me a failure? While you helped only yourself? (Yeah, I do ...)

Yes Phil, if one were to believe you, they might arrive at the conclusion that I know zip about SEO. However once they see the larger truth, they would see that I helped many others gain sales, improve their incomes and did absolutely nothing except help many others of my fellow community members accomplish something they needed. While you withdrew yourself, claiming your own technical expertise .. and giving only yourself an advantage in a selfish, morally bankrupt show of self-aggrandisement.

My record, my customers, my friends don't need to add their support for me Phil. But perhaps you should consider your own "contributions" to the community. while you should consider how YOU look to others

Phil Deakins wrote:

You really are being silly, Darrius. Apart from the fact that I do have technical expertise in some fields (programming and search engines are relevant here - not self-proclaimed - actual fact), my arguments don't often fall apart and, if they do, I say so. Only yesterday I admitted an error when it was pointed out.

Ok, so you read my posts. In that case, try to
them. The one you picked on this time was perfectly good. The post you chose to critcise
accurate in its entirety, and the specific sentence you chose to criticise wasn't even slightly critical of anyone, and it was accurate, and yet you criticised me for it. It seems like you are waiting for something to find fault with, but you chose the wrong thing on this occasion
  I write plenty of things that can be found fault with but the sentence in the post you chose was not one of them

I don't know why you've suddenly taken a dislike to me. Maybe you are still smarting at my search engine expertise when we were both doing it here and you were a novice. Maybe you didn't like anyone being better than you, or knowing a lot more than you, especially since were selling your (lack of) expertise and I was not. I don't know. What I do know is that your post that I'm replying to is garbage. But I'm sure you know that

What I "know" is that your post .. the one I replied to .. was once again couched in terms that made the person sound like a fool. Not that they were, they simply posted what they thought was a possible reason. Your words COULD have been a polite disagreement (as others did). But instead they once again sounded like a personal attack with no useful content.

Phil, I was not silent because I was "wrong" .. that is once more your assumption that you are more right than anyone else. I simply took my time to handle my own personal needs, RL needs not personal ego needs.

As to why I have suddently decided to take issue with you. TBH I am sick of watching you slam others only to post in ways that stroke your own over-blown ego. I am, for reasons you will never fully comprehend, DONE with allowing you to execute egotistical "takedowns" with no purpose that helps the wider community. I am done being "nice" to you. Especially when "nice" is a moral ground you have never employed yourself.

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I'm in blue.

Darrius Gothly wrote:

It's easy for you to attack me personally Phil, and that's all well and good. 
I didn't attack you out of the blue, Darrius. I responded to your attack on me, which surprised me because I haven't seen you attack me before.
You can claim I'm "losing it" to your heart's content as well. But you have yet to defend yourself by quoting your own words to prove to yourself and others that you do NOT attack others by calling them names, belittling them with personal slights, demeaning comments and an overwhelming tendency to adopt a sense of superiority.
Again you're wrong. You made the accusation, so it's up to you to prove it. It won't be difficult though because I do attack people who attack me first - such as you did in this thread. But the blame is with you, not with me.

Do I need to quote how you called me inferior
Wrong. I didn't call you inferior, even though you were is seo terms - VERY inferior
because I don't know anything about SEO,
Wrong again. I didn't say that don't know anything about SEO. I said you were a novice at it, and you were when I said it. Maybe you still are, I don't know.
and yet I helped many achieve higher ranking in Search 
they paid you for it. It's not like you did it out of the goodness of your heart
.. and you did nothing more than call me a failure? 
I didn't call you a failure. Show me where I said that if you think I did.
While you helped only yourself? 
I helped everyone - FOR FREE. You'd need to check the archives now, but before you were even twinkle in the search engine's eye, I wrote pretty comprehensive details of how to achieve high rankings in it. They are still archived if you want to see them. What I didn't do is charge people money to do it for them. You did that even though you were a absolute beginner
(Yeah, I do ...)

Yes Phil, if one were to believe you, they might arrive at the conclusion that I know zip about SEO. 
I haven't said anything about what you know now. But you were a novice at the time we're talking about. Incidentally, SEO means a Search Engine Optimiser, seo is what you mean - search engine optimisation.
However once they see the larger truth, they would see that I helped many others gain sales, improve their incomes F
or money. I know.
and did absolutely nothing except help many others of my fellow community members accomplish something they needed. 
I know. You did it for money. I do have a memory, y'know
While you withdrew yourself, claiming your own technical expertise ..
I didn't withdraw. I was never 'in'. I was running an extremely successful business and I didn't need, or have time for, anything else. Nevertheless, nobody needed seo services. All they had to do was read my public posts, which are still there to this day.
and giving only yourself an advantage in a selfish, morally bankrupt show of self-aggrandisement.
Lol. You're funny
  Of course I gave myself an advantage. That's what seo is about - gaining an advantage. People paid you to feed their "
selfish, morally bankrupt show of self-aggrandisement
" as you call it. And you yourself fed your own selfishness by charging people money for what they could have read and done for themselves if they'd read my public posts. Why did you charge them money instead of simply pointing them to my posts, or to my website, or to wherever you found the basics of seo? And you call me selfish? LOL

My record, my customers, my friends don't need to add their support for me Phil. But perhaps you should consider your own "contributions" to the community. while you should consider how YOU look to others
Oh, I don't need any support, Darrius, and I don't need to consider any such thing. I am very happy with the way I look to others. If I weren't, I would change things. After all, I was voted in the top 3 most popular forum posters a few years ago. I didn't see your name as having any votes

To summarise so far:
You attacked me over something that you wrote yourself, pretending that I'd written it. It's all still here in the latter stages of this thread. I pointed your mistake out to you but you've chosen let it slide and not admit it. You haven't argued back - you can't, because it's there for all to see, but you can't bring yourself to admit you made a
mistake. So I attacked you for something from the past, and this is where we are. The above part of this post comprises you saying things that aren't true, and me correcting you. You haven't even claimed to have known anything about how to do seo when you started here a few years ago. It's clear that you disliked my expertise (at that time), because you, a rank beginner, decided to sell seo services, and thought you were something. You probably learned some of it from my website (a top seo site at that time), without knowing it was me. In that site, I taught everyone who cared to read it how to improve their search rankings - FOR FREE. Heck, you were even told by LL's search manager that I was your superior in that respect. Not in those words, but that's what you were told - and it was correct.


Phil Deakins wrote:

You really are being silly, Darrius. Apart from the fact that I do have technical expertise in some fields (programming and search engines are relevant here - not self-proclaimed - actual fact), my arguments don't often fall apart and, if they do, I say so. Only yesterday I admitted an error when it was pointed out.

Ok, so you read my posts. In that case, try to
them. The one you picked on this time was perfectly good. The post you chose to critcise
accurate in its entirety, and the specific sentence you chose to criticise wasn't even slightly critical of anyone, and it was accurate, and yet you criticised me for it. It seems like you are waiting for something to find fault with, but you chose the wrong thing on this occasion
  I write plenty of things that can be found fault with but the sentence in the post you chose was not one of them

I don't know why you've suddenly taken a dislike to me. Maybe you are still smarting at my search engine expertise when we were both doing it here and you were a novice. Maybe you didn't like anyone being better than you, or knowing a lot more than you, especially since were selling your (lack of) expertise and I was not. I don't know. What I do know is that your post that I'm replying to is garbage. But I'm sure you know that

What I "know" is that your post .. the one I replied to .. was once again couched in terms that made the person sound like a fool. Not that they were, they simply posted what they thought was a possible reason. Your words COULD have been a polite disagreement (as others did). But instead they once again sounded like a personal attack with no useful content.
I'll repeat it. YOU attacked me, Darrius - on a personal level. It's in message 237 (your post) if you care to see where this thing between us started. If you hadn't done that, this wouldn't be happening. PLUS in that post you made a statement about the video card,
and then criticised me for it
- for what you wrote. You wrote it, Darrius. You screwed up.

Phil, I was not silent because I was "wrong" ..
so you don't yet realise the huge error that you made? Wow!
that is once more your assumption that you are more right than anyone else. I simply took my time to handle my own personal needs, RL needs not personal ego needs.

As to why I have suddently decided to take issue with you. TBH I am sick of watching you slam others only to post in ways that stroke your own over-blown ego. 
I don't have an overblown ego, Darrius. I do have some experiences and expertises, which once in a while get mentioned because one or other fits the discussion. You may not like that I have expertises, and have done some significant things in life. If it makes you feel inferior, the problem is in you, not me. Perhaps you are comparing me to you, and don't want to believe that I have done the things I occasionally mention. I don't know how old you are but it's easily possible that you are half my age or less. I am 71. I have had a lot of time to do plenty of things, and gain a fair number of expertises in my life. I've probably had a lot more time than you. If you find you have an inferiority complex because of me, and try to escape it by believing that I can't possibly be what I say I am, feel free. It's your problem, not mine.
I am, for reasons you will never fully comprehend, DONE with allowing you to execute egotistical "takedowns" with no purpose that helps the wider community
you mean like charging them money for your help? lol
. I am done being "nice" to you. Especially when "nice" is a moral ground you have never employed yourself.

Don't forget that I published, for free, the way that anyone can improve their SL search rankings. I did that as soon as LL acquired the GSA. I also published for free the way for anyone to improve their search rankings in the world's search engines. Yes, I had clients for whom I did seo because it was my profession/livelhood, but I still freely published the way of doing it for all to see. On the other hand, you acquired a little bit of knowledge, possibly even from my website, and decided to make money on it here in SL by selling what you'd read - your 'expertise' - to SL users. Which way did you say that the moral compass points? :D

One last thing. It's something I've said through the years. I never attack anyone in the forum unless they attack me first. But I do retaliate - and I'm very good at it. You attacked me first, Darrius, in message 237. That's why I'm showing you up in these posts. I say "showing you up" but that's probably not true. I would be showing you up, by highlighting all the untrue things you wrote, if people actually read it all, but I think that's unlikely.

If anyone is interested, all they need to do is read your message 237, and see how you accused me of something over your video card statement - see how you switched things to criticise me for something that you said, not me - you even quoted me not saying it in the same post lol.

So get over your inferiority complex, Darrius. It doesn't do you any good, and it certainly does you harm.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

To be honest, you sound exactly like Joannie Newgirl, because you don't understand what SL is and why it's different from the others. Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps.

No Phil. Once again you have demonstrated your own self-centered "truths" without the slightest consideration for what others go through. 24fps is not a sign of slow bandwidth, it is a sign of a video card that is older and cannot generate faster frame rates.

Not everyone has the ability to upgrade their video card just to obtain faster frame rates. The cost of the card .. only a few hundred dollars (in USA money) to you .. is the cost of a month's worth of food or medicine or possibly even rent to others. Your surplus of cash is YOUR surplus .. but for some of us it is more than we can spare because we have needs of higher importance.

So get off your high horse. Consider that others do not have the luxuries you have .. and try to be more understanding of those without your benefits. You just might find that compassion for others is a virtue that can serve you well.

Nobody is going to read those last 2 long posts, so I thought I'd narrow it down to this. I've quoted the first post in this thread between us. This is where it went wrong - where you wrote some disparaging things about me personally. So let me ask you about it.

The sentence of mine that you responded to is, "Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps." The very first thing you wrote was that I have my "own self-centered truths". That immediately made it a personal attack, and it's why you got yourself into the hole you're in now.

Ok. This is what I want to ask you. I only mentioned bandwidth. You suggested the video card, and said that not everyoine can afford to upgrade it, plus that MY surplus cash in MY surplus - referring to the cost of a better video card. You went on to tell me to consider that others don't have the luxuries that I have, and I should be more understanding, etc., and that I should have compassion etc. - all referring to the cost of ugrading the video card - and that I should get off my high horse. So tell me Darrius, what was it in my "Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps." statement that implied that others may not be able to afford an upgrade their video cards? and that showed a lack of understanding and compassion?

Please answer. I'm genuinely curious.

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