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Viewer-Managed Marketplace Beta


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I got this notecard today....   Clearly I submitted a ticket.   I can not add any new marketplace entires until this is sorted out.  I contacted live chat on the off chance they could at least let me know when i would get a response.  no luck...  June 20th LL may delete over 1000 of my listings ( none are older than 2013 )  You may have this issue too.. if you have over 5k listings. 


the notecard reads: (since this is not a cut and paste of am IM)

The Second Life Marketplace has launched a new feature into Beta called Viewer-Managed Marketplace (VMM). The move to VMM will involve an automatic migration of all Merchant store inventory to the Merchant’s main inventory, and this will begin no earlier than June 20, 2015. VMM will allow you to easily manage your inventory on the Second Life Marketplace using the Second Life Viewer. For more information on VMM, see the blog post: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Commerce/Viewer-Managed-Marketplace-Beta-Launch/ba-p/2926002.

Due to the large size of your store, we encourage you to please review your current listings and remove any that are stale or out of date. Our goal is to get your store down to a maximum of 5,000 listings.  If you are unable to bring your listings down below that level, we may need to perform a clean-up of your store before it is migrated. If we perform a clean-up, we will remove any unlisted listings from your store and return that inventory to your Received Items folder inworld. If you still have more than 5,000 listings in your store, we will then remove any listings that have not had a sale within the past year and return those inventory items to your Received Items folder. Additionally, we will return a report to you, at your request, with all the applicable details on your listing (name, description, price, etc.)

We are letting you know ahead of time about this plan so that you may delete listings manually to 5,000 or less before June 20, 2015, when we will begin clearing out the unlisted and not-recently-purchased items in your store. If you have any problems deleting your listings, go ahead and unlist them, and we'll delete them as part of the migration process (and return the inventory to your Received Items folder).

Thank you for your support of the Second Life Marketplace. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback by filing a support case (https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/) and choosing Marketplace Item Listing Issues.

The Commerce Team 


Update 5/30 - Did see a response on this ticket about the 5k limit.  the ticket has been forwarded to another department. 


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go ahead and unlist them, and we'll delete them as part of the migration process (and return the inventory to your Received Items folder).

Commerce Team ??? 


1 more .... 

Hello LL
1. … Before you make changes… at least first solve ALL Marketplace BUGS!!
. I got many problems with Listings, SecondLife Marketplace Database Errors and Marketplace Database Lag .
. Marketplace Search is a PIDA.
etc etc …

2. … Before you make changes… at least MAKE A NEW WIKI !

Help resources

Merchant help wiki https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193

Discussion forums
Terms of Service
Fee and Listing Policies
off : Seller's handbook http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Power-tips-for-sellers/ta-p/700187

Where is the NEW WIKI ???

also :
In other languages:

Can you first solve ALL BUGS ???

Thank you

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So if an account is blockedfrozen for a credit card issue or governance suspension -- will their sales be stopped? If there is a service issue --say a script needs to be redone-- who will service the item?


I am sad that older mainly free items that are historic and sometimes with scripts, very useful, will be removed from sale if the owner has passed away or left SL. 


Or did I miss something?





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hi there, first of all sorry for my english; I  am "merchant on mp, for gacha items, so non copy ones.... I watched the videos, of course, but as english isnt my native language.. I missed things I guess.. I have problems, cant associate other items... windows opened, but dont change... cant make a quick fill if I have some items of th same kind... and I admit, (maybe I do something in the wrong way, ) its very long..

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Listing the items is easy, it takes a lot of time to transfer the items from the magic boxes to this system but after that it's a lot less work, I'm happy with that.

Since a few days the viewer crashes a lot and gives me this error every time I open it: The transaction with the marketplace failed with the following error: Reason: 'STATUS_EXPIRED'

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You need to state what TPV you are using so that others can see and advise.

I generally use Firestorm and I can confirm that once I used the official viewer to transfer my items and then went back to Firestorm, the correct folders appeared in Firestorm and all was good.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I was always told we shouldn't tout another viewer in the forums

Red rag...bull ;)

I can't use VMM yet, it requires the LL viewer and that gives me a headache, yes, a real physical headache.  I don't know whether it's the layout or the colour scheme or typeface but after little time, my head pounds.  I happily use Firestorm.

(I can't say i've ever heard such a claim to not discuss other viewers, there is a general theme of not posting links to other similar virtual worlds but that sort of guideline is common.)

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I only use the LL viewer for the VMM. My understanding is it will be in the next release of Firestorm. The others will be following since MP will be migrating everyone over whether they want to or not. I keep the LL viewer on my puter to check for problem replication as well since LL will blame any problems you might have on a third-party viewer if you aren"t using the official viewer. 

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Looks great cant wait, and so easy to update.

Will finially get all my things up in the market looks like ;-)

Any idea when about looking like fully done?

Guess will have to upload the Lindon lab viewer see if is there.

Eventually hopefully comes to firestorm as well.

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First of all: I love the idea... selling streight from your inventory.

However: The only difference I see so far is, that instead of sending the items to the MP site and managing the listings there you now manage your folders in your Viewer. But the management of the listings still takes place on the website. So how exactly is this viewer-Managed Marketplace?

I mean if it is viewer-Managed I would presume that you can handle everything in the viewer. Sort of like the Preferences settings of objects in your usual inventory. only here you would see the entire list from Title over description, prices, keywords....

Right now it looks like the same thing but instead of actually sending it is sits in a folder in your inventory. And you can switch out objects in folders a little easier.

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Zero Upshaw wrote:

So how exactly is this viewer-Managed Marketplace?

Whoosh, this question goes straight to the "too difficult" basket.

You're right, VMM just replaces merchant outbox and completes the inabitlity for Direct Delivery to deliver limited permissions items.  It doesn't bring anything else.

*stuck record*

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just curious... Why do you make your items no copy? Making them no mod, no trans would easily solve that problem and is almost always acceptable per content creators TOS. Customers might appreciate that more as well. Some things people like to save a boxed back up copy in case of accidental deletion ect.

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Is the VMM Second liife viewer compatible with windows 8.1? I downloaded this new viewer for windows but had 4-5 error messages about .dll files and i can NOT get this viewer to even sign on. I even took out all past second life viewers and tried a clean install. It hangs up when trying to log in at Loading world.......... What do i do? Pls im me (or email  awildrose2u@yahoo.com) if you have a solution. I can get on Second LIfe with Firestorm just fine.

The reason I am frantic is suddenly 1/2 of my breedables inventory in my Xstreet box is not synced up with marketplace.... This happened during the last 2 days. I think it may have something to do with this Migration. It was there just fine, all in sync....and then they weren't! Some of these breedables are very very time sensitive with sales prices? What a mess! I was trying to get the VMM viewer up to see if I could resolve the issue that way.

SavageR0SE Resident

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SavageR0SE wrote:

Is the VMM Second liife viewer compatible with windows 8.1? I downloaded this new viewer for windows but had 4-5 error messages about .dll files and i can NOT get this viewer to even sign on. I even took out all past second life viewers and tried a clean install. It hangs up when trying to log in at Loading world.......... What do i do? Pls im me (or email  awildrose2u@yahoo.com) if you have a solution. I can get on Second LIfe with Firestorm just fine.

The reason I am frantic is suddenly 1/2 of my breedables inventory in my Xstreet box is not synced up with marketplace.... This happened during the last 2 days. I think it may have something to do with this Migration. It was there just fine, all in sync....and then they weren't! Some of these breedables are very very time sensitive with sales prices? What a mess! I was trying to get the VMM viewer up to see if I could resolve the issue that way.

SavageR0SE Resident

Sorry to hear that Savage. There is seriously not much you can do until tomorrow morning. Back in the day, LL used to do software updates on Thursdays. We, the merchants, started bitching because time and time again, there would be a problem, and the Lindens were all at home for the weekend. Weekend after weekend we kept losing sales cause of LL's bad updates. A bunch of us demanded that they never put software updates out on thrusdays or fridays, but rather monday or tuesday were better, because then they had all week to fix any problems. I have no idea why they decided to start these migrations on thrusday, but again we see why doing this is pretty moronic. Besides, they really didn't let anyone know. LL posted a blog in the commerce section, which no1 will ever see unless they go directly to that commerce section. I mentioned it, and of course, they did nothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Branwen Thespian wrote:

What if you Don't use the SL viewer since  in the past its proved more of a pain then other Viewer like Firestorm How will this effect  those merchants using  thrid party viewer  and don't want to lower thier quality of the view by using SLviewer?

Very simple. You just be patient. The FS crew is busily working the code into their viewer. I have things to put up on the Marketplace and have friends that do also. It IS the middle of summer so it isn't like we are in the hot sales time **wink**.  


I am keeping a list of things to put up on a sticky note. When the new FS viewer comes out, I will add those items to the Marketplace. 


There are other viewers that you can use NOW apparently. Those are listing on the FS blog.


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There are a number of features in Firestorm that I use almost every time I log into SL.  Those are missing from the official SL viewer.  The SL viewer also has a chat box that I really cannot use - and so I do not use it and just set myself to busy and ignore any chat that comes in.  Why the SL viewer has only the one chat box option I have no idea.  There are also two other TPVs that I use for different things because they have features that Firestorm do not.

A number of months ago, as my earlier posts on this thread show, I decided to migrate my store myself and not wait for the LL computers to do it for me.  It took me many hours but was also a very good exercise because I was able to update a number of items, remove outdated notecards and LMs from folders, and gave me a good excuse to prune my store and get rid of many (over half) old items.

This I did using the dreaded official LL viewer, something I had not used for many years and so felt like a noob again.  However, chat box aside, it took only minutes for me to set up what I needed and then start the migration process - including some new listings.  Dreaded viewer?  No way, it was as easy to use as any.

If you prefer to use a TPV you can do so. If you have new items to list then yes, there are TPVs that will let you do this whilst we wait for Firestorm to be updated, but why not use the official viewer?  You do not have to use it for your day-to-day SL experience if you do not wish to, simply log in with the LL viewer to attend to your business then log out and log back in with your favoured viewer.  After all, if you are listing new items or attending to your business, you are not likely to be tp'ing around or socialising or partying or exploring. 

There is nothing to fear from using the LL viewer, but make sure you download the correct one - I am not sure if the Project Managed Marketplace viewer has been integrated with the normal LL viewer or if you have to download that separately.  I am sure someone else will have this information.


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After trying out the new viewer managed marketplace on no copy items my verdict is that is HORRIBLE, just awful!!! you guys have only made it more cumbersome and WAAAY more TIME CONSUMING than ever to list no copy items...the problem you see is i have to take a photo of each no copy item and put a description, and in order to do this i must drag the item to and from inworld from the marketplace window folder ( which is so many folders to sift thru to find the darn thing it accidentlly gets put somewhere it shouldnt be often times which doesnt help since i have a slippy track pad mouse) I sell breedables btw and i also have to click on the item to copy paste it's stats into the description feild, you guys have basically created a bunch more extra steps i have to do sifting thru the folders within folders to pull out the item then return it to the right folder so i can list the item is MUCH much harder than when i had just the magic box to organize my things, with the magic box i simply had to throw the items in all at once then associate them online in the marketplace then go back to the magic box drag one item out at time then put them back in before the marketplace even knew the item was missing from the box, it was soooo  much easier!!!

 I have already tried listing over 100+ items and it now takes roughly twice as long to complete my tasks now, you guys have unfortunately made it so much more work for me to sift thru these folders and only be able to list a thing one at  time from the viewer, it makes me sooo livid, it could be ruining our ability to work with any ease, i cant even list my breedables for sale in a timeframe that actually makes it worth my while, by not leaving the option for us to use magic boxes or somethign as auxillary and as simple as magic boxes you have basically costed me time which = money....GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!  

I guess now my only option is to try and take photos of the hundreds of breedables i own and keep track of the photos and a copy of its stats in a text file ,  probably by catalouging them with names or numbers with the coordinating stats and photo so i can easily find them on my own computer when it comes time to insert them in the ad, it was so much easier before to not have to do this and it was so much quicker to take a photo inworld without having to name or catalouge it , and ad it to the ads as i create them, esp since i dont have the computer space to keep all the photos and i usually throw them away immediately ,if only there was a workflow that could make it easier than this, this is just too different and complicated than before, so many extra steps each little thing may only take an extra second or two sum may say but it all adds up in the end tremendously, very irritating!

 My best advice is you guys try and keep simplicity in mind it can go a long way, and try to incorporate some kind of  drag n drop uploading of photos from inworld maybe? at least that would save me from having to do it from a browser cause even though i can run a browser inworld it is still very cumbersome to keep switching windows like that. and the folder within folder thing would only appeal to big brained rocket sicentist types, which i am NOT for the most part...I am an ARTIST type, you might want to try appealing to your opposites at sumpoint, cuz if we are happy and we make money...guess what...so do the rest of all of you!!!!!

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  • 6 months later...

I had Viewer-Managed Marketplace downloaded to my computer for a while. My computer had recently crashed. I was able to download SL again but I can not find where to get the download for Viewer-managed marketplace. I really would like to get it back. I loved it lol made thing easy. I have been working on a few things to put in market and they are now ready. Is there any way that the download link can be sent to me again?

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ElonahLynn wrote:

I had Viewer-Managed Marketplace downloaded to my computer for a while. My computer had recently crashed. I was able to download SL again but I can not find where to get the download for Viewer-managed marketplace. I really would like to get it back. I loved it lol made thing easy. I have been working on a few things to put in market and they are now ready. Is there any way that the download link can be sent to me again?

The viewer-managed marketplace features were merged into the default viewer and Firestorm some time ago - you can just use the current viewers.

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  • 3 months later...

Can you please add the option to searh for certain permissions? Like if i want full perm i would love to not have to sift through 37 pages of other stuff. Would make everything a LOT easier!!! Thank you for your hard work on this!!

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