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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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21 minutes ago, Josephine Carissa said:

Rhonda brought breakfast so here is some desert : )

Are those Soapapillas Josephine?  Stop teasing us before lunch hehe looks yummy😀

Happy Caucus Day here in Minnesota!


We are holding a Presidential Primary on March 3rd but still like to get together with our neighbors and complain about the cold weather😁





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey friends!  Doing well here.  Working my regular job even with the lockdown and social distancing.  We're currently not open to the public,  but animals need to have clean areas, be fed, and get enrichment. 

I find I don't miss the public at all 😀 I hope everyone else is able to make the best of current situations. 

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Happy Thursday fun seakers! Remember to keep your distance from each other for now and to wash your hands often!  Take a look at the picture of a woman fueling her car. This is why I have always wiped down public things. Just saying folks don’t stop once all this craziness dies down! I mean she’s getting deep up in there! Don't forget folks! Wash your hands. And in this case wash them twice!










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5 hours ago, Hippie Bowman said:

Wash your hands. And in this case wash them twice!

Good advice Hippie, I think I saw that lady on I-95 north of Fredericksburg.

Breaking Bad Heisenberg and Jesse Hazmat Suit 1:6 Scale Action ...   To handle these type situations I was able to pick up some surplus hazmat suits from Breaking Bad TV show😁  Stay safe everyone!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Happy Thursday everyone! I trust all are well and covid-19 free. I just read a sad thing. The passing of Uccello Poultry. She passed from the covid-19 virus. The following is from the Bay City Post. 

This April, less then a week ago, Uccie replaced the real world for the Big Grid in the sky.
I can not imagine the pain and hurt that her partner, her family and her closest friends are feeling. My thoughts, our thoughts, are with them.
Events went very fast. As a pixie, she suddenly appeared, sending out messages, just before she went to hospital, where she passed away. All within a week. The day before she passed away she wrote a message for us all. "There's so much I haven't done. Go out and do it for me."
Uccie used several alts, or characters, as she corrected me. Most of us know her as Uccello Poultry, she also used the characters Xandah and Zyx Flux. Probably more, I don't know.
We know her as cheerful, enthusiastic, open, energetic. Immediately you would feel at ease with her. You know you could trust her.
Without much hesitation she would speak about her real life and the difficult moments she has encountered. A wise spirit in a young body.
How she would show up was unpredictable. Mostly human, but also a cat, a dog, a mouse, a crazy chicken, a mime, a dragon, a hand or a mermaid. Lately, she was blue.
She was here to do things, from the day she rezzed, she was always busy with something. Uccie is on a mission doing things for the Teen Second Life® grid, the Isle of Lesbos, and the Second Life Birthday. For Bay City she took care of the Marina, cleaned cars during the Hot Bay City Nights, and represented Bay City as Miss Bay City 2014.
As a reporter for the Bay City Post she did interviews and teased us with hiding at unexpected places.
Her love for moles also helped very much during the annual Mole Day in Bay City.
Many times she protested the "no mimes" policy at The Pen. She did this, silent, outside the club when events took place. Even when she joined the police, as a mime, she was not able to change that policy.
She loved taking images, for the feed, her blog and for Flickr. A bit shy, she posted her first "topless tuesday" picture -- but her shyness was soon overcome. Though of course, walking all day in the open remained a challenge, specially during meetings on G rated land!
There was a sudden departure more then a year ago. Uccie had vanished and gave no reply. Not long after came a statement from her on the feed on why, and then it became silent again. We had to live without Uccie knowing she was busy in Real Life. Secret and cunning ways (HAM radio?) were used to keep some of us informed. I was out of that loop, but knew it was there.
Then COVID-19 rudely took her life. In her fight for life, she disabled our Second Life. Login was impossible, as she snapped an Internet cable when she went. That's the way to go Uccie!
In a way, she was lucky. While most have died (will die) alone by this horrible and unfair virus, her brother and guardian could be with her. She was not alone.
She is loved by many. Proof is on the Second Life profile feed, Twitter and in the comments on her last article in the Bay City Post. I am sure she has read it all.
I am feeling a bit helpless towards her partner and her brother. I wish I could do something but no idea what. Except perhaps write this, from the heart.
Read her last Bay City Post article and remember what she wants us to do. "There's so much I haven't done. Go out and do it for me."
Missing you.
Rest in peace Uccie.


Edited by Hippie Bowman
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Good morning Monday everyone stomach is growling from Josephine's photo

On 5/2/2020 at 10:23 AM, Josephine Carissa said:

It's time for some relaxing coffee and some breakfast

Not sure if thunder Or just my stomach growling - Futurama Fry ...

Also saw 2 pairs of Bald Eagles down by the river, it's that time of year😁

image.jpeg.179b16a514b9fd6862d625a6cb0dd1f7.jpegBald eagle pair in Hays welcomes second egg | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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12 hours ago, Clover Jinx said:

Yep, can't wait for another full nest.

Thanks for sharing the eagle cam Clover😀  For many of us we did not know grow up seeing bald eagles except in zoos because of DDT.  In 1963 there were only 417 reported pairs of bald eagles in the lower 48 states, making a huge recovery after DDT was banned to over 11,000 pairs in 2007 when it was taken off the endangered species list.  Attached is a map that has all 48 lower states pairs numbers in 2007


The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for Feb 20, 2018 | Comics ...

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Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!

I took my first bike ride of the year on Saturday, 40 miles. My bum is still tender.

There was a stiff breeze most of the day and the raptors were loving it because they can face into the wind and hover over the buffet table. I saw dozens of hawks, falcons, turkey vultures, and I think a pair of bald eagles. I usually see the eagles when the winds are steady out of the east, because they can ridge-run along the Lake Michigan bluffs. I've seen them ride the updraft for tens of minutes, covering more than a mile of shoreline, without ever flapping a wing. We're back in the freezer now, with frost forecast for Saturday morning. It looks like it'll be a few weeks before I'm...


Edited by Madelaine McMasters
Comma reduction act of 2020.
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