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Facebook Targets SecondLife Avatar Accounts, Again!

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Yes, they're doing it, again!

After a long period of the (jerks) behind Facebook, turning a blind eye to people creating and using Facebook Accounts for their SecondLife avatars, Facebook is once again deactivating accounts due to lack of IDENTIFICATION.


EDIT TO ADD: (From Facebook)

To regain access to your account, we need to validate some basic information, like your birthday, with your ID. Your ID must clearly show:

    Your name
    Your birthday
    Your photo

You must provide one of the following:

    Driver's license
    Birth certificate
    High school ID card
    Notarized statement confirming date of birth
    Any government-issued ID

I protest!

I REFUSE to give anyone the ID that owns my Miss Shannon.

So, Facebook users BEWARE......you're probably next!

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Facebook is a way to turn people into money, and avatars aren't people.

You're cutting into their billion-dollar profits and they have no obligation to allow your data to travel on their wires.

I'm not surprised that they're claiming this is for age confirmation, it's the only situation where most jurisdictions agree identification can be requested. Clever Matrioshka Brain! :robotlol:

Recommend you send fake ID and laugh while they try and figure out legitimacy.

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Why so suprised?

Facebook was always against fake accounts of every kind and that includes accounts made for SL avatars as well. The only reason why some people keep having fake accounts for a long time is that they haven't been caught yet. The internet is full of guides from people who give advice on how to create a believeable fake account.

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Facebook is a way to turn people into money, and avatars aren't people.

The magic of Google... is knowing that there is more money in Marilyn Monroe than Norma Jean Baker. And that nobody cares about some dude named Sam Clemens... That 50-Cents is worth a lot more than Curtis Jackson, and 'Snoop' brings home the bacon while Calvin Broadus remains unknown.


Facebook fails at its own mission.

And speaking of snoop... The other Snoopy... is an entirely virtual avatar that makes money hand over fist. And if you want to save money... there's a little talking Gecko out there who can set you up...


But... Facebook is a hasbeen that is very slowly moving aside.

Its not so hip anymore - but its has a LOT of dead weight holding it there.


Facebook's problem is context collapse... the inability to seperate out that you'e into 'teh furry sexy time' from your role as a banking executive or middle school coach... or even the more mundane of having the pictures of your cat and kids being up there next to your business meeting with a client at work... kind of makes it difficult to use for a growing number of people who realize that the time and place for something is not ALWAYS.


Facebook should have stuck with its original mission of being a sex-hookup site for college students... That's really the only place where you need the real-life pics and info...


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They've been targeting profiles for pets for some time. The pet profiles are people pretending to be their pets online or profiles specifically about their pets.

About 4 years ago, they deleted my 14-year-old son's account because they said he was not a real person due to his name. I won't say what his name is but it is a common Scandinavian pet's name. His profile was linked to his dad's and my account as our son and we had multiple photos and references to us as a family. It took 6 months of constantly asking and trying to get his account reactivated before they finally told us why they deleted him. They refused to reactivate his account.

Some people have had their profiles deleted for having pictures of their pets instead of themselves as their profile picture. All of their information, including their real name, is accurate. There is apparently software that FB runs every now and then that identifies these accounts and deletes them without warning.

I have a few pet profile friends who have had their profiles moved to Pages instead of profiles, but the vast majority have never gotten an explanation as to why they were suddenly deleted.


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Shannon Danick wrote:

Yes, they're doing it, again!


After a long period of the (jerks) behind Facebook, turning a blind eye to people creating and using Facebook Accounts for their SecondLife avatars, Facebook is once again deactivating accounts due to lack of IDENTIFICATION.


EDIT TO ADD: (From Facebook)

To regain access to your account, we need to validate some basic information, like your birthday, with your ID. Your ID must clearly show:


    Your name

    Your birthday

    Your photo


You must provide one of the following:


    Driver's license


    Birth certificate

    High school ID card

    Notarized statement confirming date of birth

    Any government-issued ID

I protest!

I REFUSE to give anyone the ID that owns my Miss Shannon.

So, Facebook users BEWARE......you're probably next!

Why are people shocked facebook is doing this. You are not allowed to have a fictatious account there. You can argue to you're blue in face. SL AVATAR NOT REAL and unless you link the two... hush and just make a new one.


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I stopped using facebook.

It's nothing but a sales/promotional device used by businesses to push their products. Local news anchors always sound like they're begging when they say "Like us on facebook" or "win $500 if you like us on facebook. Some lucky winner will get $500".

Plus I found it to be a hodge podge of kitty shots and political leaning in one central location. Instead of emailing that picture of the cat hanging from a bar captioned "Hang In There" to all of your friends and clogging email servers, like spam that says I just won $1M in some faraway country, I just have to pay some small fees.

I think facebook is going the way of MySpace.

Sure, millions may have signed up but what's the current number of users (key being users)?

If facebook wishes to eliminate SL avi accounts, that is their perogative.

It'll probably come back and bite them.


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There is a blasted button in the viewer(s) that we use for Second Life that links your avatar acount to facebook, so it honestly makes no sense whatsoever for Facebook to be deleting avatar accounts. 

They don't lose money from avatar accounts, if anything they make money off of some if not all of them when the person buys credits to play games, etc.  Such silly rules and restrictions, everyone knows that sometimes you have to rethink your original idea or plan in order to stay viable, if you can't do that then you may as well start counting the days until your extinction.

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Facebook is a way to turn people into money, and avatars aren't people.

Total rubbish. Avatars have spending habits. Even if you use a pseudonymous account for everything you do on the internet, that pseudonym still has spending power, purchasing patterns, etc. All the stuff that data-scrapers want and abuse. So the argument that pseudonyms are anathema to corporate monetisation of the internet fails at the first hurdle.

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I must be in the small minority of SL users that feels the exact opposite. 

I hate hiding behind my alter ago. I like people knowing my real name (I changed it in SL to Liz Gallagher) 

I LIKE the fact that people I engage in conversation and debate on Facebook are real people with real names and real photos of their real face because for the most part people are more accountable for what they say (write) in Facebook and "think" before they start bitching and attacking.

That's not to say that Facebook never has online public arguments lol quite the opposite. I have had more arguments on FB with family members! Again, I put this down to people are not looking you in the eye in RL. Even with a real name and ID it's so easy to slam our fingers down on a key board as we hide behind the PC monitor in the safety of our homes with a locked door.

I don't like the way online socialising is going. You sit in any waiting room and people no longer make eye contact, they all sit there staring at their smart phones sending texts (sms) or leaving comments on FB, My Space, Google etc

Long term, this can only lead to lack of social interaction and worsening social skills. 

Humanity is so very ugly online. YouTube comments as an example. It doesn't matter what the video is about, a Dachshund swimming or politics, people are full of hate and rage against other people who they have and will never meet or get to know in person.

Call me and old woman but I think the future of humanity is bleak if we continue as we are.

BTW I realise this post is kind of a contradiction :D 



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Obviously. :matte-motes-asleep-2:

My point wasn't that avatarian/pseudonymous accounts had no value (''cause that would be undermined by 100% of my SL experience) , just that they had no value to Facebook. Pussycat more properly expanded on my intent, please read her post.

Disagree on failing at the first hurdle too, unless you have some way of telling SpandexPants McSexSlave from Snoop Doggydog. And unless you can convince advertisers to market to either. At some point the difficulty of monetising becomes higher than losing <1% of the userbase to failures to provide ID - it's an easy choice so long as you're the #2 timewasting activity in the world.

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ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

that is interesting, just yesterday Google announced that they are doing the opposite, and dropped their requirement for a "real" name entirely;

Yeah, this may prove interesting, long term. Obviously Google+ is never going to be much of a social network in the Friendster / MySpace / Facebook succession, but it has become a set of identity tools woven through Google properties, so this change may matter for some products and services none of us can imagine are on Mountain View drawing boards.

(Meanwhile, it's anyone's guess whether Facebook is really targeting nyms for some purpose or just having an accidental enforcement spasm.)

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AND today, I get THIS in my email from FaceBook:



We're writing to let you know that your account has been disabled for not representing a real person, and it can't be reactivated.

Facebook is a community where people connect using their real identities. This means your account must have your real name and birthday. For more information about these policies, please review the Facebook Community Standards......."


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I 100% do not believe this crap at all, and am assuming if you DID lose access to your FB account that you just got hacked and people are trying to get information out of you. Facebook will never ask you for a form of ID, and they do not ban regularly used FB accounts. Why wouldnt they want the website traffic?


My RL family members who are aged 50+ who do not want a real facebook account but want to play FB games, made fake FB accounts, no pictures, no real name, no friends, just so they can access some of the parts to the iPad games they have. They have never received crap like this, and I think you have this 100% wrong. This reminds me of those stupid fake posts that are like SHARE THIS OR FB WILL CHARGE $5 A MONTH.


SL facebooks arent getting deleted. They never will. If they ARE getting deleted? Its someone hacking your account and deactivating it. Sorry but I am calling 100% BS on this seeing as how I know people who have been using fake accounts/SL accounts for years and I keep hearing these rumors yet it happens to nobody. I dont buy it, and I dont believe facebook is asking you for pictures of your ID just to get your account back.


You got hacked.

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LillyBeth Filth wrote:

I don't like the way online socialising is going.

Then why continue participating?

I'm always amused by people, such as yourself, who seem compelled to criticize people's online behavior at any given opportunity, yet can't bring themselves to extract themselves from the very environment which they seem to find so very toxic.  There comes a point where I can't help thinking that such negative critiques simply serve the critic with the opportunity to erroneously paint themselves as somehow morally superior to the steaming masses of inferior tripe with which they are forced to interact.


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"I 100% do not believe this crap at all, and am assuming if you DID lose access to your FB account that you just got hacked and people are trying to get information out of you. Facebook will never ask you for a form of ID, and they do not ban regularly used FB accounts."


You are sadly mistaken and possibly jaded. This was authentic, as my log in page on my facebook account defaulted to the "your account is on hold....verification is required" page. I was not hacked. Facebook DID ban my account, because I refused to show them my real life ID to prove I was over 13 years old.

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