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If you're trying to make this avi for rp don't make your boobs bounce you'll just look like a freakin idiot and nobody will rp with you.


If you wantboobs that don't look like polygons, get mesh boobs. Be aware it's a pain in the ass to buy clothes for them.


You're better off just making your girl a B cup and saying to hell with it.

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Bouncing is avatar physics. Done right it can feel natural. Done wrong its comedic...

Shape is with mesh boobs. The default avatar is distorted at all sizes - a bit lumpy. A good skin can make that harder to notice... and if you stay clothed its a non-issue (thus why I lack mesh boobs on this account. I got them for my faun alt).


Unrigged mesh boobs will lack any bounce. And only come in large to monsterous... And tend to be pricey (1750L for the popular Lolas).


Rigged mesh has bounce, comes in 'normal to huge' sizes, and ends to be lower prices.

Normal sized options: vstring petites, Tiny Things Gummies, and tatas. Check them while viewing your avatar from behind... some of them 'peel off' of your avatar when you move and can be seen right through when this happens...

Large options in fitted... vstring, and two others I don't recall.



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The avatar boobs can look just fine up to about 60 on the sliders. Any larger than that, you start getting odd peaks. The lolas/lush/vstring are mesh that take some work to look good. They don't have t be overly large. The tangos can be shrunk down to fit a petite, in fact. However, you do have some restrictions in clothing.

Personally, you'd be better off staying with the SL avi and keep the sliders below 60,. Take a look at the demos for the avis I make and you can see what I mean.

From your name and picture, I'm figuring you're a male in RL. Don't make the mistake a lot of males making female alts make by making an avi with large boobs and ass. It's usually, but not always, a giveaway that it's a male driving the avi. Instead, go with a nice balanced avi and skip the boobs for now. Spend your money on a good skin, hair and wardrobe. 

Be sure the skin has Slink appliers and use your money for the Slink casual or elegant hands and the medium feet to start with. The SL default hands and feet leave much to be desired. If you use the appliers that come with most of the good skins these days, you'll have a perfect match.

Good luck.

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If you just want to add bounce to your boobs Firestorm has a free set of presets on the Marketplace.


If you want to make your own, here is a bit of a technical discussion about what the settings do:



ETA, these have nothing to do with the prim boobies Pussycat referred to, only your Ava's boobs.


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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

The newer releases of tangos as well as the lush and vstrings come with bounce now. Just an FYI.

Sure about that for tangos?

That update must have happened yesterday - because my alt still lacks it.


I have my avatar's size dial at 48, and find the default avatar looks bad even when at that size, and gets worse when I go smaller or larger... But my avatar is generally clothed so this has been a non-issue for the past few years...

My faun is currently using the 'tatas' because they are the most like the default in shape - just seem to round the curves better with less blocky bits... so if she puts on a top there is no suddenly 'change in volume or dimension'. Most of these things come with lines of 'applier based clothing' but that clothing is usually system clothes plus the applier and I only wear mesh clothes on my avatars.



I know some men on female AVs who set the dial to flat... and some women on female AVs who use attachments twice as big as the head... This forum about 2 or 3 years ago had a regular poster I used to get into very heated arguments with who had had her RL self altered to be 'inhumanly huge' proportions and wanted an SL avatar of the same - she was a major figure in the community first developing or developing demand for... these props. And is possibly why only recently normal sized versions have just begun to show up.

Many things peple assume are a 'tell' one way or another really just show the presumptions of the viewer... I recall assuming that person on the forums a few years back was a male for some time...

There actually are RL women who get enlargements there... Its kind of a thing in some places... /shrug. They should all have to meet my friend with back problems... who had a bad back before she was 30... but that's another topic...


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

The newer releases of tangos as well as the lush and vstrings come with bounce now. Just an FYI.


I have my avatar's size dial at 48, and find the default avatar looks bad even when at that size, and gets worse when I go smaller or larger... But my avatar is generally clothed so this has been a non-issue for the past few years...


I think my avatars breasts look more than just ok the way they are and far more like what what you see daily, compared to the Lola breasts, which have kind of an extreme shape and always let you look like you refuse to wear bras. At least I just saw avatars with them, where it currently reminded me of something like that.

But for other brands its even harder to find suited clothes...and mesh is often completely impossible to wear. And it would be odd, if my breasts would look different on my avatar depending on being naked or in clothes. Until now I have prefered to invest in mesh feet and pretty shoes for them. :smileyhappy:

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

The newer releases of tangos as well as the lush and vstrings come with bounce now. Just an FYI.


I have my avatar's size dial at 48, and find the default avatar looks bad even when at that size, and gets worse when I go smaller or larger... But my avatar is generally clothed so this has been a non-issue for the past few years...


I think my avatars breasts look more than just ok the way they are and far more like what what you see daily, compared to the Lola breasts, which have kind of an extreme shape and always let you look like you refuse to wear bras. At least I just saw avatars with them, where it currently reminded me of something like that.

But for other brands its even harder to find suited clothes...

Compared to Lolas yes. Compared to itself - I don't like it. Take off your skin and look at it from various angles, Look in wireframe mode. Its blocky - lego-like (but not that severe). Its not smooth and rounded.

Almost every current brand works with the same appliers that lolas do.

But yes - the difference in wearing clothes and not when your wardrobe is all mesh is extreme. The new 'tatas' though have the same overall shape as the normal bosom - but with more roundness and better smoothed polygons.

And being fitted - shape dials work on it.


Up there on the bounce issue... A few months back lolas added scripted bounce. But this is not avatar physics bounce like all the current brands have. Rather it is just rotating the entire prop on a timer - if for some reason the script shuts off in mid bounce, your bosom will be away from your body, attached only at the top where the rotation axis is... And that can happen anytime you change animation in mid cycle to something the bounce cycle is not timed with - like going from walking to sitting or standing...

And of course, the rotation itself looks rather silly compared to avatar physics. It was better than nothing - but now it looks dated.

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

The update was a few months ago. If your purchase was over 6 months ago, you need to contact the maker and get the update. It wasn't sent out automatically but had to be handed out manually.

That's scripted rotation. Not avatar physics bounce.

All the new brands have avatar physics bounce as they are fitted mesh. Its VERY different.


This whole conversation feels like I'm talking out of time with people who haven't checked what's come out since February when fitted mesh hit...

Everyone else is mentioning old issues (size / shape) or outdated concepts (scripted bounce, and lack of good applier support).

Folks should go check all the current products before coming back in here...

In the last 2 weeks a half dozen new options have popped up - with normal sizes, avatar physics, applier support, response to shape sliders, and more...

There are a lot of new problems with these new products... but that's why I feel I'm in a time-travel thread here... Instead of noting those new problems, people are mentioning older solved problems.


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My avi's breast are the standard avi breasts, not mesh. I have adjusted the sliders so they will look like my real breasts. So they are not just realistic, they are just like my real ones. (very small, but, according to my hubby, cute :) )

For me, I have no real need for mesh breasts. As long as an avi's breasts are not extremely big, the standard breasts are ok.

However, I imagine that a male RPing as a female wants boobs larger than B cup. So maybe mesh boobs are better in that case.



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I have to chime in now, because I'm sick of reading over and over that the mesh breasts are for males in female avi's. I have mesh just about everything lol, the boobs, the azz, hands and feet. I prefer them because they're more aesthetically pleasing to me, no matter how you adjust the sliders the structure of the standard avi is just off. It bends weirdly and stretches in odd ways when you move. The breasts are just prettier in my opinion, the meshes I mean, and the freaky painted on nipples have always bothered me. I don't spend a lot of time in SL naked, but when I am, the mesh boobs just look nicer. 


edited because I had no idea how to spell aesthetically lol :D 

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Thank you. That's my point.

I used to be an SL nudist on this avatar, but not anymore. That's sort of my faun now, except she just sits in my home in constant 'edit shape' mode...

I have an artist's eye - and when the boobs are not round, when they bend poorly or not at all, when the nipple is painted on - it bothers me.

How many guys would be satisfied having their "tool" represented with a flexi cone (not even cylinder, but cone)? Many of them might not have the artistic eye to notice how off that would be... But for those who could see the chewed up distortion - even if they were clothed 99% of the time, it would bother them.


How many of us buy mesh feet and hands because the built in ones are that bad... Well look at your built in boobs closely - they're worse.

Good quality skins can hide the structure flaws from many angles - they sure do that for your butt and shoulers as well. But then you turn to the side, cam from above or below, and you notice that you are looking at a beautiful painting on a 2x4...

- If I'm going to get nude... and I'm going to pay 1000-2000L for a beautiful skin... I want it to be presented in all its possible curves.

(Yeah, I'm a bit of a freak about the body's looking "right" - thus I have a proportion guide, thus I used to write bad reviews of Daz3D's Vicky models because I'd notice flaws in the poses people only use once in a blue moon... because I like my art to look right. I wasn't alone in that. A lot of people were happy with Vicky 1. Many were happy with Possette. They're up to Vicky 4 last time I looked a few years back - because other artists were even more particular than me.)


PS: One reason I'm not too into the 'nude in SL' scene anymore is when I go to places I start seeing how horrible the SL avatar is when you don't have mesh clothing over it... Not about fat or thin, but blocky polygons I can see... and a frustratingly beautiful skin on it trying to hide those flaws.

- Well that started things... but over time and a religious conversion sent me on a different path. I have no objections to nudity / sexuality - but its kind of just not the scene I represent anymore. :)


I'm also still not happy with any of the fitted mesh choices... I see things are getting better - especially for people that want normal size, but I'm hoping more competition pushes the bar a bit more...


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The wowmeh mesh avatar body is worth considering. It is still early days and only a handful of places support it, infact of the 3 skin makers I have tried who support it only Deetalez have managed to get the nipple texture where it should be. But it is fitted mesh boobs, butt, torso and legs all together so no unsightly gaps that no matter what I do I always see with the other butts.

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Fitted mesh bodyparts is moving in very fast now. The Wowmeh, I have that one along with lots...lots of other mesh parts. I think the Slink body is going to take a serious part of the market, because I take for granted that it will be an almost perfect fit with the Slink Hands and feet. (I say almost because SL is not perfect, plus graphic cards and other unknown factors)

It is a release from Belleza coming up. While Slink show an perfect realistic female body, Belleza goes toward "SL-estethics" and show exaggerated leg length and shortned arms and torso. But this might be on puropse, to sell to the huge market who prefers this type. The fitmesh will of course respond to the sliders, so it is more a matter of how the creators market their products. It must look attractive to the market they want to sell to.

Neither of those two are in sale yet, but they are close enough to post teasers. A mesh body you can compare with Wowmeh is the Lena Lush from Kitties Lair. This one has not got as much spotlight as the Wowmeh.

I already think my Lolas and mesh butts like Cute Azz is going to collect dust in my inventory. The next thing I wait for is fitted mesh bodies for men. Mens shapes is worse then females... the shoulders, the arms, the back and shoulderblades! Oh, horror. All my avatars and alts has mesh feet and hands now, but every time I look at the naked default bodies, I can't help thinking about how fantastic it would be with a new avatar shape from LL with more polygons or even the mumber of polygons we have, placed better. How good it would be to not have all those parts and appliers.

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Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

At the present (my opinion can change), I prefer the avatars breast as they are.  They are something that needs to be addressed, that part of the Ava needs more vertices's to reduce the blockiness when you zoom in on them, especially if someone has grown them to DDD proportions.  But on the other side of life who spends all their time zoomed in on boobs?  I'm certainly a very big breast lover but I don't.

Now I haven't examined everything that is available and I know the selection is growing but leaving aside the overinflated Lolas my main objection to the mesh breasts is this:  All the mesh breasts I am seeing are styled like over sexualized Vargas Girls (NSFW)  and seeing them everywhere is less real than what we have with the current Ava.

I'll agree that there will be some men in SL for whom seeing them everywhere will fulfill their fantasies, but they certainly don't fulfill mine.


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I tried a lot of them. Some demo and originals.

For me the nicest boobs are still those of a classic avatar, no mesh. A well made b cup together with a good skin and shape and natural physics is still the best.

As it comes to mesh I find the wowme body together with a deetalez skin applier the best.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Not always the best guage.

When there are technical flaws in something, there are flaws in it.

Look at the default bosom from the side. Its a hexagon of polygons. You can at the right angles, see three flat panels at 30 degree angles from each other.

That's just bad 3D modeling.

No excuses can be made for it in terms of aesthetics - only in terms of 'low poly video gaming to function on the low end computers' of the 1990s, when SL was in development...

It fails artisticly as it has an improper level of structure to support needed detail for a high focus area of the model.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Not always the best guage.


Best guage of what? 


Pussycat Catnap wrote:

When there are technical flaws in something, there are flaws in it.

Look at the default bosom from the side. Its a hexagon of polygons. You can at the right angles, see three flat panels at 30 degree angles from each other.

That's just bad 3D modeling.

No excuses can be made for it in terms of aesthetics - only in terms of 'low poly video gaming to function on the low end computers' of the 1990s, when SL was in development...


By that standard texturing with out materials fails also.




Pussycat Catnap wrote:

It fails artisticly as it has an improper level of structure to support needed detail for a high focus area of the model.


It's not failing artistically.  It may be failing to meet your needs as an artist.  But it's not carte blanche failing artistically.  No more than objects textured with out materials automatically fail.  All of them at a certain level of detail are going to fail. 

Your logic flow is going like this:

I am an artist ----> I know what the human body looks like ---->  SL Ava's do not look like this---> SL Ava's are wrong.

You may not like the way the default ava looks the same way I dislike Lola's.  But that does not make them wrong nor "unartistic" 

I am in agreement that the low poly ava we have needs to be fixed, that it needs more vertices's, etc, so we can be more artistic with it.

But on the other hand, the number of artists who are producing incredibly stunning art using this "unartistic avatar" is quite high.  If you have any doubts about that, take a stroll through the Vanity Thread.

Just because something does not meet what our sense of proportions says it should be does not make it wrong nor unartistic.  Otherwise, let's just all of us start throwing out all our Picasso's.


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I'm not talking proportions there.

I'm talking polygons being visibly obvious and a round object rendering on screen as a polyhedron.

That's simply objectionably inferior from what it should/could be on current graphical technology. It was even poor 3D modeling in 2003...

While it is not too noticeable when viewed from front on, and in particular when a well done texture is applied over it, from any angle you can see the 'bumps' where the flat polygons meet.

This IS an artistic failure when it gets in the way of good art. Yes some images turn out very well - others need to be touched up or simply not produced.


Lolas is not relevant here, that is NOT what I am contrasting. That one specific product is just that - one specific product. It has its own flaws, but that is not relevant to this point. I'm not exactly a fan of Lolas either - but again that's not relevant.



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