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Happy 10th Birthday to SLers past and present

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I came across an article about SL’s tenth birthday and just couldn’t resist making this post.

Though no longer an SLer (and haven’t been for maybe a couple of years now), I did have a good old romp through this virtual world for several years on and off, initially as an ever-more glamorous and well-dressed young lady, and, when I got bored with her cartoonish perfection, as the elderly and much less elegant (but to me much more amusing) Carole who posted regularly in these forums.

Life – my own real life, I mean – has morphed a fair bit since I first joined SL (actually, I’m not too sure when that was – maybe 2007? something like that, anyway), and over the last couple of years I’ve been very much focused on my non-digital reality, working hard at my job, and concentrating on other types of creative projects in my free-time. So no, I did not end up in jail, and I’m certainly not dead. And nor did I resuscitate one of my alts or make a new one/s. I just gave up.

However, I have many fond memories of Carole’s capers, of nice/ generous/  fascinating/ weird people ‘met’ here, (plus some really nasty ones, truth be told) and of some gorgeous digital places and objects created by some amazingly talented people. All in all, I had a blast.

My own contributions to this digital world were dramatically more modest, and, to be honest, consisted mostly in poking a bit of fun at some of the clichés which seemed to be at the foundation of SL ‘society’. There were times when I did more foruming than SLing, and in those periods I probably managed to annoy a good number of people with my pompous walls of text about ‘serious’ subjects, or my Brit-nit-wit posts which amused me endlessly, but probably set eyes rolling all over the place.

Actually, this might be a good opportunity to apologise if I ever offended your sensitivities over your fairy-dom / Dom-dom / polygamous-latex-badger-dom lifestyle. If it’s any consolation to you, I took a lot of stick over being the old dame, Carole. Some people never could accept that anyone would voluntarily choose such an avatar (I used to regularly come across people who thought I’d been obliged by some mysterious Linden edict to have an avatar ‘just like me in real-life’ – though why only I should fall under this rule they were never able to explain to me).

On the other hand, there may be nobody reading this who actually recognises me – in which case, it’s proof that both lives – first and second – are transitory affairs.

Anyhow, warm greeting to any old-timers who might remember me, and to the newer SLers – have a blast.


Happy Birthday SL

 Carole F.








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I recognize you from the forums, Carole!  I enjoyed reading your posts and it was kind of you to come back to wish SL & SLers a "Happy 10th!"

*Resists the opportunity to bemoan once more not having received a Happy Rezday email from LL for my recent 6th*

I'm also now in the position where I spend more time on the SL forums than I do in world.  Perhaps it is the "Way" of SL.

Great to see your post!!

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Well, well, well, look who the cat dragged in!

I've been watching the news for you, how disappointing you've not ended up in jail.

My fireplace hasn't been the same since you visited. The resulting smoke damage required the sim to be taken out into the back yard, hosed down and aired in the sun.

On behalf of all you insulted over the years, particularly my latex badger, I graciously accept your heartfelt and long overdue apology.

Please express my sympathy to all those who experience you in RL.


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Not sure what made me look at the SL forum today, since I rarely post here now, but what a delight to see you Carole.  

Of course you're remembered, and rather fondly, I might add.   If you can recall your login, drop by that other forum too....the  cacophonous one, and give them them (us) all a wave.  Although, I suspect there some be might irked to find that they lost the betting pool, since you're both alive, and not in jail. 

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@ Celestial and Maddy, I don't think it was a cat. Quoting Carole: "Many of us still have our faithful cats, but I have to say, they’re slowly being supplanted by black Labradors in popularity, which is a bit of a shame, as having a sloppy, salivating dog as your similar isn’t, I feel, ideal."


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Loved or hated...I doubt there are many that have been around for a while who could truthfully say they'd ever forget ya..name or face.

Always loved reading your posts, offensive or not. But to be honest, anyone who takes an offense they've read online and carries it with them long term, deserves the sack of bowling balls it hangs on their shoulders anyway.

Nice to see your name around, eve if you aren't. Also glad to see life treating you well, that's always a good thing.

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Happy SL 10th Birthday to you, too, Carole! It's funny you should post today; just yesterday I saw a necro-post to a thread I'd missed when it was active, and reading through it I found posts from you, Void, and Eloise Bailey. Void doesn't visit here any more, although she's still in SL. Eloise left SL, probably for reasons much like yours.

Like everyone, I always enjoyed your comments and threads. You are definitely missed, but I'm very happy to hear things are going well for you. All the best :-).

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Seems it's old home week - or maybe a high school reunion - but some mystical vibe is tugging our weary bones back to these bleached white pages.

I myself have been absent until fairly recently - poking my nose in more out of morbid curiosity than a desire to engage yet again in tired, old issues that comprise the banality of Second Life. It will soon be seven years since the golden days of 2006. How does one relate to such a distant time and place?

I barely recognize SL now, with its j0nn23yyy7qwww Residents and poor fitting clothes. It takes me back to grade school rather than high school, with Teacher inspecting our desks for contraband lipsticks. I suppose SL will be renamed Kid-Grid soon. Perhaps this was always the limit of LL's ambition.

It does make me a bit nostalgic, though, to remember my first year in SL. It was so vibrant and exciting then - packed with people seeking dreams and treasure, the clubs bursting with energy, the shops so full you had to bang against the glass to get in. The forum too bristled with intelligence and creativity. Who can forget Argent Stonecutter's pithy demolition of fools and fanatics? SL was also much more international. Those were wonderful days before LL converted SL into a California-centric world. There was so much promise, so much opportunity, all of it squandered in the name of benign conformity.

And so, here we are, a few of us old timers, playing with the embers of the fire as it burns low, dredging up the last of our stories in the hope of postponing the inevitable end of the party. One by one, tired and weary, we drift off to bed.

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Hey Czari! Thanks for replying. Lovely to see old familiar names. Yes, sometimes SL itself seemed awfully empty and at those times the forums were more appealling to me too. However, I got a lot of amusement out of SL - least I could do was wish it many happy returns.

You take care.


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