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Should I stay or should I go now

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I never login anymore. I'm hesitant to sell my land and cancel my account. It's only $22 every 3 months, and I get the stipend making it only a few bucks/month in the end.

I built myself a nice little skyscraper to call home on the roof, and an art gallery with empty walls.  Years ago I was active, hosting art shows and DJ'ing at clubs and bars, making friends around the world and enjoying learning to build.

But lately (meaning the past two years) I only login maybe once a month, and never last more than an hour. I fly around, peek at some new hotspots from the blog, look for little green dots on the map, but just can't find the enjoyment that it had in the past.

My mainland is worth pennies, my old friends have moved on, and I can't find the connections that SL used to have.  So this post is part rant, part call for help, part see if anyone else feels the same way.

How can I rekindle my love of SL? Should I bulldoze and rebuild? Sell it all and move on with RL? Find something new to explore? I remember the days exploring Costa Rica being some of my favorite. And the beginning of Bay City.

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You don't have to cancel your account, Davin.  Just downgrade it from premium to basic.

Your avatar won't go anywhere if you don't log in for several months. If you cancel it though, and decide to return at a later date, it means paying a USD9.99 reactivation fee, or, even worse, having to start a brand new account without a surname, and you'll end up being called Davin1234567 or something equally inane.

Plenty of people have basic accounts, rather than premium, and its a bit like having a pay as you go tarrif instead of a monthly contract on your phone etc.

The only real downside I can see is if you should ever need support from LL, but generally speaking, most problems seem to be solved here on the forums, and some support issues are dealt with even if you do have only a basic account.


Regarding your need to rekindle your love of SL, you will get plenty of suggestions I am sure. And sometimes a break from Second Life is enough to make you yearn to be back.

Don't trash your account!!!


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I have been around for 7 years and periodically I feel the same as you do so, I take a break.  I go do other things in other venues, but I always come back to SL.  Why?  Because there are people here that are the same as I am. I even still have a few friends from 7 years ago here, who have become part of my RL.  Then again, I don't treat SL as a game but more as a large interactive social networking experience that is just a different aspect of my RL. 

When I am in a social mood and want to cultivate friends, I go out and to that; otherwise, I stay on home and build....create...learn.  Personally, I change my land every few months if not sooner.  I like there change in scenary and like to keep it fresh.  I go through my moods of themes, like Asian, medieval, vampires, nobility, Victorian, urban grunge, Arabian Nights, Ancient Egypt and that is just the houses I have. Each time I change it, I learn something new.

I think it a matter of mindset and looking at the reasons why you came to SL in the first place and spent so much time and now you don't.  What has changed in your RL or, to you, which makes SL not as appealing?  

You like to build...why not build more? Sell your items? Learn to make your own textures in Gimp or Photoshop.  Learn to create scripts...sounds...animations.  Who cares if it has been done before, this is for you and your enjoyment.  Start showing artwork again.   Volunteer to help others learn how to "host" art shows or, how to DJ in venues.  Why not get on the mesh bandwagon and learn to make mesh items? Go out and make new friends. Explore RP. Explore RP you would never dream of doing.  Explore places you would never normally go. 

I know it was a vent. But, you have to motivate yourself to want to stay. You don't have to be here daily or weekly...you won't get a bad grade for absenteeism....LOL.   I know from my experience many who leave for a one, two, three or more years generally at some point return...those of us that stay seem to be drawn the the place for some reason. 

I do hope you find your motivation.  I do hate to see people leave this wonderful world of ours.


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If you want Sl to be more, you have to make it more. You have to be willing to put some sort of effort into it. Sl will not adapt to you. It will not actively seek you out. It will not magically place all the answers before you. In short, it won't be fun or enjoyable simply because you want it to be. Unfortunately, we can't will things to be what we want, when we want, just because.

That said, Sl can be loads of fun, if you're willing to make it so.  To be honest, I would not look to the blog for "hot spots". I doubt the claims' validity. Most of the hot spots I have found, were found by pure dumb luck, looking in others' profiles, random exploration and things like this. The destination guide is great, as a guide, but that's about all it's good for. A place does not have to be even remotely popular to be on it. Many of the places I've visited and found via the destination guide sit primarily empty 95% of the time. Or worse, they don't even exist anymore at all. So, take what you find there with a grain of salt.

I think your first step ought to be asking yourself "What do I want out of Sl", then answer it. What sort of things do you enjoy? Is there anything in Sl you'd like to explore but haven't yet? Would trying your hand at being a content creator suit your desires? Would taking classes on something that interests you, benefit?(there are loads of classes on all kinds of things) Perhaps an RP sim that peeks your interest would be a good start. Before you can really get a whole lot out of Sl, you first have to figure out what it is you're lacking and what it is you desire. At least, at this point in your Sl life, imo, that's what you need. When people are fresh and brand new to Sl, it's often even more difficult because they honestly have no clue what Sl entails. They don't know the wonders that can sit behind every tp. They don't know about the thousands and thousands of sims that sit, awaiting exploration. You do have that advantage over them. But it may help to look at Sl as if you're fresh and brand new. It might offer a perspective you haven't thought of before.

Is there something, or some place in RL you've always wanted to do, or visit, but couldn't? I am willing to bet you'll find it in Sl, or perhaps the next best thing to it. Sl may not be as populated as it once was, but it's still just as popular, and as fun, for the majority of residents. I say this because if the opposite were true, we'd have gone down the crapper ages ago. So, there is still loads of appeal. It's just a matter of figuring out what makes your cogs go round and round, and then finding it.

Maybe if you list some of the things you really enjoy, or would love to explore, people can offer you up some sims, or ideas. That's a great starting point.

If, however, you truly are just done and past this point in your life, and you can't find any enjoyment at all out of Sl, or are not willing to look for it. Then it probably is best, for you, to close that chapter on your life. There's nothing wrong with that, it happens to everyone, at some point. If not with Sl, then with some other interest, idea, etc...

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I agree with Marigold, don't delete your account on account of just not feeling it anymore.  Get rid of your land and downgrade to basic... that way, if you ever feel like coming back your account will be here waiting for you.

I know what you're going through and have definitely been there myself.  In fact, I've just started signing on again with any sort of regularity.  I doubt that I will ever be as fulling enchanted with SL as I once was, but, I've come to realize that that sort of fascination isn't really required to still enjoy it when I'm there.

Since you mentioned it, I will say that Bay City is still a vibrant community filled with some really great people... a lot of whom are fairly active on the SL profile feeds.  You might want to go back and check it out.


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SL is what you make of it.

Sounds to me you find it stale now because your friends have moved on, and things that interested you have run their course.  So change it.

Bull doze and rebuild you home into something completely different,  The change will do you good and you might find your interest in content creation rekindled.

As far as finding new connections and friends, you can't do that if you only log on occasionally.  Developing the kind of connections I think you are seeking takes time.

Try going to some live music events.  SL if full of talent and its also a good place to meet people.


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Davin, You aren't alone. I've been in SL since 2005, 2007 on this avatar. I recently loaded the grid up on my laptop after being out of world for over 2 years. Of course when I left, I had sold my island. I downgraded to basic (learned my lesson with canceling an account w/ the 2005 avatar). I used to DJ, create, photography, terraform/landscape, etc... I am fascinated that you have left your land the same for all these years LOL like someone else said, I would clean the slate (land) and rebuild every month or so.

Now that I am back on the grid... I don't know where to start. I loved listening to music, maybe I will check out some talent. I loved to build, but things have changed since I created homes & jewelry, so I have some learning to do if I want to go that route again. Definitely have the creative itch, tho, so if you need some help with your land, look me up! Most of my friends have moved on while I was gone, so I definitely have free time in SL, when I am there.

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I totally get where you're coming from. Everyone here does...you play SL, it's exciting, it's fun,there's things to do and every so often it all starts to fade. It's happened to me..I spent weeks not logging in. Eventually, I came back..met new friends and continued on with what I was doing.

As long as you can afford the land that you're on and don't mind paying for it, I would suggest keeping it. When you decide to come back, you'll want a place to go. As for downgrading..again, the stipend helps pay for stuff so as long as you can afford to pay it all, I would keep it. Maybe you can build apartments and rent them out (low cost) to residents. I know there's always people looking for nice, inexpensive places to live....you know, ones that don't cost $500L/wk.  

For finding new and exciting things to do in SL, I would suggest to you what I suggest to any newbie coming in...check the search, see what new groups may be out there that you'd enjoy being a part of. Or, since you've been here for a while, go back to those old groups..see who's still involved.

There's nothing wrong with bulldozing and starting all over again. Will give you a chance to test your building skills. Maybe you need that new challenge.

Whatever you do, good luck with it. If you wind up leaving SL for a few months..that's not a terrible thing either. When SL appears to become a chore, then it's best to just step away for a while.

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Davin Romano wrote:

I never login anymore. I'm hesitant to sell my land and cancel my account. It's only $22 every 3 months, and I get the stipend making it only a few bucks/month in the end.

I built myself a nice little skyscraper to call home on the roof, and an art gallery with empty walls.  Years ago I was active, hosting art shows and DJ'ing at clubs and bars, making friends around the world and enjoying learning to build.

But lately (meaning the past two years) I only login maybe once a month, and never last more than an hour. I fly around, peek at some new hotspots from the blog, look for little green dots on the map, but just can't find the enjoyment that it had in the past.

My mainland is worth pennies, my old friends have moved on, and I can't find the connections that SL used to have.  So this post is part rant, part call for help, part see if anyone else feels the same way.

How can I rekindle my love of SL? Should I bulldoze and rebuild? Sell it all and move on with RL? Find something new to explore? I remember the days exploring Costa Rica being some of my favorite. And the beginning of Bay City.

you sound almost carbon copy of me all the way to the rooftop penthouse heheheh


the last 3 years of my sl have been pretty much just log on if i feel like doing something in here..

like taking pictures so i can mess with photoshop..

or just toy with shapes or something to kill time when i am bored..

i look back at when sl was exciting...

really the only thing that made it exciting was all the learning curve stuff..the mystery..the things i could see that i made come to life..

meeting people from all over the world...

i think that right there was the biggest thrill for me..

because i had friends all over the world..i could learn about their world and they could learn about mine..

it helped with identifying people on an individual basis rather than getting programmed  by the generalizations that get thrown at us...


after a few years the thrill was routine and i guess too much of a good thing maybe..

i was stuck on this nostalgia train it seemed always trying to create the past thrill..

talking about past things a lot..

i finally noticed i started to sound like that uncle in Napoleon dynamite..the one stuck in the 80's on the big game..lol

so i backed off of trying to dig up the past joy and began looking for something new..

still looking hehehehe


my last break was last summer..and really i'm not even sure if i am off it yet or not..lol

i think this month is the most time i've spent in it since before i took a break..couple of 4 hours days maybe.

mostly i would log in to pay my tier and back out again..i wasn't even in the forums much..and now still nowhere near as much as i used to be..

i don't think i will ever love it again like before..and really i don't have that kind of time anymore anyways..

and if i did i don't think i would spend it on trying to love it again..

i would say content with it yes..but love it..i think for me..those love days are over..

i'm not feeling the value from all that time spent in it.. just some cool memories from time to time..and a whole lot of down time..


it went from amazing and awesome like this..

to this basically


i would love to love it again..but i think sometimes  just have to be happy with being content..


i wish i could say there was a way back..but i think for some of us..it's gonna have to be in front of us to find and not back there..behind us..


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I have come and gone over the years in SL and know how you feel.  The last time I stopped I cancelled my account and wiped out everything on purpose.  I already knew from the past I would return after a break (I always do).  So, this time when I returned I started fresh not a newbie in experience just looks it gave me some of the old feel of rediscovering SL.

Not sure if that helps, but when I returned this time even without my inventory and old AV it was a bit more like the first time.  The need to rebuild my SL life over again from the ground up also gave me insight into new things in SL and new ways to build and explore.  So unless you have a big inventory you want to keep, or a reason to hang on to the old you dump it and start over when your ready.


The only thing that concerns me now about SL is the direction it is going, hopefully it will not change from being a social experience with game options to a sorry to say place where the more shady side of life lives and grows.  The search option use to be a place to find in world events and land for sale.  Now it looks like something out of a porn magazine with all the ads. for phone sex and stuff.  LL created an adult area for that and it seems to have spilled out into most of all SL these days unchecked.

But whatever you do best of luck to you.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:


it went from amazing and awesome like this..

to this basically


i would love to love it again..but i think sometimes  just have to be happy with being content..


i wish i could say there was a way back..but i think for some of us..it's gonna have to be in front of us to find and not back there..behind us..


You might even say this... :matte-motes-agape:



or this...

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You guys are good.. You know precisely what to say and how to say it, when a veteran comes up with the same question it seems we all have at some point.  So many great comments that really touched me and I really appreciate the depth that you each replied on. This is the community aspect of SL that I love and miss, and sounds like I just need to login once in a while and find more awesome people like you.

I think I won't even downgrade to basic.. It's only costing a few bucks each month, and for my roadside mainland (I even got it to two 256m parcels on either side of the road from each other, it's worth hanging onto. Perhaps I do just need to bulldoze and rebuild something new.  Maybe I'll upload new art and build another gallery. I think that I'll even get into more sculpture which is what I've been doing in RL.

Time to go fly around a bit and see what there is to see again.  I have been an inventory hoarder, but when I sift through the folders, it's all cheap crappy clothes and freebies from my newbie days. It's time for a new skin, new clothes and a new attitude. Maybe even switch to the minimalist lifestyle that I've been striving for IRL.  Why do I need so many things in my closet that I never wear, anyway?

Thank you all, from the bottom of my digital heart :)

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Davin Romano wrote:



You guys are good.. You know precisely what to say and how to say it, when a veteran comes up with the same question it seems we all have at some point.  So many great comments that really touched me and I really appreciate the depth that you each replied on. This is the community aspect of SL that I love and miss, and sounds like I just need to login once in a while and find more awesome people like you.

I think I won't even downgrade to basic.. It's only costing a few bucks each month, and for my roadside mainland (I even got it to two 256m parcels on either side of the road from each other, it's worth hanging onto. Perhaps I do just need to bulldoze and rebuild something new.  Maybe I'll upload new art and build another gallery. I think that I'll even get into more sculpture which is what I've been doing in RL.

Time to go fly around a bit and see what there is to see again.  I have been an inventory hoarder, but when I sift through the folders, it's all cheap crappy clothes and freebies from my newbie days. It's time for a new skin, new clothes and a new attitude. Maybe even switch to the minimalist lifestyle that I've been striving for IRL.  Why do I need so many things in my closet that I never wear, anyway?

Thank you all, from the bottom of my digital heart


No, thank you—for giving everyone that offered suggestions an update. It's surprising how rarely that happens. Welcome ....back (even though you didn't leave). And I don't blame you for wanting to hang onto a Linden Road-straddling parcel.

Just be sure and look both ways before crossing the street.

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Davin Romano wrote:



You guys are good.. You know precisely what to say and how to say it, when a veteran comes up with the same question it seems we all have at some point.  So many great comments that really touched me and I really appreciate the depth that you each replied on. This is the community aspect of SL that I love and miss, and sounds like I just need to login once in a while and find more awesome people like you.

I think I won't even downgrade to basic.. It's only costing a few bucks each month, and for my roadside mainland (I even got it to two 256m parcels on either side of the road from each other, it's worth hanging onto. Perhaps I do just need to bulldoze and rebuild something new.  Maybe I'll upload new art and build another gallery. I think that I'll even get into more sculpture which is what I've been doing in RL.

Time to go fly around a bit and see what there is to see again.  I have been an inventory hoarder, but when I sift through the folders, it's all cheap crappy clothes and freebies from my newbie days. It's time for a new skin, new clothes and a new attitude. Maybe even switch to the minimalist lifestyle that I've been striving for IRL.  Why do I need so many things in my closet that I never wear, anyway?

Thank you all, from the bottom of my digital heart

*pulls out a piece of paper...handing it to you*

And here's my bill for advice rendered...


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