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The Nicest Person on the Forums


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Not sure if I can mention who it is by name...but if I can, then I will tell who it is. :matte-motes-big-grin:

Always kind and considerate and tries to help without ever being condescending. If everyone could be more like you, the forums...and the world would be a warm and welcoming place.

I always appreciate seeing posts by this person as she truly comes off as a wonderful human being, and I have never seen her put anyone down, make fun of anyone, or be mean in any way.

People come to the forums looking for help, answers and many are new. Some may be posting for the first time ever in a forum and don't know how they work. Some don't know to try to look for prior posts before asking for help, and well sometimes people just don't have time to look through hundreds and hundreds of post and need an answer NOW. She is the kind of person who will answer a question a thousand times with patience and kindness, rather than whining this is the 10 thousandth time this has been asked GROWWWWL!!! (grin)

People don't always know every little thing about SL and things happen that have not happened to THEM before. For them it is a unique problem, a new experience or perplexing and they just need advice or reassurance. The forums are for everyone from all kinds of different personalities, intelligence, experience, and needs. So often I see condensation and ridicule and then the OP will become hostile and some how it becomes their fault and they are the horrible person. and then the posse all have to come and circle around and add their own slam dunk. I see it happen in so many different forums, so I guess it is a universal thing.

I have never seen you do any of these things as you have always remained kind and I for one, thank you for that. I hope you are always blessed with good karma! If people can learn by example, you are certainly one to follow!

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I can think of several of these lovely kind and patient people. I stand in awe of them and wonder how they do it.  It must be so very pleasant to be one of them :-)


ETA Yes, I think you can name names in this case!


Also:  The Answers forums are full of these kind and helpful people, who unfortunately I sometimes see getting beat up for their efforts.

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I think they are lets of nice people on the forums and in world also you just getta find them that's all and yes I one of them people are very nice to meet anywho some people can by nice if you meet them and just talking to them or with them it don't hurt to say "hi" something depending on the person they will be more and happy to chat with you in IM or group or Local or you can create your own little group chat(With Friends List)

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Staralien wrote:

I always appreciate seeing posts by this person as
truly comes off as a wonderful human being, and I have never seen her put anyone down, make fun of anyone, or be mean in any way.

I guess that rules me out unless, of course, my feminine side shows through more than I thought it did lol.

As the others have said, there are a number of people who fit what you have decribed - both male and female. I don't want to pick one particular person out, becuase there are a number of such people, but, if I had to, I'd suggest that the person you are talking about is "sweet".

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

my vote goes to Torley.

But ... uh, errr ... wasn't it established earlier that the nicest person around here is a she? Hm ... and Torley's only a part-time girl. Also he's kinda LL's manager for public relations or sumsuch so he's sposed to be nice. It's in his job description. And the nicest Linden is Michael. That rules Torley out!

Oh hey, I just notice I'm female and in no way affiliated with the Lab ... so the nicest **bleep** here must be me. :smileysurprised: Too bad tho that I didn't get into SL to make friends ...


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I can name a few myself, Irene, Val, Karen, Rolig, Unkle (who I haven't seen in a really long time), Marigold, and a whole lot of others who's names I can't think of right now. I honestly don't think there are bad people on these forums, if you think there are then you've obviously not been on other forums.

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Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Being "nice" is a matter of perception by each individual. To some I'm the nicest person they know, to others I'm the wicked witch of the west (the nicest thing they say) hehe


There may be a "nicest person on the forum" however it would be difficult to find a person everyone agrees with.

Very true; it gets into what personalities jive, etc.

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I think that text usually can't display the emotion of the poster, even when someone thinks words are harsh, most of us take the same written word differently, and that should be ok and not personal. We are all guilty of that at one time or another :)

Everyone's input is helpful when we are open minded not just the "nicest person" that seems to post here. I think a lot of hostility comes when a poster gets replies they didn't like and sadly somethimes those replies are eye openers. Diversity is interesting IMO.

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I would like to add that I like many of the posters who are not always patient and kind just as much. It would be dull if everyone was patient and kind, plus some people would do nothing but blunder around stepping on toes if no one called their attention to it.


I just am more in awe of the patient kind ones because it seems to me like that must take supernatural powers.

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So true and dull it would be. Not everyone gets along. agrees likes the same things, sees the same situation in the same way, that is what makes forums a place of knowledge too. Yes, being patient and kind all the time would be a challenge, it's human nature to react :)

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Storm Clarence wrote:

One of the nicest, kindest, warmest, intelligent, and sincere people I have ever had the privilege to meet on this forum, and call her a friend, was Sole Demina.  

PS Too bad I somehow screwed-up that friendship.  My loss, and it is a big one.  


Storm, as long as you are breathing, there is a chance to fix things. Everyone makes mistakes. It is when you learn from them and are sorry that forgiveness can happen.

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Communication on forums or in chat is the hardest way to communicate. Without facial expressions and body language, what we type can be mis-read. As for diversity, I embrace that as I think it takes all kinds of people to make up the world. But often, it is easier to see the bad in people rather than their good qualities. I thought it would be nice to post good things about people for a change rather than having a topic that can be misunderstood or give people a reason to be divided or excluded or to feel bad. But then, I suppose even this one can be mis-understood. :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Staralien wrote:

Communication on forums or in chat is the hardest way to communicate. Without facial expressions and body language, what we type can be mis-read. As for diversity, I embrace that as I think it takes all kinds of people to make up the world. But often, it is easier to see the bad in people rather than their good qualities.
I thought it would be nice to post good things about people for a change rather than having a topic that can be misunderstood or give people a reason to be divided or excluded or to feel bad.
But then, I suppose even this one can be mis-understood. :matte-motes-big-grin:

I think you may be misunderstanding the replies..again. I bolded your quote, but your OP said this:

Not sure if I can mention who it is by name...but if I can, then I will tell who it is. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/html/assets/emoticons/mattemotes/big_grin.png" border="0" alt=":matte-motes-big-grin:" title="" />

Always kind and considerate and tries to help without ever being condescending. If everyone could be more like you, the forums...and the world would be a warm and welcoming place.

I always appreciate seeing posts by this person as she truly comes off as a wonderful human being, and I have never seen her put anyone down, make fun of anyone, or be mean in any way.

To me that seems like saying something about 1 person and how other people should learn from that poster, so that being said you are going to get a variety of answers. I am not seeing people being divided or feeling bad, I just opinions posted and that's what happens when you start a thread. You are right, many times people choose to see the bad in someone before the good, but I don't get that feeling from your thread, I thought it was a nice post.

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Malanya, I am not misunderstanding any of the posts. I am just expanding on my thoughts on all of this and just having a "conversation" and I am enjoying the comments and the nice things others are saying about people. I implied I was talking about on person, and in truth I was. But as the postings went on, seems to me it just expanded to include a lot of people. So what is wrong with that? If anyone does try to make anyone feel bad in this thread, well that is on them. I was not referring to this thread in that comment but in postings in the forums in general when some people apear to be attacking someone else for whatever. Yes there are a variety of opinions, advice, etc and that is to be expected and desirable. But sometimes, well surely it is not my imagination when one poster goes off on another now and then. If that has never happened here, then maybe it was my imagination? 

There is no mystery or ulterior motives other than I wanted to start a thread about a nice person. By not naming them, I see that I have left that open to everyone thinking of one person after another that it could be, and I don't see that as being a bad thing. Only good can come from thinking well of others. Some people are super nice all the time. I wish I could always be like that, but I do have my moments when my patience is strained beyond endurance. But some, they just seem almost saintly and at the very least, no matter the situation, always treat others with kindness. So, why can't we give some credit to that and just have a happy little thread celebrating some good people? :matte-motes-smile:

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