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How To Become A Celebrity In SL

jofunne Avon

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HI Everyone


Through my random searches on the web I thought wow those RL celebs sure do have to put up with a lot of good and bad stuff. Then I started to wonder, "Hmmm, are there SL Celebrities? Do they actually exist or is it only in the Real World?" If so I would like to be one. Hee Hee Hee. But how? Any ideas people out there in SL world? :matte-motes-nerdy:

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While I am sure that some people claim to be SL celebrities the real answer is that there are none (those who make the very common mistake of assuming that their little part of SL is all of it might however beleive they are this .. but that is just funny :matte-motes-wink-tongue: ). At least not all over SL since certain communities have people that are more known then others. But with the way communities on SL are divided and rarely merge those people are totally unknown to anyone outside of their small circle.


There might be some blogers or maybe some content creators and third party viewer developers who are known to a bigger audience but no real celebrities.

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There are RL celebrities that have appeared in SL in an avatar that looks like their RL self with their RL name, which LL arranges for them to have.

There are RL celebrities in SL, in an anonymous avatar.  You know they are in here because they have publicly admitted in RL they use SL or you'll never know that are in here because they don't make it public.

Then there are supposed celebrities or people that tell you they are RL ones but are liars and when pushed can not prove squat.

There are people that in the early days of SL who avatars were featured in RL publications that made them famous at the time but hardly anyone remembers now. 

Then their are those that want you to think they are SL celebrities or that some SL magazine promotes as one.  However for every one of those there are thousands and thousands of people who when you mention their name will go "huh? Who is that?"


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This is an old thread on the subject.


If you frequent this or any other SL-centric Forums there are certain SL names you will hear come up a lot.  Whether or not that ranks them as "SL Celebs" would be a different issue.

May I suggest you visit Governer Linden's Mansion


And the Historic Beanstalk


I'm often surprised more Avatars don't make the pilgrimage to these places.

A holy experience.

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 [ sə lébbrətee ]   

   1. famous person: somebody who is famous during his or her own lifetime
   2. fame: the state of being famous

 [ fáyməss ]   

   1. very well known: known and recognized by many people
   2. excellent: excellent and satisfying



You can make a product, or provide a service, Residents love.

All the World is a stage, and you can be a character on page 9, or, you can be the lead character.



An incomplete list, of Residents who may be famous.


  • Apotheus
  • Gene
  • Torley
  • Carl
  • Beverly
  • Irene
  • Marianne
  • Prokofy
  • Salazar
  • Marigold :smileywink:



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Knowl Paine wrote:


 [ sə lébbrətee ]   


   1. famous person: somebody who is famous during his or her own lifetime

   2. fame: the state of being famous






 [ fáyməss ]   


   1. very well known: known and recognized by many people

   2. excellent: excellent and satisfying



You can make a product, or provide a service, Residents love.

All the World is a stage, and you can be a character on page 9, or, you can be the lead character.



An incomplete list, of Residents who may be

  • Apotheus
  • Gene
  • Torley
  • Carl
  • Beverly
  • Irene
  • Marianne
  • Prokofy
  • Salazar
  • Marigold :smileywink:



If we are going to list names, we mustn't forget Steller Sunshine.

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Actually since a celeb is basically a well known person. I would say there is a couple running around here. First of all Jessica Chung would be a celeb to me, she's on all VW's all the ones i have ever been on. She even owns her own i heard, (Frenzoo). Shes personaly really big in the virtual community.

Theres more, people who record their machinima on youtube are celeb's you can say. If i see them i might say hi or something and give them a compliment and go on about my day.


But basically yes, you can say there are celeb's. Especially Torley Linden.

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Anshe Chung

Stroker Serpentine


For historians, Acradia Asylum


And then a whole lot of names I recognize because they make interesting sims or other content, or do other things that are known to a wider audience than any particular subgroup. Most of these would be oldbies who made a lot of early stuff -- scripts, animations, etc.

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I've read the names in this thread but I've never heard of most of them and, since I've frequented this forum for years, I think it's safe to say that the ones I haven't heard of are not SL celebrities, or I would certainly have heard of them.

Frequenting one or more SL forums does mean getting to know some names of people I never come across. Anshe Chung, for instance, so she is well-known to me although I've never seen her, not even in a forum. But I am sure that only a tiny minority of SL users have ever heard that name, so she probably doesn't strictly qualify as an SL celebrity.

I honestly don't think that SL has any user celebrities at all. That is people who are famous within SL. There are a great many people who quite a lot of people have heard of, but even then, it's only a very small minority.

If being well-known is what you want, and you don't mind it being in a 'small pond', you can do it. Prok became well-known in a small pond by objecting to almost everything - fault finding but in a loud way. Be very opinionated and post your opinions everywhere you can - forums, blogs, your own blog, LL blog - everywhere you can. You'll become well-known to people who use the forums and read the blogs, but it'll be a small pond compared to the sea that is the SL usership. I remember someone who emulated Prok for a while and I actually saw her claim to be renowned, but she was only a small flame compared to Prok. So be very opinionated and post your opinions everywhere you can :)

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If you believe it, you can achieve it.

You can begin to be successful, by following successful people. You cannot soar like an Eagle, when you fly with Turkeys.

In order to be considerate, you should consider all things. That means acquiring knowledge, or, by associating yourself with those who already have knowledge.

You can make acquaintances with Residents from almost every Nation, by visiting those Residents where they congregate.
 I have found Spanish Groups, Polish, Germany, French, Russian, Japanese, Australian, and many others. You might be surprised by what some of those Residents eat for breakfast. You'll have to ask them.

In my research, I have found that People from almost all Nations, eat, sleep, laugh, and cry. They have hopes and dreams, just like me. Everything is relevant, when in relevant company. That may sound like double speak, or an overly elementary observation, but it is true in practice. Your attitude, and the attitudes of those who influence you, will effect the atmosphere of the environment in which you dwell.

On average, 1 out of 10 dissatisfied Customers, will complain. 9 people cannot find the courage required, to step outside of the box, and to think independently. A Hero, is a person who was braver than the average person, for a few moments longer than the average person.

You need to be that 1 person, out of 10, who ventures to speak, expressing your beliefs, in pursuit of your dreams. It's attitude; other people are free to lead, follow, or get out of your way.


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I think there are only a couple of SL celebrities, they are are the ones that transcend our virtual bubble and make it into the mainstream media.,

Anshe is the obvious #1 celebrity. She was the first person to earn a net profit of over one million USD from SL and her real life counterpart has appeared on several mainstream TV shows and in business publications

Stroker Serpentine made it into the mainstream media with his lawsuit/s over the Sexgen beds

Modesty McDonnell and Dave Barmy were splashed all over the press in 2008 for their marriage saga. I was watching some late night show on BBC3 at Christmas called "the 50 worst weddings" and this was listed in the top 10 so is still getting media attention.

There are a few more but none as notable I don't think. People like Torley and Prok I suppose could be considered minor celebs within our little virtual bubble I think the true celebs are those that transcend SL and make it into the mainstream.

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if you want to become a celebrity in SL then just have to make a legend about yourself


person A: theres that cow what broke Philip Lindens heart

person B: wha???

person A: is why he left SL. bc of that cow there

person B: really???

person A: ye really

person B: i don't believe you

person A: ask her yourself then

person B: hi cow person. did you break Philips heart?

person Cow: sniff!!! i am certainly not going to discuss my private affairs with the likes of you

person B: you not have to be rude you know

person Cow: go away and take your mindless little friend with you

person A: see

person B: what a cow !!! i bet she did do it to him as well like you say. she seems perfectly capable of it

person A: told you


and that how the legend of the cow that drive Philip from SL can be born. jejejejejee (:



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I think you can become a SL celebrity by making a super viral video on youtube starring your avatar. It has to be so viral that it gets mentioned in all major news outlets and then people in SL will eventually see it as well. You have to have a very distinctive avatar and a memorable name. You also need to be prepared to reveal your RL self because the news always pursues that angle.

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Nox Vought wrote:

Flash your E-cooter while getting out of a limo.

don't think that will make you famous. bc it happens everytime to everyone this already. like when the limo crosses to the next sim

you actual get more famous if you don't expose your cooter this way. like you somehow been singled out special or something (:

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