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Which was better, your RL Christmas or your SL Christmas?

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I was thinking this morning of what my Christmas was like this year & came to the conclusion that I enjoyed aspects of it in SL that I didn't have in RL.

In RL, my roommate & I didn't really decorate much or exchange gifts. I didn't get cards or presents from distant relatives. No snow. No church service. My roommate & I took my 90 year old, senile mother to Denny's, then watched Christmas TV shows. Mom & I got each other stuffed dogs that respond to voice. We didn't fight with each other on Christmas day. We enjoyed each other's company. My boyfriend spent the weekend before Christmas with me, but we annoyed each other & weren't really happy most of that time. I gave small gifts to him & to my roommate, but got nothing back in return from them.

In SL, I put snow on our land, which my roommate, her boyfriend & our renters enjoyed, as well as snowmen, an ice-skating rink & a snow angel. I put up a Christmas tree in my SL house & a wreath on my SL front door. I gave out a box full of goodies I made to friends & strangers. And I picked up a bunch of Christmas presents I've only begun to start opening.

In SL I can have all the fun of dreaming over catalogs, then actually buy the stuff & get it immediately. I can easily decorate a lovely home & spacious land, then just as easily put all my decorations away. In SL I get to experience the joy of finding great bargains from the discount sections of high-end stores. In SL I can afford to give presents to everyone I know. I don't even feel like I need Christmas presents in RL, because I can have all the excitement of opening presents that a child has on Christmas morning when I open my SL Christmas gifts.

I think the only thing I miss in SL is eating Christmas treats, but I can do that in RL while I'm at my laptop.


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In SL, I was waiting for a certain to show up that never did so ... my Christmas was a bum one in-world.


In RL however?  Got a ton of gifts, managed to spend time with my family despite having to work that day and good times were had by all.  Can't really complain.   :)


However, there are times that I do wish my SL experiences could be as awesome as my RL ones.  

But SL is what you make it ... so ... -shrug-

Happy you had a good one in-world though.  :D

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Rl Christmas is always tops for me. Sl has it's own advantages, and of course each has wonderful aspects. But in rl I get to watch the magic in my children's eyes and there is absolutely nothing that can compare to that, absolutely nothing.

I don't usually get gifts either in rl, at least not tangible ones, although this year I did. I don't mind though. It's the intangibles that mean more to me. Presence means more than presents, for us. It's still awesome to watch the kiddos open theirs, lol.

There was a time when I'd spend a lot more time with friends and family in sl during the holidays. Parties, relaxing, gift sharing, and such were all part of our holiday, back then. But most of them have since moved on, or at least things have changed in our lives that keep us from doing these things now. That's just how life goes. I do decorate the store, at least somewhat. My home however, is still a beautiful, warm, nature themed place-without snow. I have the snow and cold in rl, don't really need it in sl, lol.

I do have people-both friends and family-I love in sl and absolutely love spending time with in sl. Still nothing will compare to being able to spend time with friends and family in rl. Just as I love spending time in sl with hubby, cuddled up, dancing, or doing whatever. Doing these things together in rl is still much better ;)


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Persephone Emerald wrote:

I was thinking this morning of what my Christmas was like this year & came to the conclusion that I enjoyed aspects of it in SL that I didn't have in RL.

In RL, my roommate & I didn't really decorate much or exchange gifts. I didn't get cards or presents from distant relatives. No snow. No church service. My roommate & I took my 90 year old, senile mother to Denny's, then watched Christmas TV shows. Mom & I got each other stuffed dogs that respond to voice. We didn't fight with each other on Christmas day. We enjoyed each other's company. My boyfriend spent the weekend before Christmas with me, but we annoyed each other & weren't really happy most of that time. I gave small gifts to him & to my roommate, but got nothing back in return from them.

In SL, I put snow on our land, which my roommate, her boyfriend & our renters enjoyed, as well as snowmen, an ice-skating rink & a snow angel. I put up a Christmas tree in my SL house & a wreath on my SL front door. I gave out a box full of goodies I made to friends & strangers. And I picked up a bunch of Christmas presents I've only begun to start opening.

In SL I can have all the fun of dreaming over catalogs, then actually buy the stuff & get it immediately. I can easily decorate a lovely home & spacious land, then just as easily put all my decorations away. In SL I get to experience the joy of finding great bargains from the discount sections of high-end stores. In SL I can afford to give presents to everyone I know. I don't even feel like I need Christmas presents in RL, because I can have all the excitement of opening presents that a child has on Christmas morning when I open my SL Christmas gifts.

I think the only thing I miss in SL is eating Christmas treats, but I can do that in RL while I'm at my laptop.


I think for me the best Christmas was in SL. I have no family in RL and all my friends are married with children, even though I was invited to their houses for dinner, I declined this year. I actually enjoyed spending the holiday alone and in SL. I had decorated my house in SL and lots of snow everywhere! I was able to give presents to the ones that are close to me and also to my partner in SL, then  the two of us spent a quiet evening, cuddling and talking. It was a wonderful Christmas. *smiles*



Edit to remove double quoting. 

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I enjoyed both but had a more "traditional" Christmas in SL.

I am rather isolated in RL with my only family being my parents, who I love dearly.  Over the years we have scaled back from the big dinner/tons of gifts type of celebrating to no gifts (although my parents always give something to me and I have some gifts "in the works" for them) and getting together whenever - not necessarily on Christmas Day.  My birthday is Christmas Eve so, in the past, we used to have a double celebration.  Anyway, my mother fixed our favorite dishes for Christmas but it was a "drop in when you want" situation.

In SL I have my home decorated for Christmas, complete with snow.  (I live in the tropics RL - it was 75F here today ;) )  I participated in the tradition of Posada this year with my SL church so from Dec. 1-24 I visited a different location each day; some of the hosts had parties or concerts as well so all my Christmas socializing/celebrating was in SL.


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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

Czari, Happy Birthday. I worked both Christmas Eve and Christmas. Since I have no children I didnt celebrate. I got a nice gift from work though and a few lovely gifts from family. Over all though Christmas this year was rather boring.

Thank you, Sephina. :)  This thread just goes to show the whole world doesn't have "Hallmark" Christmases.  And truly...I enjoy not participating in all the commercialism madness. ;)

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i like presents

if i never got any presents then I would cry. like more than cry. like baww!!! even

jesus got presents and he said everyone have to suffer the children. is in the bible

so that means presents for me or else you not going to Heaven (:


I like to give presents as well. I dont mind if I not get a present off them i give to. I happy to get them off other people (:

is unkind to expect that you get will get a present in return for what you gave. and bible says is wrong to think like that

and anyways they are all going to Hell bc they didnt so I dont need do anything about that myself

q; jejejejeje (: 

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The days leading up to Christmas in RL and SL getting my gifts to others ready and decorating my home and business and baking goodies in RL.  Christmas Eve was a day for sending my SL gifts out and visiting with friends.  That evening after RL dinner, my partner and I spent together, just the two of us.

I spent the first part of Christmas day at a delicious brunch in RL then the afternoon in SL sharing Christmas with more SL friends and my partner until we both logged out in the late afternoon for our families' dinner. My family that could make it this year had a lovely Christmas feast and exchanged a few gifts as we had a good time talking and catching up.  Afterward I returned  to my SL home to finish my Christmas with my partner,quietly in front of a nice fire.with our Christmas tree aglow.

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I don't spend any time on Christmas or Christmas Eve in SL. My son and I go to a local children's hospital on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day we go to a soup kitchen to help out. We have a blast at the children's hospital. We're pretty familiar with most of the staff and he really enjoys playing an elf to all the little kids. They seem to enjoy seeing an elf who "looks like them". We have fun at the soup kitchen too, but it's also pretty sad to see. There are a lot of families, and it breaks my heart.

We don't do gifts for each other, we use that money to bring things to the shelters that they need instead.

We spend the day before and after watching corny holiday movies, though. Same with New Years, we watch corny holiday shows and movies.

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RL was better for me. Not because anything happened that doesn't happen on any other day of the year, but because I rarely do nothing in SL except just stand at my Home location, which is what I did through Christmas.

I live alone in RL, and I did what I do every other day - use a couple of forums and watch some TV. I did put some lights and a small tree up though but that's only because a friend I made in SL made me do it for the last few years by sending me (in the UK) a small tree all the way from New York, with instructions (not suggestions) to buy some lights. I have to put them up in case she wants to video chat on Skype. She didn't, so I could have got away with not putting them up :)


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I can't really compare, because I wasn't in SL that time. But assuming I would live alone and can't visit someone for christmas, I would decorate my SL house and spend my evening there. Wouldn't be so bad...no fights with family members, no burned food for dinner...maybe another year.

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My RL Christmas. Because I actually got to see my family in the flesh and not through a computer monitor.

Sorry, but if you spent Christmas Day on SL exanging polygons with your avatars that's... kinda sad. Like, sadder than those homeless people who had to spend their Christmas in a Salvation Army shelter.

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Amie Kaestner wrote:

My RL Christmas. Because I actually got to see my family in the flesh and not through a computer monitor.

Sorry, but if you spent Christmas Day on SL exanging polygons with your avatars that's... kinda sad. Like, sadder than those homeless people who had to spend their Christmas in a Salvation Army shelter.

What a terrible thing to say to people. Especially this time of year when so very many people either do not have family they can spend physical time with, or are not blessed with the opportunity to do so. The one time of year when people, at the very least, try to promote good will toward man. Or at least, we'd like them to. It's not as if it's a difficult task, though it should be a year round act.

I spent time on Skype with some family members I couldn't be in person with. I also spent time on the phone with them as well. I don't find it sad at all. I'm pretty happy we got to connect at all. I know my children are doubly blessed because we have the opportunity to spend time with loved ones we wouldn't be able to without such technologies.

What I find sad, is one person boasting about the physical time spent with family and in the same breath putting down anyone else who might not share that blessing. That's actually more than just sad, it's disheartening. Terrible example to set for others as well. Your little insult even seems aimed at people who don't have a home to share time with others in. That was really low. Yeah, they're not the sad ones, I can see that clearly.

I, personally, am grateful for any time I get to spend with friends and family. Whether it's in person, on the phone, over the computer, or any other way possible. When so very few in this world have much to be grateful for to begin with, I can see my blessings and be very grateful for them. Rather than putting down others just because they too aren't blessed.

I'm sorry you haven't ever had any kind of relationship with someone that put you in a position where spending time physically together wasn't always possible. I am sorry because you'll never understand what it can, and does, mean to those who have. You'll never understand the joy it can bring, either. I am however happy you also never have to experience the pain that some do, when they can't be physically near the ones they love. It can be a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone, at times.

Millions of people the world over aren't able to be with the ones they love, whenever they want to, especially this time of year. I am grateful we have a means for them to spend what time they can, together. I am quite sure they don't find it sad. I know I don't.


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ImaTest wrote:

I don't spend any time on Christmas or Christmas Eve in SL. My son and I go to a local children's hospital on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day we go to a soup kitchen to help out. We have a blast at the children's hospital. We're pretty familiar with most of the staff and he really enjoys playing an elf to all the little kids. They seem to enjoy seeing an elf who "looks like them". We have fun at the soup kitchen too, but it's also pretty sad to see. There are a lot of families, and it breaks my heart.

This post warmed my heart. :)  Also gave some ideas to me for next year.  Thank you for posting. :)

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you tell me. In rl, my one present (a laptop) got shipped to a suburb of seattle in stead of to me. Also my bf (same as in hs) dumped me christmas day for the same ***** he dumped me for when we were in high school. in sl, i bought presents for 7 friends. Yup that was my sl christmas. Happpy new year...

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Tari Landar wrote:

Amie Kaestner wrote:

My RL Christmas. Because I actually got to see my family in the flesh and not through a computer monitor.

Sorry, but if you spent Christmas Day on SL exanging polygons with your avatars that's... kinda sad. Like, sadder than those homeless people who had to spend their Christmas in a Salvation Army shelter.

What a terrible thing to say to people. Especially this time of year when so very many people either do not have family they can spend physical time with, or are not blessed with the opportunity to do so. The one time of year when people, at the very least, try to promote good will toward man. Or at least, we'd like them to. It's not as if it's a difficult task, though it should be a year round act.

I spent time on Skype with some family members I couldn't be in person with. I also spent time on the phone with them as well. I don't find it sad at all. I'm pretty happy we got to connect at all. I know my children are doubly blessed because we have the opportunity to spend time with loved ones we wouldn't be able to without such technologies.

What I find sad, is one person boasting about the physical time spent with family and in the same breath putting down anyone else who might not share that blessing. That's actually more than just sad, it's disheartening. Terrible example to set for others as well. Your little insult even seems aimed at people who don't have a home to share time with others in. That was really low. Yeah, they're not the sad ones, I can see that clearly.

I, personally, am grateful for any time I get to spend with friends and family. Whether it's in person, on the phone, over the computer, or any other way possible. When so very few in this world have much to be grateful for to begin with, I can see my blessings and be very grateful for them. Rather than putting down others just because they too aren't blessed.

I'm sorry you haven't ever had any kind of relationship with someone that put you in a position where spending time physically together wasn't always possible. I am sorry because you'll never understand what it can, and does, mean to those who have. You'll never understand the joy it can bring, either. I am however happy you also never have to experience the pain that some do, when they can't be physically near the ones they love. It can be a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone, at times.

Millions of people the world over aren't able to be with the ones they love, whenever they want to, especially this time of year. I am grateful we have a means for them to spend what time they can, together. I am quite sure they don't find it sad. I know I don't.


Jumps up and applauds loudly!!! I absolutely agree with everything you said, Tari and I couldn't have said it better. 

For the record, Amie, this is my first Christmas without my sister who died of pancreatic cancer, and my mother who died of heart failure and had I NOT had SL to come into and be with friends there, this would have been a horrible time for me. I think YOU need to grow up and learn what it's really like to lose someone you loved dearly and then tell me it's sad to do what so many people on SL do.

*shakes her head, sadly and hugs Tari. Thank you for your wonderful words. 

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angiewolf wrote:

you tell me. In rl, my one present (a laptop) got shipped to a suburb of seattle in stead of to me. Also my bf (same as in hs) dumped me christmas day for the same ***** he dumped me for when we were in high school. in sl, i bought presents for 7 friends. Yup that was my sl christmas. Happpy new year...

*offers angiewolf a hug*

yes well said Tari. Not sure if the person realized how that may have sounded to those who spent Christmas in SL or have to be apart from family or friends this year.

I haven't seen most of my family in years - I can confide that bit although I don't really like to talk about my RL here (or anywhere online actually.) It was very hard to be without family I have not seen in years and knowing it will be a while before I have a chance to again. I am doing my best to make that happen.

Some who spent holidays in SL more than RL, are in the military and/or posted overseas or working far away or whatever. Others have health issues or their family does, which impede travel. For others it is a financial issue keeping them from flying in for visits. I am sure people know what they are missing, and are hurting enough about it as it is. 

Maybe the person even meant to commiserate in their own way. It read as judgmental, but maybe they didn't intend it to be. It iS sad, but it is poignant and human more than anything else it is. It's just that no one needed reminding of the sadness outright I guess.

It has pained me, lately, to think of my ancestors; they came to America between about 400 and 150 years ago (some of each.) Most of them probably never saw their family or homeland again. As time goes by one feels those losses more keenly. In early youth everything is possible still. I have been thinking about the ancestors a lot this holiday season and wondering how it was for them. They did not even have phones, telegrams or emails to get the latest news: just a letter months after the fact. It must have felt at times like being shipwrecked.


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