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Should we ban sexual voilence and abuse against women in SL

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I hereby propose the following amendments to the SL TOS.
It should be forbidden to:

Post, display or transmit Content that is obscene, misogyny, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

Post, display or transmit any material, object or text that encourages, represents, or facilitates sexual violence and abuse against women.


Let's start the debate.

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That is a bad, bad proposal, for several reasons.

1. There is a known differentiation between in character (IC) and out of character (OOC) in most roleplay sims. A TOS ban would impose a limit on IC responses and attitudes, leading to a far less colorful landscape. Often, two people who seem extremely hateful toward eachother in local are actually being very cordial and friendly to eachother in their private IM boxes. Being someone who roleplays as an "indiginous" person I often deal with this. And in my experience, the people who are doing it are often people who know that I can seperate IC from OOC. If someone is personally attacking the person behind the keyboard instead of just the character for their ethnicity, then there are plenty of avenues you can take. You can mute the person or do an abuse report for harrassment. There is no need for a TOS ban.

2. How clearly do you think you can possibly define "obscene, hateful, or objectionable"? And no offense, but why should everyone on the whole grid care what someone else finds objectionable? What if a devout christian is offended by mention of Mohammad or Allah? What if an aethiest thinks something looks too much like a manger? What about furries and vampiers? Both of those groups have plenty of people who don't like them. Should they be banned? There's more than enough land in sl for anyone who dislikes what they see to go somewhere else. If you're offended, you're on the wrong sim. Simple as that. There is no reason in sl or in rl for something to be banned just because someone doesn't like it. In fact, the kind of censorship you are suggesting is something I find condescending and objectionable. Under your proposal, your own post to make the ban would be banned.

3. have you looked at the SL marketplace? While I don't participate in it, sl sex "slex" is big business. And businesses don't exist without buyers. There are plenty of people who are here just for that purpose. Plenty of sims just for it too. Which means plenty of people who wouldn't be on sl, paying linden labs for server rental if they weren't allowed to  be obscene. SL provides a rating system. I suggest you keep off of adult sims, and stick to just moderate and general. Meanwhile, leave the people who aren't affecting you in the slightest way (because you wisely decided to spend your time on a sim that is more fitting to what you want) do what they do out of your sight, and out of your mind. Then we can ALL be happy.

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It depends on the issue in question.

I don't want to bash the Gorean community because GOR, well some of the people I know who play that type of RP are fine, totally legally and abiding to the TOS, and great people who just like to RP things like abuse, Rape,Torture, and even I met a few people who are into the Bondage thing at times.

GOR and BloodLines is also where I met a few twisted people who seemed to take their RP like Real Life and confuse it all.

However speaking of such I ran into people who were heavily abusive, leeching off some people in Second Life.

For example I ran into a person who was playing bloodlines at one point, and had a so called Master who also played GOR, and in my eyes was abusive towards them. I could understand if this was Role-Play, and both were willingly RPing. However when it comes to the point where people are Scared in Real Life over things like Threats, or just people randomly sending IM's to female characters being like hey ***** get back to the kitchen, and it is no longer RP then there are issues with it. RP is one thing, but when you can no longer say its RP then there are issues.

I have seen this a few times including people who would find someone who was new to Second Life, or get them to download RLV and totally take control over their second life.

Maybe it was a TROLL, or maybe it was some part of their sick twisted RolePlay, however in my eyes the few people who I met who were this abusive were confusing Role Play, for Real Life, and outside of RolePlay, and these are the kind of people where I think they could end up being a twisted person to the point where they might be one of those sick killers in Real Life living our their Dream Fantasy in Second Life.

RP is one thing, but when it comes to the point where people are acting it out like seriously outside of RP then I see issues, or when people are just totally abusive towards Female players of the Second Life community outside of RP then there are issues is what I am trying to say.

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To the OP,

Should we ban sexual violence and abuse against women in SL? Sexual violence is not possible in SL. It's a virtual world. Should we ban abuse against women in SL? We already do. We ban abuse against any type of resident in SL as residents can change their gender to whatever they want. We have 'Abuse Reports' as a means of notifying the Lindens of any kind of abuse.

Your first TOS amendment:

Post, display or transmit Content that is obscene, misogyny, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable

I think this one is already covered by our abuse reporting. I have seen LL act on such reports.

Your second TOS amendment:

Post, display or transmit any material, object or text that encourages, represents, or facilitates sexual violence and abuse against women.

This one also seems to be covered under the abuse reporting system. For example, if someone were to send me a picture, or IM a description, or a prim statue, of a woman getting beaten. I could report it as something objectionable.

So in conclusion, I believe SL already has an abuse reporting system that covers your concerns.

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let's ban everything that anyone, anywhere, at any time may or may not consider "offensive". That'd be a very easy thing to do as it would mean banning everything, which is far easier than banning just a few specific things.

Of course it'd also mean LL have to ban themselves, shut down the grid, and disband their business, which is problematic as laying off staff would also be banned.

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JulesMatriarchy wrote:

I hereby propose the following amendments to the SL TOS.

It should be forbidden to:

Post, display or transmit Content that is obscene, misogyny, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;


Post, display or transmit any material, object or text that encourages, represents, or facilitates sexual violence and abuse against women.


Let's start the debate.

Vote Libertarian!  Gary Johnson for 2012!

There.  That's my contribution to the debate.  : )


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I think the suggested TOS changes just make the TOS more specific where the current TOS has a broader scope and already includes misogyny and abuse towards women as objectionable.


Can you give an example of an instance where you feel something abusive is happening that cannot be reported because it is somehow allowed?

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JulesMatriarchy wrote:

Something has to be banned.

Ageplay is banned, why not rape?

Maybe because graphical depictions of ageplay are illegal in several jurisdictions (but I've never been sure how that could be prosecuted, unless people were making videos or taking screenshots, though the chat logs might well themselves constitue evidence of publishing obscene materials), but there seem to be few jurisdictions where rape RP runs similar legal risks.

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JulesMatriarchy wrote:

Something has to be banned.

Ageplay is banned, why not rape?

is USA real world laws that govern SL. depiction of children engaged in sexual practices is a crime in the USA

rape is a crime in the USA. depiction of rape is not a crime in the USA when the depiction is viewed or participated in by consenting adults of legal age

if you want to change SL to include depictions of other things not currenlty included in the ToS then you will be best to campaign to change USA realworld laws. if you look carefully at the ToS then you will see that it only bans stuff that is an actual a crime in the USA. linden have been very consistent about that ever since the beginning of SL


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JulesMatriarchy wrote:

I hereby propose the following amendments to the SL TOS.

It should be forbidden to:

Post, display or transmit Content that is obscene, misogyny, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;


Post, display or transmit any material, object or text that encourages, represents, or facilitates sexual violence and abuse against women.


Let's start the debate.

I really should just take Griffin's offer of pop corn and keep my mouth shut but here we go.

These rules suck.

1.  Too vague

2.  Totally Misanthropist.

3.  They are biased and prejudicial.

4.  I still don't believe I am responding to this.



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