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Everyone has to start somewhere. My first characters were flat and unimaginative and probably ripped from shows or books I was familiar with.

If you like, I can help you flesh out a character to get you started. I find it best to start with the appearance (whether I make them in-world, draw them someplace, or just fill out a list like Age: Height: Weight: Eye Color: Hair Color:, etc.). Half the time the back story for my characters in rp sims is very basic. Just something for me to get a feel of them and understand why they do what they do.

Say a man lost a loved one to a house fire. Maybe that inspires him to be a firefighter, maybe he finds out it was arson and he goes on to be a police man, or maybe he goes on a revenge mission to cause grief to the person who ruined his life. Maybe he starts on this revenge mission, but through rp, he meets someone else who's suffered a similar loss and they bond and interact and this person changes your character and he decides to go on a different path. He GROWS. That's the fun about rp, seeing your character grow into a different or more refined version than what they started out as.

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Ingrim wrote:

she don't do any of those social networks, this her first mmo of any type, and im sure she wouldn't like WoW, hell even im getting bored with that one. 

See the problem that you'd even equate or somehow relate this to wow is the problem. I think you're looking for a "game" experience and unfortunately it's not going to be in here. I agree with the previous poster, I'd do contact with your friend in another way. There literally is TONS of stuff to do in SL, people have listed off things for you, so I don't think you can say there isn't anything. You just don't seem like you are here for an exploration experience. Oh...and if you're bored of wow...Guild Wars 2 comes out on Tuesday. Personally I am excited as hell for that one! My husband got the 3 day early pass so I've been watching him play with much jealousy. It looks like so much fun!


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What did you expect from a programm called "Second Life"? Its just that, made like a virtual life. There is no goal and no instruction how to have fun. Just like in real life, which is senseless in the same way. Everybody has to search for something entertaining.

And why do people stop to read a little bit about Second Life before they jump into it just to come into this forum and be frustrated without a reason?

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Ingrim wrote:

im just gonna quit. 

if there is nothing here for you that you enjoy..then that is probably the best thing for you..

you don't really want to waste time in a place you don't like..

it's not for everyone and there is nothing wrong with it not being something you like..

you just need to find a nich somewhere else is all ..i mean if you can't find it here..


we all get bored..but some come back and some find other things..

don't drag it out if you can't find something..just leave your accoutn on basic and come back when you feel like it..

it's always gonna be there for you..

and if you don't it will still be there in case..

so there is no risk..

i know i don't stick around here when i'm not happy..i break off..*winks*


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Some people need to enjoy an online 'game' that is entirely open-ended. That's SL to me- an experience where I don't have to run around like a rat in a maze picking up rewards. There's heaps of things in SL for people who want to make their own goals, and there aren't many places which give us this chance. That's why SL is so different, and won't appeal to all.

I'd visit WoW, and other games, if I could just run about, explore, take pretty pictures and make things, but I fear that instead there'd be pre-set tasks that might stifle the experience. I know others love this kind of gameplay, because they thrive on being handed opportunities, and having measurable goals. I fail at it though.

If you like goals, and traditional gameplay that gets rewarded, try a few SL games perhaps. Like the Wilderness, board games, racing, zombie shooting, that gem collecting game (whose name excapes me atm, sorry), warbugs, I know there's heaps of ideas.

Or just quit if you don't like it.

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Ingrim wrote:

its not that i refuse, its that nothing i have found is interesting to me,  my hobbies, dungeons and dragons, Magic the gathering (card game), art,
music (listening to, not making)
and i do consider myself to be one boring sob IRL. Ive tried the RP sims, didn't work out so well for me, and havent found anything to do other than fly around and take random pictures and thats boring as hell. the clubs i don't like going to by myself cause it feels weird even in SL, and im really shy and that shows through even in SL. or any onine game ive played. I don't care for sports, automotives of any kind. and the zombie and vampire games are boring as hell too. 

It won't, of course, do anything to help with your personal relationship but if you like listening to music there could hardly be a better place to do so then Second Life. It's everywhere, and in every variety.

Going to a club alone is perfectly normal here; in fact in my experience that IS the norm in most venues. There is no requirement to speak to anyone (unless  you're spoken to; common courtesy would suggest a reply). You've explained you're a guy, so you won't have to deal with all the IM hitting solo females encounter.

I don't really know if sticking around is a good idea for you (given the personal hurt you've already discussed) but if you do decide to try it, find some clubs or shows and go give a listen. Any entertainer or DJ you run across probably also has shows at three or four other places, so it won't take long before you have a big list of places to visit.

Transportation is (LL willing) quick and easy, parking is never a problem, and in most places the drinks are very inexpensive.


ETA the quote to show the comment I was talking about

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clubs i usually visit are club libria, club zero, rarely perditions gates.and the music is good is yes, but with the personal hurt, it doesn't feel the same. Ive tried the zombie games, and didnt care for em, never have cared for shooters or zombie games
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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Ingrim wrote:

its not that i refuse, its that nothing i have found is interesting to me,  my hobbies, dungeons and dragons, Magic the gathering (card game), art,
music (listening to, not making)
and i do consider myself to be one boring sob IRL. Ive tried the RP sims, didn't work out so well for me, and havent found anything to do other than fly around and take random pictures and thats boring as hell. the clubs i don't like going to by myself cause it feels weird even in SL, and im really shy and that shows through even in SL. or any onine game ive played. I don't care for sports, automotives of any kind. and the zombie and vampire games are boring as hell too. 

Going to a club alone is perfectly normal here; in fact in my experience that IS the norm in most venues. There is no requirement to speak to anyone (unless  you're spoken to; common courtesy would suggest a reply).
You've explained you're a guy, so you won't have to deal with all the IM hitting solo females encounter.


(Emphasis mine) LOL.  I was about to post that since he's a guy, all he has to do is appear at a club of his music choice, stand for about 5 minutes, or less, and be hit on by a female.  My male friends say this happens a lot.  When I was partnered, with our names in each other's "partner slot" on the profile *and* wearing tags that identified us as partners, women would still come up and "proposition" him right in front of me...heh.


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Ingrim wrote:

More along the lines i can't separate my feelings for someone IRL and somethings that have happened in SL and im getting hurt by them, so its best i quit. 

I can somewhat relate to this.  I was partnered for the first 3 years of my SL and we did everything together.  After we split, no matter where I went, it reminded me of him.  I created an alt and she became my "social avatar" while my main (me) buried myself in my little SL business, if I brought that avatar on at all.

As weird as it sounds, going to the same places I used to go with my former partner but as an alt, was less hurtful.  Just another suggestion. :)


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Ingrim wrote:

why is this "Game" so boring? theres litterally nothing to do in it. no goals, nothing. its completely pointless. 

There are things to do. If you like goal oriented guided entertainment experiences, there are things from The Globe (perform Shakespeare plays in a replica of his theater) to quests with objects to find. There are roleplay sims that set goals or have battle meters.

But it is called Second Life, not Second game. So for the most part, you set your own challenges. If that isn't for you, a computer game might be the thing. Or, the think. Or something.

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You mentioned a few things you like. Live music? Well... there's a very strong live music scene in SL.

Here's a few videos from SL performers I tend to like a lot:

Taunter Goodnight:

The Follow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbw7hUtf-uc (sorry the vid is RL not SL)
Frets Nirvana:

Plenty of others play in SL too, catering to just about any style of music single musicians can play, and a few bands. Then there's a gazillion DJs playing music off their HD.

You mentioned D&D, but didn't like the RP sims you saw so far. D&D is, in essence, pen&paper and imagination with a good GM running the show. That kind of RP is very rare in SL. It exists, for example in the faery/elven sims.

There's a few art sims in SL too, but probably not enough to hold anyones interest for too long.

At its core, SL is a social environment. If you're not social, you'll have problems. I'm not social myself, so the social aspects of SL mean nothing to me either.

The bottom line however is fun. If you don't enjoy SL, don't use it. If you are only here because of your friend, and are jealous that she enjoys it and you don't... you two have more serious problems. Quitting SL isn't a big deal. It's neither life-changing nor in any way necessary for a RL relationship.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Going to a club alone is perfectly normal here; in fact in my experience that IS the norm in most venues. There is no requirement to speak to anyone (unless  you're spoken to; common courtesy would suggest a reply).
You've explained you're a guy, so you won't have to deal with all the IM hitting solo females encounter.


(Emphasis mine) LOL.  I was about to post that since he's a guy, all he has to do is appear at a club of his music choice, stand for about 5 minutes, or less, and be hit on by a female.  My male friends say this happens a lot.  When I was partnered, with our names in each other's "partner slot" on the profile *and* wearing tags that identified us as partners, women would still come up and "proposition" him right in front of me...heh.



Okay, that gave me a laugh. I stand corrected; I was just going on comments I've heard from females both inworld and on the Forum. I've never heard a male complain about that but then I guess that's to be expected ;-). I'm a t-girl so for me it's not much of a problem—I think I pretty much just confuse everybody.

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The old "Sl is not a game".

Sure it is a game,you can use skills to gain prizes...hellooo.If that is not a game .I do not know what is !

A prize can be money,free objects,social networking connections.

This takes time and skill to master,most play many hours of the day...

There are rules you must follow....

There are penalties if you do not comply.

I never understand why people say "SL is not a game" ..Last time I  look at what a game was it seem to include the following.

Needed skills to advance.

(You must learn how to use the system to advance in the game,TPs are not auto and people have to learn basic building skills to mod and adjust clothing and other in world objects,how to use search to find other locations)

Offer winnings  for gaining such skills.

(Lindens $ are not a international form of currency,their exclusive to second life and can only be used,bought or sold in SL and hold a material value on trade in,you can gain  them from taking part of hunts,camping,building and many other ways

Rules and consequences for breaking them.

(this can be in many many many ways,lack of skills can get your SL market place products removed from search to your IP removed from the ability to enter the grid)


Yes SL is 100% a game .

Yes many have a hard time living with the fact they play a game so much and will never admit   it's any thing but a game..

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