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Buying inworld vs buying on MP

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This is more of a survey than anything but there used to be a thought that said "people generally search on Marketplace then visit the store to buy inworld".

This may have been superceded by a view to "buy on MP even if it's available inworld cheaper, BECAUSE it can be reviewed and rated".

QUESTION:  Would you buy inworld instead of MP, if you could then also review and rate the item on MP, even if you hadn't purchased via MP but it was the same item?

(please don't derail the topic by comparing inworld lag vs browsing etc. there's a very specific reason for my question)

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I have been writing about this for ages, LL pushed people to buy from MP from the times when they changed how to buy using the search engine, if you like me and man others its very difficult to search and buy within the viewer, hence why people buy from MP, sorry but I do use Mp only because I been force to as too difficult to find and locate shops within SL,



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Irene Muni wrote:

I buy inworld the objects that I need see rezzed: furniture, houses, plants, animations ... etc. I buy other objects in MP.
Given the
kind of shopping
that I do,
most of my
shopping is
inworld, but I begin searching in MP.

ok but would you welcome an ability to then subsequently rate and review the item on MP, even if you had bought it inworld?

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Sassy, I would absolutely welcome the ability to rate and review items I buy in-world.

(That, incidentally, is not quite the same as saying that such a change would cause me to buy more things in-world and fewer in the Marketplace. I wouldn't, because I try very hard to avoid ever buying anything on Marketplace.  That's especially true if the seller has no in-world store, from which I automatically conclude the seller is stealing IP. Also, if the link from the Marketplace to an in-world location doesn't work, that seller is off my list forever.)

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I use MP because search is easier, I do not leave or generally look at reviews or ratings. The one thing I would like to see is a way to rate a store, some are just not helpful at all and being able to pass that along to others would be nice. I will add that if there is an easy way to find the in world store, I like to go there and look around, if they have one item on MP that I like they may have others in world I like too.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Irene Muni wrote:

I buy inworld the objects that I need see rezzed: furniture, houses, plants, animations ... etc. I buy other objects in MP.
Given the
kind of shopping
that I do,
most of my
shopping is
inworld, but I begin searching in MP.

ok but would you welcome an ability to then subsequently rate and review the item on MP, even if you had bought it inworld?

Yes, I think that is a great idea.


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I would like to be able to review something on Marketplace that I had purchased inworld.  I often look at Marketplace for ideas, then I go inworld to visit a store if they have one and see other things that I want to buy while in store (easier than going through pages and pages of items sometimes).

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I think it's a very good idea, in that I've sometimes wanted to leave reviews, good or bad, for items I've bought in world.

But I don't think it would particularly influence my buying behaviour, in that I'm certain I've never seen something in-world I wanted to buy and then thought, "I'll buy this from the MP instead, in case I want to leave a review,"  any more than the possibility I might want to leave a review would normally be what decided me to look for something in the MP, rather than in-world, in the first place.    


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Sassy Romano wrote:

QUESTION:  Would you buy inworld instead of MP, if you could then also review and rate the item on MP, even if you hadn't purchased via MP but it was the same item?

It would not influence my choice of inworld for MP

I would welcome the the possibility to rate and review stuff bought inworld the same way we can on the MP though.


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jwenting wrote:

I use the MP to find things, then typically go in world to buy them. Saves the store owner the 5% sales tax to LL, and allows me to see what else they have to offer (many don't have their entire catalogue on the MP)


Yes but that wasn't the specific question.  More so would you welcome the ability to leave a review/rating on the MP page of the same item bought inworld? 

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Sassy Romano wrote:

This is more of a survey than anything but there used to be a thought that said "people generally search on Marketplace then visit the store to buy inworld".

This may have been superceded by a view to "buy on MP even if it's available inworld cheaper, BECAUSE it can be reviewed and rated".

QUESTION:  Would you buy inworld instead of MP, if you could then also review and rate the item on MP, even if you hadn't purchased via MP but it was the same item?

(please don't derail the topic by comparing inworld lag vs browsing etc. there's a very specific reason for my question)

Probably wouldn't do anything for me either way. I have a set of stores I typically buy from and go straight to their inworld store to shop. If I can't find something from a regular store I shop at then I will use the MP but still go in world, if one exists.  So I'm already a big in world shopper, so I doubt it would change my habits at all. But to be honest....hardly anyone ever leaves reviews even on the MP, I highly doubt if this was available in world, people would change that habit of not leaving reviews. And even more so, how likely would people be to review it? I can tell you I rarely read reviews, mainly because most reviews are done by complainers, you rarely hear from the happy people. Either way, they don't change my opinion so why bother.


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i would love to rate an item if it was on MP and in world..heck i would love if we could rate inworld items hehehe

cause if something is awesome i want to voice it and if something is wrong i want to voice it also..

i use both a lot when i am using sl..

and the ratings help me a lot as well..

they can be a factor on things at times..there are some helpful tips in them as well..


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People are too lazy to rate a product. It wouldn't matter if they had the option inworld too. Some reviews on the marketplace are quite helpfull and influence my choice (if they are writen with reason).

After all, an inworld rating option wouldn't influence me much, cause I prefer to go to the marketplace for shopping since shopowners tend to make unpractical stores where I can't find anything for different reasons. Only houses, furry avatars and some selected brands are things I buy inworld.


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Same as other posters have said - I would like the opportunity for that 1 out of maybe 50 times I have a strong opinion one way or the other, but the ability to rate in world would not change my shopping habits.

(I'm trying to remind myself to always leave a rating/review now when I buy things on the MP.  For years, even as a merchant, I hardly even noticed the rating area. *blushes.*)

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i've started inworld shopping more saw since i saw something i liked on the MP a long while back went to the inworld store found it was cheaper so now where possible i look inworld if it's not cheaper i'll get it on the MP later if i was able to review stuff i bought  inworld on the MP that would be great though i wouldn't go out of my way to buy the item inworld if it cost the same as on the MP

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Fan of inworld shopping and only use the MP for search, when ever search works...

Why give LL that 5% for a broken system they don`t intent to fix?


Now if people weren`t so lazy and didn`t rely on the MP and actually had an inworld store, even if just small and cycle trough say 20-40 of the new releases... i`d be buying more

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Fan of inworld shopping and only use the MP for search, when ever search works...

Why give LL that 5% for a broken system they don`t intent to fix?


Now if people weren`t so lazy and didn`t rely on the MP and actually had an inworld store, even if just small and cycle trough say 20-40 of the new releases... i`d be buying more

A thought popped into my mind as I read this...

Of the merchants who only have MP listings and no inworld store, it would be interesting to know the percentage who became merchants after the MP was so strongly pitched to us by LL.  My hunch is that, barring other issues such as a RL financial crunch, etc., merchants who had in world stores of any size prior to the MP still have in world stores and the majority of the MP-only merchants began selling after the MP was heavily promoted.

(Sorry Sassy, didn't mean to derail your thread, just thinking out loud as I see Alicia's sentiment expressed a lot on the forums.)


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Yes, I would welcome the ability to be about to rate in-world merchandize.  I read reviews before I buy on MP and I DO rate items.  I prefer shopping on MP because it is much more convenient than In-World.  If I am buying a big ticket item, I will look for it In-World but buy it on MP EVEN if it cost more...because I want to be able to rate it.

I am not sure about that, there are quite a few merchants that sold prior to SL promoting MP.  I actually think I did better on MP prior to it being promoted. And, most of my sales are on MP despite the fact I have an in-world store.  I am thinking of closing the in-world and going back to MP sales only.  Will still have a demo area but tear things down and get some prims back on my sim for other things.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Fan of inworld shopping and only use the MP for search, when ever search works...

Why give LL that 5% for a broken system they don`t intent to fix?


Now if people weren`t so lazy and didn`t rely on the MP and actually had an inworld store, even if just small and cycle trough say 20-40 of the new releases... i`d be buying more

A thought popped into my mind as I read this...

Of the merchants who only have MP listings and no inworld store, it would be interesting to know the percentage who became merchants after the MP was so strongly pitched to us by LL.  My hunch is that, barring other issues such as a RL financial crunch, etc., merchants who had in world stores of any size prior to the MP still have in world stores and the majority of the MP-only merchants began selling after the MP was heavily promoted.

(Sorry Sassy, didn't mean to derail your thread, just thinking out loud as I see Alicia's sentiment expressed a lot on the forums.)


I can't speak for all merchants who went that route Czari but I know of several merchants who went MP only after the MP was big. They went MP only because they either left SL completely but left their store up I guess for the extra cash or they went MP only because they couldn't afford the tier. Several were actually fairly popular in world before the MP went big. One of my friends before going to MP only thought she would do better because with no tier, her MP sales would remain the same and it would all be pure profit. Her MP sales actually went down when she left the inworld store. I think a lot of people refuse to buy from people who don't have an inworld store. I know for me personally, if I don't see a "in world store" link to go to, I won't even bother looking. mainly for two reasons. 1. i'd rather support someone who is actively still involved in SL and supporting the economy. 2. While it may not always be true, I do relate the lack of no in world store to possibly having left SL and having no real interest in it anymore. As a consumer that worries me. What if I have issues with delivery, or need support for the product? They could be long gone. I actually experienced this once, it took this guy almost 2 weeks to get back to me because as he puts it "he barely signs into SL anymore". i see no point in supporting someone like that. And unfortunately you dont know if they are like that until after the purchase, so I just avoid it altogether by sticking to MP listings with real world stores...even if they are just small shops and try to complete my purchases in world whenever possible.


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Morgaine Christensen wrote:


I am not sure about that, there are quite a few merchants that sold prior to SL promoting MP.  I actually think I did better on MP prior to it being promoted. And, most of my sales are on MP despite the fact I have an in-world store.  I am thinking of closing the in-world and going back to MP sales only.  Will still have a demo area but tear things down and get some prims back on my sim for other things.

99.9% of my sales are from the MP as well and I've thought over the years if my in world store makes any sense, but I've read quite a few posts similar to Deja's about not buying from a MP merchant if they do not have a presence in world so I'm happy I've kept my little shop.  It sounds like your demo area will serve a similar purpose.  Seeing some type of in world presence seems to be key for many customers.



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