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More aggrivated all the time with this

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So in almost four years, seen several trends come and go. Still thanking goodness that "Bling" fell off the face of SL. Remember when all shoes HAD to have that?

Always like some "latest and greatest" must have thing, the latest buzz is about mesh. I cannot see mesh inworld, but on the market with all the things I seen, it doesn't seem to look any better than what sculpts did. Ugly and awkward.

It just seems like in RL, people in SL are often led around by the nose with every silly new trend. You never hear the word "sculpt" anymore but a couple years ago, you would have thought that is what the S in SL stood for.

Then you have this trying to sell on the market - I cannot use V3 so I was stuck with the magic box. It was infuriating cause things seemed to work half-assed, despite everything I tried. Then i thought - "why am I wasting hours of time messing with something that amounts to nickels and dimes? If i quit buying cigarettes at $4 a pack I would have 10 times the money than i would ever get on the market.


If you think about these trends - it is never about making friends (except overnight relationships) and always about some new stupid building trick. SL thinks it is gonna compete with FB and that can never happen cause SL seems to be more of a program for building pure junk than relationships or whatever. With SL'ers being RL withdraw, who knows if SL is the cause or effect. I tend to speculate "effect".

Sometimes I think I should try to get a better computer so I can enjoy SL more then I think - "Am I really willing to waste $500 on a machine just to play what is basically a game?" This revelation happens usually when I learn of a new limitation of my computer with SL.

LL seems to enjoy sending people on wild goose chases. You want to do something? You gotta have or do this first, but even that step won't work unless you have or do or learn this or that. Almost like a scam, isn't it?

I wonder what is gonna come of mesh once the newest thing is thought up? Oh yeah, in the landfill along with sculpts. Silly me for asking.

I wish I had never got hooked on this game. Anymore it is like my smoking habit - I hate it, know it is a waste, but cannot really just quit.The person who talked me into trying SL - I would love to kick her in the seat of her pants.

I know someone will come along and explain all the benefits of mesh, and it will be the same explanation that people said about sculpts at one point. What good is it to save standard prims if the latest type create lag even worse?

So on the social side, it is a 3D FB with the fake friends. On the build side, it is a constant, "Oh no, that is no good anymore, you need this instead".


Anyone else get weary of the wild goose chases?


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Personally I'm not jumping on the mesh bandwagon. I think I've built maybe 1 or 2 items out of a mesh kit built by someone else. My sales haven't gone down because I'm still using sculpts instead of of mesh. I'm happy as ever sticking with sculpts and prims. In fact many of my customers got annoyed with me last month because my VIP group gift was a mesh chair...many of them couldn't see it. So I won't be moving any time except for the occassional piece now and then if I find one in full per made by someone else that I can make look better than it was.

Although I don't get the reference to facebook. Has Sl said they want to compete with FB? To me they are apples to oranges, not anywhere near the same thing. Not to mention most of the people on my FB friends list are people I know in real life, where people in SL...I don't really know any of them.

To answer the question...I don't mind the goose chases because I choose not to participate. :)

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I do think you really should buy a new PC or upgrade it if your current PC can't run V3, and it's not like you do it only for running SL, go get some other games which your old PC can't run and have fun with them. I run SL with almost all settings put on max, and it's awesome (well, enjoyable, minus my below average internet speed).


I'm sorry if anyone is offended by how I call SL a "game" an old SL player once told me that everyone is entitled to see SL in their own ways, and that's how I see it, a game, which I enjoy playing. :)

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Well actually, from a user point of view i cannot really see the benefits of mesh. It has only made matters and performances worse. I can use the 2 and 3 viewers, but the cost of loss of performance is just too much, hence i still prefer the V1 based viewers. I rarely have come accross mesh btw. But i can see them thanks to the latest (still very buggy) Phoenix viewer. I haven't seen a viewer yet which has come to an acceptable level of usage since mesh however. They are all either too buggy or too slow. None of the 3rd pary viewer actually works well for me since mesh. None of the official LL viewer iterations have come to an acceptable level either.

Moreover, fashion like a full dresses aren't looking all that well by applying mesh, as patterns of the upper and skirt part are impossible to align and 'light' flawlessly looking as one whole assembly due to lightning effects which are different on system clothes and worn mesh/sculpts. I usually make my own (from RL ported) high fashion dresses and the best results i still get by using the system skirt or flexy primmed. If used well and if designed well and if the avatar propirtions are set superb no mesh can beat a one assembly dress design. And what others think of me, i have never ever cared about much btw, not in RL, not in SL, not on any life. I have never followed trends, groups or friends because i make my own ideas lol. 

Just follow your own path. Like Abraham Licoln wisely said: "Always bare in mind that that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing".




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I just don’t pay attention to these “wild goose chases” I mean, mesh came up. I tried a few demos of mesh clothes. They didn’t fit my rather curvy shape, and since I flatly refuse to mod it, unless mesh becomes modifiable, it’s not going to be my thing. Mesh clothes may fit my shape some day... or maybe not; I just don’t care. Same as I don’t care about every new “awesome product” I see advertised in TV commercials

Same goes for buildings or furniture…luckily there’s enough very nice houses and furniture items made out of prims and sculpts. And stuff enough to build them…I can see mesh, and it looks great indeed; but I don’t need either to have a mesh made house, or to build one. (especially because atm not everybody in SL can see those items) Once more, I don’t care.

About friendships/relationships…well, there are shallow people everywhere, and also people who meant their feelings for others…odds are that most friends one gets in SL are only acquaintances, but hey…it’s the internet. The right place for real, meaningful relationships is, IMO, the real world.

You said “It just seems like in RL, people in SL are often led around by the nose with every silly new trend” yes...seems so. Such it’s the nature of consumers. But in any case, try to focus in the many enjoyable things (and relationships) SL has to offer…even if they are just acquaintances…one has too that kind of relationships in RL, and whilst a close friend or loved one is an entirely diff matter, acquaintances happen to be great to share a while of chitchat, a few laughs or to vent about not too heavy issues

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Something I learned the other day, all the mesh viewers including Phoenix and Cool VL require SSE instruction set.

Not all older PC's have that and that's the bigger problem than just saying "use a different v1 viewer" and there are some very old PC's still struggling.  I just wanted to throw that in.

My comment would be "NO, if SL is the only thing that is not running on that PC, don't upgrade if you're not happy, find something else to do."

Hardware does need to be refreshed to keep up, if, you want to keep up.

It's not just mesh though, that old PC won't be seeing larger draw distances, shadows, enhanced lighting and much of the current experience.

Mesh will have a play but in my view, not until there is deformable clothing that fits me instead of the other way round.

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Jasmyn Vaher wrote:

unless mesh becomes modifiable, it’s not going to be my thing.

Apologies if I appear pedantic here but mesh CAN be modify as long as it's not rigged.  Once rigged, it's presently bound to the avatar skeleton and it needs the deformer that is presently in development in order to "shrink wrap" it to the avatar morphed mesh, i.e. shape.

However, only mesh clothing that is uploaded with the deformer enabled will work this way, any existing mesh purchased items will not.

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No, no, no pedantic at all. I thank you for the info...so far I have only found not mod mesh items (rigged?)  ...not that I've cared much about looking  for them though...I am open to try it, but I am not  actively looking for mesh stuff either...if the day comes when modifiable  (unrigged?) mesh is widely available, well, then I may indulge myself  with some nice mesh clotes/shoes

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If the shoes don't need to bend with the ankle then they can be unrigged, same for any item where it's not going to risk colliding with the avatar shape.

Where rigged mesh comes into its own is for things like thigh high boots which could only be made out of several sculpted parts worn on different attachment points.  Now they can be a single piece which will bend naturally with the avatar.  Same for other similar pieces but equally i'm very picky and won't buy (or sell) rigged mesh until such times as it fits me and my customers more naturally.

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(( ETA: Sorry Jasmyn..i have no idea why i quoted you..hehehe..must just be a habbit to hit the quote button or something hehehe..quote removed..again sorry ))

mesh has more to it than clothes...a lot of unrigged mesh is some of the coolest mesh of all =)

mesh for building vs sculpts..

there is a lot of saving going on with waterfalls and caves ..because scuplts have to go phantom and need backer prims where mesh is solid..

the options are limited to what you can do with terrain tools.. mesh ground cover came along and now the ground can be shaped to whatever we want practically..with high quality texture that is 3d.. not just texture you throw on with shading to make it look like it has depth..it can have depth now before the paint job..

we can put holes in a rock wall or hillside..walk ontop of a cave and not fall through a prim gap hehehe


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In my combined 6 years in sl, this was the 1st time i was compelled to reply to a post. I usually enjoy reading posts and the difference of opinions each subject has to offer. However I could not resist this post. All 3D modeling whether it's sculpts or mesh both have + and -. I compliment the creative people here in sl that do amazing things that make sl fun and beautiful.

 LL is also a business and I understand how business and technology work, things change and need to for anything to move forward. People that don't like change (or can't afford and NO I am not putting those down, just making an obvious statement) often see this "scam" as opposed to growth. It is not LL or the users of sl that you can't improve your technology that allows you to log on. I also do not see sl as a 3D facebook, just because a social network may mimic another in certain ways, not all compares. BTW, I can only speak for myself, but my sl friends are not "fake" friends nor do they last one night. Maybe you need to look at things differently and not be so *aggravated*. Here is wishing you a much better sl and a better outlook maybe in both worlds! *smiles*

Thank you to all the wonderful builders, designers and people willing to take a chance on new technology or sl would not move forward. Mesh is an acquired taste, if you don't like the taste, don't take a bite, but don't put those down who enjoy or create with it. I found this post most insulting to the creative people in sl.

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I have used Phoenix for a small period of time, and it ran slower on my laptop. I am wondering if you tried Firestorm? I use the release just before this latest one and my laptop runs sl faster than any other viewer I have used. On my pc either viewer is acceptable because of the power it has vs the laptop. Just wondering because I did have issues running the other 3rd party viewers. Maybe I am rambling lol sorry :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

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Hello Ceka .-)

Well I cannot afford the kind of plot I’d like to have. Also, I have a few prim/sculpts made houses and furniture items in my inv and they are enough. But since I love clothes, that’s why I mostly relate mesh with outfits and not with houses/furniture or landscaping items.

 I know of its other applications; I have seen some, yet as I stated previously; it’s not anything I “need” to have…same as I don’t need to have the many other things I see and I like.

I am not putting down mesh. Not at all. I have seen high quality mesh products and I like them. I think however that mesh is rather new, some time needs to pass before it’s perfect and everybody’s able to see it. and that time will come.

My point is just that I am not going to be slave of everything and all that comes new, neither in SL nor in RL…(Same as I am not going to get a new computer to be able to see SL in all it’s beauty, despite guessing which I am missing) it’s my way to enjoy things without getting let’s say “upset” or stressed because of  the things I can’t or shouldn’t purchase…

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SL experience seems to vary wildly, even on the same hardware. My RL partner and me used to have the exact same hardware. Yet she crashed and still crashes once a day or so, while I can't remember the last tiem I flat out crashed. Our operating system does differ though.

Old computers becoming obsolete is a common problem not just for SL. Looking at MMOs, they have the same problem. People who originally bought any MMO 5 years ago expect it to keep running on their 5+ year old PC. People with newer computers want more bells and whistles with every expansion. Most MMOs go a middle ground: Update graphics and such, but don't go cutting-edge.

For myself I can safely say that if SL stops being enjoyable, I'll quit and never look back. Computers and computer generated worlds aren't anywhere near real life, and won't be in my lifetime. If you hate it, walk away. If you cannot walk away, please seek professional help. Addiction is a pretty serious problem if it impacts your life and well-being.

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Jasmyn Vaher wrote:

Hello Ceka .-)

Well I cannot afford the kind of plot I’d like to have. Also, I have a few prim/sculpts made houses and furniture items in my inv and they are enough. But since I love clothes, that’s why I mostly relate mesh with outfits and not with houses/furniture or landscaping items.

 I know of its other applications; I have seen some, yet as I stated previously; it’s not anything I “need” to have…same as I don’t need to have the many other things I see and I like.

I am not putting down mesh. Not at all. I have seen high quality mesh products and I like them. I think however that mesh is rather new, some time needs to pass before it’s perfect and everybody’s able to see it. and that time will come.

My point is just that I am not going to be slave of everything and all that comes new, neither in SL nor in RL…(Same as I am not going to get a new computer to be able to see SL in all it’s beauty, despite guessing which I am missing) it’s my way to enjoy things without getting let’s say “upset” or stressed because of  the things I can’t or shouldn’t purchase…

i was not replying to you..thats what i meant by sorry for quoting you..hehehe

i just ended up clicking the reply on the right rather than the left ..

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lucagrabacr wrote:

I do think you really should buy a new PC or upgrade it if your current PC can't run V3, and it's not like you do it only for running SL, go get some other games which your old PC can't run and have fun with them.


All technology is always going --------------------> that way.

If you stop and go -|

- everything will stop working right over time. Not just SL.

Computers aren't really built to last more than 3-4 years these days... I always tell people to avoid the top end, and the very bottom. Get a good brand's lower end. So that it wont' break, and you can afford to replace or upgrade it every few years.

And then I went and bought a Mac... which is basically the opposite of all that... :)


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

lucagrabacr wrote:

I do think you really should buy a new PC or upgrade it if your current PC can't run V3, and it's not like you do it only for running SL, go get some other games which your old PC can't run and have fun with them.


All technology is always going --------------------> that way.

If you stop and go -|

- everything will stop working right over time. Not just SL.

Computers aren't really built to last more than 3-4 years these days... I always tell people to avoid the top end, and the very bottom.
Get a good brand's lower end. So that it wont' break, and you can afford to replace or upgrade it every few years.

And then I went and bought a Mac... which is basically the opposite of all that...


Overall good advice except in some cases, me being one, a person simply cannot purchase a new PC due to my RL situations. I used to teach application software at a Jr. College so if I could, I'm geeky enough to want to update regularly.  It is very frustrating not to be able to do so to begin with, then have a couple of things hit at once on SL (MP direct delivery plus mesh - both of which require use of the new viewers which cannot be done on my PC) just ices the cake.

Someone mentioned other games needed better computers.  Well, yes and no. I spoke to a man who owns a computer repair shop the other day and was talking about having increasing difficulty using my PC for SL but that it runs WoW beautifully.  I was intrigued to hear (according to this man) that WoW learned lessons from one of its predecessors (EQ) and was designed to be able to run well on low end machines.  I can still run EQ fairly well, but I do notice WoW runs the best of all three.

Re: mesh.  I agree with the OP - seems there's always some new thing.  I honestly still don't like "most" sculpties.  Many people purchase sculpty maps, then have no clue how to texture them and the item just screams "I am a sculpty" - and not in a good way.  I have seen some done well, but the majority just have a certain "look" to them I don't care for.  As for mesh - it will be interesting to see where it goes, but considering my PC situation I can't see it at all so it's a moot point.  I told a friend the other day that I will never buy any mesh-built object/clothes just as a matter of principle - due to my current aggravation with SL over several issues.

@Deja - there is a thread on here re: Cloud Party which is apparently Facebook's new 3D community so apparently they are attempting to compete with SL, attempting likely being the operative word.

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Few things -

So looking thru the threads, not even a search but just skimming, seems others share a lot of my aggrivations (market, mesh, and all the other BS).

A couple people mentioned FB has a VR now. Well that is great except think of this -

in SL, we have the unwritten rule about "SL is SL and RL is RL" They might collect enough personal info to take money if you buy L$ but LL doesn't ask or care what your favorite songs are, fav movie, what you ate for dinner, where you are going in RL to buy more toothpaste, etc...

FB has no such rule. SL is where some people try to *somewhat* live out their deepest, most depraved fantasies in a safe platform.

Would you want fb knowing what your dirtiest thoughts are?

FB is not setting up a VR to compete with SL, they are doing it to dig deeper into people's minds, to invade their privacy on the most intimate levels.

In SL you have the cloak of "SL is SL..." but in FB, you are NAKED and not in a good way.

LL does appear to be cutting off their noses despite their face by making viewers more demanding and leaving behind some old and many would-be players. Notice FB doesn't do that? Not cause they "care" but cause they want to pry into every single thought and action about you. They want to afford ALL an opportunity to share their lives so they can sell your story to big brother or companies.

Some people value their own privacy cause there are some out there that will nag or try to harm you for no other reason than how you live or who you are or even age, race, gender, religion...


In case you cannot tell, though I often get pissed at SL, I hate FB with a passion that burns like the fires of hell.

I cannot honestly say I "hate" SL, it is just aggrivating at times. Love-hate maybe


Would you want the world to know what you do in SL? FB would love to know. Stay OUT of FB VR if you do anything more than buy milk at the gas station.

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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

Always like some "latest and greatest" must have thing, the latest buzz is about mesh. I cannot see mesh inworld, but on the market with all the things I seen, it doesn't seem to look any better than what sculpts did. Ugly and awkward.

Please Linden Lab, oh please... save us from the horrible mesh things.

Terrible mesh wearing avatar  :smileymad:



We don't even need sculpties, nor the horrible laggy flexi hairs.  Remove those too.

What we really need is just the basic system clothes.  Then we can happily run SL in any slow computer what we might have in our hands.  Thank you very much.

Basic no lag avatar.  Yay!  This should be good for anybody.  :smileyhappy:



Warning:  this post might contain some sarcasm.  If you feel unhappy with it, please skip this post. :smileytongue:

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Coby Foden wrote:

MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

Always like some "latest and greatest" must have thing, the latest buzz is about mesh. I cannot see mesh inworld, but on the market with all the things I seen, it doesn't seem to look any better than what sculpts did. Ugly and awkward.

Please Linden Lab, oh please... save us from the horrible mesh things.

Terrible mesh wearing avatar



We don't even need sculpties, nor the horrible laggy flexi hairs.  Remove those too.

What we really need is just the basic system clothes.  Then we can happily run SL in any slow computer what we might have in our hands.  Thank you very much.

Basic no lag avatar.  Yay!  This should be good for anybody.



Warning:  this post might contain some sarcasm.  If you feel unhappy with it, please skip this post.

I LOL'ed !

You are right though, if one has never seen mesh inworld...how can one judge it is ugly?

To the OP:

Take a look in the vanity thread and see the pics made inworld of people wearing mesh (shameless self promotion, if you look at my pics - I mostly wear mesh only, including my hair, eyes, feet, nails, lashes...etc....). Of course you can find my looks and outfits ugly and awkward, but than it is a matter of taste and certainly not the technical quality.




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I absolutly agree with you! I hate it when people start complaining about how mesh would slow their viewers down or how laggy mesh is and how bad it looks anyway and that people who use it are only doing that because its new.....

Have any of you ever thought about that it may look pretty good to those of us who doesn't try to run SL on a computer with more power than a calculator?! I don't get why people still believe a free programm means it can run on PCs brought for nearly nothing or that a system which was good enough back in 2005 still can catch up with the standart of 2012.....

Its just not logical to get mad on people using mesh or on LL making it possible. Everyone who still refused to use a mesh viewer has the fault on their own side. Its not my problem that you can't see my boots. I see them, they look great and everybody who saw them agreed with me. Maybe all who can't deal with mesh should switch to tetris.....no mesh there, I promise.

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Caitlin Tobias wrote:

I LOL'ed !

You are right though, if one has never seen mesh inworld...how can one judge it is ugly?

To the OP:

Take a look in the vanity thread and see the pics made inworld of people wearing mesh (shameless self promotion, if you look at my pics - I mostly wear mesh only, including my hair, eyes, feet, nails, lashes...etc....). Of course you can find my looks and outfits ugly and awkward, but than it is a matter of taste and certainly not the technical quality.




yes that's a nice thread to enjoy..there are some really great shots in there..that and the "show your style" thread over at  SLU.. that one and the vanity thread in avatar section are two great threads to see  some really nice mesh shots..

when the deformer gets here  hopefully it will get even better =)

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I would not call mesh a trend. Just like sculpties have been it is a very nice advancement in the tools and possibilites to build things in SL. It is not a fashion trend or thing to add to clothing (bling is hopefully lost and forgotten now) and shoes that can be turned on and off.

It is just another method of building and one that is easier to make and offer more possibilites and less limitations the sculpties and even more so then prims. Now of course neither of the older methods will go away (despite some screaming that went on when mesh was about to implemented about how sculpties will be discontinued and all of them erased and banished from the grid .. yes.. some people are *insert word of choice*) and there are always things that are better done in one method then another (pillows might be better done in sculpts then mesh).

Mesh itself also need some thinking about how to make it so it is efficent in the land impact number and look good with proper texturing. But this is the same for sculpt builds and prims. It just depends on the builder and honestly I don't care about badly made mesh items on sale because there is a even greater number on badly made prim items and horrid sculpts on sale. I don't have to buy it and just go and pick the really great made ones that so far I had no trouble finding.

Sadly it was a great oversight by LL not to realize that rigged mesh clothing is probably the most desired application of it. Mesh static, non deformig objects can be and are great already but rigged clothing is something that can not be achieved with any other method and looks better then the older alternatves. So now they need to add the mesh deformer because so far most people (including me, but the sample is rather small with only those on forums and those I talekd with) expressed the opinion of not wanting to change the shape to fit clothing. Merchants have responded by offering demos and different szes and I have found enough mesh items to be fitting me very well (and I am on the shorter scale of SL sizes what often made fiting things difficult). Of course they will never be able to offer enoguh sizes for anyone so the deformer project is the thing needed to make rigged mesh clothing as awsome as it can be.

Currently there are two different deformer ideas that are being worked on and the first one (made by quarl, funded by residents and getting cooperation from LL) has been making good progress so far. The second one is very new and surfaced only a few days ago (I thik) but from what I heard and read about it, it might be a very good idea about how to do it as well (not that I would understand all the technical things about it :matte-motes-tongue: ).


Trends are one thing, using new building tools is something very different and I really don't want to get back to prim shoes :matte-motes-mad: 

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Syo Emerald wrote:

I absolutly agree with you! I hate it when people start complaining about how mesh would slow their viewers down or how laggy mesh is and how bad it looks anyway and that people who use it are only doing that because its new.....

Have any of you ever thought about that it may look pretty good to those of us who doesn't try to run SL on a computer with more power than a calculator?! I don't get why people still believe a free programm means it can run on PCs brought for nearly nothing or that a system which was good enough back in 2005 still can catch up with the standart of 2012.....

Its just not logical to get mad on people using mesh or on LL making it possible. Everyone who still refused to use a mesh viewer has the fault on their own side. Its not my problem that you can't see my boots. I see them, they look great and everybody who saw them agreed with me. Maybe all who can't deal with mesh should switch to tetris.....no mesh there, I promise.

i don't mind when people complain..i mean i can understand the frustration all too well..

i just don't understand why some feel the need to degrade others because they can't experience something others can..

i always hope it is just venting frustration more than actually being serious..

it sounded more like frustration to me anyways..but you never know hehehe

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