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After 5 years I am jiving up on SL. When the gambleing was taken out it started this down hill slide and just isn't fun for me any more. I'm taking down my store; the SL matket one, giving up my land and would like to delete all my inventory down to what I am wareing. Is there some way to mass delete my inventory or do I have to do it item by item, texture by texture?

Sorry, SL is just a craptacular lagfest now, now fun at all.

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You could just delete  your account if you want everything deleted and do not intend to come back. But why bother? Is there something in there you're worried about? 

You brought your business here, so I hope you don't mind the question. Just curious.

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Yeah, why indeed?

I suppose deleting Inventory will provide the satisfaction of making the central servers work a little harder for a few seconds, thereby punishing all the rest of us who didn't decide to quit at precisely the same time.

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Why don't you do something for the N00bs before you depart like go to help island and give your inventory transferable objects to people who both want and need.  Maybe an act of kindness toward fellow residents will allow them the opportunity to see SL as more than just an ex-gambling mecca.  

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gambling was taken out right around 5 years ago july 2007..2009 was it's peak year..

unless you were talking about a personal slide..if  so ya i can relate to that..

but it still has a lot of good fun and creative things to do..and nowhere near as laggy as back then for me..

but i get fed up at times as well..a good summer break always helps me..then come back and it feels kind of new again for me..

but thats not always the answer for everyone..

best wishes for whatever direction you go =)


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It is unfortunate you find no joy or nothing interesting to capture your imagination.  Gambling has been over for awhile now.  Sure, tons of clubs 'gave up' but there are other things to do and I do not miss 'feeding the sploder' at all.

Are you sure this is not just a 'waking up on the wrong side of the bed' thing?  You do not have to cancel your account.  Go dormant for awhile and maybe you will return refreshed and SL will look differently to you.

I agree with Storm's suggestion re: giving your transferable stuffs away.  N00bs are always appreciative!  Good luck.

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Don't commit SLuicide; so many do, and then come back here onto the forums asking how they can reactivate their account.  As Venus and others have said, consider just leaving your account dormant for a few months, put all thought of it into a bubble and watch them float away with any troubles you may have.

When you return, and find things are still laggy etc., you will not find it quite so grim. Be assured a lot of people go through the plateau that you are going through, when it seems the fun has been sucked out of an aspect of your life.

It's like a favourite pub that decides to take out that jukebox so the atmosphere (and half the customers) leave, but then soon after a new chef comes along with a decent menu that makes your mouth water and gives the pub character again.

Whatever you decide, I wish you happiness. It is a commodity that needs to be grabbed with both hands and cherished, for it seems rare to come along for a long-stay.

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Can I have your inventory?



As others have mentioned, I highly recommend the option of just letting the account go dormant.  After getting rid of your land, simply downgrade the account to Basic and let it be. Over the years, tons of people have felt like you are feeling now.  Many of them cancel their accounts, only to return a few months later wanting to get everything back as it was.  Just let things rest a while until you are really sure - I'd go so far as to say let things lie dormant for at least a year before you make a final decision.

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The easiest way to quit SL is to go to your dashboard > Account > Cancel Account.  Let LL do the deleting...they can most likely delete everything in your inventory as quick as it takes to call up your account and hit the delete key (poof it's gone in an instant).

I'm sorry, I'm not going to be as nice as everyone else.  Why did you feel it necessary to spend the time and effort to post an "I'm leaving" thread?  A final mini rant?  To gain some sympathy?  To make others feel bad for you?  Maybe as a dig to LL?  Instead, why didn't you just inform your friends in SL of your decision and make arrangements to keep in touch in other ways besides SL?  I can tell you right now that I don't (and won't) feel bad for you, nor will I miss you.  I don't know you and if I did, I probably wouldn't be much of a friend....complainers and grousers are not my cup of tea.  All I will say is "Good-bye.  Have fun and be careful out there".

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SL is what you make of it. If you put nothing into it you get nothing out of it.  Gambling has been gone for years, if gambling was your sole reason for being here, then you would have been gone long ago.  So i suspect its really not gambling that has turned you off from SL.  Take a break, as others have suggested. If after several months you still feel this way, just don't log back in.  Your account will eventually go dormant and disappear on its own. 

BTW, deleting your items from inventory will not delete them from the servers.  Only the copies in your inventory will be deleted.  All your creations will be retained on the servers as long as someone owns anything you gave or sold to them and as long as LL chooses to keep them there.   Other than some personal jab at LL, deleting your inventory doesn't get you anywhere.

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Maybe you're just sufferening from SL fatigue.  I think SL is miles better than it was 5 years ago.  And personally I'm glad that gambling is gone, having lived across the road (in SL) from a huge, ugly and nearly empty casino for over a year.

Lag is nothing like as bad as it was when I joined over 5 years ago.  I do think performance has declined a bit in the last year or so, though - but that might not be LL's fault - it could be the internet.

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wow, ask a simple question.

I simply want to clear my invantory before I pack it up.

I just find no part of 6fps fun.

intel 2.8quad, 6 gig and a 1gig card, I play MMO racing games at max graphics settings with no lag, so it isn't my machine. No this isn't the same machine I had then, but every new viewer over the last few years has cost me more and more fps till it's a waste of time even logging in.

And if I had wanted any more advice then how to do a mass deleting of content I would have asked.

And you all may like to have that server space back, I probably have 80gig of origenal textures just eating up space.

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Manstan Beaumont wrote:

wow, ask a simple question.

I simply want to clear my invantory before I pack it up.

I just find no part of 6fps fun.

intel 2.8quad, 6 gig and a 1gig card, I play MMO racing games at max graphics settings with no lag, so it isn't my machine. No this isn't the same machine I had then, but every new viewer over the last few years has cost me more and more fps till it's a waste of time even logging in.

And if I had wanted any more advice then how to do a mass deleting of content I would have asked.

And you all may like to have that server space back, I probably have 80gig of origenal textures just eating up space.

then just ask the question and i'm sure thats all you would have gotten..

click a folder then go down like 20 folders and shift and click and delete..

should be done in no time at all..



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I'm going to go against the grain and say do exactly what you want to do. I'll assume you've thought it out and aren't simply rage quitting. Why let your account sit dormant if you don't plan on coming back? I don't know if it will make a difference server wise for the rest of us, but it's worth a shot. There is nothing wrong with deciding you are done with SL once and for all, and making a clean break. I actually figured on doing the same thing if that time comes for me.

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Manstan Beaumont wrote:

wow, ask a simple question.

I simply want to clear my invantory before I pack it up.

I just find no part of 6fps fun.

intel 2.8quad, 6 gig and a 1gig card, I play MMO racing games at max graphics settings with no lag,
so it isn't my machine.
No this isn't the same machine I had then, but every new viewer over the last few years has cost me more and more fps till it's a waste of time even logging in.

And if I had wanted any more advice then how to do a mass deleting of content I would have asked.

And you all may like to have that server space back, I probably have 80gig of origenal textures just eating up space.

If I had a dollar (US not Linden) for every time someone has said this, I'd be able to buy myself a decent new computer and get something over the average 15fps I get in my SL. 

Your computer can be as great as can be, and your internet service provider can tell you they're giving you up to 100megs, but remember over the years more and more people have been taking up broadband services, and this dilutes the service enormously.  I personally find that at 3am my time here in the UK I can get 30-40fps, but after 3.30pm in the afternoon until about 10pm, I am lucky if I get 6fp.

Second Life is not like your other MMO racing games, and cannot be compared in such a way. It uses far more bandwith.

This extra information is provided to you at no charge.  If you are too arrogant or mentally drained to read it, then I am extra sorry for you. 

General Discussion Forum is for that - general discussions - hence why you got a general discussion not a straightforward answer to your enquiry.  

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

The easiest way to quit SL is to go to your dashboard > Account > Cancel Account.  Let LL do the deleting...they can most likely delete everything in your inventory as quick as it takes to call up your account and hit the delete key (poof it's gone in an instant).

I'm sorry, I'm not going to be as nice as everyone else.  Why did you feel it necessary to spend the time and effort to post an "I'm leaving" thread?  A final mini rant?  To gain some sympathy?  To make others feel bad for you?  Maybe as a dig to LL?  Instead, why didn't you just inform your friends in SL of your decision and make arrangements to keep in touch in other ways besides SL?  I can tell you right now that I don't (and won't) feel bad for you, nor will I miss you.  I don't know you and if I did, I probably wouldn't be much of a friend....complainers and grousers are not my cup of tea.  All I will say is
"Good-bye.  Have fun and be careful out there".

You were still as nice as everyone else - in the end :matte-motes-big-grin:  Wish you'd been the first poster then just that first paragraph would have covered it all and no one else would have bothered to waste their time.

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LittleMe Jewell wrote:

16 wrote:

so anyways

i can haz ur stuff ???

Hey - I asked first


q; (:

seems like OP has heaps. so am happy to go halfs. you can have first pick if you like. is ok. am quite happy just to add to my already mountains of craptacular stuffs

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i am agree with this

if you have to go then go and not look back and hold no regrets

can always come back one day some day and start over again

i have personal done this 2 times now on SL. just delete my accounts and went done something else for a time

been back this time for over 1 year now. is different now than the other times. am more relaxed and i not stress out or get badly upset anymore like i used to when things dont go the way i think they should


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In the past year I have been on maybe 10 times. Each time to simply pay bills. Total time on may be 40-50 minutes. If the fps wasn't so bad I might find something to have fun with, but the way it stands it's a chore just to log in to pay bills. I still want to wipe most of my inventory out, I feel like I'm draging around a trailor lode of garbage.

I've done everything I can from my end to bring up the fps. Garphics is so low it looks like PS1 and I still can't get more the 7fps. Let some one walk in to frame with some 30 flexy prime hair and 40 flexy prime dress and it's down to 1/2fps. Just no fun to be had at that fps. I have the best band width avalible in my area so this wont get better.

I play LOTRO and during the festival, with 60 characters running around, many on horse back, with fire works, I was still running at 30-+ fps. Maybe if something is done to bring the fps up to 30 and playable, I'd come back, but as it stands I am not wasting my time with it.

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I have the best band width avalible in my area so this wont get better.

Ah, yeah, that could very well be the problem. You mentioned LOTRO, which uses maybe two orders of magnitude less network bandwidth.  The rendering is vastly simpler, too, but the hardware you described should not be having trouble with rendering SL scenes. So, yeah, until your area gets some better internet connectivity, SL probably won't be much fun there.

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