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Is this allowed on a Mature sim?

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I think public nudity ( or skimpyness ? ) is encompassed with M. Not sure about lapdances, but they might as well be as long as both avatars are dressed.


Public fornication isn' t M-rated for sure. If that is happening at the sim, the owner should relocate to Zindra and have the region set at a rating of A.

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It's a 2006 sim. It was claimed then.

Local Motion Creations:  Avies under 3 days old not allowed. No Minors, 18 and up only. Beach, Dance, Romance, Date, Sex, Hawaii, Aloha - set sun to sunset,Intan Dance system- look for reezers,hidden poses /1 Show

But yeahh.. Like do i report it or something? Or just let it be?

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Carl Thibodeaux wrote:

But yeahh.. Like do i report it or something? Or just let it be?

You might notify the owner first about your observations and see if you can discuss this amicably.

If you can' t and still find the owner breaches TOS and evades correct rating policies, you might go ahead reporting her / him.

I suppose there' s nothing else to do if sim is abandoned and owner doesn' t respond at all.

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Nudity is allowed (LL says Stripclubs can be usual on M rated land, for example). The lapdances would be also ok...I think....but sexposes, open or hidden are not allowed. Talk to the beach owner about it. If he doesn't want to change it, you can report it to LL.

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Well, you could join the Gestapo?

Quite honestly....have you really got nothing better to do than consider yourself one of the moral police?   Let LL deal with any TOS violations: that is what they are paid for, and you are not.  Griefing is going on wildly in many areas, affecting the game enjoyment of many, yet LL - and you - are impotent to stop it.  Worrying about adult pose balls on a mature beach is not going to destroy SL.

If you are sooooo pyschologically damaged by this, and worry that all us poor residents will  plunge into the abyss of debauchery then why not try the hundreds of PG sims....and stay there.


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if it's a private sim not advertising  or connected to other sims i think it's probably fine..


remember..these are for  advertised places and things using search or other means trying to draw the public traffic there..

if it's private sim not advertising it's like a private home..

 if they are advertising then they should be rated adult if they are having open sex n stuff..


Is simple nudity without sex Adult?

Depending on context, nudity may not require an Adult rating. For example all of the following could be rated Moderate:

  • A nude beach without sexual activity.
  • Skin vendors showing a nude skin to display the product.
  • Nude art that is not sexual.
  • Strip clubs that do not use adult words in search or host sex furniture.

Depending on the context, exposed genitalia may not be considered Adult. For example:

  • Hanging out at a nude beach would be fine.
  • Walking around pants-less on the mainland could be inappropriate.

Non-sexualized depictions of nudity are Moderate NOT Adult.


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Sigren Panthar wrote:

Well, you could join the Gestapo?

Quite honestly....have you
 got nothing better to do than consider yourself one of the moral police?   Let LL deal with any TOS violations: that is what they are paid for, and you are not.  Griefing is going on wildly in many areas, affecting the game enjoyment of many, yet LL - and you - are impotent to stop it.  Worrying about adult pose balls on a mature beach is not going to destroy SL.

If you are sooooo pyschologically damaged by this, and worry that all us poor residents will  plunge into the abyss of debauchery then why not try the hundreds of PG sims....and stay there.


Adults should be able to go to Mature regions without seeing people having sex in public.  That is why there are adult regions.  If that's YOUR thing go there.  Its easy for the private estate owner to change to an A rating, so there is no excuse for it.  If the area is on the mainland, its clearly not supposed to be there.

I'm not a prude, am age verified, and believe whatever two consenting adults do is ok,  I don't mind nudity or most things in a M region, but I don't expect or want to see people having sex in public unless I go to an adult sim. People may have family in the room in RL that can see their monitors or other legit reasons for not wanting to see it in an M region that have nothing to do with being the "morality police".  LL doesn't police this and relies on people reporting it to enforce the policy.  Personally, I'd AR them and so would  a lot of other people.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

But yeahh.. Like do i report it or something? Or just let it be?


Nobody likes snitches, Carl


Well .. funny you mention that .. I reported a main .. and an alt returned to the scene stating on entry : " Expect to get ****ed when you're a snitch."

I merely pointed out he made an apparant typing error and reported him again after he tried to bring the region to a standstill a second time by rezzing a heavily scripted object with high prim count.

I don' t really care if he likes me or not. :robotindifferent:

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Sigren Panthar wrote:

Well, you could join the Gestapo?

Quite honestly....have you
 got nothing better to do than consider yourself one of the moral police?   Let LL deal with any TOS violations: that is what they are paid for, and you are not.  Griefing is going on wildly in many areas, affecting the game enjoyment of many, yet LL - and you - are impotent to stop it.  Worrying about adult pose balls on a mature beach is not going to destroy SL.

If you are sooooo pyschologically damaged by this, and worry that all us poor residents will  plunge into the abyss of debauchery then why not try the hundreds of PG sims....and stay there.


I agree.


Unless it's blatant illegal/gross stuff like kid porn and the likes, why do you care? Even if it's on your home sim, you can't see it unless you look. So - don't look. Problem solved.

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Carl Thibodeaux wrote:

It's a 2006 sim. It was claimed then.

There is no gramps clause in the maturity policy. So having the poseballs out there in public - needs to be AR'd.

ARing it will actually help the place. Look at adult land sometime - best traffic on the grid.

At this point in time in SL, unless you need to be on G or M, most people will do better finding an excuse to be on A.


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Arkady Arkright wrote:

Sigren Panthar wrote:

Well, you could join the Gestapo?


THIS !  Why are there so many nosey-parkering busybodies in SL ? Have they nothing better to do than prodnose whenever they find something slightly not to their taste ?

That's a bit unfair. There are plenty of people who like to get involved when they find bots around that don't affect them at all.

Adult land was created so that people wouldn't accidentally come across adult activities on Mature land. And, believe it or not, there are a many people who prefer not to come across it, which can't be faulted. It's not something that's "slightly not to their taste". It's something that offends many people, just as it would offend them if they came across it in RL. I'm not one of them, incidentally, but I do know that it offends people, that it's against the ToS, that it's the reason why Adult land was created in the first place, and that such things should be ARed out of existance


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Its funny to see how many scream up, because he considered to follow LLs rules, isn't it? Would you say the same thing when some other part of the TOS gets violated? Doesn't it make age verification (you don't need that to visit M rated sims) and adult land senseless, when sex is everywhere ok?

What happens when a child avatar comes along, is it then alright to report it, cause you find it nasty enough? Oh, and he didn't mentioned what sexanimations there are...hmm, hows about rape, bestiality or some extreme bdsm?

He wasn't searching for it, he just accidently say those things on the sim and asked for what the TOS says about it. And now...lets start an orgy at some random sim, you don't have to look at it don't you? :smileywink:

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what users should understand is that not every sim with a rating falls under these ratings..

what LL needs really is a rating that is put in there called something like  private lol

PRIV sim..


my sim is out in the ocean with a 2 sim gap around it..it's my home..it's also only moderate rated..

that rating doesn't mean anything for me because my sim is a private sim not using all those publicity channels to get my sim attracting people to it..and also there is nobody walking in the next sim seeing anything like sex or whatever..

i could have the whole floor covered with sex balls and all kinds of sex beds just thrown all over the place..

those are not against the rating..because it's a private sim..not a sim advertising or trying to draw public or exposing  people in other sims to anything..

i could have private huge orgies that cover the whole floor of the sim outside and still would not fall under the rating..

if people kept coming back on their own to use those things..it's still private..word of mouth doesn't fall under the ratings..

if someone were to AR it..it would fail because there is nothing related to the sim or the sim owner that is trying to attract the public..

i don't have all that crap laying out there like that..but i could if i wanted to and would be fine in doing any of it..as long as it stayed private and out of public channels or site ect..

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I disagree with you, Ceka. If your sim was unavailable to the public, then I'd agree with you. But as long as anyone can go there, it has to follow the rules for Mature land, which means no public sex activities, etc.. It's nothing to do with attracting people via search.

Search does have a role though. You can do adult activities (sex) behind closed doors on Mature land but, if you advertise those 'behind closed doors' activities in search, through the land's description or through items on the land that show in search, then it would be against the ToS for Mature land.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I disagree with you, Ceka. If your sim was unavailable to the public, then I'd agree with you. But as long as anyone can go there, it has to follow the rules for Mature land, which means no public sex activities, etc.. It's nothing to do with attracting people via search.

Search does have a role though. You can do adult activities (sex) behind closed doors on Mature land but, if you advertise those 'behind closed doors' activities in search, through the land's description or through items on the land that show in search, then it would be against the ToS for Mature land.

it is unavalible to the public hehehe

you can't get in my sim unless i let you in or give you permission to let people in..

adult has everything to do with search and promotion and hosting to the public..

so does moderate.. private doesn't..

thats why i said they should have a priv rating..

cause sex balls sitting on a sim beach that says moderate rated is not ARable..they would know it wasn't even more if the sim said private rated..

you can't cam in and see people using them if land settings are on either that make avatars invisible..

it would unclog some Ar's in the system i would think..

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Its funny to see how many scream up, because he considered to follow LLs rules, isn't it? Would you say the same thing when some other part of the TOS gets violated? Doesn't it make age verification (you don't need that to visit M rated sims) and adult land senseless, when sex is everywhere ok?

I don't see what the problem is in the first place - sex exists, adults ( which is what I understand M-rated is for) know it exists - in fact they wouldn't be here without it... The suppression of sexual feeling amongst adults is done primarily for purposes of control ("you can only enjoy that if you do it when and how I tell you"), and is often performed under the guise of "won't someone think of the children" - the more open it is, the less effective that control is. If you don't need age verification to visit Mature sims, LL obviously considers everyone who logs-on to be sufficiently adult - look up the dictionary definition of 'mature' sometime...

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The "problem" is, that LL set rules and guidelines for second life, one of them is a short description of what is ok on M rated land and what belongs to A rated land. And now, let me tell you something:

You DON'T need to be age verfied to visit M rated land. I didn't need to do that for all my accounts which I created from two years back till today. You only need it for A rated land (the ONLY part of SL where LL doesn't have a problem with sex, porn, escorts and all that stuff). This means, on a M rated sim, you still have the risk to meet people who haven't verified their age yet.

Also I agree with another opinion said here, that their should still be some place to go which has nothing to do with sex. And its not nice blaming someone just for the question of TOS violation. He didn't do anything wrong.

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