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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. I love what you've done with the place @AidySL! 😄
  2. I am patiently waiting for delivery of my early birthday present... a new laptop! I am looking forward to being able to enable advanced lighting. In the meantime, here is my avi looking at a bird.
  3. Wow! This is one of the best smile animations I've seen.
  4. This is very lovely Belinda... great shadows and light.
  5. To expand on Kanry’s point, some people (I am in this group) treat their avatar as a sort of digital Barbie doll and enjoy dressing it up and taking pictures of it. It’s why I’m not particularly attached to a single look and change my body parts at almost every login. It’s not vanity as much as recording the creative process. Like Scylla and others said up thread, it’s about self-expression, even if the parts of the whole are available for anyone and everyone to buy. Most people put their own spin on it. There are a lot of people in this category judging by Flickr and the many blogs out there.
  6. Oh you! I didn’t see that on the website, but you never know.
  7. Hooollleeee mother of god, those are expensive. But, you heard it here.. As good as a real woman 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8. This part makes me laugh... maybe I am just so laser focused on heads that a just don’t notice bodies all that much. I mean.. all of the bodies look like supermodels or playboy bunnies. How much difference can there really be?
  9. I really hope it doesn’t become like Genus. I love my Genus heads, but it’s like many of the skin makers have forgotten about all the other brands. I think there are too many downsides to the Legacy body for it to ever become as popular as Maitreya. At least I hope so, since I will never buy the Legacy.
  10. I am a recent convert to PS. I used paint.net for a bit, but I wanted to be able to do more with my pictures. In my opinion PS is the best, and there are so many tutorials online that I am constantly learning new techniques and tricks. GIMP was too complicated for me unfortunately. I really do hate having a monthly fee for PS, but there’s no way around it.
  11. Yep, Laq. As much as I love my Laq head, it has my least favorite animations. They just don’t look natural.
  12. Took a trip to Tralala’s Diner, which is in an amazingly detailed post-apocalyptic sim, if you’ve never been. Fun!
  13. Lelutka truly has the best animations and the best HUD that I’ve encountered, and I have heads from all four of the big head brands.
  14. Ditto the Axis HUD. It’s the best purchase I’ve made in SL lately. The Genus animation HUD has improved, but I still find it necessary to click buttons multiple times before they respond. So that could use some improvement. The animations themselves are nice and subtle.
  15. Won’t anybody think of the CHILDREN?! It’s great you’re passionate about something, but this entire WOT is s bit over the top.
  16. I am just now catching up with this thread and want to say thanks for fighting the good fight ladies!
  17. I hope everyone had an excellent weekend!
  18. Ooo it's a trap! I do not think gacha machines in Second Life are a detriment to the greater good of society.
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