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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. I've wondered that too @Saravendi Enquiring minds!
  2. I love this picture... very idyllic. Where is this lake?
  3. Some Saturday Sale goodies. Anyone care for a hard lemonade?
  4. YES. This happens all.the.time to me. Unless it’s super horrible I just go with it and hope no one notices. Then I have this compulsion to point it out anyway.
  5. Whelp, my latest peeve is that I can’t keep up with the forum anymore due to all of the whining er... I mean new posts. Also the use of the word less when fewer applies.
  6. I..I.. what is happening in here? Anyone have a tl;dr summary?
  7. Feeling purpleish. And my laptop can’t handle advanced lighting, so that shadow was done freehand in PS. Don’t look too closely. 😀
  8. I took a morning field trip to Burrow Coffee Co. and look who I found. Khal Drogo is now a barista! I know where I am getting my coffee from now on.
  9. Haha! I love this Zeta! You always come up with interesting and creative scenes.
  10. I think you nailed the look and feel of an old photo with that one. @Scylla Rhiadra And thanks for pointing me to that thread! I tend forget about that section of the boards.
  11. Wonderful lighting in this, Scylla. I’m on my phone so your shoes are tiny, but Ive definitely seen uglier! They look fine... You should go shop anyway, of course!
  12. Haha! Thank you, Sara. Enjoy your binging! We are going to start again at the beginning. 😄😁
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