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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far! I am a bottle of red deep, so feeling pretty good at this juncture. And I liked this picture when I took it earlier, but now hate the hand positioning. Sigh.
  2. This list gives the impression that you think everyone in SL is there for your particular entertainment. That may be why you are having issues connecting with people.
  3. It’s all cyclical, which any long time resident will tell you, and I’m sure you know. I don’t personally know anyone still on after 10 years that hasn’t taken at least a short hiatus at some point.
  4. You are rocking that blue eyeshadow! 🤘🏻
  5. This would make a good profile pic Panteleeva. I like the black and white.
  6. Yay to Flickr being back up! For some reason it won’t show me any activity from people I follow, though. Does anyone else have that issue? And here’s what I looked like last night to keep it on topic. 😉
  7. I just love this hair on you... great pic.
  8. Wow! Where has this been all my life?
  9. Thanks for putting this together! I LOVE biking around Bellesseria and can't wait to try the loop this weekend. 🚲👍
  10. Speaking of Take on Me, have you heard the Weezer remake?
  11. I see other people have answered you on this one with good advice. I like the YouTube videos by Daeberethwen Arbenlow. She has a lot of SL specific PS videos. I have learned a ton from them as a PS novice. And her name is awesome. Lol
  12. I layered a couple of windlights in PS, and it did funky things to my necklace. Oh well... better luck next time!
  13. This is a wonderful capture, Scylla. It looks like a real photo!
  14. I laugh at the equating of brushing real life teeth with a virtual avatar. But really, I’m not trying to convince anyone that my way is the right way, I just find it silly and superficial to disregard an entire swath of people due to their avatar.
  15. I’m admittedly breezier about this virtual existence than some, but who really cares? It’s pixels on a computer screen.
  16. Not to pick on you Mollymews, but that seems silly. Not everyone has the same priorities and budget or desire to update their avatars. You could be missing out on some great people because their hair does not fit well. But at least you're honest, I guess. <shrugs>
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