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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. I have been coming up short on inspiration for pics lately, so here I am in front of some trees. The coloring of the photo makes me long for fall. I'm in Florida, so I have a looonngg wait. ETA: Does anyone know of a sim with an urbanish, downtown feel, but not grungy?
  2. I really like the lighting in this, Scylla. And I can't believe that the HL thread is still going. It will.not.die. You two are adorable, Tati!
  3. I had a feeling that Legacy was the purchase you were talking about. Glad it worked out for you. 👍🏻
  4. October 2007 July 2019 I still choose blonde hair most of the time (like RL). It’s amazing to see the improvement. I thought my avi looked good in ‘07. 😂
  5. This is how I felt today after eating the most delicious bacon and cheese scone in the world from this little shop down the street from my office. Randoms are fun. ETA where did my gif go? It was Nicholas Cage dammit! How does one get gifs to imbed properly?
  6. THIS. Grrrr. ETA apparently I’m easily annoyed today. I’m also a couple posts away from 500. 🎉
  7. I bet they’d actually make more money this way. I never buy those types of fatpacks, or the single plain colors, no matter how cute the item may be. Partly out of spite. I’m petty like that, and doubt I’m the only one. I would buy all of the cute patterns, though, if I could buy them separately. I do like and purchase the pattern only packs. There is one creator I can think of that offers lots of patterns and single colors and then adds additional patterns in the fatpack. I buy those, because I love everything coming out of that store. It’s more of a bonus rather than hiding the good stuff in the FP.
  8. How could you have missed it? You must be better at ignoring persistent threads than I am. I keep opening the dang thing, then being disappointed.
  9. Agreed. It’s nice to read a positive(ish) and honest review from someone who is not an obvious company shill.
  10. Ok this one made me literally LOL at my desk. I hate when this happens!!!
  11. The one with the HUD that you can toggle on/off. 😋
  12. S/O events, I love camming around a themed event and seeing things that are completely off theme. Don’t know why I get such a kick out of it. It’ll be all: cowboy hat, cute country dress, some hay and a pitchfork, cyborg arm, a barn backdrop. It makes me wonder if the creator missed the memo!
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