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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Happy Mother's Day to all the fellow moms in the US! And Canada!
  2. This gets a lot of household airtime thanks to my 8yo. He’s got great taste.
  3. I got a funny one while hair shopping yesterday. English was not his first language so that could have contributed. Guy: cute avi Guy: not so sexy and not so beautiful but very cool Me: Uh, thanks I think?
  4. I only recently started using PS, and am having a lot of fun playing with it and learning what can be done with it. It's also pretty amazing the kinds of repairs and "fixes" that can be made to the clipping and weird looking arm and leg bends with poses. So for me, the post processing is part of the fun of taking pics. I enjoy the many different types of pics that are posted in this thread, processed or raw. Everyone has something worthwhile to contribute! Pardon any wine typos.
  5. Thank you! I thought it might be dragon related but looked too small. Fire breathing dog? on topic:
  6. Sir Lancelot (what is happening in this picture?)
  7. I haven’t blocked anyone. On long boring work days the nutty ones give me too much entertainment to block. I’d hate to miss anything!
  8. So much good advice here lately! 😂
  9. Welcome Lilac! We love new contributors around these parts. Beautiful first post!
  10. Does not compute. GOT and LOTR are my favorites of all times. Now put me in front of any super hero movie and I am asleep faster than a melatonin/ambien cocktail. 😁
  11. Nice curves adjustment, and DoF! Very realistic shot.
  12. @Skell Dagger Don’t slink off too far. I always find your image editing posts extremely useful. Thank you!
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