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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. I agree it’s weird. Like Zeta said, peruse the relationship forum and you’ll see a lot of people, male and female, looking for a partner, any partner, with no particular stipulations. They just want anyone available to fill that partner box. It makes me a bit sad for some reason.
  2. My gif won’t post! It was a confused Tom Cruise. But.. helicoptering appendage... WHY??
  3. Re: AOs.. I find the Vista ones too busy even. And 90% of the female avis on the grid use the same three AOs from them, which is fine, but not what I wanted. I bought breathing stand animations from Ana Poses that have slight subtle movements of hands and arms. I loaded into the Firestorm AO, and I have been extremely pleased. The stands transition nicely.
  4. One would think so! In SL it is not common sense for many people. Thanks for putting it all together like this. Hopefully the people who need to see it will.
  5. I too have had the head scratcher moments when seeing poorly shot, random Flickr pics getting hundreds of likes. I chalk it up to thousands of followers and posting to literally hundreds of groups. It annoys me when people post to groups that have nothing to do with the photo. For example posting a naked photo to a clothing creator’s group. Come on now!
  6. Very true about the classified tab. I don’t recall ever seeing anything in that tab in all the years I’ve been perving profiles. I’m always pleasantly surprised when someone’s picks tab has actual interesting locations listed.
  7. Seriously. I HATE this. I never buy these, purely out of spite.
  8. Well I completely forgot about Powder Packs. I amend my answer to yes.
  9. No. I am drawing a blank on anything that I would want badly enough in SL to prepay for it. Maybe if the creator was already a personal friend I’d contribute.
  10. I’m with PP, it’s just a dress up doll. I don’t get any sort of deep fulfillment from it or anything. Oh well.
  11. I caved and downloaded the app. I think I like it.
  12. I saw the body on someone in world yesterday and will admit that it is attractive. But that’s not enough to make up for the price (why so high???) and the reputation for me. Yes I know it’s only $20, but it’s still a hard pass.
  13. I do too. I like the grungy, apocalyptic looking places.
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