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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Yes, it was a rhetorical question. The issues you listed are real issues that affect the greater good. Gachas in Second Life do not even remotely fall into the same category. ETA: Quoting fail. This was to @Wulfie Reanimator
  2. People, if you don’t like gacha machines then don’t play them. Why must everyone always try to regulate things that have zero effect on them.
  3. Have you been away for a while? Gachas are everywhere. There are multiple events dedicated to them.
  4. Yes! For me it was hors d’oeuvres. I read it frequently in books as a child and was sure it was pronounced hores devores, and didn’t connect it to the spoken word for a embarrassingly long time.
  5. I agree that she must not have lurked much at all to get a feel for the environment before posting her WOT. The main reason I felt comfortable enough to post that first time was due to the overwhelmingly helpful and encouraging posters here. I saw that from quietly reading from the sidelines for a few weeks. Y’all are so nice! And I try to do my part to keep the helpfulness going to encourage others to post too.
  6. I see this mentioned a lot about mesh heads and bodies and I just don't get it. There are at least 30 different mesh heads between the four top female mesh head makers, which are customizable via the appearance sliders to some degree. Add in the hundreds of skins available, and you have a multitude of different looks. There is plenty of variety IMO.
  7. For me it’s the skin texture that keeps it in ‘cartoon’ zone.
  8. Yes to still too cartoony IMO. I do occasionally get that effect with the up close vendor ads that use photoshopped hair. The NPCs make me run in the other direction. LOL.
  9. Does it get better after the pig episode? I’ve only seen that episode and was scarred (not really, but you know what I mean). 🐷 Eta: I can’t believe it’s on season 5 already! Where have I been? The pig episode was season 1 I think.
  10. This was a big issue, especially with earlier releases. I’m at work so can’t verify, but there should be an attachment called ‘neck fix’ in with the head... I have used that on occasion with certain skins. I think there is even a separate neck fix applier on the HUD, but I could be misremembering.
  11. It is so so good. I read the books a while ago and the red wedding was definitely the moment when I knew no one was safe. But that’s what makes it stand out from other series, which may have one or two main characters die, at most. Here we have any main character dying at any given moment! I love the unpredictability. Ok, I’m done fangirling and off-topicing!
  12. Orwar, nooooooooooo!!!!! Spoiler alert!! 😭 J/k..I’ve already seen it. I just felt like being dramatic
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