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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. @Blush Bravin Both avis are lovely. You should post in this thread more often. @DaisyJohnnson You totally got me! Great job on Skye.
  2. My poor alts are so neglected that I don’t use them for anything. Two of them I haven’t logged on in probably 8 years, and the other I upgraded to mesh, but wish I’d gone with a different head and body. I spend so much money on my main that I don’t really want to ‘waste’ any on my alts. They do have pretty great first and last name combos though, so maybe I should upgrade.
  3. Glad to hear you found some newer alternatives!
  4. I agree with everything you say here. I will admit that I am surprised at the amount of support I am seeing it getting from some big name applier and clothing creators, especially given the overall attitude towards the body of people that I know and of posts here on the forum.
  5. We need a shocked face button: 😲 Did you happen to render them to see what they looked like?
  6. Regarding complexity settings, my personal complexity rarely tops 100k (normally 50-60k range) unless I am busting out some very old jewelry, but I love avatar watching and would miss out on a lot with a 50-75k complexity setting. When I am at crowded events on a shopping mission I show friends only, but otherwise apparently keep a fairly high setting. I also love to perv profiles. I am interested in how other people express themselves, performance be damned!
  7. Another option for events is to remove everything and alpha out your system av so you go invisible with a floating name tag. Cheaper!
  8. Wow, auto-ejecting for a 60k complexity is very extreme. Was it a shopping event? I do now recall that some events impose a limit.
  9. Hello! You many cause rendering issues to others, but you may also not be rendered at all depending on other user’s settings. I have mine set to ‘jellydoll’ anyone with a complexity over 200K. I have never seen sim rules listing complexity limits, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Usually script usage is the issue.
  10. Love this! *runs to your blog to see who makes the top*
  11. Cute dress! Many great things this round of C88. s/o C88, this outfit from Emery came across my Flickr feed and made me think of @Scylla Rhiadra.
  12. It sure is! Also @Skell Dagger, do you use FS or Black Dragon, or another viewer? Your pics are always so crisp.
  13. Back to work after a long holiday weekend. At least my avatar looks calm and refreshed, unlike my actual self which looks like I stayed up too late and had too many margaritas. 🥴
  14. I made the mistake of not demo'ing this top before I bought it, and the rigging on the shoulder is all weird. I really should know better by now.
  15. I really love this, Garnet. Those shoes are gorgeous!
  16. Sure! Come on back! I took seven years off to do the child-rearing thing, and came back last year to so many great new advances. Unlike others, I don’t think SL is on the way down, and if it is, I’ll enjoy it as long as I can. And I am very sorry about your husband. Honoring his memory with new creations sounds like a lovely idea.
  17. Grumbles in solidarity. Though I am not picking up much slack at work since I can’t seem to stay off the forum today.
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