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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. My idea of snow was driving up to the Sequoias when I was young, heading to Colorado during spring break after moving to Texas, or heaven forbid we get an inch of snow here in South East Texas .. then the whole area shuts down due to a weather emergency.
  2. LOL .. I couldn't ever be a snow bird. Born in Louisiana, raised in California, lol .. prolly died in Texas .. when it gets to that.
  3. When someone asks where I'm from I say Texas. I don't have to say USA .. people just know. But I'd never claim to be Texan. I was not born in Texas. I was not raised in Texas. I have spent the majority of my life in Texas .. but that's no fault of mine. I like Texas but for some reason I've never identified with it.
  4. Yesterday I got the notion to travel by boat from my home in Barcola with a goal of reaching as close as possible to the area where the new Linden homes are located. Because I knew I would be encountering some very small canals I didn't try to take a sailboat because in reality you would not try to navigate inland steams using sailboats in the physical world either, so I took my motor boat. In the whole journey I encountered only one orb notice and because I was actually in the channel and not on private land though I got the warning the orb was powerless to eject me. My biggest difficulty was changes in water level and having to jump over a land bridge and find a new rez zone to rez my boat. Even in that case I only had the issue twice. I didn't get anywhere as near to the area as I hoped but all in all it was an enjoyable journey. I would think that had I taken a seaplane and followed the same path I wouldn't have had any issues either. I just had to follow the public access routes. My father was a commercial pilot and you know when he would rent a plane for a family vacation he always followed the highway from our home to the destination. I asked him why he didn't just cut across the countryside. He said it's was easier than mapping a course and if there was a mechanical issue he was sure to find a place for an emergency landing.
  5. If you want to try a head that already has bakes on mesh enabled .. go grab a demo of a Lelutka head. It has Bakes ready to go. You just have to check the feature in the head's HUD and you can use bakes. Once the feature is truly released I'm sure TPV will start coming out with their BoM viewers and then the head and body creators will start releasing their BoM updates. I think it's going to be a slow start though, especially with skinners catching up and releasing system layers. So patience is key in this process.
  6. There are a few creators who purposely create their clothing to work with other pieces they've made and go as far as to give you a notecard with the names of pieces that work together. Blueberry is one of these. There aren't many who do this however. One of the reasons I don't demo clothing in a shop is because it has to pass several tests on my checklist before I'll buy the item and one of those things is .. will it work with other items in my inventory. So when buying a jacket I will take the demo home and see if it will work with tops and bottoms I already own. If I can't make it work with a good number of items I simply will not buy it. I do the same thing with tops and bottoms when I demo. I love to mix and match my clothing just like I do in RL. If a top only works with the pants it was made to work with I simply will not buy it. I don't rule out applier clothing when testing mesh clothing. I use applier tops under mesh tops and jackets a lot. I love the layered look and using appliers to get that look is nearly a necessity.
  7. While I'm not a fan of all the straight lines, you certainly have every right to submit a JIRA with your suggestion. I'm rather dismayed that anyone would try to bring you to task over your initiative.
  8. I have been very fortunate with my neighbors in Barcola. I could not have asked for better in fact. I have however lived in many different regions in my many years here and yes, I've noticed that pattern as well. Sometimes I think the jackass comes out when a flipper wants to sell land to the current owners in the region and thinks if they are annoying enough we'll buy out their land for sale. That never works with me. That's what derendering and muting are for.
  9. Patch did say in local chat when asked about obtaining one of the new homes that the process would be the same as it is currently with going to your account page. You will request either a traditional or houseboat and then randomly be given a parcel. You can abandon if you don't like the parcel and reapply up to five times a day as it is now. If you currently have a Linden home you will need to abandon that home before trying to get one of the new ones and will need to have at least 1024sqm free. Chic already said all this so I am just confirming what I heard Patch say.
  10. I wasn't patronizing .. I seriously thought you must have been gone on vacation or something. The forums have been full of this topic for weeks. The preview opened over two weeks ago.
  11. Have you been gone from SL? This was confirmed quite some time ago.
  12. Sounds like a good subject for an experience in Sansar.
  13. Totally agree. That's why we have JIRA. Then I will change my wording to it being ludicrous to even suggest such a thing. Mainland belongs to whoever wants to live there and no one should even suggest that anyone who wants their privacy respected move to an estate as a solution for those who deem their right to enter a private area more important than that of the land owner.
  14. Bogus! I don't want to pay money to a third party. I want to pay directly to Linden Lab. It's ludicrous to insist that people who want the privacy of their land respected should be forced onto a private estate. Right of way on mainland should be more easily seen so that pilots can be better informed when traveling. And pilots should not object to having to fly around private areas instead of insisting they have a right of way to cross private areas. If the Lab decided to reduce the land owners right to privacy they likely would see a larger revolt with the number of premium accounts dwindling.
  15. Apparently there are many who have a misguided notion that mainland was built as some kind of huge community where everyone shares everything. It's simply not so. The biggest difference between renting land from an estate or mainland owner and owning mainland is that there is no middle man to pay rent to. I buy mainland because I don't want to pay a middle man. I want to deal directly with Linden Lab. Read the mainland policies to see what mainland is really about. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Mainland_policies There isn't anything about forced communal living in the policy. Thankfully mainland is a free for all with few limitations. It's what makes it so enjoyable IMO. Sure it means people can be jackasses but so what. We deal with it!
  16. Oh I know it does. I made the kitchen cabinets with that sink in mind and noted that in the description of the furniture. So I was certain you knew that, but I wanted to be sure that anyone else seeing the picture would know I hadn't made the sink.
  17. Oh my! I made that kitchen furniture so long ago. I hadn't even thought about using it in the new homes .. I will now! Thanks for reminding me. Btw, the sink is from Post not me.
  18. The limitations you mention are not rules but suggestions, recommendations if you will. If it were actually breaking TOS you could just file an AR and consequences would be doled out, but it's not. So the only way to get this situation sorted is appealing to the good will of those who own the land, unless Linden Lab amends the current TOS to make the suggestions actual rules with consequences. Perhaps filing a JIRA is in order because currently you really don't have a leg to stand on. I seriously doubt that you'll get the desired results even with a JIRA, but it is truly your only recourse short of reaching some kind of consensus where both parties have their needs met. I don't see it happening at this point not with the current line in the sand being drawn by those on both sides of the conversation.
  19. You're quoting something that was corrected further into the thread. The parcels are allowed and in fact encouraged to set to group. It cannot be deeded to group. Ban lines are not disallowed.
  20. Mine is set to 15 seconds which should be more than enough time to leave the area since I have sub-divided a very small parcel for my dressing area. Also, I do not set my orb to tp home. A person is only tp'd to just outside my parcel.
  21. Unfortunately, any RL instances have no bearing on SL. Let's leave that to RL and just deal with the situation here in SL.
  22. This morning while laying in bed trying to muster the 'want to' to get out of bed, I was thinking about this very issue. I really do wish we could find a solution that would work for everyone. So those who like to travel can do so but also those who wish to keep their space private .. really private could also do so. I was wondering why there can't be some kind of beacon to rez inside a parcel with an orb that would send out a signal and that the receiver could be worn by the pilots of aircraft and watercraft and only they could see the beacons. The beacon could be a red transparent enclosure of the orb protected area. I don't know how that would work. I don't know if particles would be used to indicate the boundary. But I know there are smart people out there with scripting ability. Why can't we have something like this? Wouldn't it work?
  23. This makes about as much sense as if orb owners started calling for the ban of aircraft in SL or the removal of watercraft. Seriously! They would be laughed out of SL as should anyone be for suggesting that ban lines be removed from the grid.
  24. Privately owned mainland is privately owned ... seriously! You don't understand the concept? We're not talking about estates here .. we're talking about mainland!
  25. Just because land can be terraformed to include water doesn't make it a waterway. In my early years in SL I was fooled by thinking that all water was protected. Now I know better. I carefully check to see if there is a Governor Linden owned water passage before assuming that the water is for public use. There are many roads and waterways in the mainland that are indeed protected. Learn to use those and you won't find yourself being disrupted by orbs and ban lines. I do agree; however, on one point and that is that some of those protected waterways are too narrow and increasing the amount of protected area would be beneficial.
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