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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Some have a misguided sense of security thinking people can't cam in from long distances. I can stand on the ground or be flying 2000m above the ground and cam instantly to anyone in that parcel as easily as double clicking on the person's name in the people menu using the nearby tab. As long as a person is inside the parcel boundary they can see anyone anyplace within that parcel. I know in my case I'm not interested in defending my privacy from those who are innocently flying across my parcel. That's not why I have an orb. It's for the stalkers and harassers. Until there is a way to guarantee that no alt of one of my stalkers can get inside my parcel I will continue to have an orb. Unfortunately, the real fault here lies with those who grief others. Everyone looses in the end. It's either me getting harassed on my parcel or pilots being ejected from my parcel. Since I am paying monthly for that parcel I believe my rights outweigh that of the casual passerby.
  2. I suppose when I edit my boat and use the arrows to move it forward that would be cheating?????? lmao ... hey I can rez a boat just fine .. don't ask me to actually sail it!!!
  3. The parcel border tool I was referring to has nothing to do with security orbs. It simply shows the borders no matter what altitude you are at so that it's easy to check your borders while positioning a skybox. The tool will rez a floor, or walls, or corner posts with particles indicating the border. Those rezzed objects can stay in place as long as needed. It does not work as a security orb at all.
  4. I'm wondering if there aren't plans already for adding water regions around these narrow areas. They certainly have left enough room to do so. We know they are going to add back the regions at the top that have been removed and the two at the bottom to connect the channel leading to Jeogeot. They have left one full region of empty space around the continent so that we can't have physical or visual access to it until they are ready.
  5. I use FS. So I save all my settings. I set my camera angle years ago and have never had to mess with it again as it's one of those settings that get saved when I do a backup. I'm actually thinking of perhaps putting in a JIRA about this. Since moving to mesh and smaller buildings along with a trend toward having more average size avatars that perhaps now is the time that the default setting for the camera be changed to something more in line with the view of the avatar rather than a birds eye view.
  6. Here is a link to a video showing how to change your camera angle so the camera doesn't hover so high above your head. There are several out there but this one is my favorite.
  7. Thank you for the update. I was wondering if you had heard from the merchant or had any kind of resolution.
  8. The SSP thread was moved to this forum. Unless there's another SSP thread I'm not aware of .. say it ain't so!
  9. Absolutely! I expect we'll have a lot of sharing going on once we can actually move in. Of course those living in the "classic" Linden Homes can share as well. The title isn't New Linden Homes.
  10. The first place I check when I open the forums is Linden Homes now. It's great! Thanks!
  11. The OP hasn't come back to respond to any of the posts. We don't know if the person is still reading the responses. There wasn't enough information given in the OP to determine what actually happened with the purchase. It kind of feels like we're all just filling an empty space with hot air at this point.
  12. Blush has a parcel border tool and I use it all the time. But I hadn't bought one for Debi so I just kept dropping prims on the ground and filling the space until it was fully covered and then changed the Z to whatever height I wanted in the sky. This got old and after remembering just how cheap that border tool is .. I decided enough of this and bought her one too. It really is worth the money to buy it.
  13. I don't know which skin you are using, but if by chance it's Skinnery I'd recommend her pixie ears. They come with appliers that match all her skin tones and they are very low complexity unlike most of the ears I've tried from other creators.
  14. She messaged me in world that it's fixed, but unfortunately her bf reformatted her laptop to fix the issue before reading the notecard I sent that contained the info you posted @Whirly Fizzle. But she's keeping the notecard in case it happens again.
  15. My avatar is 2 meters. To me that's a giant of a woman RL but it's average by SL standards.
  16. I own this one myself. It is 87 LI and will fit easily on a square 1024. That LI isn't too bad really for a house. I'd check the furnishing and landscape items for LI count. Also be careful about linking items. Most of the time linking will lower LI, but there are times when it does the opposite and will make the LI skyrocket. I also shrunk the house a little bit and got it down to 75 LI. The walls are still quite tall. I really enjoyed this little house. It's a keeper. You just need some really low LI furnishings.
  17. I changed my camera angle years ago and often help others learn how to do this for themselves. It's surprising how many have discovered this and have already adjusted their camera angles. It used to be a mystery but not any longer. I make buildings too but I'm not going to build based on the awful default angle. I do like taller ceilings though in SL and RL. So my builds tend to have a taller ceilings than the standard 8 foot high walls so prevalent in standard RL home construction. But I do love the smaller rooms that many SL builders are shifting toward. For many years I felt as though SL houses were like living in cavernous spaces that were impossible to decorate unless you were going for that minimalist look.
  18. You have a corrupted object file in your cache. I'll send you a notecard with instructions for fixing the issue. I sent you the notecard from Debi Baskerville.
  19. Depending on the Scarlet house, it can be quite primmy or low impact. Her houses vary greatly in land impact, so you need to check the LI along with the parcel size recommendation. With a suggested parcel size of 2048, you are probably running right up to the boundary edges, which could causes issues. Personally I wouldn't ever use more than 25% of my LI allotment on my house. I'd give up the house before I'd give up the furnishings and garden items. Also, it is highly unlikely that removing scripts will make a difference. While there are some rare instances where removing scripts from a mesh object will reduce LI by one, it's extremely rare to have that happen. If I were in your shoes, I'd go house shopping for something smaller with a lower land impact.
  20. I think this might be the response from Dakota you were thinking about. She talks about if a change is significant to change version numbers to affect redeliveries.
  21. That $250 join is a bargain! There are so many gifts and so well made, plus Winter sends out new gifts often.
  22. I thought she meant after checking the price it was too good not to buy it. Not that there was an actual problem with the vendor.
  23. Super happy to see a new sub forum just for Linden Homes. And all those threads scattered about in the forums have been moved to one handy spot! I've been absent from the forums because my mother was in the hospital and I was staying with her. She's better now and at home. It was a nice homecoming seeing this new sub forum.
  24. I question whether it was even the respected merchant selling the product. I have seen numerous scammers selling the Maitreya Lara Mesh body for 99L. They show a nice box with a picture of the body on it .. but is it the body? No! Is it Onyx selling the product? Again, no! I think the OP needs to file a ticket or provide more information before we can really help.
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