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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I thought I brought up a good solution. Create areas that are no fly zones. In those areas you can have ban lines and zero second orbs. Those areas could be clearly marked in the map so travelers know to stay clear of those areas. In all the other areas then it's open. No ban lines. That way the needs of both can be met.
  2. My concern is with a stalker for over 10 years. You can't assuage my concern at all. Besides my posts have been more about both sides trying to see the other's point of view. But I've given up on that. Unfortunately, clear sides have been drawn. There is no middle ground so therefore having to pick a side, I will pick the side of keeping SL as it has been for the past 15 years with options for security. I will stay in my Linden Homes and I will remember who has acted hatefully.
  3. That's really pointless to bring up. Those of us who purchase premium accounts do so for a reason. We don't want to rent private land. We want to use our tier allotment on mainland. And now with beautiful homes with yards or water we want a Linden Home. Mainland does not offer the same well built homes as free prims. I don't understand why some people are having trouble understanding that you can love the homes, the yards, the water, the parks, the roads and so forth and not necessarily want their homes open to the public or prying eyes. I have two of the new Linden Homes. I would love one to be open without any boundaries but I would like one to be private. I'd like to be able to retreat to my private dwelling without having to be on the lookout for interlopers. But I can live with it as it is. But for some they want privacy along with having a beautiful home and surroundings. They shouldn't have to choose security or beauty when using their allotted sqm.
  4. And why should the flying community get the best of SL and those who wish to have security be confined to the so-called rest of SL. We all know that mainland isn't anywhere as nicely done as the new Linden Homes. How about this. You all can go to the old Linden Homes and remove all the ban lines and orbs and everything ... and you all go there to fly... would that be fair? Of course not. Please stop this mentality. This is only driving the wedge deeper. This is not going to help anything.
  5. And now for my houseboat. I haven't done much with the outside yet so I'll take you right inside the front door. As you enter you can go right into the bedroom area or down the stairs into the living area. Right across from the stairs is the study area. Turn toward the kitchen and you find the lounge area. Standing in the kitchen looking back at the lounge area you see the door to the new bathroom. The bathroom is very spacious with a good size window. But the most spacious area is the bedroom. I decided to make it the best room in the house since entertaining in SL seems to center around bedroom activities. I've yet to really furnish this area. It will be a nice space with clear views to the water and a nice balcony overlooking the ocean. I still have an amazing 195 prims left and I've not done any meshing yet. All my walls are made with standard prims. It will be interesting to see how much I can reduce by meshing.
  6. Well being a lover of small houses, I decided the Winchester was too big for me. So I switched to the Adams. I adapted the pergola patio to the front porch on the house and replanted my flowers. I walk right into my living room when entering the front door. Just beyond the doors is the bedroom and bath. On the other side of the living room is the kitchen and dining room. I decided to make the back door come from the bedroom rather than the kitchen because it was a much larger space so dividing that room for a bathroom was easy. Through the back door is probably the biggest reason I downsized because I wanted something special. An ode to my childhood if you will! I still have a lot of deco items that need to be placed. I have 110 prims left so I think it will work out nicely.
  7. My add on Pergola Porch is completely mod and easy to mod. I purposely didn't bake shadows on it so that people could do as they like in adapting it to their needs. I've used it with three different models of house and it's fun seeing how you can switch it up to still use it. And by the way, I adore your little closet .... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!
  8. @Patch Linden I totally get what she is saying. And I can totally understand why those who want to fly unimpeded are so happy with this change. The problem is that you've created this beautiful place for us to live and everyone wants to live here, but there are still those who treasure their privacy. To create such a treasure and then rip away what has been a standard expectation for many, many years is shocking to many of us. I'm wondering since it's highly likely that this continent is going to get repeated (I'm assuming that's the plan since there are to be 4000 regions eventually.) would it be possible to have a section of homes that have security enabled for those who really love what you've done but don't want to give up an expectation that's been in SL for as long as I can remember. It could have a different category but be the same styles. For instance, traditional secured.
  9. Because none of the others you've mention have been an issue for me. That's my experience. I'm not going to talk about something that's not an issue for me. My whole point was that though we won't have banlines .. I'm actually glad about that, and though we really have no idea at this point whether the supplied orbs will do the job for us, that we do still have the ban hammer. So for those of us who want to use it .. it's still there. So there's no need to panic, except that when I get accused of not wanting to be social or part of the community because I would have the nerve to use the ban on someone who is annoying me. It's really crazy that I would get attacked, and that's what it feels like when I'm basically told I don't belong and that I should leave because I will use the ban if necessary.
  10. I guess you have trouble reading. Why don't you read the whole reason I gave for not wanting to do that. It's community, right???? So I'd like to hear and converse with my neighbors without being drummed out by a chopper or too low flying aircraft. This is simple manners.
  11. I thought I mentioned cars traveling .. perhaps I didn't. I have no trouble with cars .. I don't have trouble with choppers that are moving. Keep going. Don't hover or if you must hover turn the volumn down. Those things are crazy loud!!!!!! I did add some to that response .. perhaps you responded before you read the additional stuff.
  12. And if this is the kind of response I get because I said I would use the ban hammer if someone is annoying me, then what's next? Are they going to call for the removal of the ban completely? I'm going to explain my objection to low flying aircraft that hovers. I don't mind a person standing on the street and looking in my house all the want for as long as they want. What I object to is the noise pollution. Sure I can turn off all sounds outside my parcel but then I miss the sounds I should be hearing like a horses hooves, people conversing as they walk or run down the street, a car passing on the way to their destination or even my own radio in my home. The only reason I knew that chopper was there was because of the noise. I said oh well they'll move on so no biggie .. but the person didn't move on for a good while. Part of the reason, beyond simply safety issues for minimum height requirements in aviation is due to noise pollution. So again, if we are going to maintain a sense of community then everyone needs to work at it including those who abuse the privilege of flying.
  13. This person was not traveling. The person was hovering just outside my parcel and not moving. My father was a pilot. I've flown a lot. I know what it looks like to be landing. That was not the case. This was a case of someone sightseeing from a chopper. That's not the way you sightsee in the suburbs.
  14. My objecting to pilots buzzing rooftops is not anti-community. I love how friendly neighbors are and the overall out and about way people are acting. I'm talking about simple manners. Buzz rooftops in that other world and a pilot will get their license pulled.
  15. If you can't deal with individual rights and how to use those inside a community, then maybe SL isn't for you! How does that feel? Who are you to tell me where and where not I would be better suited to live? Seriously!
  16. Don't forget that your neighbors might have banned you specifically if you're still seeing ban lines. Honestly, I have never liked ban lines. I'm glad to see them go. The problem I think is having your privacy ripped out from under you with no warning. Meh .. for me it's not so much of an issue except for the stalker problem I've spoken about. That is really the only reason I use an orb. But I will tell you now .. If you are low flying right over my house or hovering right outside my parcel disturbing my peace I'm going to be adding you to my ban list. Unfortunately, that means anytime you come near in the future you'll have to deal with those ban lines. With an orb you might have gotten teleported to the boundary but you wouldn't have been added to my permanent ban list. So there are consequences, but then there always are .. for both sides of this issue.
  17. Considering that I was standing on the second floor of my home and was eye to eye with something flying a helicopter .. I think they were a bit low by anyone's standards. Unfortunately, I've seen choppers that low often.
  18. I feel kind of awkward posting this .. but I'm thinking people have been waiting for the info. I won't be posting this kind of thing ever again ... but both the free gift and the add-on are available at my shop and on the MP. .. Apologies for posting this .. it won't happen again.
  19. Today! Should be in my MP store within a few hours. It's almost there. Just working on tile textures for the HUD.
  20. Along with the lighthouses being rez zones, there are little boathouses located riverside that would also be a good place to rez canoes for traversing the lakes and rivers on the continent. I also foresee a need to rez cars and bikes for exploring the interior. I've already had a helicopter hover nearly at eye level just outside my parcel. This is the type of behavior that really annoys me. There should be a minimum height restriction for all aircraft! But I don't oppose the idea of an airport, and perhaps at that airport there could be commerce of some sort, perhaps ad boards tastefully done would be better than actual shops.
  21. I think it's rather sad that you are laughing at people for having a sense of modesty. I don't laugh at those who choose to do things differently than I do and would hope that others have that viewpoint. So what that I don't get why someone may want to do something the way they do. To each their own. It's my choice to not have my bits on display unless I want them visible. And I'm not alone in that viewpoint. Granted I'm rather in the minority but there are those of us who go through the effort to find a way to cover up our bits even when arriving at a crowded venue with our bodies all floating around crazily while we rez. Come on give a little respect please.
  22. I hadn't planned on using an orb on either of my Linden Home parcels, and I nearly never use ban lines as I hate them anyway. My only concern if I should find that I need one is the length of time before being kicked. Considering how small a 1024 is there is no reason to need more than 20 seconds to clear a parcel. I will be watching when I'm in my home and if I see anyone tarrying that I do not personally know they will get put on my ban list. I do greet my neighbors and those passing by as I am a friendly sort, but I will be on my guard for suspicious characters. I still have a small .. tiny .. parcel on mainland that is guarded by an orb so if I need a sanctuary I have one ready.
  23. My house is slowly evolving. I'm not sure what style you'd call this. I always seem to end up with a sort of boho look. I was trying to go more traditional but we'll see.
  24. Same house. Same size windows I think. But I put mine on the two in front rather than the one in the stairwell. I think having two together makes the smaller size not noticeable. I'm going to put a hedge under the stairwell window.
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