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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Just checked the content box for traditional and it's been updated. The textures are here!
  2. Enough with decorating! Time to explore. I can't believe how lucky I was to get this house!
  3. That was the very reason I made a patio with pergola a couple of weeks ago. I LOVE porch swings! I posted that along with my ideas for partitioning the bedroom into a bath and closet on the front of the house leaving enough room for the bedroom. I can't remember which thread I posted those in.... there are so many now. I have enclosed all the walls and floor in the bath area so it can be tiled. The kit will have texture change tiles but will also be mod so anyone can drop their own textures on it.
  4. Meshed my first addition .. Patio with Pergola. 4 LI total. I'm giving these away. So if you want one just message me (or Debi Baskerville) in-world.
  5. The houseboat box has all the textures. Somehow the house textures didn't make it into the Traditional box .. but they are coming.
  6. I am waiting for the matching textures from LL. I've talked to Patch and know they are coming. Once those are here I'll be releasing the kits.
  7. Yeah it's pretty clear from the wording that terraforming can be requested if there is something wrong with the terraform. Nothing in the wording leads me to think they will terraform based on someone wanting a pool.
  8. The textures for the traditional homes are coming. You'll be able to grab the content box from the mailbox when that update comes through. Give them some time there's a lot going on with everyone moving in. I expected a lot from this new build and I wasn't disappointed at all. Great job. I love the feeling of community already.
  9. It's nearly all bought products from various creators except for the large boxes that serve as the platform. You can go to the location and inspect the items if you'd like. I gave the slurl in the post. I built it I didn't create all the parts. The mountains specifically are sculpts that were part of a waterfall. I unlinked the cliff parts and resized (and retextured) to use as the mountains. I do a lot of kit bashing when I'm building scenes.
  10. Try being a little more consistent then. I quoted you. I didn't paraphrase - I quoted you. You may sympathize in words but in actions you aren't caring about the reasons why people genuinely feel a need for safeguarding their privacy. All you care about is your ability to enjoy your pixel airplane. You are putting that above all else. For some this is a point of real anxiety but your playtime in your airplane is more important. Talk about selfish. Go the **** around! I apologize for the last two comments, which I have struck out. While I may think it I should not have said it. I confess to letting you push one huge and very sensitive button.
  11. Seriously!!! You think this doesn't happen in SL???? Really. You just destroyed any credibility you had with me. This is exactly what this is about.
  12. Personally I think that right of ways need to be wider and more visible. The problem is how do you do that high in the sky for airplanes. It's rather easy to find the channels in bodies of water, though oftentimes those channels are too narrow and the edges jagged which makes navigation difficult. I also think pilots need to get over the idea of flying in a straight line from point A to point B. Maybe they could think of it like not flying through a storm or taking the path of a valley instead of going over mountain ranges. Seems like that could enhance the pleasure of flying.
  13. I don't have to log in using my computer because I'm always logged in but when I use my phone I have to log in. Maybe you didn't because your login is already cached.
  14. It all boils down to this: The lab gave us the option to check or uncheck the box "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel." This ONLY works if you can restrict all access to your parcel at all altitudes. The lab knew this when they gave us the new feature. So if they didn't mean for us to use it, why give it to us in the first place? This includes flyovers otherwise the restriction is nullified. It's simply a matter of choice, a choice given to us by the lab.
  15. Here's a beach I built as a skybox. My BFF wanted a beach themed venue skybox. You can visit it here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Grimsvotn/151/230/1002 My friend's parcel sets right on the edge of a region with the region in front being protected water. In order to get the full expanse of water disappearing on the horizon I extended the water off region with the anchor on my friends land. This is how sim surrounds work.
  16. I can build to my hearts content on mainland. The only reason I ever rented a homestead was so that I could have estate rights and terraform and retexture as I liked. My homestead was always open to the public except for a small parcel that was set to private.
  17. In reality the reason my friends gave up their homesteads was money as well. They had been paying a very high price for privacy and would have just left SL had they not been given a cheaper option that allowed for the privacy they desired. I'm not into that kind of privacy but just because I'm not doesn't mean I can't see why it would be important to others.
  18. Oh so many times .. over a period of about three years. I gave up reporting five years ago. He still shows up outside the parcel and has posted pics of my alt as recently as two months ago. Because I am sympathetic to those around me who might want to travel I had portioned off a tiny part of my parcel that is controlled by an orb. It had a 10 second delay and teleports to outside the parcel not directly home. It was my dressing room. I know that while I'm in that little area I don't have to be constantly on guard. The rest of my parcel was set to public. I recently sold that parcel though and have only retained a small parcel that is currently controlled by an orb. You may be thinking that my circumstances are rare with a persistent stalker, but it's not unfortunately.
  19. You can fly up above the lines and into the parcel. He can fly up there and take pics of me and send me messages in local. If he's kept outside the parcel lines he cannot do this. Of course he and all the alts I'm aware of are blocked. But he has an army of alts I can't possibly keep up with all of them.
  20. Considering that the land owner has the choice to set privacy to public, group, or no one shows that the lab gives privacy rights to the parcel owner. Whether that parcel owner choose ban lines or an orb the right is given without restraint. I personally use an orb because in my many years of being in SL I've heard more complaints about ugly ban lines than orb use. Plus ban lines do not prevent my stalker from getting inside my parcel and bothering me.
  21. As I said .. call it owned or whatever .. it is still just semantics and you're arguing a moot point. It doesn't matter what you call it. Linden Lab gives certain rights to ***********. One of those rights is using an orb.
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