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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I'd derez that showroom so I could cam out as far as I like. Heck I derez a lot of stuff when shopping because I'm not there to look at the "pretty" surroundings. I want to see the product I'm interested in purchasing.
  2. Getting ready for Fall in Belli. Rezzed out my favorite Linden home, the Alderley. Added my porch and bricked up that front gable wall. Added a lot of trees to my parcel. I haven't done much with the inside yet. But I did change the linens on my bed. And of course, I have put in my closet.
  3. Ah okay. The original has the vertical posts directly touching the windows. Also, it doesn't have the verticals going from ground to roof line. Yours connects to the roof line creating a very strong vertical with the peak of the roof. Perhaps moving the verticals inward to hug the upper window and cutting them off at the mid line like the original would be the answer. Anyway, it's just my observation. I think it's awesome that you are taking on such a challenging project.
  4. I like 3 best, but the two upright posts create too strong of a vertical line I think. So I played around with your design a bit trying to decrease that vertical line. You still have a lot of windows this way but the horizontal is more emphasized than the vertical.
  5. I imagine that creators have demo rezzers at their shops. I know I do. You can go to the shop rez the demo and then see how far out you can cam before the thing poofs. If there is no in-world display of the product I'm not so sure I would buy it.
  6. When I'm building a structure I will cam out pretty far to be sure that all exterior portions of the build do not poof or distort too quickly. But when it comes to deco objects in my yard I'm not likely to check for distance. I want to be able to walk across the street from my house and not have my flowers, bushes, or trees poofing or distorting, but I'm not checking from two or three doors down. That's just too far. I don't normally set my view range much more than 80 meters anyway when I'm just hanging out at home. I don't really care too much about my neighbors things poofing to be honest. I'm much more concerned about them having too many high rez textures causing my performance to drop than I am about mesh that poofs. I keep my LOD set to 2 btw. When I see a creator include a note instructing the purchaser to set LOD to 4 in order for the mesh to rez properly, it's a red flag telling me to skip that purchase.
  7. From what I can tell, Slink has a modified onion layer, that deals with the toes and cleavages, butt and breast. I think that was a really good solution. Maitreya issued a HUD only as a temporary measure so people can test out BoM on the body. I'm excited to see how Maitreya handles BoM in the promised update.
  8. She doesn't use a vendor system, so she doesn't have a redelivery terminal. Perhaps send her a notecard. However, this was true the last time I went looking for a redelivery terminal. So best to check for yourself.
  9. It might fail to provide what you want it to, but that doesn't mean it's failed doing what LL intended it to do or for what many of us want it to do, thereby being a success.
  10. That setting the foot size to zero is why we all hand cankles. I'm never going back there again! But having two sets of feet .. one normal and one rigged (wouldn't use a bento bone so technically wouldn't be "bento") so that the foot size responded to the foot slider might be a nice option for those who want to go barefoot.
  11. My main will have her 16th rez day next month so I've been around and seen a lot. I've owned my fair share of mainland through the years and have on occasion rented private estate land, though not often, because I really don't like the feeling of isolation or yes, the possibility that an estate owner has mismanaged their land holdings and now must sell or has had the land repossessed. I've seen this happen personally on a couple of occasions. I gladly pay my premium membership fees and yes, 1024 sqm tier comes as one of the perks. It's not free, I paid for it. I've also done the math. Using premium accounts to cover one's tier is the most economical method of owning your own little virtual home as long as you can muster up that first annual fee. There is community in Bellisseria. It's not just an idea. I personally think you have an ax to grind and an ulterior motive in trying to downplay the popularity of Bellisseria and it's possible implications for your business. I don't have any problem with you going on and on about it. But you're not fooling anyone.
  12. Been here a long time. Deleted most, not all, but a huge portion of all my old system stuff. Do I regret it? Not one bit. Love shopping and I'm more than happy to throw my money at any creator making new lovely system layers for my beautiful mesh body and head.
  13. From the day BoM went live in the SL viewer, neither I nor any of my alts have bought or will buy anything that is applier only. If an applier package does not also contain system layers I will not be spending even 1L$ on it. If my preferred skinners don't quickly come out with system layers, I will be switching skins. By the time FS is BoM ready I will be making these significant changes to embrace BoM wholeheartedly. Creators who have held back adapting to BoM will most likely be loosing my business as I will be switching to creators who are BoM compliant. I am not all that interested in system clothing as much as in system layers for skins, skin details, tattoos, lingerie, makeup, hairbases, and a rather small but select set of clothing layers that work well under fitted mesh clothing. Certainly, I'm probably on the far end of the spectrum in regard to how fully I plan to embrace BoM, but once people see it's benefits and hear how others are enjoying not having to deal with alpha glitching and the sheer variety of looks one can achieve layering up to 60 layers at once, I'm rather certain that people will make the change. This reminds me of all those people who complained and didn't want to make the change to bento mesh heads, but they made the change. It won't be much different with Bakes, IMO.
  14. I'd suggest getting a redelivery. I know that the UUIDs for Bakes has changed since it was first sent out as an update. I haven't tried it since Bakes went live but I did experiment with it when it was first sent out, and it worked perfectly then. If you have a recent version then I'd contact the CSR for Lelutka about it.
  15. I heard many talking in group chats saying they had never been premium before, having always rented either mainland or privately owned estate lands, but had decided to go premium with the first release of the new Linden Homes. I would not be surprised if this has continued. The curiosity alone would be enough for some to at least try out the new homes. I also know some having tried it for a short time decided that it wasn't for them and have returned to mainland or rentals. And then there is the case of those loving it so much that they have created alts and made them premium so they could own more than one home. Personally, I think it's just way too early to speculate how this will all wash out.
  16. It was a free update. I don't remember how long ago they updated but it's been awhile.
  17. Lelutka updated to BoM compatibility some time ago.
  18. The biggest issues with a body will be the hands and feet as well as upper chest bit placement. (Trying to avoid the censor). When it comes to mesh heads though it's a whole other issue. I've tried many skins on several mesh heads with very mixed results.
  19. There are several parts that have the physics set to none rather than prim or convex hull. When you unlink a portion those physics can get changed which will prevent you from being able to walk through the build. So I suggest that you take a look at the features tab in the build menu and see what physics the parts are before you unlink to be sure that they remain set that way. Or you can send me an IM when you have that issue and I'll come find it for you.
  20. You will be able to use your old Redgrave skin on your mesh head and body, but that does not necessarily mean that all the features of that skin will line up correctly with your mesh body parts. It's possible the lips might not be exactly in the right place. I've seen eyes not look right either with the inner corner of the eye being way off from where it should be. I've also seen some old system skins look great on mesh heads. So it will be trial and error to see which skins will work and which ones just simply will not line up properly.
  21. I'll confess to not reading the whole thread. Now that my SL time is so limited, I have to skim threads. It's quite possible that everything I'm about to say has already been said numerous times. First I love, love, love derender and block. Things annoy me rather easily, and I don't come to SL to be annoyed. So, I use the tools available to me to make my experience as enjoyable as possible. Use show friends anytime I'm at a shopping event. I don't use this feature for music events however. Will use temp derender when I'm at a shopping event and the coordinators have the mistaken belief that decorating the space is more important than my ability to easily cam shop. Use permanent derender on anything that clutters the sky around any of my builds. Will block people who gesturebate at music events or use dances that run over me constantly. (I do clear this list from time to time) Will use permanent derender on any object(s) that cause my fps to drop substantially near my home. Will permanent derender any object that is creating an annoying sound in the environment. I do not limit sounds to my parcel as most of the time I like to hear if a car or boat is passing or the soothing sounds of a horse galloping down the beach. Once I derender or block someone or something, I forget about it. They don't linger in my mind one bit. In fact, sometimes when I have to check something with an alt and I see something I've derendered on my mains I'm really quite surprised to see the object. I truly do forget they exist.
  22. Pretty sure the curtains are from Tarte. I have those!
  23. In my quest to find ways to reduce prims .. I discovered a gold mine. I forgot to mesh out the planter in front. This planter was 6 land impact. After meshing I got it down to .5 and after linking it with the flowers it netted out at zero. So that was 6 prims found basically. I also decided that I wanted my backyard to have that beachy feeling I had when I was using the Alderley. So I removed the pergola patio and bbq and got back more prims. With that I started gardening. This is now the view out my backdoor. I added beach grass, a couple trees, and some tall pampas grass along with my two favorite beach gacha items, the tubes and towel line. I moved the seating area on the upper deck to the opposite side and now the view to the sea is nicely framed with the trees.
  24. I can share my experience. I make all my architectural products mod/copy. At one time I didn't include huds because I thought people could just drop their own textures on the product but I got complaints because there are a lot of consumers out there who do not want to have to touch the build menu at all. So, I try to accommodate by adding HUDs for texture change. Honestly, sometimes I wish I could just drop the finished mesh into a package and name it .. please texture anyway you like.
  25. YS&YS, Skinnery, and League skins are my faves. I also use skin detail tats from Izzies. I will be using many more of Izzies details once we get BoM and I can layer them.
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