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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Invisiprims are broken! Use them NEVER! She was using sarcasm.
  2. I have a question for those who have been making system skins for mesh body parts. A friend of mine asked me today if I knew how to approach making a skin for the body and making a skin for the head. That's the method we've been doing with appliers for ages now, but I wasn't sure how to answer that question. As far as I know we can only wear one skin at a time so we can't have one skin for the body and then another for the head. The only solution I could come up with was to make a skin for the body and then to make a tattoo layer for the head's skin. Anyone faced this dilemma and found a solution?
  3. Having fun with all the Halloween themed premium gifts.
  4. It's simple to make a set of shoebases where you drop in a fully transparent texture into the texture slot then you have no issue with the shoe bases coloring your foot and no need to use hover. If your shoebase is mod then you can simply change out the texture in edit mode.
  5. You do realize that it is a matter of opinion and that there are many of us who have tried the Belleza and don't like the appearance of it? I could slam it but that's really rude and just an opinion so I won't.
  6. I've removed the actual text so that this isn't a huge repeat since their comments are just above this comment. It's not a matter of finding a perfect alpha layer for your particular mesh garment, but rather selecting a combination of alphas to get the same result you would have gotten selecting several alpha cuts. Yes, I can see that there will be some effort when replacing the auto alpha cuts that garments do on their own. But if you want to switch to a BoM body that will be less laggy then taking the time to add the needed alpha layers to an outfit or garment is worth the time for those like me who love tats and lots of added skin details. Like my momma always said, where there's a will there's a way. I prefer to find the way so I can have my cake and eat it too! I was contemplating making a set of system alphas that matched the Lara alpha cuts in the HUD, but with my new RL job I don't have the time. I'm hoping that Onyx will include system alphas that match the Alpha cuts in the HUD when she releases the BoM compatible body.
  7. Once a person realizes how easy it is to combine system alpha layers to use instead of alpha cuts they will realize it's a better system. No longer do creators need to be confined to making creations that must align with alpha cuts thereby giving them a greater freedom in making more unusual clothing. It's really quite easy to combine alphas to get the functionality that is now available in alpha cuts. For those who have been around long enough to have used system alpha layers before we switched to mesh bodies it will be a much easier transition for those who are new and have only used alpha cuts the process will take a little more effort to learn but it is effort well spent. As a side note. I noticed that my YS&YS head applier came with a system layer for the body only. I was able to use this system layer with my Maitreya body and it's a perfect skin. This system layer skin is an exact match for the Maitreya body applier with the corrections already made for the fingers and toes. I went crazy buying skin details from Izzies. I'm so loving my "new" looking body with all the details and no glitching. Now I'm off to buy tattoos!
  8. If it's something that doesn't need physics this is true or if you don't need to walk through the opening in the prim. Changing a cut or hollowed out prim to convex hull creates it's own set of problems.
  9. Agreed and is what I do. The only real advantage I've been able to find in using one of the exports without cleaning and over using standard prims in SL is if you want to use a torus shape or a hollowed out shape that has materials applied to it then the LI count is much reduced from the standard prim. For example - applying materials, diffuse, normal map, and specular maps to anything made from a torus will make the LI skyrocket but if you save that prim as a dae and then upload it to SL and apply those same materials the LI will be significantly lower. I make many mixed mesh builds because in many cases there is NOTHING to be gained by replacing a standard prim with a mesh object.
  10. So you're saying that Belleza used ancient technology when they designed their applier system? Interesting! You know it's kinda funny all the other mesh body creators have updated their mesh bodies and yet none, except for Belleza, has managed to break their applier system. I actually hope that appliers will become as extinct as dinosaurs myself but that's not likely to happen because people won't give up the appliers they've already purchased. Belleza kinda did that though to their customer base when they broke their applier system.
  11. I have spoken with a couple of my favorite skinners and they are now in the process of creating system layers for mesh bodies. It's going to take some time for them to create all these new system layers. Just give them some time.
  12. Haircuts .. agree Shoes - if the shoes aren't rigged I won't buy them! I don't use an ankle lock because I absolutely HATE for my ankle to look as though it's in an invisible cast. Bento elf ears can benefit from rigged earrings if attached to the alt ear position, so in that case, yes, please rig if you can be certain that the earrings will fit those ears correctly as bento ears do move! If you have rigged earrings that move with my bento ears that's a sale; otherwise, I can't see any reason whatsoever to rig earrings. I personally only wear rigged necklaces now as I really do not like how unrigged necklaces move with my mesh head/body. Depending on the style of bracelet I prefer rigged to non-rigged if the bracelet is to fit close to the wrist. With bento hands and animations having it rigged really helps to keep the bracelet from cutting into the wrist/arm/hand. I've never seen a rigged pair of glasses but I wouldn't buy a pair if they were rigged. I don't use worn items as deco so no problem. In most cases I won't be wanting to wear an article of clothing or jewelry in a different location, so again, no problem. The whole point of rigging it is to make it fit better than non-rigged. So if you've done your rigging properly there is no need to tweak the item's fit, so again no problem. If you're rigging doesn't achieve the proper look then no sale. I understand wanting to resize something. It might or might not affect my decision to purchase an item. I only wear one brand of mesh body. I'm only interested in buying items rigged for my body which has never been an issue. I only post to show that there is a market for everything. What one person loves another hates.
  13. Those have been there for a very long time. Some of them from before the initial release of the traditionals and houseboats. They just don't show up unless you scroll in on the map really close.
  14. Only way to do that is to log out of SL. Then no one can bother you.
  15. Even in the old days you had to make clothing outside of SL in some type of photo imaging program like Photoshop or Gimp. I agree that it's much more complicated to make clothing now with mesh but I don't see the lab ever adding mesh tools sophisticated enough to do rigged mesh clothing. It's possible now to create a prim based structure/object and then save that linked object as a .dae file using Firestorm and then upload that build back into SL as a mesh object. I don't mind using Blender to create content, but I do miss being able to be in-world making content the way I did before mesh. I do use Mesh Studio from time to time when I want to build with standard prims and then meshify that build. So if you want to build the old fashioned way or using tools inside of SL there are options in place now that will allow you to do exactly that.
  16. The problem is absolutely Belleza's. I made appliers for Belleza bodies using their applier system. Those appliers worked fine for years up until they broke all appliers by changing the system scripts with the new Bento update. They relied too heavily on the possibility that creators had also included omega appliers. Many creators didn't make omega appliers. I am one of those creators. I will NOT go back and redo all my appliers. Belleza should fix this. No one should have to give up using flexi-skirts and the required glitchpants if they like them. Why be so rude to suggest that someone not wear them just because it's not their own cup of tea. If you have the old system layer glitchpants to go with your flexi-skirt, you can use Bakes on Mesh to use those ball gowns many of us still love. If you only have a Belleza applier for those glitchpants then you are out of luck unless the creator makes an omega applier or creates a system layer glitchpant. Hopefully, Belleza will rectify this mistake and fix their scripts so that the old Belleza applier system will work with the updated body.
  17. I love what you did and if I had the time to do one I would, but with my new RL job I just don't have the time. Perhaps another creator will run with your idea. It's a good one!
  18. My main, Debi Baskerville, will be celebrating her 16th rez day next month. She's got her walker already. She's spry and doesn't need a wheelchair yet.
  19. If the Lab determines that it's in the best interest of the company to take control of a build and keep it online then sure. But LL is a business and that comes first. I honestly, think that there aren't that many builds that would meet that requirement, but then that's my opinion. The huge problem I see here is that the Lab would be putting themselves in a no win situation because no matter what criteria they use to determine which regions to adopt they will certainly without fail have residents crying fowl and favoritism. That's why I believe residents should support the builds/regions they want to see continue in the world. Then no one gets blamed for playing favorites.
  20. And then be default LL ends up subsidizing a build because the proposed income isn't a guaranteed amount unless residents commit to paying a monthly fee, which I seriously doubt would ever happen. I don't want to see those builds disappear forever either so cloning and putting in storage saves the build in case at some time in the future financial support is sufficient to pay the land fees for a given period of time. I know at one time I donated lindens to Ziki's group that has the last AM Radio build. I also know that support for that isn't sufficient to pay the tier fees either. So it's a labor of love on Ziki's part to maintain that build. It would be awesome if the Lab could reduce land fees for those types of builds with historical significance so that it would be easier to raise the required funds.
  21. I don't think LL should foot the bill for these "museums". I do miss many builds from the past though, so I totally understand the sentiment. If we really love a build then it is up to the residents to start supporting the creator by donating tier or money on a regular basis to their land group to maintain those builds otherwise it's just wishes and lip service. I would like to see some kind of preservation on the part of the Lab though where they clone a region before it's demise and put into storage so that if at any time the money becomes available to pay the land fees those regions can be brought back online.
  22. It's an alpha glitch between the lashes and the brows. The only solution that really works is to start using BoM with brows baked into the skin layer. Or use a skin that has the brows on it so that you don't need to use applied brows.
  23. League has a set that matches all her skins plus they are mod so can be tinted to use with other skins and they are FREE. Just run over to the League main store in world and grab them.
  24. The wall with the arched opening is part of an add-on I never got around to completing and thus it's not for sale. The actual closet pieces are from Bazar. The curtain at the opening is a simple texture applied to regular prims.
  25. The only thing that is holding me back is having a BoM compliant Firestorm. I already see the initial steps for becoming compliant from my preferred mesh body parts as well and my favorite skinners have begun to produce BoM skins. Also, I'm not waiting on FS so that others can see my body how I see it. Frankly, I don't care. I'm waiting because it is my preferred viewer and I'm much more comfortable using that viewer.
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