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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I absolutely hated standard size mesh clothing. The difference between medium and large was ridiculous and the XS to smalls were all basically the same with very minimal differences, all of which were much too frail for my liking. The number one reason I jumped to a mesh body and rigged mesh clothing was so I could finally delete every last piece of standard size clothing I ever owned!!!! I'd leave SL before going back to such a standard. I feel that strongly about it.
  2. I am a moderator in the Maitreya Lara Friends group on my main. I remember the screams of horror coming from those who make copies of the body to save an outfit during the last update. It was a rude awakening when they realized they'd have to loose all their outfits or painstakingly save each layer to the new hud and transfer it over to the new body. I can't think of worse torture. Thankfully I don't save many outfits. If I do need to save one, I find that saving the applier with a notecard about color choices in the folder is much easier to swap out the new body when an update comes around.
  3. Honestly, when I'm out and about I don't notice a huge difference between mesh bodies in loading time. They all come in pretty quickly for me. Early on Belleza took forever to load but that was with the very first version of the body. Since then the mesh has been optimized and loads about the same as any of the rest. And since lag is dependent greatly on your own system and connection, while this is my experience, it certainly will be different for everyone because our circumstances vary greatly.
  4. I'll speculate here. The old system skins were all 512x512. That resolution doesn't work well with mesh heads/bodies. Since the GA system skins were 512s I would think it a good decision to pull those especially with BoM coming. Perhaps, and again, I am only speculating, but perhaps it was a move looking toward the future and what it would take to update in line with BoM. I know if I were a skinner, I would certainly be thinking about what I need to do to prepare for it's inevitable release.
  5. I'm hoping creators will release a new body that will have the base skin layer be BoM compatible with one onion layer (the clothing layer as it is not an exact copy of the body with allowances for butt and breast cleavage) that is applier compatible. But then sitting here writing this I'm reminded of the nightmare this is going to be if it's released without the ability to use appliers with BoM. How long will it take skinners to make all those system layers so that we can use our favorites skins with the new BoM bodies???
  6. Ryan Schultz has done many really well written posts on the topic of Decentraland and blockchain. If your interested in learning more I recommend his blog. He is very good in linking his sources for all his facts as well. https://ryanschultz.com/tag/decentraland/
  7. It is indeed true that you cannot find any system skins by Glam Affair in their in-world shops nor in their marketplace store. I don't know if any of her gacha skins have ever been for system heads, but that might be something to search the marketplace for as you can often get gacha skins very cheaply there. But as stated before you certainly are not limited to only using Glam Affair skins. You just need to find a skinner that makes system skins and also has body appliers in either Omega or Maitreya.
  8. But you have to buy the land. It's not something that you can sign up for like a Linden Home. It's totally different. So what you can rez a sci-fi residence! Have you looked at them? lol
  9. I tend to agree with you, but how is it really any different than the many horror movies that people frequent? I don't like horror movies and I would have ARd that resident the moment I viewed his residence. Mind you I would not AR anyone who does such things behind closed door and in accordance with TOS. But he clearly was not and was obviously doing it for a reaction from the neighbors. So AR it would have been!
  10. Horizons is not Linden Homes. It's just another themed area like Bay City or Nautilus City.
  11. I've wondered why there are no Linden Homes in Zindra. Seems to me that if adult content is allowed in SL then Linden Lab should make Linden Homes available in adult lands for those who wish to engage in that kind of behavior.
  12. I have to admit my favorite way to build is still with old fashioned prims. I miss the social aspect of being in-world and building with friends. These days I mostly build in Blender and then import my models and do the texturing and hud making that goes along with it in-world, but there's just something magical about taking a plywood box and making into something special. I recently made this watch completely from prims. It adds about 3k complexity to my avatar, which isn't too bad.
  13. We need an onion layer for socks and also for gloves. It might not be as bad to not have one for gloves but it's an absolute must for socks/stockings.
  14. Not only will omega or appliers not be necessary, they won't work at all with BoM in it's initial release. It's not clear yet if BoM will ever work with appliers or if they do when that might be. One thing to keep in mind though is how texture image resolution used for mesh body parts has increased. So while you were making textures at 512x512 for system clothes you will want to use 1024x1024 for mesh bodies (exceptions: when it makes more sense to use a smaller resolution such as for eyes and fingernails). Even though appliers won't work with BoM initially, it still makes sense for you to learn how they work and possibly go ahead and make some appliers now while waiting for BoM. I'm one who believes knowledge is power.
  15. If using mesh body and mesh head, it's best to turn off the neck fix, especially since if you're using an old system skin it will not have the special blend used for texturing mesh body/head neck fixes.
  16. Blush Bravin


    I know of one instance where the owner of a large rental company had her account frozen and all her lands confiscated by LL; however, those renting the land were not thrown out of their homes but rather that land was closed to all except for group access and the renters given at least two months to move, it might have been longer. I'm fairly certain the person who lost their account and rental business had been engaged in fraudulent behavior.
  17. This feature works with or without having someone in the banlist. I use it all the time and have since its inception. My reason for liking that adult content was contained has nothing to do with child avatars. As someone who wants my friends to come to SL knowing where it's safe or not safe in regard to having adult rated content come into view has been helpful. I have many friends who were turned off by all the pixel-sex-in-your-face content found in SL.
  18. -increasing prim size to 64 (along with being able to set to convex hull to take advantage of lowering land impact values) -setting parcel privacy so others cannot see inside the parcel -moving adult activity to its own area These three things greatly increased my enjoyment in SL. I agree with most of those already mentioned though, especially the music connection.
  19. Actually it's pretty easy to spot any of the bodies and especially the system body without inspecting them. They all have their very distinguishable features. I don't depend on a body or a head to make me unique. It's what I do with them that makes me different from the crowd.
  20. If you can't look unique while wearing a Maitreya body, there's something wrong with your creativity!
  21. We have a very real counterpart to this in the real world. Look at first run movies and how you can only see them in the theater when first released. They are available later for either purchase or rental after the "event" has run its course. And even so, it's rather silly to think that the way things work in the real world is how they should work in an virtual world or video game.
  22. There are only two people whose posts I regularly disregard or simply skim the post for the actual content. I don't mind long posts that are well written and contain useful information, in fact I quite enjoy them. But I'm not going to wade through someones constant negativity just to find a grain of truth or something useful. I am a retired teacher. I love the written word. I enjoy a vigorous debate and constructive criticism done with respect and kindness.
  23. @Klytina, your posts are too long and too full of venom for me to even read them. If you removed your outright bias toward people/topics by not using those overly long, over the top adjectives your posts would be more palatable.
  24. I've always believed that exclusive meant that the only place the item is available during the event is at the event. I've never seen it to mean that the item disappears after the event closes unless specifically advertised as such, which is extremely rare.
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