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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. My momma always told me, "If the shoe fits, wear it!" This goes here if you're not one of those who have indicated that they will leave if the fees go through then don't assume I'm pointing at you. But there have been a few cases where those indications were made. Do I think someone shouldn't say they will look elsewhere. No! We all have choices to make and plans to execute. Have I said you shouldn't voice your opinion to Linden Lab? Again, no I have not. What I objected to was the name calling and being uncivil to one another. Do I think you'll get very far once voicing your objection to the fees? No, I don't think you will. And I have the right to my opinion. I've not once said you have no right to voice your concerns. In fact, in my first post in this thread I said quite the opposite and I quote, "All that said, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should be able to voice their concern or disapproval without being accused of feeling entitled or of trolling. Can't we be adult here and stop the name calling?"
  2. That fee* was never implemented. They talked about it but after listening to us and taking into consideration what we had to say at a product meeting the idea was dropped, and to this date it has never been resurrected. You left too soon Rya. I've made a nice tidy little income over in Sansar for absolutely zero investment short of my time creating, which I consider time very well spent because I have learned so much from just being in Sansar and collaborating with the many talented creators there. I'm not sure how many (like you) left since the store has steadily grown through the months. I guess this just kind of shows that if you pull out someone will take your place. But, as I said earlier, Linden Lab is going to do what is best for Linden Lab. Does that mean they will listen to their customers? Well of course they will. Does it mean they will bow down under pressure, not necessarily. We hire their service to further our goals to run our business. We decide our business model. If their service fits your plan, great, if not, then I guess you can try and see if there's something else out there that will work better for you. I sincerely doubt there is. Do I think loosing some of the creator base in SL will bring an end to SL? Absolutely not. Does Linden Lab want to see any creators leave SL, again absolutely not, but they can't please everyone all the time. It's impossible. So doing what's best for Linden Lab may not always be what's best for every mom and pop business in SL. Back in the old days my grandfather has a very successful business on the main highway running right through town. When traffic was diverted around town rather than through it with the new interstate his business died. Was the new interstate the best thing for his business? Nope, but it was the best thing for the town. The town flourished as a result of the new commerce. My grandfather decided to get out of the liquor business and opened a BBQ joint on the new interstate. He adapted. He flourished. But it took a change in plans. He had to find a new vision. I agree these are trying times as Linden Lab tries to equalize the economy and take it from being a land based economy to a sales tax economy. I believe I will benefit more by getting on board and adapting rather than trying to fight the change. *It wasn't a marketplace fee actually. It was proposed that to have more than 100 items in the store you would need to have the basic creator subscription, which is $10 a month. That fee includes additional experiences and support options. It was then decided that the number of store items would not be tied to a subscription package and that it would be unlimited for free accounts.
  3. My opinion is clearly stated at the beginning of my post. Read the first two paragraphs carefully and you will see it. And yes, I am a merchant and also very much a shopper, and I own mainland. I am heavily invested in SL both monetarily and with my time. I am also invested in Sansar.
  4. I am giving my opinion. As I ended my post with saying that EVERYONE should be able to voice their concern or disapproval without being accused of feeling entitled or of trolling. You are trying to make my post personal. It was not. There was more than one person with that same opinion. I am not name calling or making it personal. I have an opinion. I stated it. Please stop making everything personal.
  5. If you're going to quote me please do so in context.
  6. Linden Lab is going to do what is best for Linden Lab, as well they should. It is a business and the bottom line is always the dollar. What is best for Linden Lab may or may not be what is best for your current business model. You will need to adapt or perish. It's as simple as that. If you think threatening to leave because you don't like Linden Lab's restructuring plans for their business model is going to impact their decision, you are fooling yourself. If you leave there will be others to take your place in a heartbeat. All that said, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should be able to voice their concern or disapproval without being accused of feeling entitled or of trolling. Can't we be adult here and stop the name calling?
  7. I got the credit the first day of the sale and saw the five day expiration message in local chat. Perhaps those who didn't see the message didn't realize it was there due to lag issues. Having to right click a vendor to get the menu to access all the features has been in wide use for years. I'm not sure how you missed that. E2V vendors have used that method as long as I can remember. Though I understand that what seems common to me isn't necessarily to others.
  8. I'm making a sign in big bold letters with this on it and hanging it in my office. Hopefully if I read it once or twice a day I will stop speculating.
  9. I had heard this but I can't find any official comment on this. Was this discussed in a content creators' meeting? If yes, which one? I'd like to find the video of the meeting and watch it. I'm trying to stay up to date on the project. Thanks in advance for your response.
  10. My issue isn't trying to safeguard any texture from being ripped. I know there is no way to stop that. My issue is having UUID numbers readily available through the developer menu for anyone to grab and use in any manner they choose regardless of the permissions set on the texture to make the clothing layers. My hope is that UUID numbers will be removed from the character to HML report. Several blogs wrote about how to use the report to find UUID numbers when the Omega system was first implemented. It didn't take long before people were sharing those UUID numbers with their friends and friends of friends and so forth.
  11. Yes, you can use masking but unfortunately there's just no way that a tattoo or stockings look good in mask mode so it's pretty useless for layering tattoos and stockings. As well as the fact, that while you might see your layers not glitching it's likely that those around you are still seeing the glitch. So BoM .. get here already!
  12. I totally agree. I love wearing tattoos and sheer stockings but that's nearly impossible with the alpha glitching that happens now. Being able to use custom alphas once again is a huge boon and will allow mesh bodies to become one mesh instead of being broken up into dozens of smaller pieces to accommodate alpha cuts. I'm looking forward to the return of more interesting necklines since creators won't have to create around predetermined alpha cuts. I use a bento mesh head and even though it has extra makeup layers I still never have enough options for makeup so that is another aspect that I'm really excited about. I don't see anyway around having at least one onion skin layer after BoM is implemented to use for clothing and applier stockings. I know we have mesh stockings now, but for sheer stockings I still prefer applier 95% of the time over mesh. No matter how well mesh stockings are made there are some shoes that simply won't work with mesh stockings. And though most of us tend to wear mesh clothing 24/7 there are still times when applier clothing is the best choice for layering.
  13. Oh, that is my work but that was many years ago when I wasn't using a vendor system. I haven't made any system clothes or flexi skirts in many many years. I'm sorry Bitsy but classic clothing just doesn't sell anymore. It's even super hard to sell applier clothing unless it's in the form of stockings or undies. Time has moved on and we've had to adjust.
  14. I haven't taken a hiatus. I think you must have me confused with someone else. My assumption isn't false. As I've stated before, during the early days of Omega I had several .. not one, but several of my loyal customers contact me and say they had seen my UUIDs being passed around on a notecard in the omega circles. Not official Omega but those who were using the new "thing". I only brought this subject up in the first place because I was hoping that Linden Lab would do something about the ease of obtaining UUIDs from inside the viewer. As for adding to my workflow .. had you read my other posts you'd see that it would actually. My appliers basically are limited to making seamed stockings and has been the case for a long time now. The only other appliers are leftovers from days long gone but with customers still requesting them I have left them available. Because I make seamed stockings I'm very particular that the seams line up properly and that just doesn't happen unless the texture is made specific to the body because although all the bodies and the system body all use the same UV, the truth is that the UV is stretched over those bodies and there's no way to make them all line up exactly the same, and with seams on the ankles those have to line up exactly! Some creators have met that problem with simply fading out the seam before it reaches the ankle but I don't like that solution. And, as I've said before, my creations start as things I want to use or wear. If I'm not going to use the item myself I don't make it. So it has been a natural progression for me to narrow my creations down to the Maitreya Lara body only, because it's the only body I wear. I've never liked the way the system body looked and have not seen myself in a system body in more than two years.
  15. Show me your one texture fits all with a perfectly lined up seam for seamed stockings that lines up with system bodies and all mesh bodies. Yes, if you are not having to carefully match up seams or nipple positions then sure you can use one for all, but that's not the kind of appliers I make. I used to make system clothing with flexi skirts yes, I had many ask me to make appliers for some of those so I did. I haven't made any kind of system clothing or flexis since mesh bodies came out. I made a few applier clothing items during the very early days of mesh bodies when it was near impossible to find rigged clothing for bodies. I honestly am surprised that they still sell, but they do so I have not pulled them from my MP store. Not only have I had to make specific textures because the UV is stretched differently over the mesh body but I've even had to update appliers after a body was updated. When Slink first released the Physique I made a lace dress and matched up the lace on the side seams perfectly, but Siddean made some tweaks to the UV on the first update of the body which made my lace no longer match so I had to update those appliers. Perhaps having all those patterns matching on the side seams doesn't matter to you, they do to me.
  16. I just spent the last few days redoing my home in SL. I also spent a good amount of time looking for a kitchen set to fit my needs. I went to probably 8 or 10 different stores that I frequent but nothing fit my fancy. Did I send mail telling the creators that there's something wrong with them because they don't have what I needed? Heck no! That's not their responsibility. So you know what I did, I opened Blender and started a new project. I still don't understand why people think that just because someone has a store and makes a product line that somehow that creator now has a responsibility to make things other tIhan what they want to create. Vive la difference! Surely with the number of creators in SL we don't all need to make the same things. If I don't offer a product I'm sure there are many out there that do.
  17. Drake, I didn't loose a customer. I even checked my vendor records and nope .. she's never been one of my customers. (added with edit - or if she has it was more than 6 years ago when I started using a vendor system) What I liked is that she has had no trouble finding what she needs. I don't pretend or try to provide everything for everybody. That is a sure way to either totally burn out or have way too many irons in the fire.
  18. I am one of those who made system clothing way back ... have absolutely no plans to make system clothing aside from stockings, which I never stopped making. I don't think there are many creators who think or want to go back to the old painted on system clothing look. Applier clothing is only useful in a very few instances like for layering under mesh clothing, undies, stockings, and for some who don't like the look of long mesh skirts and still cling to having flexi movement in ballgowns. The biggest reason I am excited and don't want to wait for the project to be released is the ability to wear multiple layers with alpha channels that do NOT glitch. I love wearing tats with stockings and lace panties. We can't do that with the current onion skin bodies. I'm looking forward to being able to wear multiple tattoos as well. Although, I don't really see how we can have stockings without at least one onion layer so that the stockings have the proper toe and do not wrap around the individual toes of the feet. Also, I'm excited that we won't have to depend on alpha cuts on the bodies for our fitted mesh clothing. Unfortunately no matter how many alpha cuts we were given some necklines simply never worked well. With BoM we will be able to make custom alphas for individual pieces of clothing the way we were able to back in the standardized mesh clothing days. I've always been the impatient type. I want everything yesterday, so it's natural for me to not want to wait. Especially when the features they are asking us to wait on can be implemented later. Not waiting doesn't mean that those features are dead. And perhaps, if the system is out and there are a lot of people still asking for those features, in the long run we might end up with those features implemented sooner than we would have if we simply waited for all the features to get included before the release.
  19. To acquire a texture legally the creator would have to give you the texture or give you the UUID included with the purchase. To obtain it through a report that nullifies the permissions set on that texture is an exploit of the viewer.
  20. The sharing of UUID numbers of products you've bought with your friends and their friends and so on and so on is in no way fair use. You seem to want to give anyone who rips a UUID and then passes it around to whomever wants it a free pass at the creators' expense. I simply want a loophole in the official Linden Lab viewer closed.
  21. What I am addressing has a very simple fix, which from the responses I've gotten back from Lindens on my JIRA is in the works. While it's impossible to stop all the leaks, why question the validity of fixing the ones we can?
  22. Did you read the whole thread? Were you around when the Omega system first appeared on the grid? In case you weren't, a short run down: There was a whole line of thought going around that because someone had system clothing they then had the right to use the UUIDs (obtained from the developer menu) of the clothing layers they owned to make appliers. Whether that line of thought was correct or not is not the issue. The problem was that those UUIDs got passed between friends and then even wider circles. It's one thing to have to deal with copybotters and ripping of textures using third party software. We all know that happens and honestly there's not much we can do about it except to file DMCAs. But it's another situation when people have easy access to UUID numbers inside the viewer itself and then begin passing those UUIDs around.
  23. When Belleza was first released I tried to make stockings for it but the UV was impossible and therefore, a no go for me (yes, I know the UV have been changed since then). So I gave up trying and focused on the two that were the most popular bodies at the time. But as you suggest, Slink and Belleza are neck and neck but yet so far behind Maitreya that I think I'll go ahead from this point forward and just focus on Maitreya. It does have easily 80% of the mesh body market. As far as being Omega compatible that doesn't figure into how I make stockings. Had you read my response carefully you'd see that I make a separate texture for each of the bodies. It is the only way to get quality seams on the back of the leg all they way down the ankle. So using the Omega system wouldn't be useful in this case. I'm not telling you how to run your business or who your customers are, I'm not sure why you think you have the right to suggest how I should run mine. I am first and foremost my own customer. I make things for myself. That's how I got into creating in the first place. People asked me if I sold my creations. When I responded no, they asked if I would consider selling to them. Over time, I got more and more requests and that's why I went into business. So, while I have most of the mesh bodies currently available, I only wear Maitreya. It is by far my favorite body. I'm very happy creating for myself and if others want to buy those creations .. wonderful. But I'm not in this to build a customer base by appealing to every need out there. I started this thread because of an issue with accessibility to UUID numbers in the developer menu and it's possible impact to the BoM project. I'm not going to respond to anymore posts that are off topic.
  24. I don't know about other merchants, but I have a target audience. I can't create for everyone on the grid. I choose to create items that are targeted for users of the Maitreya Mesh body and the Slink mesh body. I don't have a large store, or a large inventory, or an unlimited amount of time to create for SL. So my products may not be meeting your needs but then there are many out there that I'm sure do. It's all a matter of choice. Isn't it? Let me explain further. I actually create my textures and test them on each body I create for. My stockings that work with Maitreya won't work on a Slink body and won't work on a system body because the seams simply don't line up the same from a system body, to the Mait body or Slink body. Yes, they all use the same UV map but they aren't stretched the same over each body. So it's not a matter of my just not including for system .. I would have to create a separate texture to work on the system body. I know there are creators out there who use the same texture across all mesh bodies and system alike. I'm not one of those. In the years since I made the choice to only support Maitreya and Slink, I've not had one customer ask me for a system layer. So it's really not been an issue for me at all until the BoM project became a reality. Though even with BoM, I doubt I will make textures for the system body because I just don't have the demand for it. So, I will continue to support Maitreya and Slink even when I make system layers for BoM. Will some try to use my stockings with a system body? Possibly, but the seams won't line up perfectly if they do.
  25. 99% of my customers use mesh bodies and therefore not providing a system layer has not been an issue; however, with the implementation of BoM, I will naturally want to provide system layers. My issue had nothing to do with the results of copybotting, and everything to do with the ease of access to UUID numbers in the developer menu. I did file a JIRA about this and am encouraged by the responses I've received.
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