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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I mostly derendered the stuff floating on the water over in that corner. There were some random items that had particles and I derendered those because they'd float up into view. When I lived there the guy who had the parcel you now have raised breedable lions, and his walls were not as high as yours so much more from that store was visible. I really do miss living there. It was wonderful for sailing, car trips, and riding my bento horse up into the mountains.
  2. The most green dots I've seen in SSP since I started watching. I hope this means an announcement is coming soon. and now there are four!!! Nevermind .. now only 3 maybe the map was just catching up on movement.
  3. I built this house recently for my Barcola parcel. The parcel has terraforming locked, and since I like to have my house sitting right on the water, I decided to make a multi-level home that followed the shape of the land. Also, I hate feeling boxed in, so I basically placed the windows and then built the walls around the window placement. I always seem to be missing a dance floor in my homes, so this time I set out to make it an integral part of my home. So here you open the front door, walk in, and you're in the party room complete with a music system and intan. Down the hall is the bedroom and bath area. I hate feeling closed off in my SL homes. This house has only a front door and a back door. No doors or walls to block my view of the water. My living room sets right on the water with a door to the dock at the back of the house where my pet dolphin greets me. I love this house, but knowing me, it won't last long before I'm itching to build something else. I've made a model for flat land too. I love this house, but knowing me, it won't last long before I'm itching to build something else. I've made a model for flat land to
  4. I kept looking at your pic and thinking gosh that looks like the land I sold about 18 months ago. And sure enough, I ran over to check to see if it really was the same land. Here's my house in that location. Funny, we had the same house too! I think you bought my neighbors land actually that ran right up to the store on the east side. I used to derender most of that store. Living on the L-shaped lake is a great location. I love it. But when I retired RL, I decided that I need to reduce my SL living expenses. So I moved everything onto my Barcola land.
  5. One of the more frequent questions asked when I'm helping in the Maitreya Lara Friends group is, "Why do I all of a sudden have all these blotches on my skin?" The first response is be sure you're still wearing the body alpha to hide your system body. If that isn't the case the next response, be sure you still have AL enabled. 9 times out of 10 the problem is the person didn't have AL enabled. As soon as they switch it back on the skin looks normal. So while it's necessary to see materials properly, it's not just for materials. It also affects how mesh even without materials responds to lighting.
  6. Oh I assumed the land was group owned. I think that must be the issue.
  7. I've had this issue in the past. Once because I wasn't wearing the right tag when trying to terraform. Another time, we still don't know why it wouldn't let me. The solution was for the owner to temporarily turn on terraform to everyone. As soon as I had completed the terraform job for him he turned it off.
  8. I think it's rather moronic to even have a used section in the Marketplace. How in the world does anything that does not change with use become used? The fact that most of the gachas sold in the marketplace have never come out of the box means they aren't used in any form or fashion. I'm all for having a tick box to indicate an item is a gacha prize when listing the item for sale, so that when doing a search the person can use the "NOT" to exclude gachas but in NO WAY should they be relegated to a gacha category.
  9. I'm not having a slump either. That wasn't my point. I don't know why you have to pick things apart rather than just answer the OPs question.
  10. I never said that my experience held for everyone. I was sharing MY experience. I specifically do NOT want them to be put into a separate category. Items should be categorized by what they are and not how they are sold. If I want something for my kitchen, I want to be able to search for kitchen. Whether the item was sold as a gacha or not has no bearing. But that's my opinion just as what you stated is your opinion.
  11. Did it ever occur to you that the question was directed toward those who are indeed experiencing summer now and how that has impacted their business?
  12. I've been hearing people in group chat saying that they are considering a second premium account so that they can get 2048. If they do that I think it will really impact private rentals since there are lots of that size being rented. There's been renewed interest in premium. People are asking about it. Some are rather shocked when they see what they can get for the money and how if they don't spend that stipend they can basically get back most of what they would have spent or purchased as additional lindens for shopping money.
  13. What I mean is that with premium accounts buying mainland is now more attractive and that may attract some who had only rented previously. So it could pull renters away from those who own estates as rental properties. But that would also apply to those who own mainland as rental properties.
  14. My mistake, when you said you had to reduce rentals I assumed you were talking mainland. In any case, I think it applies to mainland or estates. I corrected the wording to be accurate.
  15. I don't have any issue with LL posting the names of auctions winners. I just think it's pointless. Those who want to remain anonymous will do so. It's very easy to do so in fact. So, it's wasted effort when Lindens could use the time toward much better activities. I think those in the rental business might need to rethink their strategies. With the increased tier allotment for premium members and increased prims, it's never been more attractive to own your own little piece of SL rather than renting.
  16. At least you put Patch in the middle. Nice way to share!
  17. This is a very good point. I often log on an alt to check my profile to see how others see it when I make changes.
  18. I love the idea of having a filter for this, so that we could exclude a particular time range. I'd rather not see items removed unless the person selling the product is no longer active in SL. I don't think anyone who has not logged into SL in the past few months should still be able to sell items in the MP. I've bought lots and lots of gacha items in the MP. In fact, I don't play the machine except in very rare occasions. I've never had an incident with any of my purchases. I love .. LOVE .. shopping for gacha items as some are super cute, it's the only way to get them, and I usually don't even have to pay the pull price to get it. In the past three years, almost all of the deco items I buy for my house are gacha items I've purchased in the marketplace. My method of finding gacha items I want is not looking at gacha events though. I go sightseeing in my favorite regions and inspect all the cute things in the builds. Typically those things end up being gacha prizes. I then go find them in the MP. Sometimes they aren't there though. Then I go without because I usually won't play the machine.
  19. I confess I don't normally read notecards included with products, because I got tired of all the thank you notes, the copybot warnings, and instructions that are so simple I just don't need to read them. I typically delete them without even looking; however, if the title of the notecard seems out of the usual I'll at least give it a quick look through to see if it's something I actually need to keep. 95% of the time even those get deleted. So, maybe others are like me and tired of the spam we get as notecards in products we buy. As a creator, I do include a notecard with information about my products. I hope my customers read them but I don't expect them to. But I include them to cover my own butt.
  20. I have a few formal mesh dresses that aren't so tight in the legs so they don't need a special AO, But I don't really like dancing in them because the hemline just looks strange. I have made flexi panels to wear with a couple of mesh gowns that I've purchased. I like the combination of a little bit of flexi added to mesh.
  21. I agree. Mesh just doesn't do formal gown well. The hemline just NEVER looks right. But I'll be the mesh gown looks better when walking as the skirt won't float behind your body.
  22. I don't have the issues many are saying they have with gacha and the MP, but it is most likely because I rarely go in and just window shop in the new entries. I tend to go in looking for something specific. So I search with very narrow filters, or for the specific name of the item, or specifically in the creator's store front. So if I wanted to get something from say Blueberry. I wouldn't search for Blueberry in the items tab, I would search in the merchant tab and go directly to her store, unless I wanted a specific Blueberry gacha, in which case, I'd search for the exact name of the item I want to purchase. Today, I got the notion that I wanted to check out braided hairstyles from creators I'd never seen before, so to do that I turned to the MP. I searched for "braid AND mesh NOT (brand I did not want to see). The result was kinda crazy until I ticked the mod and copy in the permission section and hit refine search. The result was perfect. No gachas and nothing from that brand I don't like. I wouldn't have mined getting a gacha hairstyle except that there is NO WAY I'm buying hair I can't modify and make copies. I understand the frustration some are having, but I also tend to think if you use the filters properly you'll not have near the level of frustration you are currently experiencing. I'm not in favor of relegating gachas to their own category. I think they need to be in the category based on what the object actually is and not that it's a gacha. I am in favor of a check box denoting that the item is a gacha much the same as what we have now for mesh and non mesh items. My two cents.
  23. You'd be hard pressed to find a busier week of the year in the US. As others have indicated schools and colleges have been heading back during the past two weeks as well as many people hit the road for a vacation the last week before school starts, and then to top it all off the tropical storm hitting the SE complicated it even further.
  24. I think reducing complexity of the mesh avatars is a HUGE part of why they are doing this. It may not be biggest reason but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not right up there at the top.
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