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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I think self inspection is always a good thing. Lord knows since starting to post in these forums I've had to do a lot of it myself. I even did a good read about what constitutes trolling, because believe it or not I just wasn't sure. While reading that article I saw myself and it has tempered how I respond, or at least try to temper myself. All that said, I can't remember reading anything you've posted that was really negative or needing restraint.
  2. This is most likely that the neck fix was on and the applier did not cover the neck fix. I'm not sure if it was a neck fix on the head or body but in either case just turn off the neck fix and see if the line goes away. Also putting on a saved outfit will have no bearing on the skin appliers unless you had the skin applier huds attached when you saved the outfit, in which case you could just reapply the skin though I doubt that's what you did. Anytime you want to change a skin you will need to use the appliers for both head/body. Every time you try a demo of a skin you will need to use your normal skin appliers to reapply your skin to your head/body.
  3. I'm a retired teacher. My subjects were art, history, and world cultures. Believe me I could talk from now until doomsday about this subject, but I know doing so is very unwise.
  4. I have my own personal religious and political beliefs. Mine don't align with any one belief system, so mine aren't popular. I typical rub someone the wrong way when I get into discussions about either. That's not to say I have a problem discussing my viewpoint, but throwing derailing comments about either politics or religion into a thread just isn't cool. Unless the OP specifically addressed a question regarding either then IMO it's always derailing to bring either up as it's most likely going to end badly. And if an OP is unfortunate enough to make a thread about either I think it's highly unlikely that such thread would not end in a lock.
  5. LOL .. I'm crazy .. but I found it. around page 8 or so
  6. I don't remember the exact thread. I just remember that the OP posted about your two derailing his thread and that you should have taken it to private messages.
  7. Anyway, I'm out. I've offered my opinion but it's just an opinion like anyone else's. I will wait on a Linden for clarification.
  8. I have seen both you and Love taken to task about hijacking a thread with posts about your preferred religious practices. It didn't both me so much though I thought it was totally out of place. And religious debates can be every bit as toxic as any political discussion.
  9. I think it's our responsibility to act as you did in cases like this. It's part of showing empathy and taking steps to provide protection when needed. So thank you for stepping up.
  10. There are many avenues for people to find information about world religions and to discuss the topic. From what I've experienced in the SL forums it's not a very good avenue for such discussions.
  11. I hope the clarification leads to all threads in GD must relate to SL. I would fully embrace a ban on political and religious discussions as related to real world events as well. Perhaps a new section, Off-Topic, for non SL related discussions. But honestly, I don't see why LL would want to moderate discussions of topics that have no bearing on SL.
  12. I don't have an opinion on either, but I imagine that the market is going to change drastically with the introduction of animesh. So stay tuned for that development.
  13. I actually have this posted as a pick on my main. Few online experiences keep me logging in day after day, but SL does! Why? I can be me, truly me, without the constraints of RL. I can create anything I can imagine. I can make friends all over the world, go dancing, and listen to amazing musicians all while sitting in my office chair. I can chat with like minded people about the best places to shop and explore. And probably the best part of all, I get to help people. SL can be frustrating for those just learning the ropes. I really enjoy helping them love SL as much as I do.
  14. I simply reply, "No thank you." to such contacts. If the person continues to contact me, I block the person.
  15. I'm not biased at all. I have nothing to gain from promoting CTS. But it has revolutionized how I use my inventory and feel it would be selfish of me not to share what a great tool it is.
  16. Just be sure you don't click anywhere close to it when closing... now that you know you can you'll be aware so doubt it will happen again.
  17. okay I used the right click to close and it closed... then I created a box for 0 and bought it and the box opens .. try that
  18. Just to be sure we're talking about same thing. Here's mine. The arrow is pointing at the box that opens the menu .. the ones to left are conversations. Is this what you're referring to?
  19. How long has it been gone? I notice mine poofs once I clear all messages and then reappears when I get a new notice/message.
  20. I will apologize for posting in this thread at all as I have blocked Mr. Deakins and have only read his comments that have been copied into someone else's comment except for the initial post which I unblocked long enough so I could read the OP. I was just flabbergasted that he would bring this topic up so soon after having the last one blow up so badly that it got to the point that it was locked by a Linden.
  21. I tend to turn to the many hat hairs I have from Truth. Those hairs are modify so after making a copy of the hair I either detach that hat (not as likely but sometimes) or simply set the transparency for the hat to 100 and then put on the separate hat and adjust so it works with the Truth hair. Then I put the modified Truth hair in the hat folder. So when I want to wear that hat I have the hair ready to go.
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