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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Growing up, my brother would often get so exasperated with me that he'd start saying, "blah, blah,blah,blah..................................blah" to my face because I just wouldn't let something go and because he couldn't refute my argument. Believe it or not I've improved greatly since then but you can imagine how bad I was as a teen. I've even gone so far as to hang this in my room hoping that it will help me to pick my battles more carefully. But today, it's not working! grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  2. I NEVER said my meaning was the only meaning. And it's not MY MEANING. It's widely accepted by creators. You are the one who argued using the term tortured as Callum did was incorrect. I argued for a broad meaning while you kept insisting that it originally had a very narrow definition. Oh my goodness! I think the biggest issue between our view of prim torturing is the use of normal. Basically, if I don't hack the system to make it do something different than anyone is allowed to do, that's normal. I never ever considered changing prim style as not being normal. It's a readily available choice in the menu. No where does it indicate that normal use means you can't touch the type of prim after you begin the edit process.
  3. There is no way to change a prim except using the parameters available in the edit box. Whether you swap out the prim shape during that process is irrelevant. You said the term was used mistakenly here. That's where you went wrong. You deemed it to be a mistake when in truth you were WRONG. The term as proven in this thread over and over again how the word was used correctly. Normally???? Anything you do in the edit box is normal. That's what it is there for. So what that people figured out ways to use it further than the Lindens originally intended. That doesn't make it abnormal! There you go again .. using the normal word. And again, your grand sweeping statement that no one tortures prims anymore. Again, you are WRONG!
  4. I suppose you've forgotten what I already said on page 2: "One thing I've learned in SL over the years. Terms get misused or mean different things to different people. We don't have a glossary to go by. So who knows what the correct usage is? I don't think anyone does. We can only go by our experience. As a creator of prim jewelry I know other jewelers and myself always used the term as I defined it. " Several of us have provided evidence of how the term has been used in SL for years. You've not provided one shred of evidence to back your claim. I wasn't dug in on my take on the word until after seeing others show evidence of the term. I then went looking for myself to see what I could find. And everything I've found supports what we've been saying. Peace out Phil. I'm going to do my best to not engage you again in the forums.
  5. While erasing scribbles on calendar murmurs to self, "I knew it couldn't be true, oh well."
  6. I sure hope we see Linden Homes there and not purple parcels. Please not another Horizons! Hopefully, we will know something by the end of Ebbe's meeting tomorrow.
  7. I don't think a script can do more than what is available in the edit box, but most never even imagined that they could change the shape of the prim to torture the prim even further. So people developed scripts to do it for you. I think this is probably why people got the idea that it couldn't be done with the tools available in the edit box.
  8. True, but it's an event worth remembering!!
  9. I one was of those who used the term "sim" erroneously when referring to a region. In the past couple of years I've made myself stop using it this way after being gently reminded a couple of times by Lindens that the correct term is region.
  10. My first piece of Random Calliope jewelry made in 2005. It is what made me want to make jewelry in the first place. I couldn't believe you could make anything so beautiful with just prims. There were many jewelers back then, but the sheer simplicity of such a complicated build was showcased in his work. I sure wish he was still around.
  11. Here is a link to a portion of a book published in 2007 using the torture word. Creating Your World: The Official Guide to Advanced Content Creation for ...
  12. When we first got materials, I was careful to check my creations to see that they looked good with or without materials. Now, I create to get the best possible result while using the least amount of resources. So I use normal maps to indicate detail rather than geometry. I use the smallest texture size that does the job adequately. Consequently, my products may not look their best on the low performance computers, but I think the trade off is worth it to make SL more performant for everyone.
  13. Oh I understand that, I'm just saying using the amount of or last date of a review is not a good indicator of whether or not the product is actually selling. I'm all for cleaning up the Marketplace. I think the better way of clearing out the old is by checking to see if the account selling the products is active in SL or not. I don't think anyone who does not log in at least monthly to provide customer support should be able to sell on the marketplace. Just my viewpoint of course.
  14. One thing I've learned in SL over the years. Terms get misused or mean different things to different people. We don't have a glossary to go by. So who knows what the correct usage is? I don't think anyone does. We can only go by our experience. As a creator of prim jewelry I know other jewelers and myself always used the term as I defined it.
  15. I have products I sell to this day that have no reviews. Some are well over 6 years old. I had products that were older than that that did still sell, but not regularly. When I had to switch over to a new vendor system, I decided it just wasn't worth the effort of reprocessing those items into the new system so I removed them from the marketplace. But even those things which were well over 10 years still sold occasionally and didn't have any reviews.
  16. You can't tell from the rez date of this account, but I've been around SL for 15 years. You can check the date of my main, Debi Baskerville. In all the time I've been in SL I've always known the term tortured to mean what I said previously.
  17. I don't think this is a very good indicator. From my personal experience the amount and frequency of reviews has no relation to the actual sales. I think less than 1% of the people buying products ever leave a review.
  18. Probably the strangest visitor I've had happened a few years back. I was entertaining a close friend (just sitting round the campfire and chatting .. not that type of entertaining ) when a very strangely attired avatar walked up to the campfire and sat in the chair next to me. My friend and I greeted him, but he didn't respond with words instead he just did some motions using gestures. My friend and I continued chatting and trying to include him in the conversation. He never responded except for gesturing. This continued for about 10 minutes. He finally stood up and said, "nice boobs" and poofed.
  19. It occurred to me upon waking this morning that I should have also done a comparison using one of those white light windlilghts. So here's one using CaIWL. This one without ALM. And this one with ALM enabled. You can see there's very little difference. So for those who use these special windlights ALM makes hardly any difference. That's probably the reason they don't see a difference when testing. To get the best benefit from ALM you need the proper lighting or you simply will NOT see it.
  20. @Coby Foden I love your swimming pool. I've never thought to do that in a Linden Home. Believe me it's now neatly filed in my brain to try. Awesome idea!
  21. I've been making jewelry and torturing prims for a very, very long time. Regardless if you use a script to do the torturing or do it manually using the edit menu it IS still torturing. In fact, here's an example of my torturing prims very recently.
  22. Blush Bravin


    I agree with Alyona. Learn how to build with prims first. Then branch out to learn Blender. Builder's Brewery is a great place, but I think it is well worth anyone's time when wanting to learn how to use the basic building tools in SL to start at the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives. It is a step-by-step, learn at your own pace system. I learned there myself. I spent a good two weeks going through all the steps. Then I graduated to taking classes at Builder's Brewery. I think I would have been lost if I hadn't started at Ivory Tower when taking those classes. I only recently (the past two years) learned Blender. I still have much to learn. I used many, many video tutorials I found through YouTube. Toward the end of that I found Chic Aeon's tutorials. I wish I had found them in the beginning of my quest. So, I highly recommend her lessons once you're ready to learn Blender.
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