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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. All true, but this happens because you have the body attached to the same place as something else, typically avatar center. Rather than just relogging it's better to see what is attaching to the same spot and if possible move it to another spot or if it's something like an attached pet that can't be moved and work correctly, then moving the body to another spot that is rarely used. This will prevent it from happening again. It's never a nice thing to have someone message you and tell you the body you think you are wearing is missing. If you don't want to move things, and are using the Firestorm viewer, rather than relogging I'd suggest using the refresh attachments option. This is just one reason a HUD may seem to not be working. But there are others as well.
  2. The first Psycho was released in June of 1960. I was a kid, but I remember my parents talking about how shocking that movie was. We look at that movie today and think it's run of the mill .. not shocking at all. Speed up to the first Freddy Krueger movie, November 9, 1984, there is no comparison in the nature of the graphic violence between those two eras. But like you say that was 40 years ago. But you are correct in that they've always been around but to a much lesser degree in both quantity and severity.
  3. I said when I was young. You don't know how old I am. lol Yes, they have been around but we didn't see them advertised much on TV. And they have gotten worse in the past twenty years. Maybe thirty years. When you are as old as I am time passes much too quickly.
  4. So, like any troubleshooting, start with the quick fix and work your up from there. Make a change and follow the problem. If it goes away and doesn't come back your done! Added a bit to your response so I could agree with it.
  5. Fortunate for you then. Working in the MLF group, troubleshooting problems, I hear this complaint a lot with it being a frequent one for some. So frequent in fact, that they are ready to stop wearing the body all together. Fortunately, finding the problem isn't difficult. The fix is typically something really simple and then they don't have to deal with it ever again. Of course, if relogging is what someone prefers then by all means do so. I'm just suggesting that if it's really bothering someone then there are permanent solutions that will prevent it happening again.
  6. Unfortunately, this is too often suggested as the solution when there are much better ways to fix the problem. Why keep relogging when you can find the problem and put into effect the solution so you don't keep running into the problem?
  7. There are things you can do to fix even that without a relog. But it takes careful diagnosis to determine the problem and solution.
  8. When I was growing up movies associated with Halloween were almost always rather benign ghost stories. Granted I'm old! In the last 20 years or so most of the movies associated with Halloween in the USA have become those with demonic overtones or slasher movies. We still have the odd Halloween tale that is suitable for young children fortunately. I'm more put off by TV commercials starting in late September for the new movie releases. This year though is an election year so we are also being bombarded with political ads, which are more irritating than any of the Halloween movies. IMO. So being bombarded with all this and the blood and gore that is oftentimes associated with Halloween in SL as well, tends to make me even more reactive to it. Do I think that my opinion on Halloween should affect anyone else? Absolutely not, but I think we have every right to voice the fact that there are aspects of Halloween that we don't particularly like.
  9. No need to keep the original box. The redelivery terminal at Maitreya is very dependable. Also, it's very likely that you don't actually need a redelivery as the hud very rarely breaks. It's more likely another issue causing your hud to appear as though it's not working. May I suggest you join the Maitreya Lara Friends group. I am a moderator for the group. We are there to help everyone with their Maitreya body.
  10. Noticeable house size differences now.
  11. As long as we're speculating, why not get crazy? How about this? Finish off that little continent and create a whole new sea around the whole area.
  12. SSP 1 could connect directly to sailable water at Danu. Direct access to Blake Sea can be blocked though at Terric and Montbard regions, so a channel to Blake Sea would be needed to guarantee access to BS. But it certainly looks doable.
  13. I tend to make the majority of my purchases in-world as well, but since 90% of my sales come from the marketplace, I tend to think that the added cost of tier isn't worth keeping an in-world presence.
  14. I much prefer Deborah, not thinking it sounds stuffy at all but classy.
  15. My RL name is Deborah. Most of my friends and colleagues from my teaching days call me Deborah. My close family members still call me Debi. I'm in Texas. It can happen even in the US.
  16. I loved my E2V vendor system. I had to switch when they closed up shop. I'm mostly satisfied with the new system, but still wish E2V was here as it is my favorite vendor system by far. I'm not in favor of the lab getting into direct competition with any content creators, so that would preclude them making an in-world vendor system IMO. However, I do wish they made redelivery possible on the Marketplace. I know a merchant can initiate a redelivery, but customers should have the ability to request a redelivery on their own. I think if that feature ever becomes available for the marketplace, I'd close up my in-world shop and stop using a vendor system at all, in favor of going straight marketplace.
  17. With the large amounts of abandoned mainland parcels in the interior areas (landlocked with no access to roads or waterways), are there any plans for renovating those areas to make them more appealing to possible land purchasers? Many of those areas are plagued by large expanses of granite textures that do not scale well. Has the lab considered updating textures?
  18. Look at what type of occult practices are depicted during Halloween and I think the connection and why it's not my preference is rather obvious.
  19. Never said I was afraid of the occult. I do not wish to be a participant in anything having to do with the occult. My choice. synonyms: the supernatural, the paranormal, supernaturalism, magic, black magic, witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, wizardry, the black arts, occultism, diabolism, devil worship, devilry, voodoo, hoodoo, white magic, witchery, mysticism
  20. The insinuation that it is an American tradition was implied, which it clearly is not. Of course with capitalism anything that can be marketed to increase income will be. So we have the full swing adoption of a holiday born in the UK. Personally I look forward to October 31st every year, both in RL and SL, because it signifies the end of the Halloween deluge. I'm not a fan of anything having to do with the occult or horror images, but I do love autumn. So I embrace the idea of warm earth tones, falling leaves, and pumpkins in all shapes and sizes.
  21. On 8/29/2018 at 7:47 AM, Vir Linden said: As usual, can't give an exact date. Bakes on Mesh requires a bunch of different back end services to be rolled out first. We're currently in the process of rolling out the inventory service. After that will be simulator changes, followed by the baking service. After all that, we can look at promoting the viewer. So while we think Bakes on Mesh is reasonably feature complete, it's likely to take a while to run through all those steps. I can't seem to get the quote to work cross threads. So I copied/pasted Vir's response about BoM from the Animesh thread. This is the last official word I remember seeing in the forums on the release date of BoM.
  22. Another thought. Since Patch has suggested that larger than 1024 parcels will be available. I'm wondering if unlike the current Linden Homes, which are strickly residential, if any of these new parcels might be "zoned" for commercial purposes. Thoughts?
  23. What are they up to? I see a little bit of something poking out from under all that black.
  24. I do enjoy using experiences in my own home for attaching objects rezzed by furniture. I really don't want to have to accept each and every time. So I definitely see the good in the feature. I'm not opposed to anyone setting up experiences how they see fit for their own build. My point was that perhaps it could come back and bite a creator in the behind if they use them too much or when not really necessary. I've only visited one store that used experiences for teleporting. Personally I would rather use the teleport boards and have some choice in that, but I did accept as I wanted to see that area of the store; however, I've not been back to that store since. It's not been a conscience decision of well I'm never going back there but the end result was it wasn't a pleasant experience for me and I think that has played a roll in my decision making when shopping. I'm especially unlikely to go to any event that will force an experience on me during this season anyway. I don't handle horror type events well and in fact to this day am still plagued with images from the Exorcist that show up in nightmares. Honestly, wish I'd never gone to that movie all those years ago. Also, I would like up front info before accepting an experience in regard to particles and bright flashing lights as they trigger migraines for me. So yes, I can quickly leave but sometimes it's too late and I'll be suffering with a migraine for hours after leaving. Again, all this said is not in any way to suggest that the owner of an experience needs to be limited because of my limitations. But if someone is making an experience hoping to attract a lot of people then perhaps considering how their experiences might affect others would be a wise thing to do. Give us enough info up front so we can decide if it's something we really want to be a part of.
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