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UnilWay SpiritWeaver

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Everything posted by UnilWay SpiritWeaver

  1. I can really understand the concern over the loss of third party addons. I use 'fat tids' and 'sensations'. Granted my choice of 'fat tids' was a bit of a protest at how all of the existing choices are too small in the bust, so I went silly big as nobody has 'realistic big'... But now I'm used to it. And sensations... I'm baffled as to why no other brand of female anatomy has the clitoris. I'm not even using the thing for 'activity' but when my avatar is nude I want to look complete. And since I'm almost always nude in SL that's something I notice. One of my alt looks is a faun and both that and another alt have elf ears. I'm pretty much locked into Lelutka EvoX as it has form fitting elf ears even if I don't like the size (I was giant ears like a Warcraft elf so it's obvious that I'm coming from 12 sims away). And for the legs - I've only ever found one set of faun legs that were both mod, made the 'cut' at the right spot in the thigh rather than higher or lower, AND fit for Freya - and I suspect they're no longer active in SL. Even once BellezaX comes out, even if I love it - I might end up not using it for a while unless Sensations makes a fit for it. I can give up the 'giant bosom' is BellezaX can at least do a good bust, but not having a clitoris would be... alarming. Sensations does fit most existing bodies, but they keep saying they won't add any more (and they never did add Erika), so I'm worried for BellezaX and Prima. For more PG people, that's why I mentioned the faun legs. Lots of attachments that are not just clothes will actually be MORE IMPORTANT for some people in switching than clothing support. After all, the only reason I'm an SL Nudist is that it took Belleza almost 2 years to get any clothing support, and I wanted to wear the body anyway because all I had before it was the system body... So I just got used to being nude in SL. I can give up clothes, but I'm not giving up pieces of anatomy.
  2. I would wait until October 1st when 2 new bodies are coming out. One of them, BellezaX, is coming out with a LOT of support on release. It's the replacement for the current Belleza. The other; Prima, I don't know. It replaces Tonic. These two could cause you to regret any choice made right now. Right now, so close to these new options, is not the time to get locked into a brand. Once they land, demo them both, then look at them in comparison to other choices. Legacy should always be avoided. It's a lag beast with other issues as well.
  3. From what I understand both the Prima and the Belleza X (I forget it's proper title) are aimed at competing NOT with Kupra, but with Maitreya / Legacy / Freya. That's part of why I feel justified in my 'it has to be Mod' rant. Because if you're trying to compete with Maitreya head on, with a side shot at Legacy and Freya - you need something that says "this is something you don't yet have". Even Mod is not enough though. It might be enough for me - but to actually steal users away from Maitreya you're going to need to land like a 65-million year old Meteor. Anything less and you'll be forgotten. I'm not actually sure what other features it would need - just that it would need a LOT of them. I think most of the features it would really need would apply to third party addon makers - you need to get people to desperately want to support it, and make it super easy for them - so that they sell it for you. But how? ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
  4. So the poster I was replying to just had a bad shape? I did see another post saying the shape in the demo was a mess. Even though it's now a dead brand, I won't name it - but there was a body I tried a few years back that had horrible pencil skinny fingers that were so long you'd think they were making a Roswell Alien avatar and not a human body... Thus the motive for other parts of my post. Anatomy is hard... and I marvel at people who can make a mesh body that has decent anatomy.
  5. As for proper hand size: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/average-hand-size#summary - Some assorted variety, but it's related to height. The 'easy guide for artists: https://www.paintdrawpaint.com/2011/03/drawing-basics-drawing-hand-proportions.html And the 'so much info your eyes will glaze over before it ever gets to the point' article: https://www.joshuanava.biz/hands/proportions-and-measurements.html - That said if I was making a new human body, I'd want that last article so I could be sure I got things like "how long is the pinky supposed to be in relation to the thumb" correct... More detail than we need, but the amount the body designers need. I've bought or demos a couple bodies in the past that had weird long, too skinny, or too short of fingers. If it was enough for me to just see at a glance, then it must have been severely off.
  6. Also Belleza v6 which is 'semi-recent' (just after Kalhene right?). So that's 3 recent options that went Mod. There's no rational reason to be no-Mod, but there are plenty of psycho-paranoid illogical reasons to. Belleza X will be Mod though, and is coming out around the same time as Prima (hopefully NOT +/- the usual 1-2 year Belleza delays or this is a moot point) - so unless people want a built in non-functional labia layer, Prima would be dead in the water. If it has T-Rex hands as your post implied, that would kill it even faster. If you're trying to motivate people to give up what they already have and move to something totally new - you need a LOT of reasons for them to do so. Mod may not be THE DECIDING FACTOR for everyone (tangent mode: it will be the moment people want to make 'Na'Vi' avatars again for the Avatar 2 movie and need to put on an emission mask skin... but that's only in my head because this alt was made for that movie. The first time I saw a furry with skin that actually had glowing 'bioluminescent' lines this alt's original purpose flat out died)... but it is ONE FACTOR that is getting more and more notable as people explore what they can do with BOM and see Mod in other bodies. Why would someone give up a perfectly good Maitreya for something that was merely an equal to it? It has to just not be better, but WAY BETTER for someone to say "I'm willing to toss out 8+ years of fashion inventory for that new thing". Kupra and such only managed that because of their cartoon look being so different. Belleza Freya only hangs on because it can do realistic curves, and even that wasn't enough until v6 was also mod.
  7. It's a tattoo layer. You should be able to just right click it in inventory and pick edit. Then there will be a box at bottom right that is the color.
  8. Should be able to still find with an object inspect. I'm still not sure which item it is in here. I suspect the ones named "Object" because this is just prims using the textures in the kit you get as a landowner.
  9. As someone with the FFXIV Chocobo... er Teegle Strider instead of a horse, a bonus for Bellisseria is no one is going to toss you out for not having a "realistic" purple winged unicorn. The camper and log home regions are particularly full of naturalistic looking views for screenshots as well as a lot of hidden little parks, campsites, and features to find and enjoy with friends.
  10. What bothers me about the new Flickr TOS is not whether or not I can afford to get it, but that if I ever stop paying for it because I'm not using it that month / year - they will delete all of my Moderate and Restricted stuff. So I could buy an account now and pay for it, but the moment I step away, everything I ever put up will get zapped. Imagine if in SL, anytime you stopped paying for your premium, they didn't just take away your linden home, they deleted your avatar's entire inventory. That's the new Flickr. So I went and 'deleted' my inventory first, on my own, on my terms where I could at least download it all for safekeeping. Now I just have to find somewhere to put it again. Somewhere that will at least archive it if not just restrict my ability to add to it were I to stop paying, rather than flat out delete it all.
  11. Over at the "Bellisseria Bureau of Bureaucracy" ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swordfish/205/58/39 ) Touching this sign for the Parade of Homes group; Just brings up the "This object is not for sale." prompt. I suspect it should be giving me group joiner information instead?
  12. If you don't want that land, Underwater land is extremely sought after and if you're patient you might be able to sell it for a LOT MORE than you paid for it. Good underwater land is very rare, and people with mermaids, boats, and so on all compete to get it. Most of the time it's been "ruined" by nearby plots having fake islands or by somebody rezzing a mall shop on the water surface next door or whatever... For some odd reason - people that don't actually want water land keep buying the stuff and paving it over with mesh land, leaving people that do want the stuff with nothing to buy anywhere...
  13. I just got the Chocobo mount yesterday... Or rather, the Teegle Strider: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Teegle/30/127/2 Thanks to that Chocobo I'm down to 3 LI left on my camper... My favorite motorcycle is the Nightpod from [sau] as it's able to handle the very bumpy roads of the campers regions, though it goes a bit fast and I sometimes end up beyond where I intended to go: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/sau/149/113/729 Sau's stuff tends to be a bit pricey, but they also always have some weekend item for 60L that works just as well as the main stuff - so it's a good place to get an intro motorcycle. As I type this they have 3 of them still out for that price, but those were supposed to go away Monday so might be gone before anyone reads this.
  14. Is that the spot where Route 2 and Route 3 meet in Congrua? There's a sign for Route 3 there that's floating in midair. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Congrua/182/181/54
  15. I've gone the other way. Camper life. Less prims, more efficiency in how I use them. Something I found from years of having large, sometimes double prim lots is that I would get a huge house and then find myself never going into most of the rooms. Even with most of the 1024 Linden Homes - if there's a door inside the home, I might as well delete the space on the other side of it. I just can't be bothered to interrupted my flow of activity to move my mouse onto the screen and click something (all my doors in my old mainland home were scripted to open when I bumped into them). But so much space... means not just filling it but also using it. I used to wonder why "old people" would move out of their large homes into small 1 or 2 bedroom places when they retired. Now that I'm one of them in RL, I get it. My RL house has 3 too many bedrooms, and 2 too many 'family rooms' and I keep looking at smaller places and feeling like "that just looks a lot more comfortable". I can't figure out how to fill most of the 1024s, I have no idea what I'd do with a 2048. Even if I did manage to fill it, how much of it would sit there collecting virtual dust while I spent all my time in one room of it... I use my remaining 512 for a plot on Zindra in a nightmare sim that has one of those AFK clubs in it. My plot has a skybox and inside of that I parked all my alts (including this one) that I don't really use. Purposefully picked that parcel for my desire to NOT be in it...
  16. Early on in the life of this account I was a 'Na'vi' on all those Avatar roleplay sims (Unilway is basically a word I took out of one of the many Na'Vi dictionaries the movie people were putting out to hype that movie and it's universe up back when we all actually believed there would be sequels in our lifetimes... )... It happened to me now and then that I would visit some land and people would tell me to 'dress up or get out', insisting my avatar was nude when she wasn't. When one of them finally sent me a screenshot we were both surprised because on my screen I could see my stuff but on hers you could not. - That was even after waiting minutes for it to rez, and even me trying taking it all off and putting it all back on, and assorted other tricks. This was in the days of Sculpty so we just put it down to being a bug and what did finally work was a relog with I think maybe a cache clearing (not sure, that was almost 12 or so years ago so yeah - fuzzy memory). The issue hit me because the popular thing back then for a Na'Vi was one of those 'sculpty bikini's' with lots of jagged pieces of wood or cloth that the Gor sims were making... But that kind of glitch used to happen to a lot of people. It's not what happened here, but it's still on my "List of suspects" when something weird is happening.
  17. When I just look that function up on a wiki it seems to be for vehicles. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTakeControls That it does more is in the note at the bottom and mentions it for vehicles. I suspect a lot of people making other kids of HUDs don't have awareness of this because it's just not come up their experience before. That said. I just dug up the ancient ZHAO HUD from 2007 to see "is this something people should know?" since that's basically THE HUD that I think is the first one most people encounter and probably where most scripters started learning. And it does have this: run_time_permissions( integer _perm ) { if ( _perm != (PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION|PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) ) gotPermission = FALSE; else { llTakeControls( CONTROL_BACK|CONTROL_FWD, TRUE, TRUE ); gotPermission = TRUE; } } - I'm not actually sure what that does there. Does it alter what my control-foward and control-backward key presses will do?
  18. Be mindful of listing any home that's been found or pictured somewhere. The people currently in those spots might not want random visitors. Might also want to make sure there's a clear way to de-list a home incase the resident changes their mind, and the HUD should auto-do this if the name of the land owner is not the same as what it was when the home was originally added to the list.
  19. Some shops will do this on purpose because it's the most accurate form of 'survey' to find out which bodies are actually popular. I'm with them on that, provided they price accordingly. I think every brand should do something like once or twice a year - put out something at a reduced price that sold one body at a time. But REDUCED PRICE is they key. At least one item I have changed in an update from a 'fatpack' to body specific without lowering the price. I was safe with one account because I'd already bought it, but this alt hadn't and I wanted it - but it would have cost me dramatically more to get as I've got two mesh bodies on this account that I sometimes swap between. If they had been priced reasonably for each body at the outset, or had lowered the price when they moved away from a fatpack, I would have felt much better about it. As is now, the price per body is so high I think even customers who never knew it used to be a fatpack at that price would still be deterred.
  20. What I "love" is when I get a random delivery from a shop of something I bought some time back... And there's no chat or notecard or group notice so I have no idea what's different, if anything, or if someone just clicked the wrong button on their vendor system.
  21. LL's acquisition of xStreet and converting it into Marketplace "was a fiasco until it wasn't." The wasn't didn't really take all that long either. There might be some rough moments in the short term. Most of those will likely be integration bugs and not by intent, but I suspect this too will turn out for the best.
  22. Try just walking outside your parcel boundaries. Being nude on M rated land is allowed, as long as you're just nude and not getting up to things or being overtly sexual. So just have him walk outside of the parcel and see if things appear. Plenty of male 'props' have a setting to auto vanish on G land. I've never heard of one doing that on M land. I cannot imagine why it would fail on specific parcel - but weirder things have happened in SL. If there's no change in walking outside your parcel though, then it looks like it's toggling away on M land. He could then try walking over into the next region or into a neighbor's parcel (long as they're not home unless you and they are into that sort of thing. ). IF it appears when you walk into the next region, then I'd put in a ticket to get your region restarted...
  23. That seems too connected to RL to be good for SL. I won't even view people's links to that, let alone use it for my own artwork.
  24. I was only thinking about that in terms of abuse. What is to keep someone from booking one of the Pickles 2/47 365 days a year. Or even doing that across multiple locations. Something requiring multiple sign ups to be able to reserve a spot would at least mean such a move would need to be an organized 'griefer attack'.
  25. It would be so nice if this could all work like using a google calendar (but inworld or on an SL webpage) that would give people temporary stream and MAYBE limited build powers for bookings they made on that calendar for assorted venues - without the need for "human intervention". Just go in there and if you have a linden home, you could reserve up to 1 hour a week with it - with some post activity checks on visit count or whatever to make sure you actually used your time for a community event (if you did, you'd still be able to book, if not, you'd lose the next X period of time ability to book). Or conversely; rather than post use checks... your reservation only gets valid if enough people sign on to join it before it occurs. The number needed being based on the size of the spot. A small pickle bar only 2 perhaps, something like the old lodge maybe 8-10... (or whatever).
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