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UnilWay SpiritWeaver

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Everything posted by UnilWay SpiritWeaver

  1. Right... Ready to start sailing... ... this won't end well.
  2. If you just put a boat on the edge of your water partly inside a 'set to prim' triangle prim that is invisible, then rez a nice looking display stand set to phantom under the boat... then when you get on your boat and raise a sail or start the engine the triangle will shove it off and into the water. I also put a script into the triangle to rez a copy of my boat up there if it's been missing for more than 5 minutes. Used this on my previous riverside plot.
  3. Hmmm. Yeah that's unfortunate. I don't know. In theory that should be all you need to do.
  4. Obviously highly subjective opinions is what this thread is about. What parts of Bellisseria do folks find most enjoyable to sail in? Best places to start / end? And why? Not so much a thread about what kinds of sailing - though if the answer is very different for a wind based sail boat vs a powered boat vs maybe some other option then yeah - mention that. My own mental framework of the Belli waters, which might not be how others see them: I "think" you can get all the way from orange up to magenta on that - by going through that thin white marked section.
  5. Probably just needs to be properly AR'd and the AR then needs time to get handled.
  6. I do wish they could take 1/3 or 1/2 of the mainland continents and give them the Belli covenant, while also making them uniform in maturity rating (this one here goes 100% G, that one there goes 100% M). The shakeup would be radical. BUT they have done it before - when they made the A rating and pushed everyone who now fell under it over to Zindra. So we know SL will survive the drama, though it will be a LOT of drama. I think a "mainland" that had the Belli rules would be extremely popular, as as long as the 'anarchy now' folks didn't lose their kind of mainland it would work.
  7. A more modern selection page with responsive web design that on desktop will display all of the current choices above the fold is certainly possible and what I would advise.
  8. If they aren't losing money on the old ones, there's no reason to ever close them. With modern cloud services they can probably run these regions for less than what a single premium account pays.
  9. The third option: "You stuff has been returned to you from Parcel Name Unknown, Region name <unavailable>" - It's LL's unwillingness to do this that has likely kept those regions around. Some portion of the people in them, no matter what message was sent out - would see this option first. I don't know how often it happens, but I imagine there are people who still actively pick those old regions for various reasons. The cost of keeping them open is probably notably lower than the profit made from accounts using them - especially with modern era cloud servers. I had one of the new fantasy region homes a while back. I felt the region was a bit too graphically intense outside of the lot. Too much visual clutter. And like some others I've read; I wanted it to be more fantasy than it ended up being. That the sides of it still don't connect to other regions for sailing was also a major detraction for me.
  10. The Bellisseria rule against skyboxes below 2000m is a great rule. I'd call this image a skybox rezzed at ground. But on mainland there's no rule against that, sadly. If you wanted mainland to look nice, it would have to have some kind of 'fitting the region / theme / minimum quality' for anything below 1000m. But a lot of people go for mainland precisely because it lacks an 'HOA'...
  11. At this point Bellisseria is just nicer and more spacious for the things I enjoy doing in the tiny amount of time I'm not hiding on my own plot. Ie: for sailing, riding, driving - the best roads and water ways and paths are in Bellisseria. I just got a houseboat in the area that can reach up to Blake Sea so the other day I looked at my sailing options if I went up to Blake or down into Belli and Blake Sea just looks so unappealing by comparison. When I sail through Belli I don't get spammed by random messages from nearby scanners on parcels, don't get random group invites to somebody's shop, don't USUALLY have things jutting out of a parcel blocking the waterway (and if I do I can AR them and watch the AR be ignored while feeling like I achieved something), and don't have the maturity rating randomly flipping every other region. Also don't have to deal with giant 64m tall glowing walls or worse...
  12. Yeah. I don't like the overdone muscles on ANY of the male bodies. My ideal male avatar for my male alt and for any male AVs I enjoyed looking at would have a build more like somewhere between Bruce Lee and the 'Bishōnen' style (I guess the K-Pop singer body frame - toned but not bulging) rather than Arnold Schwarzenegger, no 'swagger' AO, as well as no beard, no tattoos, no piercings, no jewelry, no super wide thigh gap, and no weird giant ears with loops in them. - In other words absolutely nothing like 90% of SL men.
  13. I thought that was the SL JLA? For me - it's been years but we used to get people who would rez rezzers inside of rezzers that would spam giant particle pictures of graphic violence, explicit furry art, nazis, and far-right or far-left politics. And they hit plots near me a few times almost a decade ago. When those things went up, they'd cover multiple sims around them due to the way things worked back then (I have no idea if that ever changed - but those kinds of attacks seem to be in the past).
  14. They're much better than the old library avatars. BUT the shoulders... They serve a purpose for a new avatar to not look horrid on rezzing in, but they're still not high enough quality to keep. And I personally feel they need to be - to get people to see SL as something modern when they log in. I'd be all for us having a near perfect well proportioned modable library body, and then get sellers to sell kits for it rather than or more often than their own competing bodies. We won't ever see that - but I do think that route would make SL look more attractive. This one is OK - but just barely.
  15. My vote at this point in time in Lelutka for the head. For the body I'm not sure. Toss between Gianni and Belleza Jake.
  16. This thought on the idea of open water lots has me thinking of why it took so long to see the 2048 ranches, and why it's the only 2048 style we've got so far. A lot of styles by their nature would cause people to rez all kinds of 'junk' out on the 'lawn'. Optional buildings, piles of cars and planes, or whatever. Ranch by it's nature feels like it should be a lot of open space. The temptation to rez a junkyard complete with animesh guard dog is a tad smaller than it they had done trads on 2048s. Before we see another 2048 style, they're probably thinking through how much hassle it will be to deal with covenant issues on whatever they go for.
  17. Yeah a 2048 on water would probably need special rules about what could be rezzed on it and even special rules about the security systems. The point of such regions would be lots of open water not lots of nasty decks, size-compensation units (yachts / giant boats ) and prim islands. If it could lead to those it'd be a bad idea to make such regions. I don't have a mermaid alt - but I sure would if I had that much open water. And I do like sailing - but I personally think any boat bigger than a Bandit 50 is an eyesore. The bandit 50 is itself bigger than I like to see, but it's on the edge of my tolerance like living near a drunkard for a neighbor who at least stays indoors. Other folks like their islands and decks, and probably glance sideways at open water folks like me. Tastes vary but if they expanded out water locations and those tastes came into conflict over decks or no decks and giant boats or no - too much drama to be worth it.
  18. Yeah. But not sculpty. I'd never use a sculpty.
  19. I've done invisble prims inside of objects like bushes or mesh walls just for my own self walking about. Some of those things have very bad physics / bounding or whatever it's called. I'll often put these inside a house as well - there's one right now where my kitchen object is because the mesh kitchen seems to have a completely random 'physical' shape so I had to set it to 'none' and put a transparent prim inside of it.
  20. If you really wanted people to go nuts, give them houseboats and stilts on the water on 2048 parcels. I'd also vote for a camper on a 2048 but that's just me and I suspect I'm in a small crowd on that one. It's sort of the 'Sims4 Tiny Homes' challenge - but in SL.
  21. Yeah but I get the OP's concern. If you want to put a nice little walking path or rez some grass - that tends to be made to fit flatter parcels. That said if you can find some walkways that have a little bit of a thick edge to them, or that include cut pieces in varying sizes; you can work them into mildly uneven terrain. When measuring a plot you can wear a prim on avatar center, make it big enough for your needs, and lower it to just around ground; then walk around the plot to see how flat it is and get some ideas of where you can and cannot place elements.
  22. On doors in Linden Homes... I so wish the inner doors and outside doors were on a different 'autoclose' hook. I'd love to have the outside ones auto close but leave the inner ones open.
  23. Only time I've ever actually used the invisible box idea is with high altitude skyboxes. Making them invisible lets advanced lighting work - which was my real original reason for 'removing the texture' that sky boxes I'd buy were often wrapped in. The best way to do it is a single mesh prim set to prim. You can exist inside of that as long as it's not convex hull. If you do it at ground somewhere on mainland - I'd recommend constraining it well away from the parcel edge. Just wrap the building you're inside of and use that collision detection to make it phantom as needed. In this case a single mesh prim probably would NOT work. It looks like they don't want us doing that in Belli. For Belli if you really want privacy just teleport routing set to 'blocked' will keep active snoopers out without messing with anyone wandering belli locally, and even the TPers will just find themselves landing right next to your parcel as if the TP had worked. I still have one of these on a tiny skybox parcel on Zindra. This is why my main just has a camper for a Linden Home (though my main is now P+, I just used the extra 1000m to hold a plot I've been trying to sell...). - For someone who really needs privacy I recommend buying a plot in a very badly carved Zindra sim and putting up a skybox. Nobody wants to wander into that sim because the plots are all carved up and all your neighbors are 'weirdos' (rez some weird stuff at ground too so you too are a weirdo people want to avoid). Then put up a little skybox apartment and hide out in it. My neighbor is one of those 'AFK stuff and things' places so yeah - people avoid the region my Zindra skybox is in.
  24. No problems. Did you figure out what those used to be? (Do they still work if people don't have advanced lighting on or were they fully officially broken as I had thought they were?) Invisiprims used to make certain things inside of them invisible. There was a famous case of them being used on Nautilus to hide the water in a dry dock build that was built by a mole. (logging in to go find that place...) Here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nautilus - Shalim/232/224/23 And yeah, as @Fionalein noted they do still work. Turn off advanced lighting to see what they do.
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