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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Naw, I have tried that before when a potentially interesting topic was brought up in the Pet Peeve thread and I started a thread with it which a Mod almost immediately shut down saying if it was going to get shut down in Pet Peeves, there was no way they were going to allow in a separate thread. Not hard to understand that it doesn't work and isn't allowed.
  2. Yes but just imagine had I responded and peeved that I have not seen this the vast number of woman hating misogynistic men in SL and wanted a map link or it doesn't happen! Because honestly, I don't see it and have to wonder how it is that some seem to attract that sort. Most males in the SL clubs I frequent seem to be wishy washy milksops that start a conversation with apologizing for saying Hi.
  3. Well that is why the forum concurrency has been dropping since they have instituted the new policies. Only allowed to talk about pink rainbows and unicorns without being threatened with deletions and bans. This will make people much more likely to come join SL!
  4. Not really. It is dysfunctional making something appear different then it is.
  5. It is good practice for spontaneity though and being ok with what came out of my mouth even if at first blush I'd be going "wtf did I just say that for!? I think people like that sort of thing because it comes across as more genuine.
  6. But it's functionality in a particular way that used to work, has been removed. Question is whether purposefully or accidently.
  7. Some of us like to pretend that there might be a Linden listening.
  8. Oh like Phil, I am right about whatever I debate but I will only do so when I have more to bring to the controversy then just
  9. Sure there are workarounds but bottom line it is just compensating for bad coding. At some point one has to stop and tell the dev they need to fix it rather than the whole population having to have a long list of workarounds to compensate for their failures.
  10. For some of us it is a bit of a pain because in my case I usually set my avatar size to around 6 feet. This works well with my partner's normal size of about 6.5 feet. The couples furniture we have are all modified to account for that size difference. When creating or modifying a shape in a different viewer while by myself, I set the size to around 6 feet and then find the scales are off on the furniture as well as just standing beside each other leading to question whose height is off. Not a new issue though, have seen that problem for ages.
  11. I think you are minimizing the amount of impact Oz had on the direction of viewer development over the years. As far as allowing continued development, I'd say we will have to wait and see whether their cross platform mobile viewer code will be open sourced. Oz did mention before he retired that though he didn't know yet what the final decision would be, he suspected not. Could well be a peeve in the making. Maybe I've jumped to the wrong conclusion but my viewpoint is based on substantially more than the straw grasping that I have seen coming from you or Silent on this and as much as it might pain me to agree with @Zalificent Corvinus, her pointing out that TPV's lag behind official viewer releases because TPV devs spend time fixing mistakes in new LL releases is right on the money. That has been proven over and over again at the different TPV meetings where they came and pointed out problems to Lindens that needed fixing before they could merge it into their beta or release viewers. It was just recently yet that a FS dev mentioned they were not going to merge in the new inventory preview code until the Lab fixed and released it on their end so they wouldn't merge and then have to take it back out. Lastly, my comment on the viewer wars was only a sub context comment to the issue of an inability to create new folders under the My-Outfits folder, which is broken or a new "feature" as Scylla pointed out here . I'd much rather see @Beq Janus or @Whirly Fizzle tell us whether that will be the new norm or not. Henri of Cool viewer pointed out in a post that the ability still exists in his viewer so it begs the question why Firestorm broke it in theirs.
  12. Well when Oz was still here he didn't seem overly happy about Firestorm being used by such a large percentage of the residents. Can quibble about whether that translates to being a competition or not but guess it all depends on the perspective one looks at it with. From conversations with FS devs and Jessica herself, Firestorm was under pressure to adopt the 3 version rule or use the Lab's immediate updates upon a new release. Why block old versions? Firstly, we are under pressure by Linden Lab to do this, and we can either do it ourselves or adopt LL’s update system which allows them to do it instead. Either we update you or LL does, but either way, folks, updating is quite inevitable. https://www.firestormviewer.org/category/viewer-releases/page/9/ I personally hate blocking old versions, and many others on our team do as well. https://www.firestormviewer.org/today-we-have-to-block-version-4-6-9/#comments Sounded pretty mandated to me and only applied to Firestorm of the TPV's.
  13. Phil it is competition from SL's side since they shoot the other TPV dev's in the foot with the common experience policy to keep them from overtaking and showing how bad the Lab is at creating a useful viewer. Firestorm more so then the other TPV's because of the 3 version rule they placed on the FS team that the others don't have to abide by. One example is that since the SL viewer does not have RLV whereas the others do, it means that in certain areas the TPV's do have code that is above and beyond what the Lab has in theirs. Cool, Black Dragon, Catznip all have features in them that are beyond the base code the Lab has available. The Opensimulator fork too points out the FS and Cool dev's are perfectly capable of creating code that is above and beyond what the Lab puts out so no, the TPV devs do not just modify existing Lab code. Other than brand new SL projects like PBR, we'd be better served if they left it to the TPV's rather than invoking the artificial restrictions they place on developers in creating a user friendly viewer.
  14. I'm using the newest Firestorm release and though it shows the Paste option on a r-click, it does not actually Paste the new folder into an existing one that has the clotheshanger icon on it. Instead I created the new Folder with Cool viewer and then was able to put it under My Outfits.
  15. Do you remember how long ago roughly that the viewers were still capable of creating subfolders within My Outfits?
  16. From what I see that only works if dragging the New Folder to one that does not have the coathanger icon on it. That is the same in either the SL or Firestorm viewer. Edit to add that the inability to create a sub folder is only relevant for the two main viewers. The ability still exists in the other TPV's.
  17. If the host(ess) has their own tip jar though then I'd think it would be safe to assume club is not compensating other then maybe a small base rate.
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