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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Peeve at those who have supposedly heard it all before, not taking responsibility for coming up with new and innovative topics themselves rather then tramping through the forums crying about everything being same ol', same ol'. Does it not occur to these that maybe they been here too long if they can't think of anything new?
  2. For historical accuracy, Lumiya was removed from the 3rd party directory by the Lab itself while the developer was on a 2 week "vacation" from SL for reasons unknown. Never heard of any lack of documentation or blacklisting mentioned by Oz as being the reason when he was asked. The viewer was not updated afterwards and finally fell victim to the protocol changes in SL though it could have been worked around like it was in Opensimulator, where the viewer still works fine other than BoM bodies.
  3. So are you saying there is nothing the Lab could do to make the process more effective and efficient? I would have thought at the very least the ability to made one listing for all the different colours of an item would be a good start. To me the site and its different themes and styles looks like it is cobbled together with bailing wire and duct tape. The default login page for the forums as an example, almost needs a microscope to read it on mobile. No doubt there are plenty of other pages on the site that are not mobile friendly.
  4. Some just can see the upcoming From further back then others and recognize that SL is basically on life support now As there is no new blood it is just a matter of when they going to
  5. Is there any plans to allow the use of the avatar creation tool for older accounts using existing clothing content? Seeing the basics for such a feature are already there, it would be a small step to utilize a similar setup for everyone, making for a major update to the Inventory and dressing UI.
  6. It is a reflection of the priority they give to the site and in world usability for the average resident.
  7. Not really, the lab is famous for promises of soon that they do not deliver on. Or release half finished and never do anything more.
  8. As long as the lab can maintain a demand for its land, the rest of it can go to pot and they'll still be okay.
  9. Wouldn't it leave avatars as a cloud until the full mesh body was loaded though?
  10. One reason is the EvoX mapping looks weird when rezzing. I use the Evo mapping for that reason on my Lelutka heads.
  11. Peeve @ an entity who will ignore or wash their hands from any instances of resident to resident disputes where 100's if not 1000's of L$ or $ are involved and yet goes ballistic on resident to resident disputes within a forum where only words are involved.
  12. Even if the host or DJ is not adept at the art of conversation they can at the very least personally greet each new person that comes in. The moment they do, that new person has a greater tendency to stay longer than those places where nothing is said, as a quiet local chat makes it seem like everyone is afk anyway.
  13. It only would be relevant for people who listen to others.
  14. You don't but just for some long winded and slow typing people it is best to have it on so other people who you are speaking with, know that you have more to say.
  15. Maybe gesturebating fans have a language issue so use it instead of murdering the local language.
  16. But to activate those you'd have to actually type in local which you seem to object to as that would be socializing where everyone can hear?
  17. But if you aren't intending to type to anyone, why would you be worried about turning off typing animations?
  18. There is a feature comparison list here: https://docs.speedlight.io/viewer-features/facility-comparison From the Google Play store I see over 10,000+ downloads and assume IOS must be similar so considering only a small percentage of either are used at any particular time, it is still a lot of server and bandwidth utilization since I assume it all goes through their servers unlike a regular viewer.
  19. I have noted in past though that in spite of not having many actual posters, stuff discussed here gets around pretty quick inworld.
  20. Because it is a small contingent who regularly take a topic of course and almost purposefully so when the topic isn't to their liking. I don't agree with the closing of them though because it is just another way some manipulate the narrative allowed. Clean up the off-topic, slap the fingers of those who do so, and let the thread continue or die from inattention if everything has been said.
  21. Sure but where are they making their money from to pay for the servers and continued development?
  22. My question is why. Assuming the developer was previously making a few L$ from the Gold plan which is now superseded with the 24/7 online ability for everyone, is the expense and his development time being paid by the Lab? And if so why is the Lab doing so? Have they lost confidence in their own upcoming Mobile viewer? Enquiring minds are curious at what brought this about.
  23. Been quite a few threads that have cast them in a bad light but was allowed to carry on without issue.
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