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Dilbert Dilweg

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Everything posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. They are listed as a credible place to buy lindens on LL Wiki They have been around a long time. Never heard anything negative about them http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Archive/Third_Party_Linden_Dollar_Exchanges
  2. Maybe the problem is that the items in question seem to be the first thing to rez. No protective walls which makes them visible. I was always under the understanding " No nudity even if in your home" Anyone can zoom in and see and the rezzing issue
  3. Lol Yea same here. Also waiting for maybe the price to come down a bit
  4. Welcome back Elizabeth and Addie
  5. Thats pretty funny. lol I feel they assume all risks when enabling the titler....
  6. Your worn items still consist of "objects", attached or not. the object still needs to rez. When the sim is having issues you can get that error... It also has nothing to do with PG region. It is just a common communication problem
  7. An AO uses the least amount of scripts. If you want to reduce your script count. inspect your hair, shoes, skirts, or other prim clothing for old resizer scripts. . Sometimes hair and shoes can have upwards of 250 scripts in each item
  8. You mean something like these things? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=spells Or are you talking about being hard coded into the viewer?
  9. Sometimes this can be very tricky to solve. Not sure if you tried to change your shape, But clear your cache in preferences To clear cache. Use ctrl-P on your keyboard to open preferences, and then chose the Advanced tab, and click the clear cache button. After you do that, Teleport to another region, other than the one you have been relogging into. Then relog making sure you relog in the last location. After you get back in, give it a minute. If it does not rezz. Then go to your inventory folder, and find a shape that is not the same copy as the one you have on. When you find that shape, right click on the folder that the shape is in, and chose replace outfit. This usually loads everything . Then, you can go back to your normal set up. I always save several outfit configurations so I can quickly do this. Also, often times just putting on a bald cap forces your shape and everything to load. These methods I use when the conventional methods like ctrl-alt-r to rebake fails
  10. I used to own a couple of formal clubs, and the biggest problem we had, was Sl not loading some residents clothing all the way for other users to see. You will be able to see your self perfectly fine, but to everyone else, you are totaly borked.. I had to always remind my staff that, this is a bug issue, and to not be so quick to eject ( it is not their fault), and just let them know there is a rezzing issue, and for them to ask others if they see the same thing . We always tried to work with everyone. The hardest part was getting the staff to fully understand how to visually recognize that this is the rezzing bug and not somone coming in on purpose just to ruin the atmosphere., Most viewers should be able to see mesh by now. Sorry you ran into that . There are not many staff members or owners that can recognize the bug issues and end up stubbing their toes a bit in handling it. . I wouldn't put all the blame on the resident. If Sl had this issue solved, it wouldn't be an issue. I often wonder if it is a PC issue on the one not rezzing right for everyone. perhaps packet loss after a teleport which will cause info to not be sent. And of course it always seems to be attachment and clothing info. I did a bit of a survey once and asked the residents that were showing up without all of their clothing rezzed what type of network system they are using. Hard wired, or wireless. Majority of them were on a wireless router I would also like to ad that no matter how nicely I approached the issue. there are some residents that tell you to piss off, or get nasty about it because they see them selves fine and blame you for it. And thats a fault on their side for not understanding the bug them selves.. When the resident gets nasty about it, they will be removed from the sceen . The staff deal with these issues every day and don't need anyone getting nasty with them about it, when it is clearly a problem for a G rated region for nudity to be displayed.
  11. Hmm I have had physical objects do this sometimes. I had a bouncy ball and then suddenly it disappeared. I couldnt find it for months and finally found it way under the land line Hard one to solve but SL has been known to do strange things at strange times lol Was the object physical?
  12. Yea it looks like that works along side with a Restrained Life Viewer I still dont recommend it
  13. I really do not think that can be done. Not even scripted. if it was able to be scripted then it would ad more dangers to users
  14. I think a good part of the negativity is passion for the platform. LL should start to worry when users stop sharing their views. I also think the negativity is because a lot of them/us are also business owners, and the changes may affect their income, or their business. There is an economy involved here, compared to other online game type platforms. This breeds politics. There is nothing more negative than politics with different sides, views, and party's involved when many heads come together to try and help shape their world. Its the same as real life. Look at all the negative bickering between the 2 parties in the USA and the negative things said by different people abroad. Not everyone has the same views.... But does this Original post have anything positive to say about the users here? Or is it another view by another person with negative overtones. You said "Why don't they find a new virtual world or do something more satisfying with their time?" That's like telling everyone to build a spaceship and leave earth to find a new home if they don't like it. It ain't gonna happen. People will rise up and shape the world they helped build, with their voice if they can. Granted there is a group of users who are massively negative at anything and everything. We all know how to filter those out by mute and not going to those silly third party forums lol
  15. I am almost willing to bet it is in his lost and found attached to other objects named not what it should be (coalesced) Maybe you should help him to mfind it that way by rezzing the items at a sandbox somewhere to find it
  16. Still slow and laggy. Frame rates blow. wont use it anymore anyway
  17. Jennifer Boyle wrote: Dilbert Dilweg wrote: It's a worthless fight Sweetie. You have the nay says that think everyone plays from internet cafes and the families who get banned don't have the ability to discuss their own problems with their family for getting banned. I never played from an Internet cafe, but I've played from plenty of hotels. It seems to me that if I were a griefer and if I got IP banned, the effect would have been to prevent all future guests at the hotel connecting, while all I would have to do to circumvent it would have been to pick a different hotel next time I was in that city. Now, my home IP address, while officially dynamic, never changes. However, until about a year ago when I changed services, it was truly dynamic, and I could change my IP address in a few seconds. So, again, anyone with the kind of service I used to have would be immune to an IP ban, but the unfortunate person who got the address that was banned would be inconvenienced. It's also possible to access SL via a proxy server, which I suspect a dedicated griefer would readily do. I can imagine that people who are enduring sustained griefing could feel so desperate that they want to try something, anything, that might bring relief. It just seems to me that advocates for IP banning assume that the griefer they want to exclude is associated with a single IP address, which isn't true for many people, and can be purposely avoided by people who want to. So, from my perspective, it looks like an IP ban can be easily circumvented by the actual target and is likely to exclude many innocent people. I also suspect that the kind of people who are griefers would see it as an additional challenge to overcome, not something to just accept. If I am wrong in my thinking, can someone explain why? tHERY DONT HAVE SINGLE ip ADDRESSES of course they can change, but you can range block them and the other paRT of being able to have their IP is to send a letter to therir ISP provider about their abuse using their services and they get shut down As it stands now a resident will have to hire a lawyer and get law enforcment in volved just to deal with a bad seed or stalker and pry info from LL. to gasin the users IP this is wrong and should not be like this
  18. It's a worthless fight Sweetie. You have the nay says that think everyone plays from internet cafes and the families who get banned don't have the ability to discuss their own problems with their family for getting banned. @ jwenting Most all websites practice IP banning because it is the only action at their disposal. LL bans IP constantly which is why residents have the ability to appeal the ban.. Any responsible site owner knows that possibly innocent people can get banned but they can manage their own systems according to their wishes and not someone elses. As well as they can suffer the consequences of maybe banning 1 or 2 innocent people. It's not like they are being banned from Sl entirely. It should be the choice of the person paying the damn bills not the choice of the greifer. Banning 1 Ip or range doesnt cause a large scale issue for many and if it does, any responsible site owner casn have an appeals process set up to manage that possiblity Linden Lab is going to allow what they want and stop what they want. If LL wants to let greifers greif you. They will. That's pretty clear LOL Here you are forced to put up with the abuse while paying top dollar for your shared server Princess you have to remember that club owners are the minority in SL. Your experiences are not what the majority experiences . So your concerns will be blown off for the most part. But one can stand at a Info hub for 5 minutes and get greifed. Any popular place willl experienc e the same thing. and trhe only thing anyone can say is " deal with it" lol . Tooo much cost of tier to just deal with it lol @Faye It doesnt take much to piss somone off sometimes and if they are nutty enough (which there are many in SL) they will just start stuff just for the hell of it, or they are drunk or drugged up. Running a popular place attracts many. Even your rivals who are jealous. I had 1 person fabricate thaT i kicked him out and i didn't. and he came back with atleast 12 alts to harass me on a daily basis. Yea lot of effort and a lot of ignored abuse reports. a lot of problems = no fun. No one should have to endure 2 years of the same **bleep**Hole. And it should not matter. Pissing somone off should not give them the ticket to act up There is one girl who reads these forums and has started messaging me again the last few days with her alt to greif me lol Thats how nutty some can be lol . Nuttier than a porta potty at a penut festival
  19. LL Doesnt enforce tos anyway, unless it bennefits them
  20. Find a different shape that you are not wearing in your inverntory. right click on it and chose replace. 9 times out of 10 reloading a shape or putting on a bald cap reloads your avatar
  21. Clever Bot Bastages If you search for, rolex, or replica watches you will see hundreds of posts lol
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